w u t u t t 0 t 0 q q 8 8 8 7 5 7 w 9 9 0
u t u t t 0 t 0 q q 8 8 8 7 5
0 q w 0 q w w e w q q
9 0 q q q q e w 0
5 8 9 0 9 8
w w t t t t e r t t y y e t y y u i u t y t r
0 q w w w w w e w q q
9 0 q q q q e w 0
5 8 9 0 9 8
w w t t t t e r t t y y e t y y u i u t y
w w o u y u u
i u i u u u i o i y y
y i i o u y t t y t t w w i u y y y t r r w w o u y u y t t u u u i o o i i i Y y t t
w w o u y t e w w w i u y t t i u i u t t
w w w u u t t t i i i o i u i u y y w t y u t w w
0 w t t r t t t t y u i u y t y u y
t y u u t t t i i i o i u i u y y w t y u t w w
0 w t t r t t t t y u i u y t t o
w w o u y u u i u i u u u i o i y y y
i i o u y t t y t y t w w i u y y y t r r w w o u y u y t t u u u i o o i i i Y y t t
w w o u y t e w w w i u y t t t
i u i u t t
w 0 5 1 8 18
About This Music Sheet
The Circle Of Life (The Lion King) is a song by Elton John. Use your computer keyboard to play The Circle Of Life (The Lion King) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song The Circle Of Life (The Lion King) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using The Lion King, Instrumental, Inspirational.
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Other Songs By Elton John
[8wu]|u o [8w] f s|
[8eg]|s p [8e] g s|
[8rp] a o d [8r] a o|
[8ei] t t p [8e] i t|
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[580t] t|r [580] t|
[$69]|t|[$69] u t Y
[468y] t| [468]||
[135]|t t [135] t t|
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[368]||[368] [358]|
[158]|t t [158] u o|
[269p]| y [269] t|
[48q]|t t [48q] t|t
[59w]||q 0|
[579]|u o [579] u o|
[680p]|o y [680] t|
[246]| e [246] t e u
[468y] t| [468]||
[579]|o o [579]|o|
[680p] o|u [680y] t|
[246]| e [246] t e u
[468y] t| [468]||
60eu p o p s|
50eu p o p s|
$0e p o p s o
[80wo]| u|t|
[48qy]| e||e
[48qu] y|t|t t|
[158]Level: 6Length: 01:14IntermediateYour Song (Alternative)
Elton John
[etu] ps ps p s p
[wets]d| [Qet]||Qetu
[etu]| sps p| sdd
[qet] ppssf [0h]wt [0wt] [shl]
[qet] s||[8yio]| [6yip]|
[9wro] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr]
[8wt] oo[8wts]sff[8wtg] f[sd][8wt][sf] s
[qti] ps[qti]d g[qti]fss[qtid]f s
[8wt] o[8wts]d g[8wt]fds[8wtd]f s
[qti]l d[qtis]d s[wtu]| [wtu] sp
[Q9ef]d[Q9ed] [Q9e] [Q9e] [Q9e] [Q9e] [Q9e] [Q9e]
[qtig]fg [qti] g[qti]fgf[qtig]f h
[8wt]fs [8wt]| [eti] [wtu] t
[qtig]fg [qti] g[qti]fgf[qtig]f l
[8wt]f s[8wt]| [8wt]| [8wt]|
[etu] ps ps p s p
[wets]d| [Qet]||Qetu
[etu]| sps p| sdd
[qet] ppssf [0h]wt [0wt] [shl]
[qet] s||[8yio]| [6yip]|
[9wro] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr] [9wr]
[8wt] oo[8wts]sff[8wtg] f[sd][8wt][sf] s
[qti] ps[qti]d g[qti]fss[qtid]f s
[8wt] o[8wts]d g[8wt]fds[8wtd]f s
[qti]l d[qtis]d s[wtu]| [wtu] sp
[Q9ef]d[Q9ed] [Q9e] [Q9e] [Q9e] [Q9e] [Q9e] [Q9e]
[qtig]fg [qti] g[qti]fgf[qtig]f h
[8wt]fs [8wt]| [eti] [wtu] t
[qtig]fg [qti] g[qti]fgf[qtig]f l
[8wtl]f sw08 1Level: 6Length: 01:41IntermediateRocket Man (Elton John)
Elton John
[wut8] uo[wt8]fs [tge8] sp[te8]gs [wrp8]aod[wr8]ao [qie8]tep[qe8]ie [w81]tu[yw][wu81]yuw[uqe4][ue] t[qe4]qte[w7]9[yw][yw]7o[yw] [wu73]0rw[yw73]0rw[t6]e0[e6][t60]tr[t0]5e0[r0]5[t0] 5[e0$] t[y$][e0$]ut$[eY4(]yt([w4]et4[50]wet[w50]tt5[wur5]y t5y 5[r0%]yuo[ur%]p %[eY6]yt [60]8e0[81]wtt[81]u[uto][81][tpi92]et[ue][yq92]ty[92][84]qe[tqe][84]t[tqe] [wt810]0w[u81] t[w81] [i81]te[u81] t[w81] [w81]tu[yw][wu81]yuw[uqe4][ue] t[qe4]qte[w7]9[yw][yw]7o[yw] [wu73]0rw[yw73]0rw[t6]e0[e6][t60]tr[t0]5e0[r0]5[t0] 5[e0$] t[y$][e0$]ut$[eY4(]yt([w4]et4[50]wet[w50]tt5[wur5]y t5y 5[r0%]yuo[ur%]p %[eY6]yt [60]8e0[81]wtt[81]u[uto][81][tpi92]et[ue][yq92]ty[92][84]qe[tqe][84]t[tqe] [wt810]0w[u81] t[w81] [i81]te[u81] t[w81] [yw7] uo7uo [tpe6] ou6yt [q92] e[92]te[ue][y84]t [84]|[yw7] uo7 o [tpe6] o [u6]yt [q92]|[e92]te[ue][y84]t [84]|[ute6]up[uto][utpe6]s [ut][wut5]op[uto][wutp5]s [ut][utQ$]po[utp][Q$]s[uto][ytqpi4]||p [wto80] u t [yqe84] e|e[uqe84]y t[q84]ty [y5]rw[yo5]5rw5[yo5]tw[y5]5rw5[wut8] uo[wt8]fs [tge8] sp[te8]gs [wrp8]aod[wr8]ao [qie8]tep[qe8]ie [w81]tu[yw][wu81]yuw[uqe4][ue] t[qe4]qte[w7]9[yw][yw]7o[yw] [wu73]0rw[yw73]0rw[t6]e0[e6][t60]tr[t0]5e0[r0]5[t0] 5[e0$] t[y$][e0$]ut$[eY4(]yt([w4]et4[50]wet[w50]tt5[wur5]y t5y 5[r0%]yuo[ur%]p %[eY6]yt [60]8e0[81]wtt[81]u[uto][81][tpi92]et[ue][yq92]ty[92][84]qe[tqe][84]t[tqe] [wt810]0w[u81] t[w81] [i81]te[u81] t[w81] [yw7] uo7uo [tpe6] ou6yt [q92] e[92]te[ue][y84]t [84]|[yw7] uo7 o [tpe6] o [u6]yt [q92]|[e92]te[ue][y84]t [84]|[ute6]up[uto][utpe6]s [ut][wut5]op[uto][wutp5]s [ut][utQ$]po[utp][Q$]s[uto][ytqpi4]||p [wto80] u t [yqe84] e|e[uqe84]y t[q84]ty [y5]rw[yo5]5rw5[yo5]tw[y5]5rw5[ute6]up[uto][utpe6]s [ut][wut5]pf[utd][wuts5]p [ut][utQ$]po[utp][Q$]s[uto][ytqpi4]||p [wto80] u t [yqe84] e|e[uqe84]y t[q84]tt 1w0[uo8] t[w1] [i1]te[pi8] t[e1] [o1]yr[oa8] y[r1] [p1]it[sp8] i[t1] [t1][o5][s0]
Level: 6Length: 03:12IntermediateYour Song
Elton John
[59wy] o d d f d d d d o o o [8w] [8w] [8w] [9e] [9e] o [59wro] y r e 9 w [59wy] o d d f d d d d g f d d [8w] [8w] [8ws] d s [Q9ep] [Q9ep] u [0wra] o o o [8p] [8p] [0ro] o o a [2yp] [2yp] [25ro] o o o o o o o o o y o o o o o o o o [5o] [$y] 3 o o o o o o o o o y 2 o o o o o o o o o y [158] o o o 8 [2s] [ys] 9 [oa] 5 [9a] a [wa] [ra] a w a [9a] a [5a] [$y] 3 [7oa] [oa] [0oa] [woa] [oa] r[oa] [woa] [oa] [0oa] [3y] 2 [oa] [oa] [oa] 9 [1uos] 8 [osd] 8 [2opd] 9 o 9 [I6] Q r t [5y] [9y] [wy] [ry] y u y 5 [0t] t w 0 w e [$t] [9t] Q t [et] [tu] Q y [5er] 9 w e r e w [Qy] [0ro] 7 [5o] [3ro] 7 [wu] I [6t] u o p p [tp] 0 [eu] [wo] [qt] i p q p a [ios] a 3 o [2p] 6 o 6 [I2] 6 Q r [5e] [ry] 9 [wy] [ry] y u y 5 [8t] [0t] w 0 e r [$t] 9 [Qt] t [et] [tu] Q y [5e] r 9 w e r e w [Qy] y [0ro] [7o] [5o] [3ro] 7 w 3 u I [to] [6p] [8p] [0tp] p [6tp] [5p] [4tip] [et] p a [qios] a 3 [to] [yop] y y [Iyd] [Ira] 2 1 [eyp] [ryoa] r y p o y r w 9 7 5 [tos] 5 [ryoa] 5 5 [5ryoa] [roa] 5 [tuos] 5 [2yipd] [yipd] [ts] [tips] e t p i t e q 8 6 4 4 [ts] [ts] [yipd] [rya] 2 [eyp] [1wtuo] w t u t w 8 5 1 [etip] 1 [1wtuo] 8 y [tps] [ra] 1 [wo] [eyop] e y o y e y [9o] y e y [5o] y e y [I2] 6 [I9ypd] [QIypd] [Ieypd] [I29ypd] [18] 7 6 [5ryoa] r y r y pr [yo] r [7w] 5 $ [WO3ry] [%Orya] [O7rya] [0ts] [Owyad] [wr] [yad] 3 [6ts] [8tps] 0 u t e 6 3 1 1 1 1 [uf] [uf] [2yoad] 2 [ryoa] 9 p [yo] 2 6 y [Iys] a e p [5wtuo] o o 5 w t [5ry] 9 w 9 w r [5ya] 9 r 9 r 9 r o o [5us] 0 t 0 t s a [$Iya] p 9 e 9 e o p [5a] o 9 y w r a d [0ah] r I o r I G h [6sh] e t [uo] t o j k [qghl] [tk] [ij] p s h [9j] [ep] [yd] h G e I h j [5k] 9 w r y o h h h [5l] 0 t t 0 [tl] k k [$j] 9 e y I Q h j [5dk] h 9 d w r a d [0h] r I o r u j h [6h] 0 e [to] 0 t j k [gjl] 1 4 6 [8fj] q e k h [pdhj] 2 [2d] d [Gdjz] [Gadk] 2 1 [pdj] [adhk] a d j h d a o y r w 9 [7sl] [5adhk] 2 [adhk] [adhk] [sfhl] [dgjz] [dgjz] [sgjl] [sjl] p s j g s p i t e q 8 6 [4sl] [1sl] [dgjz] [adk] [psfj] [1osfh] o s f s o u t w 0 8 [5psgj] 3 [3osfh] 3 3 d [sfjl] [adk] [oh] [pdhj] p d h d p d [yh] d p d [eh] d p d [G9] 6 [$Gdjz] [G2djz] [Gdjz] 2 [gjlc] 1 [Jdgz] [ig] [ysl] [EPJg] q ^ [dz] [dz] [DZo] [gc] [5w] [ghc] 1 [DZh] [DZh] [Ytos] [8t] [5w] 8 1 @ @ @ @ [hv] [hv] [J4gzc] [Jdgz] 4 [sl] [PJ] 4 [oh] [ig] 4 g [DZgj] [dgjz] 4 [sl] [PDJh] [DZ] [dz] [Jdgz] ^ 9 q y E q 9 4 9 4 9 ^
Level: 7Length: 03:51IntermediateThe Circle of Life (The Lion King) (Intermediate)
Elton John
[tu]|o u p|o|[Eu]|||
[qp]|s p s|p|[0o]|||
q p i|o|t|[Wa]|a|s|p o
[qs]|p o p|u t [eu]|u|u||
q p a d s o u t [eY]|u|t|p|
[9s]|p o u|t|[8t]Level: 4Length: 00:24EasyYou’ve Got A Friend In Me (Toy Story)
Randy Newman
6 0 r 0 t 0 w e 4 t o t p t i u [6p] 0 [ea] [ts] [ef] [tp] [eo] [tu] [6i] q t [qs] [ts] q w t [5a] 9 [qs] [rd] [qj] [rh] [qd] [9g] [8g] w [tf] [uf] [39] W r u [6p] 8 [0a] [es] [5f] [8j] [0k] [el] [4l] 8 w [eg] [qg] e [30] e [9j] q e [td] [ed] t f e g q [30a] 7 s 9 d W [9g] W [9f] 7 [6p] 0 [ea] [ts] [ef] [tp] [eo] [tu] [6i] q t [qs] [ts] q w t [5a] 9 [qs] [rd] [qj] [rh] [qd] [9g] [8g] w [tf] [uf] [39] W r u [6p] 8 [0a] [es] [5f] [8j] [0k] [el] [4l] 8 w [eg] [qg] e [30] e [9j] q e [td] [ed] t f e g q [5a] 9 s q d r [qj] r [wh] 9 [1tuo]Level: 4Length: 00:57Easy
Lover’s Theme
Hervé Roy
4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |1|v C l| |8888||1|v C l L b| |8888|$|4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|g|G|z|5555|5|[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|v|V|C|2222|2|4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |1|v C l| |8888||1|v C l L b| |8888|$|4||4 $ 4 $|4||sgGl| |4||4 $ 4 $ % 44||tiIs| |[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|g|G|z|5555|5|[x1]|Z|g|G|z|L|f|g|x|Z|v|V|C|2222|2
Level: 4Length: 01:22EasyThe Historical Society (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka