02:21 -
2 -
[4p]|[8e]|[8e] o
[8i]|[qe]|[qe] y
[8p]|[qed]|[qes] a
[6s]|[0t]|[0ta] s
[5a]|[9r]|[9r] p
[4a] p [8e]|[8e]|
[4p]|[8ed]|5 p
[6s]|[0t]|[0ta] s
[5a]|[9r]|[9r] p
[4a] p [8e]|[8e]|
[6f]|[0t]|[0td] s
[5d] f [9rd]|[9rs]|
[4d] s [8e]|[8e]|
4|[8es]|[8e] d
[6eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu]
[5wo] [ru] [70wo] [tu] [70wo] [tu]
[4eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu]
[4wo] [ru] [80wo] [tu] [80wo] [tu]
[6eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu]
[5wo] [ru] [70wo] [tu] [70wo] [tu]
[4eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu]
[4wo] [ru] [80wo] [tu] [80wo] [tu]
[1wo] [tu] [580wo] [tu] [580wo] [tu]
[1wo] [tu] [580wo] [tu] [580wo] [tu]
[3WO] [tu] [70%WO] [tu] [70%WO] [tu]
[4wp] [ti] [68qwp] [ti] [68qwp] [ti]
i o
[4p]|[8e]|[8e] o
[8i]|[qe]|[qe] y
[8p]|[qed]|[qes] a
[8p]|[qed]|[qes] a
[6s]|[0t]|[0ta] s
[5a]|[9r]|[9r] p
[4a] p [8e]|[8e]|
[4p]|[8ed]|5 d
[6d]|[0t]|[0td] s
[5d]|[9r]|[9r] d
[6f]|[0t]|[0t] d
5 d [9r] d [9r] s
[4p] s [8e] d [8e] s
[6f]|[0t]|[0t] d
5 d [9r] d [9r] s
p d f d|s
5|[0ws]|[0ws] a
4|[8ed] f [8ed]|
1 s [50d] s [50]|
5|[0ws]|[0ws] d
[3d]|[7W] d [7W]|
[4d]|[8ed] f [8ed]|
1 s [50d] s [50]|
5|[0ws]|[0ws] a
[3d]|[7W] d [7W]|
[4d]|[8ed] f [8ed]|
1 s [50d] s [50]|
5|[0ws]|[0ws] a
[6eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu]
[5wo] [ru] [70wo] [tu] [70wo] [tu]
[4eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu]
[4wo] [ru] [80wo] [tu] [80wo] [tu]
[6eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu]
[5wo] [ru] [70wo] [tu] [70wo] [tu]
[4eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu] [80eo] [tu]
[4wo] [ru] [80wo] [tu] [80wo] [tu]
About This Music Sheet
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots is a song by Patrick Watson. Use your computer keyboard to play Je Te Laisserai Des Mots music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:21, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Je Te Laisserai Des Mots is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano.
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v|[yg] f s g|| [wg] f s g|| [gE] p P g|| [oge] S f j h g f g [yg] f s g|| [wg] f s g|| [gE] p P g|| [oge] S f j| j j [yj] [pj] [zf] [zg]| l g [wg] [yh] p P||g [hE] [ji] [sj] [jd] j|h h e T u p o i [uj] [ji] [yj] [pj] [zf] g z|l g [wg] [yh] p P||g [hE] [ji] [sj] [jd]| g h [tjg]|J [jgS] [ojgeS]|p s [f9] e [uf] [if] f|s s [s5] [p9] [qp] e| p s [spf^] [qf] [tf] [yf] f|s s [w6] p d|s|| [d9] e u i s|| [o5] [o9] [oe] [oE]||s [s^] [ys] [si] [ts] [ys] [id] [tg] [yh] i t y i [poheS] g [h6]| [sjg92]| e [ti]|g [gdP] 5 h|E [ti]| d [pg^] d g [dE] [yig] E h| [whgS6] 66 6 [wihTS] g h| [sjg92]| e [ti]|g [gdP] 5 h|E [ti]| d [sg^] [qg] [tg] [yg] l|h [hS] [sie] [sj] p o i o [ug] h [sjg9] eji [uj] [yj] h h g [gP5] [d9] [ih] u u y g h [jgd^] q [li] u [uh] y j| [ihe] T u [pg] [oh] [ig] [uh] i [sjg9] e u y|t|g [sjg5] 9 t E|e|h [sh^] [yg] [ig] [td] [yg] i [th] y [ih] t y i [wpfS6]|| [yg] f s g|| [wg] f s g|| [gE] p P g|| [oge] S f j| p p [ypi] p d u d|s i [wi] o y|s|i o [ypiE]|s E p|o o e T u i|p p p [p9] [pe] [id] o d p d g [wd] [yd] o p p P|d [gE] i [pgd] i [gdP] i [pgd] h [tsof] f| [wi6] u T e [odP9]| [utspi]|| [uoP5]| [tpieE]||i [s^] p p [yoeE]|i i i [s6] p p [woiT]| i f 2 [spi] [spi] [ut]| s h [wh] [ypg] [pP] s|f s o [t^] y i [t^] y i t y i t y i [woT6] i [o6]| [tpi92] u i [tpi] [pie]|i [ti] [tqi5] o|E t y i y [ti^] y i [yq] [ie] ^ o| [oieT6] 66 6 [oT6] i o| [tpi92] u i [ti] [ie] u i [ti] [ti5] [o9] e E|y i y [yie^] [qi] [ie] [i^] s|o [oiT] [wti6] [pe] u e| g h [sjg9] eju yjuj h h g [sg5] [d9] [hE] e|E g h [sjg^] q [yl] t h y j| [ohgeS]| i [woT6] i o| [tpi2] u t [pi] [pie]| u [tpi5] u t [pi] [pie]| o [o^] [qi] [ie] [y^] i|o| o ^ q e [wuT6]|q| [i2] u t i [i9] e t i [i5] u t i [qi] E t i [i^] e E i [qi] p P g [wi6] T u p [wo] [i6] u i [i2] u t i [qi] e t i [i5] u t i [qi] E t i [i^] e E i [qi] y p o [wi6] s p o i o u y [i93] u t i [i9] i u i [i*!] u T i [i*] i u i [i^] e E i [qi] p P g [wi6] T u p [wo] [i6] u i [i92] u t i [i9] [g2] f g [i*!] u T i [i*] [g!] f g [t^] y i t y i t y i t y i [woT6] i u| [tqiE5]| t [tq] y i [oiT] [wti6]|o i [ie]|o| [ti92]| 9 [tie]| 6 [ytqe2]||[wuto6]|i| [yiE5] 9 e P t y i [uto] 6 0 [wo] i i [uto6]| [ypie^] o^ i [ypie] o^ i [yto81]|[yto81]|[oeT*!] i [o*!]| [tpi92]| 6 [sqjg]|i [yiE] [yqiE5] o o 9 q|h h y [yie^] y i [y^] [i^]|[o^]| [woiT6]|6|[oiT6] i o| [spjg93]| [tpi] 9|g [gdP] [qgdP5] h h [yiE] q [oi] [o5] [y6] [yie^] i i [i^] [sq]|o [oiT] [ti6] [pe] [wp] q 0 q [i*] o [tpi92] p[p2] p [tpi9] o o i [yqiE5] y o e|E i o [ypi^]|s q [yoie]|p| [yti7]|[e1] i [o8] i o| [tpi92] u t [tpi] [tp9]| [uo] [tpi5] u t [tpi] [tqp]| o [yo^] i i [yq] [ie] ^ o| [woiT6]||u|| [g9] [fe] [us] [ig]|d d f [wg] [yf] [dP] f d|s| [sE]|p y i p d f [oge] [fT] [pd] f d|T T [uto2] 6 [t0] [yq] o|y u [i5] [u9] [yq] [uE] y|t| [t^] 9 q [ye]|[i9] q e [wuoT6]||u|| [yg] f s g|| [wg] f s g|| [gE] p P g|| [oge] S f j h g f g [yg] f s g|| [wg] f s g|| [gE] p P g|| [oge] S f j h g fLevel: 7Length: 04:25Intermediate
Baby Don’t Cry (EXO) (Alternative)
[ep] [us] [ta] [qa] [td] [se]| [6e] ee [6e] ee [4e] ee [4e] ee [5w] ww [5w] ww [6e] ee [6e] ee [680e] ee [680e] ee [468e] ee [4e] ee [579w] ww [579w] ww [680e] ee [680e] ee [60t] tt [60t] tt [46t] tt [46t] tt [579r] rr [59r] rr [68e] ee [680e] ee [680t] tt [60t] tt [26y] yy [26y] yy [60e] [680e] [680e] [680e]||[680e] [680e] [680e]||[680e] [680e] [680e]| [60u] e u [60e] u e [60u] i [48u] e u [48e] u eLevel: 6Intermediate
The Road To Masyaf (Assassin’s Creed)
Lorne Balfe
l k [ql] t i [poj]| hlk[l0] t u [oh]|| lk[l9]|[h0]|[qj] t [zi] [xp] [jW]zc|| f h [s8] w t [yu]| d f j r o a h| o a d [s6] 0 e [tf] f j k l [k0] r u o| h j s q t i [po]| h j s 0 t u o| t u o [h^] [qg] [gE] [yf] [if] [yd] [sE] [qd] w y o s a| f h [s8] w t [yu]| d f j 7 w r [yh]| o a d [se] u p [sf] f j k l [k0] r u o| h j s q t i [po]| h j s 0 t u [of]|| s [h^] [qg] [gE] [yf] g| f [d5] 9 w r [yo]|| [yi^E] q E [yh] h g g ff6 [p0] e [jT] * [he] [fT] g 9 e y i [g8] [fe] [tf] [ig] [f5] 9 [wg] [rd]|y o y [y^E] q E [yh] [ih] [gE] [yg] [fE] 6 [p0] e [jT] * [he] [fT] g 9 e y i [g8] [he] [tj] [li] 5 9 [wk] r| y o y [oha]|| f g h 8 w y u| f h j 9 e y i| g j k 0 [rh] u [sl] 6 0 e [th] [j9] [he] [yg] [if]d5 [f9] [wg] [rh] 8 w y u| f h j 9 e y i| g j k 0 [rh] u z [l6] 0 e t [xf9] e [zyd] i 8 [je] [tk] [li] [zwd5] 9 w r y|| [siO] t i [lO] l H g s [f8] w t [yu]| 8| [i4] 8 q [gO] 5 [f9] d s8 w t [yu]|| lk[ql] t i [poj]| hlk[l0] t u [oh]|| f [pg9] e [of0] u [sqi] y [woid]| [us8] w t y oLevel: 6Length: 01:34Intermediate
Reason – Autumn in My Heart (Endless Love)
Jung Il-young