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[CG] [vh][CG] [xf] [zd] [xfye9]|
[ka] [jp][ka] [fu8][dyw][fut][GIw][hot][jpw][kat8] e [jpw][kat][zdw][ka9] e [kay][jpe][kay][hoe][GI9] e y e y e [f0] r u [Gr] u [hr][G0] h G [fu]r[du] r [f9] e y [ae] y [pe][a9] e y e [ay] e [u8][yw][ut][Iw][ot][pw][a8] e [at][pw][at][dw][a9] e [ay][pe][ay][oe][I9] e y e y e [o8][pw][at][pw][or][pw][o8][pw][at][pw][or][pw][o9][pe][ay][pe][oy][pe][o9][pe][ay][pe][oy][pe][o0][pr][au][pr][ou][pr][o0][pr][au][pr][ou][pr][o9][pe][ay][pe][oy][pe][o9][pe][ay][pe][oy][pe][f8][w G ht] w t w 8 w [jt] w t w [j9] e [ky] e y e 9 e y e y e [f0] r u r u r 0 r u r u r [G9] e y e y e 9 e y e y e [h8] w t [jt] t [kw][j8] t w t w [h9] e y [fe] y [fe][de][f9] e y e [fy] e [kur0] j h G h G h G f d f d [aye9] p a d a p a [otw8] p a p o p o p a p o p [oye9] p a p o p o p a j k [jur0] h j h G h G f G h G f G j j j k [h0] r u r u r 0 r [Gu][hr][ju][kr][G9] e y e y e 9 e [fy][Ge][hy]e[f8] w t w t w 8 w t[dw] t w [a9] e y e y e 9 e y e y e u [0ru]
About This Music Sheet
Floating Across Water (Might and Magic Heroes) is a song by Paul Romero. Use your computer keyboard to play Floating Across Water (Might and Magic Heroes) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The song Floating Across Water (Might and Magic Heroes) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Folk.
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6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]y[t8] [rqe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 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Level: 6Length: 06:19IntermediateGray Skies, Dark Days (Wynncraft)
q|p P s d s a [s0]|o|o| |9|i o p P p i [u8]| |^|y u i o i u [i6]|t|t| |5|y u i s P p o|^ 8 9 0 q w [qe]|p P s d s a [ws0] h h| |[q9]|g f g|s|[p80]||u u| |[^9]|y u i o i u [i86]|t|[sQ9]|P p [wp9]||i [i8]|u|[ie4]| |ipsg||9|y|p|d|[ws]||[wP] [eP] E t y [ut]|t|o|s|[qP]||[qp] [wp] e E t y|I|p|D|[wd]||[s9] [P0] Q w e [E0]|p|P|f|d u i u [oS]| |i|j J l z l k [ul] v v| |y|c x c|l|[tj]||f f| |E|d f g h g f [ge]|s|[yl]|J j [wj]||g [tg]|f|[qg]| |[q^E]|i P d| |[qe6]|i p s| |[w95]|i P d|i|[i1]| |[uo]| |i
Level: 5Length: 01:34IntermediateGrandma (The Legend of Zelda)
Koji Kondo
o| |h| [tol]| |z| x| l| [roh0]|||j| k| [uolfe]| k| j| |h| j| [utqpof]|||d| f| [tsjhe9]|||d| f| [yrkf0]| j| h| |d| f| [utqjhf]|||k| l| [zywojh]| |[hd]| | [upj]| |f||| [xulj]| pf||G||hGfd f| [xulj]| d f s| d a p| | [xukj]| uo| p| |uo| p| [xukha]| s d a| p| | [zukfG] hGd f| |hGd f|| [uskjf] hGd| a||s d| | [uhda]| p a s| d| [zukhfa]| |o| a| [up6] y t ewy o u y [u6] y t ewy o u t [u6] y t ewy o u y [u6] y t ewy o [xuf] t [jb6] y t ewy o u y 6 y [tnk] ew[yml] o [ujb] t [vh5] y t ewy o u y [u5] y t [jeb]wy o [unk] t [ml6] y t [nke]wy o [ujb] y 6 y t [vhe]wy o [ujb] t [xf2] y t ewy o u y [u2] y t [zed]wy o [xuf] t [jb4] y t ewy o u y [u4] y t [zed]wy o [xuf] t [nk8] y [tjb] [vhe]wy o u y [u5] y t [zed]wy o [xuf] t [jb6]| [pje6]| [pjfe6]| [pje6]| [kfea6]| [pe] [jf] [pe] o [upf] y [pe6]| [pljeb]| [pkeb]| [vphe]| [pje6] [jb] [zpeb]| [pmle] [zo] [upjb] y [pje6] [nk] [xpmle]| [xpnke]| [xvphe] [jb] [pe6]| [pe]| [pjfe] [xof] [xvuph] [yjb] [wvnk5]| [yoh] [vtml] [wo]| [vronk] e [w5] [nk] [zyvojb] [nk] [vtonk] u [zywoml] [tnk] [e6] [jb] [yu] t [e6] o [yu] r [pe6] o [ue] tr[ue6] [xwf] [vhe0] [jb9] [yvnk9]| [yoh] [vtml] [y9]| [zyvr] e [zyv9]| [yw]| [wt] [jb0] [wml9] [z8] [qmlc4]| [ti] r [qi] [nk] [ymli] [zt] [qmlc4]| [tnki] [jcb] [yi] [tjb] [ie] w [t8]| [xtoml]| [utnk] y [wvtlh]| [w5] [nk] [vtoml]| [wunk] y [vtml] [wrnk] [e6] [jb] [yu] t [e6] o [yu] r [slfe6]| [up] [kfa] [up] o u tr [pj92] y t ew[yf] o u y [d92] y t ew[ys] o [ud] t [ka81] y t ewy o [up] [ya] [u81] y t ew[yl] o u t [zd92] y t ew[yf] o u y [d92] y t ew[yh] o [ug] t [xf81] y t ewy o [ug] y [f81] y t ewy o u t [up92] y [tf] ew[yd] o [us] y [pd92] y t ew[ys] o [ud] t [us6]a[yp] t ewy o [uo] [yp] [pe6] y t ewy o u t [wu30] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ud]| [us30] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ua] t [ue40] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ud]| [wsr5] y [ta] ew[yd] o u t [pf6] [y0] [wt]e [y6] [o0] [wu]e[yt] [u6] [y0] [wt]eew[y6] [o0] [wu]et [ue6] [y0] [wt]e [y6] [o0] [wu]e[yt] [u6] [y0] [wt]eew[y6] [o0] [wu]et [ue6] y t [e6]w[y6] o u [y5] [u6] y t [e6]w[y6] o u [t5] [u6] y t ewy o u y [utrpe] e e [fe] e [ke] e [le] e [je] e [ke] e [le] e [xe] [ypo] [zw]xzw [wk] w w w wj [wh] w w w w w w w [utpoe] e e [fe] e [ke] e [le] e [je] e [ke] e [le] e [ve] [ypo] [yx] y y y y y y [yx]cx[zy] y y y y y y [uspom]nmu u u u u [ub] u [um]nbvu u u [xu] uzulu [zyuro] [rk] rlj[rh] r r r r w w w w [zwvh] w w w [xjb6]| [pje6]| [pjfe6]| [pje6]| [kfea6]| [pe] [jf] [pe] o [upf] y [pe6]| [pljeb]| [pkeb]| [vphe]| [pje6] [jb] [zpeb]| [pmle] [zo] [upjb] y [pje6] [nk] [xpmle]| [xpnke]| [xvphe] [jb] [pe6]| [pe]| [pjfe] [xof] [xvuph] [yjb] [wvnk5]| [yoh] [vtml] [wo]| [vronk] e [w5] [nk] [zyvojb] [nk] [vtonk] u [zywoml] [tnk] [e6] [jb] [yu] t [e6] o [yu] r [pe6] o [ue] tr[ue6] [xwf] [vhe0] [jb9] [yvnk9]| [yoh] [vtml] [y9]| [zyvr] e [zyv9]| [yw]| [wt] [jb0] [wml9] [z8] [qmlc4]| [ti] r [qi] [nk] [ymli] [zt] [qmlc4]| [tnki] [jcb] [yi] [tjb] [ie] w [t8]| [xtoml]| [utnk] y [wvtlh]| [w5] [nk] [vtoml]| [wunk] y [vtml] [wrnk] [e6] [jb] [yu] t [e6] o [yu] r [slfe6]| [up] [kfa] [up] o u tr [pj92] y t ew[yf] o u y [d92] y t ew[ys] o [ud] t [ka81] y t ewy o [up] [ya] [u81] y t ew[yl] o u t [zd92] y t ew[yf] o u y [d92] y t ew[yh] o [ug] t [xf81] y t ewy o [ug] y [f81] y t ewy o u t [up92] y [tf] ew[yd] o [us] y [pd92] y t ew[ys] o [ud] t [us6]a[yp] t ewy o [uo] [yp] [pe6] y t ewy o u t [wu30] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ud]| [us30] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ua] t [ue40] y [ta] ew[yp] o [ud]| [wsr5] y [ta] ew[yd] o u t [pf6] [y0] [wt]e [y6] [o0] [wu]e[yt] [u6] [y0] [wt]eew[y6] [o0] [wu]et [ue6] [y0] [wt]e [y6] [o0] [wu]e[yt] [u6] [y0] [wt]eew[y6] [o0] [wu]et [utrp6]Level: 8Length: 05:32Expert
Wanderlust (Final Fantasy XV)
Yoko Shimomura