02:31 -
4 -
[80]|u|u|u y
[59]|y|i|u t
[48]|u|e|r t|
t|[qy]|u u
[80]|u|i|u y
[qt] t t o
80|p [5u]| [0o] y
57 t|5 t t [7t] o
48|p [4u]|o 8 y|
t| w|i u
80| 5 w|[0i] u
57| 5 w|[7i] u
p|[5p]9|a s
4|[8s]|[qd]|s s|
s|[td]|f f
5|[9f]|[wg]|f a
59w a|g|f|
1|[5j] f 8|h d
8wts|s [ts]|s|
[4i]|u [8qi]|s [48]|
[5o]|I [9wo]|f [59] [od]
4 8 q t||q
59|o d 79 s a|
[8o]0|o [wd]|s [ua]|
[5o]7|o [5d]|s [7a]|
[4s]8|s [4s]|a [8s]|
o| s [7s]9|s g
80 f|[ws] s|[us] h
57 j f [5h] f d [7s]|
[4l]8|l 6 [8k] q [wl] e
[th] g f|[7p]9|a s
4|[6a] [ws]|t a s
59wd| [%p]0W a s
6|[ea] s 5|[wh] g
$ f 6 o [Qf]e g f|
[4s]|8 o [tf] g f|
s| h h s s|
[5f]9| g d| s
[80s]| w|8|
[79]| 0|7|
[68]| q|0|
[48]| 5|8|
y| w| r t
qr| 4 8 q t tu|
p|[5p]9|a s
4|[8s]|[qd]|s s|
s|[td]|f f
5|[9f]|[wg]|f a
59w a|g|f|
1|[5j] f 8|h d
8wts|s [ts]|s|
[4i]|u [8qi]|s [48]|
[5o]|I [9wo]|f [59] [od]
4 8 q t||q
59|o d 79 s a|
[8o]0|o [wd]|s [ua]|
[5o]7|o [5d]|f [7a]|
[4s]8|s [4g]|f [8f]|
fds|s [7s]9|s g
80 f|[ws] s|[us] h
57 j f [5h] f d [7s]|
[4l]8|l 6 [8k] q [wl] e
[th] g f|[7s]9|s h
4|[6j] [wf]|t h d
59ws| [%s]0W s h
6|[ej] f 5|[wh] d
$ s 6 o [Qf]e g f|
[4s]|8 o [tf] g f|
s| h h s s|
[5f]9| g [td]|u s
[80s]| w|8|
[79]| 5|9|
[68]| 4|5|
[80]| 5|0|
[79]| 5|9|
About This Music Sheet
Hug (SEVENTEEN) is a song by SEVENTEEN. Use your computer keyboard to play Hug (SEVENTEEN) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:31, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Hug (SEVENTEEN) is classified in the genre of South Korea on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using K-Pop.
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q w t y i o s d [tof] [ha] [lf] [of] [pg] [sj] [lg] [pg] [ha] [kd] [zh] [ha] [pg] [sj] [lg] [pg] [of] [ha] [lf] [of] [pg] [sj] [lg] [pg] [ha] [kd] [zh] [ha] [pig] [usj] [ylg] [tsg] [tof]| h| [rid]| f g [ofE] d s| e| i| [gW]| O O [wsi]| [qda]| [tof]| |[wid]| q| [tof]| h| [rid]| f g [ofE] d s| e| i| [fW]| O O [wsi]| [qda]| [so0]| |[raO] f [uH] k [tpl]| k j [rha]| p o [jie]| h g [tof]| i u [ygE]| [pf] d [soe] d [uf] p [sI]| [ud] [sI] [raO]| u| [tpl]| k j [rha]| p o [jie]| h g [tof]| [ig] [uh] [yjE]| p| i g [hd] j [ysj]| |[wha]| | [tof]| h| [rid]| f g [ofE] d s| e| i| [gW]| O O [wsi]| [qda]| [tof]| |[wid]| q| [tof]| h| [rid]| f g [ofE] d s| e| i| [fW]| O O [wsi]| [qda]| [so0]| |[raO] f [uH] k [tpl]| k j [rha]| p o [jie]| h g [tof]| i u [ygE]| [pf] d [soe] d [uf] p [sI]| [ud] [sI] [raO]| u| [tpl]| k j [rha]| p o [jie]| h g [tof]| [ig] [uh] [yjE]| p| i g [hd] j [ysj]| |[wha]| | [tof]| h| [rid]| f g [ofE] d s| e| i| [gW]| O O [wsi]| [qda]| [tof]| |[wid]| q| [tof]| h| [rid]| f g [ofE] d s| e| i| [gW]| O O [wsi]| [qda]| [so0]| |[thP]| [oE]| [tgO] [yP] [sY] [iO] [yso] i [urd] y [uts]| [yw]| [t8]Level: 5Length: 02:04Intermediate
Ending Theme (Final Fantasy)
Nobuo Uematsu
6 [0u]u[eu] 0 [6u]u0ue [0u]u4u[8y]yq [8y] [4y]y8yq [8r]
[5y]y9yw 9 [5y]y9ywi9u3 7 0 7 3 7 0 7
6 [0u]u[eu] 0u[6u] [0u] [eu] [0o]
[4u]y8yq [8y]y[4y] [8y] [qy] [8r]
[5y]y9yw 9 [5y]y9ywi9u3 7 0 7 3 7 0 7
[4t] [8e] [qe] [8t] [4e] [8e] [qe] 8
[6t] [0e] e [0t] [6e] [0e] e 0
[5r] [9r] [wr] [9r] [5r] [9r] [wr] 9w[3r]r7r0 7w[3r] [7r] [0t] [7r]
[4tis] 8 q 8 4 8 q[ip]8[is][5yoa] 9 w 9 5 9
[wyp] 9o[3u]i7o[0us] 7 3 7 [0s] [7a] [4p]a8s[qpg] 8 4 8 [qpf] 8
[4ts] 8 q 8 4 8 q[ip]8[is][5yoa] 9 w 9
[5yoa] 9[yp][wyp] 9o[3u]i7o[0us] 7 3 7 [0s] [7a] [4p]a8s[qpg] 8 4 8 [qpf] 8
[4ts] 8 q 8 4 8 [qtp] [8ts] [5od] 9 w 9
[5os] 9 [wod] 9 [3of] [7d]d0s[7s] 3 7 0p[7o] [4f]d8f[qd] 8 4 [8s] q [8p]
[4ts] 8 q 8 4 8 q[ip]8[is][5yoa] 9 w 9 5 9
[wyp] 9o[3u]i7o[0us] 7 3 7 [0s] [7a] [4p]a8s[qpg]
8 4 8 [qpf] [8t]t[4t]r8e[qe] 8
4u8y[qy] 8t[5r]e9ww 9 5y9y[wy] [9t]y[3u]y7t[0t] 7
3y7y[0y] [7t]y[4u]y8t[qt] 8 4y8y[qy] [8t]y[4u]y8t[qt] 8
4u8y[qy] 8t[5r]e9ww 9 5y9y[wy] [9t]y[3u]y7t[0t] 7
3y7y[0y] [7t]y[4u]y8t[qt] [8e] [4u]y8t[qt] [8e]
6 [0u]u[eu] 0 [6u]u0ue [0u]u[4u]y8yq [8y]y[4y] [8y] [qy] [8r]
[5y]y9yw [9r] [5y]y9ywi9u3 7 0 7
[3o]i[7u]y[0u]y[7t]r[4t] [8e] [qe] [8t]
[4e] [8e] [qe] 8 [6t] [0e] e [0t]
[6e] [0e] e 0 [5r] [9r] [wr] [9r]
[5r] [9r] [wr] 9w[3r]r7r0 7w[3r] [7r] [0t] [7r]
[4tis] 8 q 8 4 8 q[ip]8[is][5yoa]
9 w 9 5 9 [wyp] 9o[3u]i7o[0us]
7 3 7 [0s] [7a] [4p]a8s[qpg] 8 4 8 [qpf] 8 [4ts]
8 q 8 4 8 q[ip]8[is][5yoa] 9 w 9 [5yoa] 9[yp][wyp] 9o[3u]i7o[0us] 7
3 7 [0s] [7a] [4p]a8s[qpg] 8 4 8 [qpf] 8 [4ts]
8 q 8 4 8 [qtp] [8ts] [5od] 9 w 9 [5os] 9 [wod] 9
[3of] [7d]d0s[7s] 3 7 0p[7o]
[4f]d8f[qd] 8 4 [8s] q [8p]
[4ts] 8 q 8 4 8 q[ip]8[is][5yoa] 9 w 9 5 9
[wyp] 9o[3u]i7o[0us] 7
3 7 [0s] [7a] [4p]a8s[qpg] 8
4 8 [qpf] [8t]t[4t]r8e[qe] 8
4u8y[qy] 8t[5r]e9ww 9
5y9y[wy] [9t]y[3u]y7t[0t] 7
3y7y[0y] [7t]y[4u]y8t[qt] 8
4y8y[qy] [8t]y[4u]y8t[qt] 8
4u8y[qy] 8t[5r]e9ww 9
5y9y[wy] [9t]y[3u]y7t[0t] 7
3y7y[0y] [7t]y[4u]y8t[qt] [8e]
[4u]y8t[qt] [8e]Level: 6Length: 03:13IntermediateChandelier (Sia)
[81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmc[vq]mmcvmmc0 mcvmmc[v7]mmcvmmz[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]| |y t|r [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]||o [yw5]|y t r| |[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s a [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s d [ywa5]| |y t o r [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s d [sqp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]|f o [ywd5]|y t r| |[qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [86] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [l8] [k8]|[h8] [qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [t6] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [x8] [c8]|[x8] [81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmc[vq]mmcvmmc0 mcvmmc[v7]mmcvmmz[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]| |y t|r [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]||o [yw5]|y t r| |[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s a [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s d [ywa5]| |y t o r [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s d [sqp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]|f o [ywd5]|y t r| |[qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [86] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [l8] [k8]|[h8] [qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [t6] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [x8] [c8]|[x8]
Level: 6Length: 04:24IntermediateLori M. (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka