yEw yEw yEw
YEw YEw Yew
uEw uEw uEw
YEw YEw Yew
pPd DPDf PfD
About This Music Sheet
Use your computer keyboard to play Hyrule Temple (Super Smash Bros) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song Hyrule Temple (Super Smash Bros) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Animation, Nintendo.Comments
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Aerith’s Theme (Final Fantasy)
Nobuo Uematsu
[pg8] [qf] [ed] [tp]| |[of8] [d0] [ws] [to]||t|[pg8] [qf] [ed] [tp]| |[of8] [d0] [ws] [to]||t|[p8]g [qf] [ed] [tp]| |d [of8] [d0] [ws] [to]|s t f [o%]h 8 ( W g| |[s%] 8 ( W o| |[pg8] [qf] [ed] [tp]| |[of8] [d0] [ws] [to]||t|[pg8] [qf] [ed] [tp]| |[of8] [d0] [ws] [to]||t|[p8]g [qf] [ed] [tp]| |d [of8] [d0] [ws] [to]|s t f [o%]h 8 ( W g| |[s%] 8 ( W o|i|[h4] 6 8 ( g| |[s4] 6 8 ( o|i|[u8] [i0] [wo] [ts]| |[i^] [o9] [qp] [dE]| |[wo80] p a f [r80] d|s [q^P9] p o i [qe8]| |[o8] [p0] [wa] [tf]| |[^P] [s9] [qd] [hE]| |[D%] [g8] [h(] [lW]|J h g [wZ(]cZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZc[D4] [g6] [h8] [l(]|J h g [wZ(]cZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZcZc[YD%] [ig8] [oh(] [slW]|[PJ] [oh] [ig] [wZ(]cZcZcZcZcZcZcZc d s d [wrf]||a||o|hkx|k||h|[tsqe]||p||y|gjl|g||h|[wrf]||a||o|hkx|k||h|[tsqe]||p||y|gjl|g||h|[tj]lc[xi] [zp] [sj]| |[th]lx[zu] [ol] [sh]| |[tj]lc[xi] [zp] [sj]| |[th]lx[zu] [ol] [sh]| |[tj]lc[xi] [zp] [sj]| |z [th]lx[zu] [ol] [sh]|l|x [hW]v t Y O c| |[lW] t Y O h| |[tj]lc[xi] [zp] [sj]| |[th]lx[zu] [ol] [sh]| |[tj]lc[xi] [zp] [sj]| |[th]lx[zu] [ol] [sh]| |[tj]lc[xi] [zp] [sj]| |z [th]lx[zu] [ol] [sh]|l|x [hW]v t Y O c| |[lW] t Y O h|g|[vq] e t Y c| |[ql] e t Y gh|g|[to]df
Level: 6Length: 02:11IntermediateForest of Hope (Pikmin)
Hajime Wakai
a o a d s a p a | p I p s a p o p | o u o a p o I o I o p I y u I y | a o a d s a p a p I p s a p o p o u o a p o I o | j g j g k h k h l j l j z k z k x l x l x l x l | l j l k l k h h x z l k l k h l j l k l k h j j g j h j h s | a p a p a p s a | u o u o p a s a p o p o u p s p s d f g f d s p d s d s | e r t y a a p a a p a a p a p u t o p i p a O a a p | o p h f f g h j J j h g g f g d f g d f g h H h g f o p s s o p s s x l f g h l | h f s l J l J g J j f g h j h f h f s l J l J g J j f g h | p p a a s s S S c x z l z l j J J l J j J l b v v c c x c x z | f S S d a S S S p o a f S S d a S S S p o a h k z C C v C V b b V b | 6Level: 3Easy
Sonic 1 End Credits
Masato Nakamura