03:49 -
vbn [hb] v|||vbn [bG]|||vbvmf nn bb vv vxs|||opa [p975] o|||opd [96$] p|||opos[753] aa pp oo ou[531]||lkhdsaoop [tp81] 8y[wo0]o[p8] [tp92] 9 [peQ] [o9] [tp30] [a0] [wtrp] [o0] [wto5] w [yro]o[wp] [tp81] 8 [wo0]o[p8] [tp92] 9 [peQ]p[o9]s[8531] ap osa|o p|92929292929292929292[slhf9]2929292[zjdG9]2929292[xkhf9]292[ljGC9] 2 [zvkh5] 57[GC9]w95$ $7[ka9]0[kaQ] [pj3] [ka3]570[ka7]31 13[oh5]8[oh5]1[zvkh5] 57[GC9]w95$ $7[ka9]0[kaQ] [pj3] [ka3]570[ka7]31 1[oh3][sl5][ka8]515 57[pj9]w[pj9][oh5][pj$] [ka$]790Q 3 35[pj7]0[pj7][oh3][pj1] [ka1]3[IG5]8[oh5]1[zvkh6] 68[GC0]e067 70[wka]e[rka] [pj81] [ka8]0wt[wka]8[92] [IG9]Qey[ohe]95 579w95[xljb2] 2$[ljGC6]9[vh6]21 1358[zd5]1[jb2] [nk2]$[GC6]9[vh6]25 579w95[xljb2] 2$[ljGC6]9[vh6]21 1358[zd5]1[jb2] [nk2]$[GC6]962slvnzv|||opa [p975] o [97]|[97]|[o97]pd[96$]|[p96]|[96]|[o96]pos[753] aa[75] pp[75] oo[75] pu[531]|[53]|[53]|[o53]pa [od975]|[so975]|[oa975]|[o975]pa [od96$]|[of96$]|[oa96$]|[o96$]po[so][753] [oa][oa][753] [po][po][753] oo[753] pu[531]||lkhdsaoop [tp81] 8y[wto0][to][tp8] [tp92] 9 [tpeQ] [to9] [tp30] [ta0] [wtrp] [to0] [wto5] w [ytro][to][wtp] [tp6] 6 [to80][to][tp6] [tp7] 7 [tsQ9][ts][ta7][ts][81][81][ta81][ts81][81][81][yd81][yd81][81][81][zd81][81][zd81][81][GC] [zvkh5] 57[GC9]w95$ $7[ka9]0[kaQ] [pj3] [ka3]570[ka7]31 13[oh5]8[oh5]1[zvkh5] 57[GC9]w95$ $7[ka9]0[kaQ] [pj3] [ka3]570[ka7]31 [zd1]3[oh5]8[pj5]15 57[pj9]w[pj9][oh5][pj$] [ka$]790Q 3 35[pj7]0[pj7][oh3][pj1] [ka1]3[IG5]8[oh5]1[zvkh5] 57[GC9]w95$ $7[ka9]0[kaQ] [pj3] [ka3]570[ka7]31 [IG1]358[oh5]16 [ka][sl][zed60] [ka][sl][zed60] [xf] [zed60] [ka] 7 [ka][sl][zrdQ7] [ka][sl][zrdQ7] [xf] [zrdQ7] [ka] [81] [sl81] [sl81] [ka81] [pj81] [81] [ka81] [sl2]|yopddhjzzvbzzvbm 2|||j k G h [vh]|C|G|k k [jf] k|zk[sh]|h h [vh]|bvCzG|z z f [zC]|[zv] s|||8 [d1] [d8]1[jd8]18181[kd8]181[zjdG8]1[ljGC] [zvkh5] 57[GC9]w95[h$]G[d$][a7][ka9]0[kaQ] [pj3] [ka3]570[ka7]31 13[oh5]8[oh5]1[zvkh5] 57[GC9]w95[a$]d[G$][h7][ka9]0[kaQ] [pj3] [ka3]570[ka7]31 1[oh3][sl5][ka8]515 57[pj9]w[pj9][oh5][pj$] [ka$]7[h9][G0][dQ]a3 35[pj7]0[pj7][oh3][pj1] [ka1]3[IG5]8[oh5]1[zvkh6] 68[GC0]e067 70[wka]e[rka] [pj81] [ka8]0wt[wka]8[92] [IG9]Qey[ohe]95 579w95[xljb2] 2$[ljGC6]9[vh6]21 1358[zd5]1[jb2] [nk2]$[GC6]9[vh6]25 579w95[xljb2] 2$[ljGC6]9[vh6]21 1358[zd5]1[jb2] [nk2]$[GC6]9[vh6]2|||h||[db]|C v s||z [db] n C v h||[db]|C v [zs] l k l k j k|G|||wyIoodGhhzCvvzCv|C||vnzv
About This Music Sheet
It’s You (While You Were Sleeping) is a song by Randy Edelman. Use your computer keyboard to play It’s You (While You Were Sleeping) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:49, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song It’s You (While You Were Sleeping) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs.
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Roads Untraveled
Linkin Park
[qj]|||9||l|k h 6|
l|k f q|||9||l|k s 6|
pasf[qj] t o q t p|
9 e u 9 [el] i k h e u a e u s|
e u a e [ul] s k f q t o q t p|
9 e u 9 [el] i k s e u a e u s|
e u a e u s pasf[qj] t o q t p|
9 e u 9 [el] i k h e u a e u s|
e u a e u s|gf[qg] t [of] [qs] t p|
9 e [ua] 9 [es] i f p e u a e u s e u a|||
[6es] p [6es] p [6es] p [6es] as[6rd] a [6rd] a [6rd] a [6rd]
sd[6ef] s [6ef] s [6ef] s [6ef] as[6rd] a [6rd] a [6rd] a [6rd] a
[6es] p [6es] p [6es] p [6es] as[6rd] a [6rd] a [6rd] a [6rd]
sd[6ef] s [6ef] s [6ef] s [6ef] df[6rh] d [6rh] d [6rh] d
pasf[qj] t o q t p q t 9 e u 9 [el] i k h
e u a e u s e u a e u s [el] u k f
q t o q t p q t 9 e u 9 [el] i k s
e u a e u s e u a e u s e u
pasf[qj] t o q t p q t 9 e u 9 [el] i k h
e u a e u s e u a e u s e u|
gf[qg] t [of] [qs] t p q t
9 e [ua] 9 [es] i f p e u a e u s e u a||
a e u a [6epf]|[0d]
[6epf]|[0s] e 0 [5wod]|[9s]
[5wod]|[9a] w 9 [4qis]|[8a]
[4qis]|[8p] q 8 q t i t p a s f
e r t u p a s f w r t u p a s h
4 8 [qg] 8 4 8 [qp] 8 [4o] 8 q 8 [4p] 8 q 8
[6epf]|[0d] [6epf]|[0s] e 0
[5wod]|[9s] [5wod]|[9a] w 9
[4qis]|[8a] [4qis]|[8p] q 8
q t i t p a s f e r t u p a s f
w r t u p a s h 4 8 [qg] 8 4 8 [qo] 8
4 8 [qo] 8 [4p] 8 [qa]sdf[6s] 0 e 0 e 0 e u
[5a] 9 w [9u] [wa] 9 [wa]sdf[4p] 8 [qa]s[8d]f[qp]
8 [qa]s[8d]f[qp] 8 [qa]s[8d]f[qp] 8 [qa]sdf[6s] 0 e 0 e 0 e u
[5a] 9 w [9u] [wa] 9 [wa]sdf[4p] 8 [qa]s[8d]f[qp]
8 [qa]s[8d]f[qp] 8 [qa]s[8d]f[qp] 8 [qa]sdf[6s] 6 6 6 6 6 6 u
[5a] 5 5 [5u] [5a] 5 [5a]sdf[2p] 2 [2a]s[2d]f[2p]
2 [2a]s[2d]f[2p] 2 [2a]s[2d]f[2p] 2 [2a]s[2d]f[6s] 6 6 6 6 6 6 u
[5a] 5 5 [5u] [5a] 5 [5a]sdf[2p] 2 [2a]s[2d]f[2p]
2 [2a]s[2d]f[2p] 2 [2a]s[2d]f[2p]
2 [2a]s[2d]f[2p]|[2p]|[2p]|[2p]|[2p]||
pasf[qj] t o q t p q t 9 e u 9 [el] i k h
e u a e u s e u a e u s [el] u k f
q t o q t p q t 9 e u 9 [el] i k s
e u a e u s e u a e u s e u
pasf[qj] t o q t p q t 9 e u 9 [el] i k h
e u a e u s e u a e u s e u|
gf[qg] t [of] [qs] t p q t 9 e [ua] 9 [es] i f p
6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e [6p]a[es]f[6j]
[ef] 6 e 6 e 6 e [6h] [ed] 6 [eg] 6 [es] 6 [es]
[6sf] e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e [6p]a[es]f[6j]
[ef] 6 e 6 e 6 e [6h] [ed] 6 [eg] 6 [ef] 6 [es]
[6p] e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e [6p]a[es]f[6j]
[ef] 6 e 6 e 6 e [6h] [ed] 6 [eg] 6 [es] 6 [eg]
[6f] e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e [6p]a[es]f[6j]
[ef] 6 e 6 e 6 e [6h] [ed] 6 [eg] 6 [ef] 6 [es]
[6p] e 6 [ea]s[6d] e 6 [es]d[6f] [ed]f[6h] [ef]h[6j] e
pasf[qj] t o q t p q t 9 e u 9 [el] i k h
e u a e u s e u a e u s [el] u k f
q t o q t p q t 9 e u 9 [el] i k s
e u a e u s e u a e u s e u
pasf[qj] t o q t p q t 9 e u 9 [el] i k h
e u a e u s e u a e u s e u|
gf[qg] t [of] [qs] t p q t 9 e [ua] 9 [es] i f p
e u a e u s e u a e u s e u pasf[qj] t o q t p|
9 e u 9 [el] i k h e u a e u s|
e u a e [ul] s k f q t o q t p|
9 e u 9 [el] i k s e u a e u s|
e u a e u s pasf[qj] t o q t p|
9 e u 9 [el] i k h e u a e u s|
e u a e u s|
gf[qg] t [of] [qs] t p|
9 e [ua] 9 [es] i f p e u a e u s e u aLevel: 6Length: 04:27IntermediateChildren (Robert Miles)
Robert Miles
qet s p s p s p [fe]Tu g f|| [dE]yis|i|o p| [dE]Tis i o p p p|q| [tse] p [sq] p [tse] p [fe]|[ugT] f e|[uTS]| [gE]|[yif] d E f [yig] h [jE]|[ihT] g E S [iT]| [sq]|[te]|q|[te]| [qj]|[the] g q h [te]| [fe]|[uT]|e|[uTS]| [je]|[uhT]|[ge]|[ufT] g E| [yi]|E|[ysi]| [jE]|[yih]|[gE] f [yi] g E| [iT]|[sE]|[iT]| [jE]|[ihT]|[gE]|[ifT] g q| [te]|q|[tse]| [qj]|[te] h [qg] h [te]| [fe]|[uT]|[eS]|[uT]| [pe]|[uT]|e|[uhT] h [gE]|[yi]|E|[yi]| [jE]|[yih]|[gE] h [yi] g E| [iT]|[sE]|[iT]| [gE]|[iT]|[hE]|[iT]| [qh]et gLevel: 6Length: 00:40Intermediate
We Are The Crystal Gems (Steven Universe)
Zach Callison