01:39 -
t|u|y|t r e|w q 0||
0 q w e t r|
t r e 0 t r e||
e[t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]|w [wq]q[w30]||
0 [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|w|
[e4] [wr] [te]|[r5]| |
[t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]||wq[w3]||
0 [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|[wr]|[e6]| |
t r [e4]|t t [y5]|
u i [o3]|u y [t6]|
t r [e4]|r t [y7]|r|[e30]|||
[t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]|w [wq]q[w30]| |
[q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|w|
[e4] [wr] [te] t [r5]| |
[t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]||wq[w3]||
0 [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|[wr]|[e6]| |
t r [e4]|t t [y5]|
u i [o3]|u y [t6]|
t r [e4]|r t [y7]|r|[t30] r e||
tt r [e4]|r t [y5]|
u i [o3]|u y [t6]|
t r [e4]|t|[y5]|r|[t6] e| |
About This Music Sheet
Forever is a song by Stratovarius. Use your computer keyboard to play Forever music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:39, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Forever is classified in the genre of Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Heavy Metal, Finland.
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Other Songs By Stratovarius
[lse] [xf] [zd0] [ls] [ka] [jpq] [ho] [gi] [fu5]
[fu] [gi9] [ho] [jpq] [ls] [kaw] [jp6] [fu] [ls] [ka] [jp]
a [s6] 0 e t [fu] e t u [d3] 7 0 w [sr] 0 [aw] r [p4] 8 q e t q [oe] [it] [o1] 5 8 9 0 w t [tw]
[i2] 6 9 q [ue] 9 [yq] e [a3] 7 0 w [or] 0 w r [p6] 0 [ae] t [su] e t u [a3] 7 0 Q W r y
[s6] 0 e t [fu] e t u [d3] 7 0 w [sr] 0 [aw] r [p4] 8 q e t q [oe] [it] [o1] 5 8 9 0 w t w
[i2] 6 9 q [ue] 9 [yq] e [a3] 7 0 w [or] 0 w r [p6]
l0] [ke] [jt] [fu] [de] [st] [au] [put]
s a [peq] | [ae] s [dw9] | [fw9] g [hw0]
[dw9] d [se0] | [se0] a [peq] | [ae] s [dw9]
[sw9] a [s6] 0 [ae] t [pu] e t u [ute]
u s a [pe] | [ae] s [dw9] | [f81] [g92] [h03]
[d92] d [s81] | [se0] a [peq] | s [dw9]
a [s6] 0 [pe] t [pu] e t u [ute]
[ls6] 0 e t [xfu] e t u [zd] 7 0 w [lsr] 0 [kaw] r [jp4] 8 q e t [ho] [gi] [fu1] 5 8 9 0 w t w
[gi2] 6 9 q [fue] [dyq] [ka3] 7 0 w [hor] 0 w r [jp6] 0 [kae] t [lsu] e t u [ka3] 7 0 Q W r y
[ls6] 0 e t [xfu] e t u [zd] 7 0 w [lsr] 0 [kaw] r [jp4] 8 q e t [ho] [gi] [fu1] 5 8 9 0 w t w
[gi2] 6 9 q [fue] 9 [dyq] e [ka5] 9 w r [hoy] w r y [jp6] 0 e t u e t u [ute]
s a [s6] 0 [pe] t u e t u [ute]
s a [peq] | s [dw9] | a [se8] [aw9] [pe] | [e08] [6ep]Level: 5Length: 02:19IntermediateForever (Original)
B z Z B V J l v c h H Z z D g l [WJ] Y [sD] P J H [whD] Y [oPD] Y [iP] Y [qD] t [oY] [tO] [oD] g [D8] [wd] [ys] [dY] [PD] [YJ] [sJD%] ( [ED] t [JE] [lW] [gPJD5] ( [wD] W E w [O4]sDH[h8] [qg] [wD] [sW] [tD] [s5]dg9 e t y w [wo5]adh| |[iYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] P o [iYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] s|[hD8] w t Y y w 8 w t [gY] [yD] [dY] [d8] wDd[ts] Y y w 8 w t [YP] [ys] [wd] [D%] [g(] [sE] t o t % ( E t o [tP]O[o%] ( E t o t % ( E [tO] [oY] [yi] [oY8] w y Y d P 8 w Y o D d 8 w [yi] o g D 8 w [toY] s h|[lW] t o t [iJ] P [wD] E i Y [yd] [ED] [qH] t O t [oh] t [s8] w t [yd] [YD] [oh] [lW] t o t [iJ] P [tD] Y o [gd] [sh] o [sqh] [tH] [og] i [OD] t [wd] y o p a s [ywo]ad| |[t8] w [oY] y [iP] w [yi5] [Y9] [ye] 9Yy[wt] [E9] [t%] ( [oYE] ( W E [t^] q [oE] t [yoP] Y [tso8] w [ysohD] Y [sogPJ] Y [igdP5] [D9] [dPE] 9Dd[ws] [P9] [tso%] ( [sohE] t Y [oP] [tso^] q [tsoh] y Y [oP] [ts8] w t y Y o d P s h d D J| |[lhOD]|[ogdJ] h [gTSPJ] l [gTSQPO]|[tsogPJ] h [sgPOE] h [soYW]|[ywoP] s [siYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] P o [iYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] P o [igYPE1] o P [yodY] P o [tsYP] o P [yodY] P o [igYPE1] o P [yodY] P o [tYPD] o [gdP] [yoY] [hdPD] o [sl%] ( [tYE] y [PJE] W [YD5] ( [wYE] E [ywd] [YD(] [OH4] 8 [toW] i [toh] W [ts1] 5 9 [yd(] [YED] [woh] [sl%] ( [tYE] y [PJE] W [YD8] w [to] [ig] [yoh] E [oh4] [OH8] [wigE] W [wYD] q [yd5] 9 q w t y [ywoda]| |[t1]589[oY(]89([qiP]|[yi5]9[wY]W[yE]wW[YE]yt E [t%](WE[toY]WEty E [t^]qty[oY]tyY[iP] E [tso1]589[sohD(]89([sqgPJ]|[igdP5]9[wD]W[dPE]wW[ED]d[ts] P [tso%](WE[tsoh]WEty P [tso^]qty[sohY]tyYi P [soY8] w t y Y w t y Y o y Y [t81]yYos
Level: 7Length: 02:53IntermediateWhere We Used to Be (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Manami Kiyota
[ute6]| [ute]| [ute] 0 [ute] 0 [tqe4]| [tqe]| [tqe] 8 [tqe] 8 [ute6]| [ute]| [ute] 0 [ute] 0 [tqe4]| [tqe]| [tqe] 8 [ute] [o0] [o850] uu t o u y y [yq86] t| |t o [o850] uu t o u y y [tq86]| |t o [o850] uu t o u u| [qo86] u u t o u u| [o850] u [u850] t [o850] u [y850] y [975]| [975]| [975]| [s975]s d [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8]d [e60] s [upe]| [up] e [usp]sed [sqf84]| [tqi] g [tif] [qd] [tsi] [qd]d [w95]| [ywo]| [yo] [ws] [yohf] [wgd] [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8] [ed60]| [uspfe]| [up] [se] [usp] [ed] [sqf84]| [tqi]| [ti] q [ti] [qg]f [wda95]| [ywo]| [da]| [ywoda]| [s8] w [th] w [tg] w [tf] [wg]f [s6] 0 e 0 e 0 [ed] 0 [f4] 8 [qh] 8 [qg] 8 [qf] [g8]f [s5] 9 w 9 w 9 [wt] [to] [to851] [ut][ut][85] t [to85] [ut] [y5] [y8] [yq84] t [q8]| [q8]| [tq] [to8] [to851] [ut][ut][85] t [to85] [ut] [y5] [y8] [tq84]| [q8]| [q8]| [tq] [to8] [to851] [ut][ut][85] t [to85] u [u5] 8 [tqo84] u [uq8] t [tqo8] u [uq] 8 [o851] u [ut85] t [o85] u [y5] [yr8] 5 9 w 9 w 9 [ws]s d [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8]d [e60] s [upe]| [up] e [usp]sed [sqf84]| [tqi] g [tif] [qd] [tsi] [qd]d [w95]| [ywo]| [yo] [ws] [yohf] [wgd] [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8] [ed60]| [uspfe]| [up] [se] [usp] [ed] [sqf84]| [tqi]| [ti] q [tif] [qg]f [wda95]| [ywo]| [yoda]| [ywoda]| [wts8]os[th]sos[tg]sos[tf]so[wud8]o [sq84]os[qi]sis[qi]sis[qi]si[ed84]i [wtf8]os[th]sos[tg]sos[tf]so[wud8]o [sq84]os[qi]sis[qi]sis[qi]ss d [sf851]| [wt8] g f d [wts8] dd [e60] s [upe]| |[uspe]s d [sqf84]| [tqi] g f d [tsqi] dd [w95]| [ywo]||s [ywohf] [gd] [sf851]| [wt8] g f d [wts8] d [ed60]| [uspfe]||s [uspe] d [sqf84]| [tqi]| |[tqif] gf [wda95]| [ywo]| |[ywso] h [shf1]58[wt8] [wt8] [wt8][sg]| [sf] [wt8] [spf6]0e[ue]| [oda5]9wts [wtsh] [shf1]58[wt8] [wt8] [wt8][sg]| [sf] [wt8] [spf6]0e[ue]| [oda5]9wts [wtsh] [shf1]58[wt8] [wt8] [wt8][sg]| [sf] [wt8] [spf6]0e[ue]| [oda5]9wts [wtsh] [shf6]0e[ue] [ue] [ue][sg]| [sf] [ue] [spf4]8q[tq]| [oda5]9w[yw]ss d [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8]d [e60] s [upe]| [up] e [usp]sed [sqf84]| [tqi] g [tif] [qd] [tsi] [qd]d [w95]| [ywo]| [yo] [ws] [yohf] [wgd] [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8] [ed60]| [uspfe]| [up] [se] [usp] [ed] [sqf84]| [tqi]| [ti] q [tif] [qg]f [wda95]| [ywo]| [yoda]| [ywoda]| [utso860]||u [o8]0w [u6]8[t0] [e4]68||[y5]79| y [u6]80| u [o8]0w [u6]8[t0] [e4]68t t [y5]79| y [u6]80Level: 7Length: 03:41Intermediate
Linkin Park
8 w [ut] io6 0 e| [o4] [o8] [qp] o 5 9 [wt] y 8 w [ut] os6 [s0] [se] s [p4] [p8] q|[p5] [o9] [wt] yu 6 0 [se] s [a0] r [uf] f 6 0 e|[p9] [ea] [ys] p [d5] 9 w o [o0] r u| [o9] e [yo] e [yo] [oe] y e [o9] e [ys] e [ya] [se] y [oe] 8 w [ut] io6 0 e| [o4] [o8] [qp] o 5 9 [wt] y 8 w [ut] os6 [s0] [se] s [p4] [p8] q|[p5] [o9] [wt] yu 6 0 [se] s [a0] r [uf] f 6 0 e|[p9] [ea] [ys] p [d5] 9 w o [o0] r u o [g9] e [yf] e [yd] [se] y e [g9] e [yf] e [yd] s y d [ywr]|[wrd] dd[yw]|[yw]| [wts] s [wts] as[wr]ao [wro]p [yqP]|[yq] d [wts] o [wto]o [qpe]P p[w0] io[qe]iy [qe8]| [ywr]|[wro] p [wa0] o [wp0] a [yqd]|[yq] s [sqe]|[qe]| [wrd]| |[wr]| | 8 w [ut] io6 0 e| [o4] [o8] [qp] o 5 9 [wt] y 8 w [ut] os6 [s0] [se] s [p4] [p8] q|[p5] [o9] [wt] yu 6 0 [se] s [a0] r [uf] f 6 0 e|[p9] [ea] [ys] p [d5] 9 w o [o0] r u o [g9] e [yf] e [yd] [se] y e [g9] e [yf] e [yd] s y d [ywr]|[ywrd] dd[yw]|[yw]| [wts] s [wts] as[wr]ao [wro]p [yqP]|[yq] d [wuts] o [wto]o [qp]P p0 ioqiy [qe8]| [ywr]|[wo] p [a0] o [p0] a [yqd]|[yq] s [sq]|[tqe]| [ywrd]| |[ywr]| | [fe]|d|[s0]|a|[ts]Level: 6Length: 02:09Intermediate
Eternal Flame
The Bangles