Here Comes a Thought (Steven Universe)

Rebecca Sugar 10 September 2020

ffffhf dd| |
ffffhf dd| |
ffffhf dd| |
ffffhf dd||
d s a p| |
d s ap a|
f d s a| |
f d sa s|
d s a p| |
o dsap a|
f d s a||o|
f d sa s o h| |
h j k h| |
h j k k| |
z l kjl||
j k l k j|
[sf]||[da]| |
[fH]||[da]| |
ffffhf dd| |
ffffhf dd| |
ffffhf dd o
lll kkk jjj hhh fd[sp]| |
lll kkk jjj hhh fd s| |
lll kkk jjj hhh fd
[sf]| |h|
s|k h d f|
[hd] s a p| |
d s ap a|
f d s|a| |
f d sa s|
d s a p| |
od s ap a|
f d s|a|o|
f d sa s p h| |
h j k h| |
h j k k k| |
z l kjl||
j k l k j g||l|j|g|f||d

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About This Music Sheet

Here Comes a Thought (Steven Universe) is a song by Rebecca Sugar. Use your computer keyboard to play Here Comes a Thought (Steven Universe) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:02, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Here Comes a Thought (Steven Universe) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Cartoon, Steven Universe.


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Other Songs By Rebecca Sugar

  • [qh]WtY g|[oD]|[id]| [sY]| [wo]sf|||yad|||[u8] o[wu0]| u[i9]|[sqe] s| [o0] a[ywro]|o|[qO]|[tdW] d sd[f0] d[wsr] a|s[pe]|[upT] Pp u[y9]|[eQI]|p f[e5][uq] hs do|[u81] o[wur0]| [u1][i92]|[tsqe] s| [o30] a[wro]|o 3[qO4]|[tdW] d sd[f30] d[wsr] a|s[p6]|[wp0] Pp [u6][y92]|[eQI]|p f[we5]|5|[s%]|[wra60]| [wr0] 6[wr30]|[wr0]|[wr60] 3[wr60]| [wr0] 6[wf40]|[w0]|[s65]|[a40]|[te0]|[te0] 1[te50]|[te0]4[te0] 1[te40]|[te0]|[te0] 1[fe50] h[e0]s[e40]|[wra60]| [wr0] 6[wr30]|[wr0]|[wr60]|[ute2]|[ute]|[ute]|[ute2]|[ute]|[ute]|[utW3]|[utW]|[utW]|[utW0]|[utfW]d[utW] s[utqpe]|[utfe]d[ute] s[yrqWO]|[yrdW]|[ysrW]|[ywrf0]|[ywrh]|[ywrj]d[te0]|[tse0]|[te0]u[tie9]|[tpe9]|[tse9]|[raY(]|[rY(]|[raY(]p[yro0]a[yr0]d[yr0]|[wtsE8]|[wtfE8]d8 s[utqpe]|[utfe]d[ute] s[yrqWO]|[yrdW]|[yrW] s[ywrf0]|[ywrh]|[ywrj]k[eT0]| j|[h9]et| [og]sf|g|p f[weT0]|||[d9]|||[wur80] ou| u[tqie9]|s s| [ywro0] ao|o|[ytqWO]|d d sd[ywrf0] ds a|s[wpT0]|p Pp u[yteQ9]|I|p f5qe hs dz|h| 5|[u8] o[wur0]|[wr0] [u8][i9]|[tsqe] s[tqe] 9[o0] a[ywro]|[ywro] 0[qO]|[ytdW] d[ytW]sd[uf0] d[ywsr] a[ywr] s[p6]|[wpT0] P[wpT0] [u6][y9]|[teQI]|[tpeQ] f[wq5]eu [w5]|[tqed5]|[usqe]|y|t|[wr4]|[te]|[qe]|[w30]|7qwr[wrf0]|[th]|[ra0]|[wP(]Ey t|E|[qe@]|E|[w(]|[85](wE

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  • o P o o O D D | P D P P a g g | D g h g D d D s | s S s o i p s h | o P o o O D D | P D P P a g g | D g h g D d D s | s S s o i p s h D d | h D d | h g D s | h g D a | g D h J l g | D o i s D d | d s O a g D | h g D s | h g D a g | D h J l z | l J H h H s h g | o P o o O D D | P D P P a g g | D g h g D d D s | s S s o i p s h | o P o o O D D | P D P P a g g | D g h g D d D s | s S s o i p s h D d | h D d | h g D | h g d S
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