I Love You (Intermediate)

OMFG 11 November 2020

x z l z lj|l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utp] p [utp]|hhl lk h6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utp] p [utp]|hhl lk h6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5

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About This Music Sheet

I Love You (Intermediate) is a song by OMFG. Use your computer keyboard to play I Love You (Intermediate) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:05, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song I Love You (Intermediate) is classified in the genres: Electronica, Canada, Dance on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Happy.


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Other Songs By OMFG

  • x z l z lj l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]j p [utp] p [utp]| hhllkh 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]j p [utp] p [utp]| hhllkh 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8 6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:43
    I Love You



  • p|s|[9h]|| [9p]|s|[wh]|| [5p]|s|[8k]|w l [9k] l [(k] l [0k]|h| [ep]|s|[9f]||[9g]|h|[5f]|| [wd]|s|[8a] s a s [8a]|o||e| [qp]|[0s]|[9h]|| [9p]|s|[wh]|| [5p]|s|[8k]|w l [9k] l [(k] l [0k]|h| [ep]|s|[9f]||[9g]|h|[5f]|| [wd]|s|[0a]|r|k [ql] z l z [ql]||[0k]|h|[6f]|| [9f] g f g [5f]|s|[8f]|h|9|0| [Qk] l k l [7k]|a|[0j]|k|Q|w| [ej] k j k [9j]|p|[wa]|s|[wS]|d|5|w| [qp]|[0s]|[9h]|| [9p]|s|[wh]|| [5p]|s|[8k]|w l [9k] l [(k] l [0k]|h| [ep]|s|[yf]||[yg]|h|[5f]|| [wd]|s|[0a]|r|[Ik]|u| [5J]|w|[uk]|y|[tl]||q|| [8h]kx| 1
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:11
    Pure Imagination (Intermediate)

    Gene Wilder

  • s o Y t [tol] [to] [to] [to]
    z Z [zyo] [yo] [yo] [yo] h [tol]
    [to] [to] Z [to] z Z [icE] [iE]
    [yw] [yw] h [tol] [to] [to] [to] z
    Z [zyo] [yo] [YP] [ZYP] c [siZ] [si]
    [iE] [iE] c v [sVO] [icO] [zyi] h
    [tol] [to] [to] [to] z Z [zyo] [yo]
    l [yok] [yo] h [tol] [to] [to] z
    Z [to] z Z [icE] [iE] [iE] J
    [iE] Z c [vYP] [YP] [YP] [YP] V
    v [siV] [si] v [si] [sic] Z [zyw]
    [yw] [yw] [tq] [E(] [vto] [tom] [to] [vto]
    [icE] [miE] [iE] [icE] [ZYW] [mYW] [YW] [ZYW]
    [zywo] [icV] [zvo] [tsoZ] l [shD] h [ziPE]
    J [gdP] h [lYWO] H [sOD] D [ywrod]
    [iaH] [ohY] [vto] [tom] [to] [vto] [icE] [miE]
    [iE] [icE] [ZYW] [mYW] [YW] [ZYW] [zywo] [icV]
    [zvo] [tsoZ] l [shD] h [ziPE] J [gdP]
    h [lYWO] H [sOD] D [ywrod] [iaH] [ohY]
    [l8] 5 8 w % 5 [l8] 5
    8 w % 5 [l(] ^ ( E
    7 ^ [Z(] ^ [H(] E [h7] ^
    [l8] [G5] [l8] w % [Z5] [l8] [G5]
    8 [wl] % [z5] Z [l(] H [^D]
    [l(] E 7 [v^] [Z(] [^V] [Z(] E
    [J7] ^ [l8] 5 8 w % 5
    [l8] 5 8 w % 5 [l(] ^
    ( E 7 ^ [Z(] ^ [H(] E
    [h7] ^ [l8] [G5] [l8] w % [Z5]
    [l8] [G5] 8 [wl] % [z5] Z [l(]
    H [^D] [l(] E 7 [v^] [Z(] [^V]
    [Z(] E [J7] ^ [wl8] [w8] [w8] [w8]
    [w8] [w8]

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:20
    SCP Foundation Main Theme


  • [wut8] uo[wt8]fs [tge8] sp[te8]gs [wrp8]aod[wr8]ao [qie8]tep[qe8]ie [w81]tu[yw][wu81]yuw[uqe4][ue] t[qe4]qte[w7]9[yw][yw]7o[yw] [wu73]0rw[yw73]0rw[t6]e0[e6][t60]tr[t0]5e0[r0]5[t0] 5[e0$] t[y$][e0$]ut$[eY4(]yt([w4]et4[50]wet[w50]tt5[wur5]y t5y 5[r0%]yuo[ur%]p %[eY6]yt [60]8e0[81]wtt[81]u[uto][81][tpi92]et[ue][yq92]ty[92][84]qe[tqe][84]t[tqe] [wt810]0w[u81] t[w81] [i81]te[u81] t[w81] [w81]tu[yw][wu81]yuw[uqe4][ue] t[qe4]qte[w7]9[yw][yw]7o[yw] [wu73]0rw[yw73]0rw[t6]e0[e6][t60]tr[t0]5e0[r0]5[t0] 5[e0$] t[y$][e0$]ut$[eY4(]yt([w4]et4[50]wet[w50]tt5[wur5]y t5y 5[r0%]yuo[ur%]p %[eY6]yt [60]8e0[81]wtt[81]u[uto][81][tpi92]et[ue][yq92]ty[92][84]qe[tqe][84]t[tqe] [wt810]0w[u81] t[w81] [i81]te[u81] t[w81] [yw7] uo7uo [tpe6] ou6yt [q92] e[92]te[ue][y84]t [84]|[yw7] uo7 o [tpe6] o [u6]yt [q92]|[e92]te[ue][y84]t [84]|[ute6]up[uto][utpe6]s [ut][wut5]op[uto][wutp5]s [ut][utQ$]po[utp][Q$]s[uto][ytqpi4]||p [wto80] u t [yqe84] e|e[uqe84]y t[q84]ty [y5]rw[yo5]5rw5[yo5]tw[y5]5rw5[wut8] uo[wt8]fs [tge8] sp[te8]gs [wrp8]aod[wr8]ao [qie8]tep[qe8]ie [w81]tu[yw][wu81]yuw[uqe4][ue] t[qe4]qte[w7]9[yw][yw]7o[yw] [wu73]0rw[yw73]0rw[t6]e0[e6][t60]tr[t0]5e0[r0]5[t0] 5[e0$] t[y$][e0$]ut$[eY4(]yt([w4]et4[50]wet[w50]tt5[wur5]y t5y 5[r0%]yuo[ur%]p %[eY6]yt [60]8e0[81]wtt[81]u[uto][81][tpi92]et[ue][yq92]ty[92][84]qe[tqe][84]t[tqe] [wt810]0w[u81] t[w81] [i81]te[u81] t[w81] [yw7] uo7uo [tpe6] ou6yt [q92] e[92]te[ue][y84]t [84]|[yw7] uo7 o [tpe6] o [u6]yt [q92]|[e92]te[ue][y84]t [84]|[ute6]up[uto][utpe6]s [ut][wut5]op[uto][wutp5]s [ut][utQ$]po[utp][Q$]s[uto][ytqpi4]||p [wto80] u t [yqe84] e|e[uqe84]y t[q84]ty [y5]rw[yo5]5rw5[yo5]tw[y5]5rw5[ute6]up[uto][utpe6]s [ut][wut5]pf[utd][wuts5]p [ut][utQ$]po[utp][Q$]s[uto][ytqpi4]||p [wto80] u t [yqe84] e|e[uqe84]y t[q84]tt 1w0[uo8] t[w1] [i1]te[pi8] t[e1] [o1]yr[oa8] y[r1] [p1]it[sp8] i[t1] [t1][o5][s0]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:12
    Your Song

    Elton John