02:32 -
e| [tuf] h G| [tuf]| [ef]D| [tu]| fD| [tu]|
e| [tuf] h G| [tuf]| [eh]j| [tu]| hj| [tu]|
e| [tuf] h G| [tuf]| [ef]D| [tu]| sa| [tu]|
[0p]a| [wrp]a| |[wr]| [es]a| [tua]p| |[tu]|
e| [tu]| |[tu]|
e| [tuf] h G| [tuf]| [ef]D| [tu]| fD| [tu]|
e| [tuf] h G| [tuf]| [eh]j| [tu]| hj| [tu]|
e| [tuf] h G| [tuf]| [ef]D| [tu]| sa| [tu]|
[0p]a| [wrp]a| |[wr]| [es]a| [tua]p| |[tu]|
e| [tu]| |[tu]| [9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]|
[9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]| [6s]a| [0ea]p| |[0e]|
6| [0e]| |[0e]| [9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]|
[9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]| [6s]a| [0ea]p| |[0e]|
6| [0e]| |[0e]| e f [tuG] H j k [tuZ] k
[ej]| [tuk]j| |[tu]| [ek]j| [tu]| jH| [tu]|
[eg]f| [tu]| fD| [tu]| [es]a| [tua]p| |[tu]|
e| [tu]| |[tu]| e f [tuG] H j k [tuZ] k
[ej]| [tuk]j| |[tu]| [ek]j| [tu]| jH| [tu]|
[eg]f| [tu]| fD| [tu]| [es]a| [tua]p| |[tu]|
e| [tu]| |[tu]| [9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]|
[9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]| [6s]a| [0ea]p| |[0e]|
6| [0e]| |[0e]| [9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]|
[9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]| [6s]a| [0ea]p| |[0e]|
6| [0e]| |[0e]| 6| [0ef] h G| [0ef]|
[6f]D| [0e]| |[0e]| 6| [0ef] h G| [0ef]|
[6h]j| [0e]| |[0e]| [9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]|
[9s]d| [qe]| sa| [qe]| [6s]a| [0ea]p
About This Music Sheet
Gnossienne No.1 (Erik Satie) is a song by Erik Satie. Use your computer keyboard to play Gnossienne No.1 (Erik Satie) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:32, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Gnossienne No.1 (Erik Satie) is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Erik Satie
4|[ute]| |1|[wur]| |4|[ute]| |1|[wur]| |4|[utfe]|h|[g1]|[wurf]|a|[p4]|[utea]|s|[o1]|[wur]| |[u4]|[ute]| |1|[wur]| |4|[ute]| |1|[wur]| |4|[utfe]|h|[g1]|[wurf]|a|[p4]|[utea]|s|[o1]|[wur]| |[a3]|[wur]| |[f6]|[ute]| |[y2]|[qe]| |2|[tie]| |1|[wt(]| |[o5]|[ywpE]|P|[d1]|[ysqe]|p|[s1]|[yqeP8]|p|[s1]|[wt^9]| |1|[wt^0]|s|[d1]|[wYED]|g|[h1]|[ywPE]|s|[d1]|[ysqe8]|p|[s1]|[wt^9]| |1|[wt^0]|s|[g2]|[yie]| |[f3]|[wur]| |[p6]|[utoe]|p|[a2]|[ysro]|d|[a2]|[wusro]|d|[u2]|[wt6]|[tie9]|[yqoPE5]|||[utso851]|||4|[ute]| |1|[wur]| |4|[ute]| |1|[wur]| |4|[utfe]|h|[g1]|[wurf]|a|[p4]|[utea]|s|[o1]|[wur]| |[u4]|[ute]| |1|[wur]| |4|[ute]| |1|[wur]| |4|[utfe]|h|[g1]|[wurf]|a|[p4]|[utea]|s|[o1]|[wur]| |[a3]|[wur]| |[f6]|[ute]| |[y2]|[qe]| |2|[tie]| |1|[wt(]| |[o5]|[ywpE]|P|[d1]|[ysqe]|p|[s1]|[yqeP8]|p|[s1]|[wt^9]| |1|[wt^0]|s|[d1]|[wYED]|g|[h1]|[ywPE]|s|[d1]|[ysqe8]|p|[s1]|[wt^9]| |1|[wt^0]|s|[g2]|[yie]| |[D2]|[wtoY]| |[p2]|[wYPE]|D|[d2]|[ysoE]|P|[d2]|[wsoYE]|P|[Y2]|[wt6]|[tie9]|[yqoPE5]|||[tsoY851]
Level: 7Length: 04:22IntermediateGymnopédie No. 1
Erik Satie
6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [6f] D [tup] f D [tup] 6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [H6] j [tup] H j [tup] 6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [6f] D [tup] s a [tup] [0p] a [wrup] a [wru] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] 6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [6f] D [tup] f D [tup] 6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [H6] j [tup] H j [tup] 6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [6f] D [tup] s a [tup] [0p] a [wrup] a [wru] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] 6 f [Gtup] H j k [Ztup] k [6j] [tupk] j [tup] [6k] j [tup] j H [tup] [6g] f [tup] f D [tup] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] 6 f [Gtup] H j k [Ztup] k [6j] [tupk] j [tup] [6k] j [tup] j H [tup] [6g] f [tup] f D [tup] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] 6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [6f] D [tup] [tup] 6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [H6] j [tup] [tup] 6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [6f] D [tup] [tup] 6 [tupf] h G [tupf] [H6] j [tup] [tup] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] 6 f [Gtup] H j k [Ztup] k [6j] [tupk] j [tup] [6k] j [tup] j H [tup] [6g] f [tup] f D [tup] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] 6 f [Gtup] H j k [Ztup] k [6j] [tupk] j [tup] [6k] j [tup] j H [tup] [6g] f [tup] f D [tup] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] [6s] a [tupa] p [tup] 6 [tup] [tup] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] s d [eyi] s a [eyi] [6s] a [tupa] pLevel: 8Length: 03:24Expert
Gnossiennes No.1
Erik Satie
u|o| [d8]|[w0]|[w0]|[s5]|[w0]|[wf0]| [a8]|[w0]|[w0]|[p5]|[w0]|[w0]| [a8]|[w0]|[w0]|[p5]|[w0]|[wu0]| [a9]|[wq]|[wq]|[a5]|y|u| [o9]|[wq]|[wq]|[o5]|y|u| [p9]|[wq]|[wq]|5|y|u| [o9]|[wq]|[wqi]|5|o|[wq]| [u8]|[w0]|[w0]|[y9]|u|o| [d8]|[w0]|[w0]|[s5]|[w0]|[wf0]| [a8]|[w0]|[w0]|[p5]|[w0]|[w0]| [a8]|[w0]|[w0]|[p5]|[w0]|[wo0]| [p9]|[tq]|[tq]|[y4]|i|o| [wqp]|a|s|[wqd]|f|g| [wh0]|f|s|[peQ]|s|f| [o5]|[w0]|i| [u4]|y|[wq]| [t8]|[w0]|[w0]|8Level: 5Length: 00:50Intermediate
Je Te Veux
Erik Satie
6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | [j6]| [utp]| | [h8]| [utpg]| f| [d5]| [yofE]| g| [f2]| [yied]| s| [f6]| [ute]| | [h3]| [wur]| h| [d5]| [wrpi9]| | 2| [tie]| | [d5]| [wrpi9]| | 2| [tsie]| g| [h5]| [uro]| j| [d5]| [tife]| g| [a5]| [utpe]| o| [p2]| [tie]| | [y5]| [tie]| | 5| [uro]| | [f1]| [utp]| | [g3]| [uroh]| g| [f1]| [utpd]| f| 3| [uro]| | 1| [utpd]| s| [a3]| [usro]| a| [p6]| [tie]| | 2| [uro]| | 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | [j6]| [utp]| | [h8]| [utpg]| f| [d5]| [yofE]| g| [f2]| [yied]| s| [f6]| [ute]| | [h3]| [wur]| h| [s3]| [tiea]| p| [a3]| [wur]| s| [d2]| [tie]| | [f2]| [utp]| | 2| [ute]| | 2| [tie]| | [h5]| [uro]| j| [d5]| [tife]| g| [a5]| [utpe]| o| [p2]| [tie]| | [y5]| [tie]| | 5| [uro]| | [f1]| [utp]| | [g3]| [uroh]| g| [f1]| [utpd]| f| 3| [uro]| | 1| [utpd]| s| [a3]| [usro]| a| [p6]| [tie]| | 2| [uro]| | 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | [utsp63]Level: 7Length: 03:45Intermediate
Gymnopedie No. 3
Erik Satie
G H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] k j H [HWr] G [GWr] H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f Y [rY] G H [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] L k j [HTu] G [jTu] H G f [GeT] f G f H [SeT] S [GrY] f G f H [GrY] f [GTu] G G G H G [Tu] f S f G [Wr] f [jWr] H G f [GeT] f G f H [SeT] S [GrY] G k [HrY] G [GTu] G G H G [Tu] f S f G [Wr] [Wr] a S D [feT] S D f [eT] D S a a [GrY] S f G [rY] G f D S S [HTu] j [Tu] H f S a [Wr] [Wr] a S D [GwT] f S D f [eT] D S a a [GrY] S f G [rY] G f D S S [GTu] j [Tu] H f S a [Tu] S a G H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] k j H [HWr] G [GWr] H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] G H [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] L k j [HWr] G [jTu] H G f [SeT] a [jeT] H G f [SrY] a [jrY] H G f [STu] a f [STu] a O [IWr] [jWr] H G f [SeT] a [jeT] H G f [SrY] r [jrY] H G f [STu] a f [STu] a O I [Wr] [GWr] H H G f SLevel: 5Intermediate
We Don’t Talk Anymore
Charlie Puth
Selena Gomez
j k [le] ukpj [h0] r y| [qj] thij [f8] w u| [f9] edy s [a0] [sr]a o [p6] 0r t o| p a [s6] [s0]atp [o3] 7 0 uo[p4] [p8]oqp [u8] w t u [i9] eoy p [ya7] [wp]oep [u8] 0 w t [yeI30]| p a [s6] [s0]dts [a3] 7 w sa[p4] [a8]sed [f8] w t| [f9] edis [a0] [sr]ayo [p6] 0r t o|| sd[fe] [ud] [pf] g [wfa] u o sd[qf] [td] [of] h [f0] t o f [sg9] e [ji]| [kd7] [wj]hrg [sof8] 0 w t [ypdG0]| s d [sfe6] [j6]j6 6 [wfa5] [k5]k5 5 [qlh4] [k4] [j4] [h4] [sof30] 0 0 0 [f9] edi s [d0] [rd]fyh [j6] 0r t o| p a [s6] [s0]atp [o3] 7 0 uo[p4] [p8]oqp [u8] w t u [i9] eoy p [ya7] [wp]oep [u8] 0 w t [yeI30]| p a [s6] [s0]dts [a3] 7 w sa[p4] [a8]sed [f8] w t| [f9] edis [a0] [sr]ayo [p6] 0r t o| | [sl6] 0[ka]t[pj] [oh3] 7 w| [pj4] 8[oh]e[pj] [uf8] w t| [ig9] e[oh]y [pj] [ka7] [wpj][oh]r [pj] [uf8] 0 w t [yeIG0]| [OH]| [sl6] 0[zd]t[xf] [ka3] 7 w| [pj4] 8[sl]e[zd] [xf8] w t| [xf9] e[zd]i [sl] [ka0] [srl][ka]y[oh] [pj6] 0r t oLevel: 6Length: 01:31Intermediate
We Were In Love
[6etu] [8e] [0t] [8e] [0t] [8e] [0t] [8e]
[^Etu] 8 [0p] 8 [0P] 8 [0s] 8
[4ips] [8e] [qt] [8e] [qt] [8e] [qt] [4e]
[370ru]| a| [%Oaf]| [ad]|
[6pd] 8 0 [8ps] [0ps] 8 0 6
[4eti]| p| a| [3s]|
[2ipf] 6 9 [6d] [9yp] 6 [9t] 6
[57r]| o| p| [5oa]|
[1osf] [5u] [8o] [5u] [8o] [5u] [8y] [5t]
[7ru]| u| I| [uO]|
[60eua]| |[50wup]| |
[46qi]| p| a| [30s]|
[2pf] 6 9 [6d] [9p] 6 9 8
[57]| a| s| [ad]|
[^Pdh] 9 [wE] 9 [we] 9 [wE] 9
[6e]| y| o| p y
[5yoP] 9 [wE] 9 [we] 9 [wE] 9
[8t]| [ts]| [yd]| [YD]|
[^Pidg] 9 q 9 [qe] 9 [qE] 9
[6e]| u| [*up]||u
[9uo]||[yi] [8yi]| |
7| d| f| [7dg]|
[^dj] 9 q [9dh] [qd] 9 q 9
[80]| [ts]| [yd]| [usf]|
[4p]sgjj8 q 8 q 8 w q
[370]| p| a| S|
[29ipf]||d [18ipsg] f [ipd] [ip]
[^i]| y| u| [yi]|
[59yop]| |[49qo]| |
[380]| o| [8p]| [oP]|
[4tips] 8 q 8 q 8 [qtip] 8
[30rua]| |[30s]| [30d]|
[6sf]| [6sf]| [%af]| [%af]|
[5wsf]| [5wasf]| [5woadg]| [5woadh]|
[4qpsgj]| |[30a]| [ps]|
[29ip]| |[oa]| [ps]|
6| [psfj] [psfj] [5wpsfj] [psfj] [psfj] [psfj]
[48qpsgj] [psgj] [psgj] [psgj] [psgj] [psgj] [48qpsgj] [psgj]
[7wadj]| [adj]| [adj]| [7wadj]| [7wadj]|||[7wadj]| |
[6upf]||[ts] [ra] [ep]||
[48q]||[ep] [ra] [ep] [qi] [wo]
[370ru]| |[upf]| |
3||[ep] [oh] [ig] [yd] [ig]
[6upf] 0 [0t] [0r]| 0 [0t] [0r]
[6fjx] 0 [0t] [0r]| 0 [0t] [0r]
[6upf] 0 [0t] [0r] t r t r
[ep]| [qipf]| |[ep]|
[ep] [ra][ts]| |
[6ep] [7ra][18ts] [7ra][6ep] [7ra][18ts]
[29yd] [29yd][30uf][3u]| |
[18sfjl]| |[G7afk]| |
[18sfjl]| |[G7afk]| |
[18sfjl]| |[G7afk]| |[18sfjl]| |6Level: 7Length: 02:46IntermediateVale Decem (Doctor Who)
Murray Gold