About This Music Sheet
We Rise is a song by San Holo. Use your computer keyboard to play We Rise music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song We Rise is classified in the genres: Dance, Electronica on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using The Netherlands.
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Other Songs By San Holo
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Level: 7Length: 03:56IntermediateLight
San Holo
t o s [lhf]|f h l r o a [zkh]|h z h e u p [sjf]|s f j q t i [spg]|p g f t o s d f g h d r y [so] [da]|r s d e t [us] [pd]|e s s q t o p|s s f t [og] [sh] d|d [ts] j r y [oh] [fa]|d [sr] g e t [uf] [pd]|f e s q t o [pg] g|g| [sof8] w y [usof]|g [h8] [od] 7 w [sr] [yd] o y [sr] [od] 6 0 [se] [td] u t [fe] [spg] 4 [sof8] w e|[ts] s [sof] 8 [wg] [yh] [ush]|8 [sh] [jd] 7 w [rhd] [yhd] o y [rhd] [lf] 6 0 [ked] [tkd] u t e [sh] 4 8 w [pge] [tpg]|[pg]| [tf] o s d f g h z r o a d|l l x e [uc] [xp] [zs]|l z| [sqj] t o p [sj]|k| [th] o d [lf]|l z k u O [ja] [kd]|j k j e u p s|j j x i c x z| l l 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [wod] u [aO] 0 [raO] u [raO] I r [up] [sf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [d8] [se] [td] i|s s 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [ws] [td] [aO] 0 [raO] [up] [raO] I [rp] u [spf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [s8] [qd] [wd] e t i| [ts] o s [lhf]|f z l r o a [zkh] h d [zkh]| e u p [sjf]|s f j q t i [spg]|| t o s d f g h d r y [so] [da]|r s d e t [us] [pd]|e s s q t o p|s s f t [og] [sh] d|d [ts] j r y [oh] [fa]|d [sr] g e t [uf] [pd]|f e s q t o p g g g| [sof8] w y [usof]|g [h8] [od] 7 w [sr] [yd] o y [sr] [od] 6 0 [se] [td] u t [fe] [spg] 4 [sof8] w e|[ts] s [sof] 8 [wg] [yh] [ush]|8 [sh] [jd] 7 w [rhd] [yhd] o y [rhd] [lf] 6 0 [ked] [tkd] u t e [sh] 4 8 w e [tpg] [pg] [pg]| [tf] o s d f g h z r o a d|l l x e [uc] [xp] [zs]|l z| [sqj] t o p [sj]|k| [th] o d [lf]|l z k u O [ja] [kd]|j k j e u p s|j j x i c x z| l l 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [wod] u [aO] 0 [raO] u [raO] I r [up] [sf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [d8] [se] [td] i|s s 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [ws] [td] [aO] 0 [raO] [up] [raO] I [rp] u [spf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [s8] [qd] [wd] e t i| t o s [lhf]|f h l r o a [zkh]|h z h e u p [sjf]|s f j q t i [spg]|p l l [tl] ohd [hf]|l l l [rl] oza [zd]| l z [ze] [xu] [xp] [xs]|l l l [qjc] txo [zp]| l l [tl] ohd [hf]|l l l [rl] oza [zd]| l [xlj] e u p s| l l q [vtlj] o [xplj]| s s 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [wod] u [aO] 0 [raO] u [raO] I r [up] [sf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [d8] [se] [td] i|s s 8 [wlhf] t [ulhf] o [slhf] z [kf] 0 [rkf] u [kf] a [jf]|[xljf] 6 [z0] [le] [zt] u p [sl] [xljg] [q4] [tljg] [zjig] [zojg] p s g| [utso8]Level: 6Length: 02:51Intermediate
Don’t Cry
Park Bom
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Aaron Smith
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[48p] [48s] [48p] [48i] [E6yo] [E6yo]| [48ei]Level: 6Length: 03:57IntermediateI’m Not The Only One (Sam Smith)
Sam Smith