x z l z lj l
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf]
p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]j
p [utp] p [utp]| hhllkh
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli]
1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1]
p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli]
1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3]
p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli]
1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1]
p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli]
1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3]
p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli]
1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1]
p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli]
1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3]
p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli]
1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2 [yro1]
p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj] [tspli]
1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5 [yro3]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]l
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g [tpih]
h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]h
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g [utph]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf]
p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf]
p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]j
p [utp] p [utp]| hhllkh
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]8
6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4 [tpi5]
5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
About This Music Sheet
I Love You is a song by OMFG. Use your computer keyboard to play I Love You music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:43, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song I Love You is classified in the genres: Canada, Dance, Electronica on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Happy.
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Other Songs By OMFG
x z l z lj|l p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utp] p [utp]|hhl lk h6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]2|[yro1] p [xutpf] [zd] [utspl] [zd] [tspli][pj]|[tspli] 1 [uto3] 2 [uto1] 2 [yro3]5|[yro3] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] s [utof]df [utod]so [yro]o l[zyro]lp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [tpi]g|[tpih] h [utoh]hf [utoh] h [yroh]hll[yrok]hp [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] g [utp]g|[utph] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]kl [utpf] p [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utpl]jp [utp] p [utp]|hhl lk h6 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]56 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 1 [uto3]23 [uto2]15 [yro]5 8[yro9]86 [utp8]78 [utp3] 4 [tpi]4|[tpi5] 5 [uto5]53 [uto5] 5 [yro5]588[yro7]5
Level: 6Length: 03:05IntermediateI Love You (Intermediate)
6|[etu]| 6 [etu]|
8|[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
4|[etu]| 4 [etu]|
4|[etu]| 4 [etu]|
6|[80] 6|[6p] [80p] pp
8 o [0wu] [8y]|[8y] [0wy] y
4 t [68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
4|[68sf] 4|4 [ad] s
6|[80] 6|[6p] [80p] pp
8 o [0wo] [8y]|[8t] [0wi]|
4|[68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
4|[68sf] 4|4 [ad] s
6|[80] 6 o [6u] [80o] u
8|[0w] [8t] t [8y] [0wy]|
4|[68] [4t] o [4u] [68o] u
4 t [68t] [4y] u [4t] [68r]|
6|[80] 6|[6u] [80p] p
8 o [0wu] [8y]|[8y] [0wy] y
4 t [68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
4|[ad]|t y u t
[5y] 7 9 w o 7 9 w
[6t] 8 0 w o 8 0 w
[4t] 6 8 0|4 8 0
4 6 8 [0t] t y u t
[5y] 7 9 w o 7 9 w
[6t] 8 0 w o 8 0 w
[4o] [6p] 8 0|4 8 0
4 6 8 0 s s a a
[680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
[80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
[468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
[468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
[680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
[80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
[468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
[468qi]||s s a a
[680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
[80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
[468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
[468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
[680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
[80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
[468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
6|[80] 6|[6p] [80p] pp
8 o [0wu] [8y]|[8y] [0wy] y
4 t [68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
4|[68sf] 4|4 [ad] s
6|[80] 6|[6p] [80p] pp
8 o [0wo] [8y]|[8t] [0wi]|
4|[68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
4|[68sf] 4|4 [ad] s
6|[80] 6 o [6u] [80o] u
8|[0w] [8t] t [8y] [0wy]|
4|[68] [4t] o [4u] [68o] u
4 t [68t] [4y] u [4t] [68r]|
6|[80] 6|[6u] [80p] p
8 o [0wu] [8y]|[8y] [0wy] y
4 t [68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
4|[ad]|t y u t
[5y] 7 9 w o 7 9 w
[6t] 8 0 w o 8 0 w
[4t] 6 8 0|4 8 0
4 6 8 [0t] t y u t
[5y] 7 9 w o 7 9 w
[6t] 8 0 w o 8 0 w
[4o] [6p] 8 0|4 8 0
4 6 8 0 s s a a
[680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
[80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
[468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
[468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
[680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
[80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
[468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
6 u [80u] u|[6u] [80u] u
8 u [0wu] u|[8y] [0w] t
4 u [68u] u|[4u] [68] y
4|[68y] i|[4u] [68t]|
6|[80u]uu|[6u] [80u] u
8 u [0wu] u|[8y] [0w] t
4|[68u]uu|[4u] [68] y
4|[68y] i|[4u] [68t]|
6 u [80u] u|[6u] [80u] u
8 u [0wu] u|[8y] [0w] t
4 u [68u] u|[4u] [68] y
4|[68y] i|[4u] [68t]|
6|[80u]uu|[6u] [80u] u
8 u [0wu] u|[8y] [0w] t
4|[68u]uu|[4u] [68] y
4|[68u]uu|[4i] [68u] t||
t s s a a
[680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
[80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
[468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
[468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
[680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
[80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
[468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
[468qi]| [468q] s s a a
[680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
[80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
[468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
[468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
[680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
[80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
[468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
6|[80f]| 6 [80]|
8|[0wd] s|8 [0w]|
4|[68f]| 4 [68]|
4|[68f]|g 4 [68f]|
6 f [80f] f|[6f] [80f] f
8 f [0wf] f|[8d] [0w] s
4 f [68f] f|[4f] [68] d
4 f [68] g|[4h] [68f]|
6|[80f]| 6 [80]|
8|[0wd] s|8 [0w]|
4|[68f]| 4 [68]|
4|[68f]|g 4 [68f]|
6 f [80f] f|[6f] [80f] f
8 f [0wf] f|[8d] [0w] s
4 f [68f] f|[4f] [68] d
4 f [68] g|[4h] [68f]Level: 7Length: 03:33IntermediateBlowing Smoke (Gracie Abrams)
Gracie Abrams
[etu] p u p u p
[Wtu] O u O u O
[wtu] o u o u o
[Qey] I y I y I
[qya]|[0tp]|[9rO] u
[6u]|[et] i [6u]|
[%u]|[Wt]|[%i] u
[5u] u [et]|5|
$|[et]|$ u
[4y]|[qery]|4 y
[7y]|[6t]|[%ryu] u
[6u]|[et]|[6i] u
[5u]|[et]|[5i] u
[2y] y [2qey]|[3t]|
[%r] u [6u]|[et] i
[%i] u [5u] u [et]|
5|$|[et]|$ u
[4y]|[qery]|4 y [4qey]|[W3ru]|
[%ryu] u [6u]|[et]|
[6i] u [5u]|[et]|
[5i] u [4eto]|i|
[2y] y [2qey]|[3t]|
[2y]|[W3u]|[$e]Level: 6Length: 00:58IntermediateTime In A Bottle
Jim Croce
[d8] f [wd] f [ud] f [wd] f [d6] f [d0] f [td] f [d0] f [d4] f [d8] f [ed] f [d8] f [d5] f [d9] s [rd] f [g9] f [d8] f [wd] f [ud] f [wd] f [d6] f [d0] f [td] f [d0] f [d4] f [d8] f [ed] f [d8] f [d5] f [d9] s [rd] f [g9] f [d8] [wf] [tf] [uf] [of] u s h [s6]h 0 e [ts] u o t o [o4] p [s8] o [qp] s [d8] f [d5] f [d9] s [wd] f [rg] f [d8] [wf] [tf] [uf] [of] u s j [s6]j 0 [he] [ts] u s [td] s [s4] 8 q [oe] t o [ts] o [o5]s 9 w [ro]a y s a [s6] 0 e [ts]l|u d z [d3]z 7 [s0]l [wa]k r oh w o [o4]h 8| [pe]j|t| [p4]j 8 q [pe]j [tp]j|[a3]k| [s6]l 0 e [ts]l|u dz sl [a3]k 7 0 [wo]h|r jb| [j4]b 8 [qh]v e|t|gc|fx| [c8]wti[cO] c c [cH] x l h [wh]z r [ys] [od] [ywo]a y|o [o5]s d [f8] w t w u w [ts] [a9] [a6]f 0 e 0 t 0 [se] [a0] 5 h [h2] [j6] [h9] q [ge] y f d [a5] 7 [t9] y r o s d [f8] w t w u w [ts] [yd7] [f^] q [dE] q y q [ts] [d7] [d6]f 0 [se] r t u s d [a3] 7 0 w r u o a f|h a [p4] 8 [oe]p[o8]p[qo]p[o8]p[oe]p[o8]p [rqa95]|o o og f| s|dLevel: 6Length: 01:36Intermediate
For River (To The Moon)
Kan R. Gao