I Love You (Intermediate)

OMFG 11 November 2020

x z l z lj|l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utp] p [utp]|hhl lk h6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utp] p [utp]|hhl lk h6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5

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About This Music Sheet

I Love You (Intermediate) is a song by OMFG. Use your computer keyboard to play I Love You (Intermediate) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:05, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song I Love You (Intermediate) is classified in the genres: Electronica, Canada, Dance on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Happy.


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Other Songs By OMFG

  • x z l z lj l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]j p [utp] p [utp]| hhllkh 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]j p [utp] p [utp]| hhllkh 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:43
    I Love You



  • 9 e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 q
    9 e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 q
    [9y] e t r [wy] e
    [9ip] [eip] w e 0 [qp]
    [8u] w 8 [9i] [0u] w
    [9y] e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 w
    q e [tip] e [qps] e
    [9id] e y e [9is] e
    [qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
    [9ip] e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 q
    9 e t r w e
    9 e w e [0d] q
    [9id] e y e [9id] e
    [qps] e t e [tp] e
    [qp] e [0o] w [9i] q
    [8u] w t w q w
    0 w 9 w 8 w
    [9y] q e q [9p] q
    [8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
    [8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
    [9y] e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 q
    9 e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 q
    [9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
    [9yp] e [wyp] e [0yp] q
    [8tu] w [9yi] w [8tu] w
    [9yi] e [tu] r [wy] e
    [9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
    [qe] e [tip] e [qps] e
    [9id] e y e [9is] e
    [qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
    [9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
    [9d] e [wd] e [0d] w
    [9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
    [9d] q w e [wd] q
    [9id] e y e [9id] e
    [qps] e t e [tp] e
    [qtp] e [0yo] w [9yi] q
    [8tu] w t w [qt] w
    [0t] w [9y] w [8t] w
    [9y] q [ey] q [9p] q
    [8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
    [8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
    [9yi] e [wu] e [qi] e
    [0o] e [9i] e [8u] e
    [9i] e [0u] e [qt] e
    [9y] q w e w q
    [9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
    [9yp] e [wyp] e [0yp] q
    [8tu] w [9yi] w [8tu] w
    [9yi] e [tu] r [wy] e
    [9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
    [qe] e [tip] e [qps] e
    [9id] e y e [9is] e
    [qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
    [9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
    [9od] e [wd] e [0pd] w
    [9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
    [9d] q w e [wi] q
    [9i] e [yi] e [9o] e
    [qp] e t e [to] e
    [qi] e [0o] w [9ip] q
    [8us] w t w [qo] w
    [0s] w [9s] [wo] [8s] [wa]
    [9yd] q e q [9p] q
    [8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
    [8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
    [9yi] e [wu] e [qi] e
    [0o] e [9i] e [8u] e
    [9i] e [0u] e [qt] e
    [9y] q w e w q
    [9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
    [9yp] e [wp] e [0p] q
    [8u] w [9i] w [8u] w
    [9y] e [tyu] r [wy] e
    [9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
    [qy] e [etip] e [qps] e
    [9id] e y e [9is] e
    [qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
    [9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
    [9d] e [wd] e [0d] w
    [9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
    [9d] q w e [wi] q
    [9i] e [yi] e [9i] e
    [qp] e [ts] e [tos] e
    [qis] e [0op] w [9is] q
    [8uo] w t w [qo] w
    [0t] [wy] [9u] w [8i] w
    [9y] q [ey] q [9p] q
    [8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
    [8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
    [9y] e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 q
    9 e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 q
    [9y] e t r [wy] e
    [9ip] [eip] w e 0 [qp]
    [8u] w 8 [9i] [0u] w
    [9y] e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 w
    q e [tip] e [qps] e
    [9id] e y e [9is] e
    [qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
    [9ip] e t r w e
    9 e w e 0 q
    9 e t r w e
    9 e w e [0d] q
    [9id] e y e [9id] e
    [qps] e t e [tp] e
    [qp] e [0o] w [9i] q
    [8u] w t w q w
    0 w 9 w 8 w
    [9y] q e q [9p] q
    [8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
    [8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
    [9y] e t r w e
    [9o] e w e 0 w
    [9i] q e q [wu] t
    [9ey] [dj]

    Level: 5
    Length: 3:11
    Scarborough Fair (Alternative)

    Simon & Garfunkel

  • 35^!35^*0wET3333332233333322 [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]34[p1][o6][i4] [u3] [r7]34[r1]t[y4] [uf3]ds[a7][p3][o4][i1][u6][y4] [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]3[p4]1[o6][i4] [u3] 734[r1]t[y4] [u30] [e70]3[ye40]1[yoe6]4 [u3][u3]7i[o4][o4]1i [u3] i[u2] r[t4]i [u3][u3]7i[o4][o4]1p [o3]iur[t2] i[p4]S [u3][u3]7[i3][o4][o4]1[i4] [u3]7[i4][u2] [r3][t7][i1] [u3][u3]7[i3][o4][o4]1[p4] [o3][i7]u[r1][t2] [u1][p7]S [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]34[p1][o6][i4] [u3] [r7]34[r1]t[y4] [uf3]ds[a7][p3][o4][i1][u6][y4] [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]3[p4]1[o6][i4] [u3] 734[r1]t[y4] [u30] [e70]3[ye40]1[yoe6]4 [tie3]3[wur] 33| [eYQ3]3[wur] 33| [ia4]3[ia5]4[ia3]7[ia]2 [ia]3[ia4]32[ia3]4[iP6]2 [tie3]3[wur] 33| [eYQ3]3[wur] 33| [q3]0wq0[73]7[w4] qewq[84]1 [e5]w[r2][e@][t1][r4]y[t2] [uq3] 7[uq3] 3[uq5]% [uq7]|[oT2] [ri@] [wur3]|[wur3]|[eYQ@]| @7 @65 [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]34[p1][o6][i4] [u3] [r7]34[r1]t[y4] [uf3]ds[a7][p3][o4][i1][u6][y4] [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]3[p4]1[o6][i4] [u3] 734[r1]t[y4] [u30] [e70]3[ye40]1[yoe6]4 [u3][u3]7i[o4][o4]1i [u3] i[u2] r[t4]i [u3][u3]7i[o4][o4]1p [o3]iur[t2] i[p4]S [u3][u3]7[i3][o4][o4]1[i4] [u3]7[i4][u2] [r3][t7][i1] [u3][u3]7[i3][o4][o4]1[p4] [o3][i7]u[r1][t2] [u1][p7]S [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]34[p1][o6][i4] [u3] [r7]34[r1]t[y4] [uf3]ds[a7][p3][o4][i1][u6][y4] [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]3[p4]1[o6][i4] [u3] 734[r1]t[y4] [u30] [e70]3[ye40]1[yoe6]4 [tie3]3[wur] 33| [eYQ3]3[wur] 33| [ia4]3[ia5]4[ia3]7[ia]2 [ia]3[ia4]32[ia3]4[iP6]2 [tie3]3[wur] 33| [eYQ3]3[wur] 33| [q3]0wq0[73]7[w4] qewq[84]1 [e5]w[r2][e@][t1][r4]y[t2] [uq3] 7[uq3] 3[uq5]% [uq7]|[oT2] [ri@] [wur3]|[wur3]|[eYQ@]| @7 @65
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:54
    Battle Theme (Final Fantasy VI)

    Nobuo Uematsu

  • [6eu] s s [4qi] s a a|
    [5wyoa]||[6etup]| |
    [6eup] 0 e [4qy]| |
    [5wry]||[6etu]| |
    [6eu] s s [4qs]ds a a|
    [5wyoa]||[6etup]| |
    [6eup] 0 [eu] [4qy]||t|
    [5wry]| tr[60e]||ppp
    [6u]s[0s]d[es] 4sa[8u]s[qs]d[es] [qs]aa
    5sa[9a]a[wa]a[6a]a[0a]a[ea]s[tp] [ep]p
    [6a]s[0p] [ep]p[4a]s[8p] [qp]p[ea]s[qp]
    [5a]a[9a]a[wa]s[6p] [0a]a[ea] a[ta]s[ep]
    [6a]s[0p] [ea]s[4d] [8a]a[qa]a[ea]s[qp]
    [5a]s[9p] [wa]s[6p] [0a]a[es]s[ta]s[ep]
    [6s] [0a]a[ea]s[4p] [8a]s[qa] [ea]s[qp]
    [5a]s[9p] [wa]s[6p] [0s]a[ea]a[ta]s[ep]
    [6a]s[0p]p[ea]s[4p] [8d]s[qa]a[ea]s[qp]
    [5a]a[9a]a[wa]s[6d] [0s]s[es]s[ts]d[ef] s
    [5a]a[9a]s[wp]p[6p]a[0a]a[ea]s[tp] [ea]s
    [6p] [0a]s[ep]p[4a]a[8a]a[qa]s[ep] [qa]a
    [6a]a[0a]s[ep]p[4p] [8a]a[qa]s[ep]p[qp]p
    [6a]a[0a]s[ep] [4p]p[8a]a[qa]a[ea]s[qa]s
    [6p] [0p]p[ea]a[4a]s[8p]p[qp] p[ea]a[qa]a
    6p[0a]s[ep]p[4a]a[8a]a[qa]s[ep] [qp]p
    [5a]a[9a]s[wp]p[6p]p[0a]a[ea]s[tp] [eu]
    [6es] [0s]s[es] [4qd] [8s] [qa] [ea] [qu]u
    [5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
    [6ep] [0u]t[ey] [4qu]t[8y] [qu] [eu]u[qu]t
    [5wy] [9u] [wt]r[6e] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]
    [6eu] [0s] [es] [4qs]d[8s] [qa] [ea] qu
    [5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
    [6ep] [0u] [eu]t[4qy] [8u] [qu]t[ey] [qu]
    [5wy] [9u]y[wt]r[6e] 0pep[ts]pe
    [6a]a[0a]s[ed] 4a[8s]a[qa]s[ed] a[qa]a
    [5a]a[9a]a[ws]p[6p]p[0p]p[ep]a[ts] p[ep]p
    [6a] 0 [ea]a[4s]p[8p]s[qp]p[ep]a[qa]s
    [5a]a[9s]p[wa]s6p[0s]a[ep]a[ts] [ep]p
    [6s] 0p[ep]p[4a]a[8a]a[qa]s[ep] [qp]p
    [6a]a[0a]s[ep]p4 [8s]p[qp]p[ep]p[qa]p
    [5s]p[9p]p[wa]s[6p]p[0a]a[ea]s[tp] epp
    [6a]a[0a]s[ep] [4p]p[8a]a[qa]a[es]pq
    [5s]p[9p]p[ws]a[6p]a[0s] ep[tp]p[ep]p
    [6p]p[0s]a[ep]a[4s] [8s]a[qp]a[es] [qp]p
    [5a]a[9a]pp[wa]a[6a]p[0a]a[ea]p[ts] [ep]p
    [5a]s[9p] [wp]p[6a]a[0a]a[ea]p[ts]pep
    [6a]a[0a]s[ep] [4p]p[8a]a[qa]s[ep]p[qp]p
    [5s]a[9p]a[ws]a[6p]a[0s] [ep]p[ts]a[ep]a
    [6s]p0 s[ep]a[4s]p[8p]p[qa]a[ea]s[qp]p
    [5a]a[9a]a[wa]s[6p] [0a]a[ea]a[ta]s[ep]p
    [6a]a[0a]s[ep]p[4p]p[8a]a[qa]s[ep] q
    [5p]p[9s]s[wp]p[6a]s[0p] ep[ta]s[ep]p
    [6p]s[0a]p[ea]s[4a]p[8a]a[qa]s[ep] p[qp]p
    [5a]a[9a]s[wp]p[6p]p[0a]a[ea]s[tp] e
    6 [0s] [ep]p[4a]s[8p]pq [ep]a[qa]s
    [5p] [9s]ap[wp]p[6a]s[0p] e [ta]aes
    [6p] 0pp[ep]a[4s]p[8a] [qp]p[ep]a[qs]p
    [5a]s9 [ws]p[6p]p[0a] a[ep]s[tp] [eu]
    [6es] [0s]s[es] [4qd] [8s] [qa] [ea] [qu]u
    [5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
    [6ep] [0u]t[ey] [4qu]t[8y] [qu] [eu]u[qu]t
    [5wy] [9u] [wt]r[6e] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]
    [6eu] [0s] [es] [4qs]d[8s] [qa] [ea] qu
    [5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
    [6ep] [0u] [eu]t[4qy] [8u] [qu]t[ey] [qu]
    [5wy] [9u]y[wt]r[6e] 0 [ef]f[tf] [ek]l
    [6esf]l[tl]l[ul] [4ql]z[el] [tk] [ik] t
    [5wdhk] [rk]k[yl]k[6esfj] t [uf]f[pf]f[uf]f
    [6esfj] [tf]f[uf]s[4qd] [ef]f[tf]s[id] [tf]
    [5wad] [rf]f[ys]a[6eup] t uf[pf]f[uf]f
    [6esf] [tfjl] [ufjl] [4ql]z[el] [tk] [ik] [tf]f
    [5wdhk] [rdhk] [yl]k[6esfj] t [uf]f[pf] [uf]f
    [6esfj] [tf]f[uf]s[4qd] [ef] [tf]f[if]f[tf]f
    [5wad] [rf]f[ys]a[6eup]

    Level: 7
    Length: 04:06
    Mockingbird (Eminem)
