06:26 -
6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a|
4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s|
8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f h f|
5 9 w a| d a| [wda95]||
[sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]|
[sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she]
[tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e
[sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush]
[soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud]
5 9 w r y r w r y||
[sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]|
[sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she]
[tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e
[sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush]
[soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud]
5 9 w r y r w r y|||
[pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0]
[pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0
[pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8]
[pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8
8 w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] w
[of8] w [tof] w [uod] w [tso] w
5 [od9] [wod] [od9] [rod] 9 [wod] [od9]
[od5] 9 [wof] 9 [rod] 9 [wso] 9
6 [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0]
6 [pf0] [pfe] 0 [tph] 0 e 0
4 [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8]
4 [pf8] [qpf] 8 [phe] 8 [qpd] 8
8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso]
8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w
5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9]
5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9
[us6] 0 e [o0] t 0 [use] 0
[us6] 0 e 0 t 0 [use] 0
[si4] 8 q [o8] e 8 [sqi] 8
[si4] 8 q 8 e 8 [sqi] 8
[so8] w t [wo] u w [tod] w
[so8] w t w u w [tso] [wso]
[oa5] 9 [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] 9
[oa5] 9 w [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9
[sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she]
[tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e
[sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush]
[soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud]
5 9 w r y r w r y||
[sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]|
[sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she]
[tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e
[sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush]
[soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud]
5 9 w r y r w r y|||
[pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0]
[pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0
[pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8]
[pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8
8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso]
8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w
[w5] [oa] [oa] [oa] [oa]| [oa5] [oa9]
w [oa9] [woa] 9 [oa5] 9 [wso] 9
[pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0]
[pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0
[pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8]
[pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8
8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso]
8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w
5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9]
5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9
[pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0]
[pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0
[pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8]
[pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8
8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso]
8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w
5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9]
5 9 [wsh] [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9
[sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she]
[tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e
[sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush]
[soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud]
5 9 w r y r w r y||
[sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]|
[sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she]
[tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e
[sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush]
[soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud]
5 9 w r y r w r y| |
[pf]| [pf]
[pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0]
[pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0]
[pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8]
[pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8]
[of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof]
[of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] [wof]
5 [od9] w 9 [rof] 9 [wof] [of9]
5 [od9] w 9 r [pf9] w [pf9]
[pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0]
[pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0]
[pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8]
[pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8]
[of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof]
[of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tpj] w
[ka5] 9 w 9 r 9 w 9 5||
[vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vple]| |
[vl] [vl] [vl]| [vl]| |
[vl] [vl] [vl]| [vqli]| |
[vl] [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| |
[vl] [vl] [vl] [vtsl]||[vl]| |
[vl] [vl]| [vl]| [vl]| [ml] z [wo]|||
[sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]|
[sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [utshe]| |
[sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsqhe]| |
[tsqhe] [sh] [sh] [sh8] w t [ush]| o u [sh]
[utsoh]| [sh] [uto] [sh]| [sl] [zd]
5 9 w r| y r w| |
[sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]|
[sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she]
[tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e
[sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush]
[soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud]
5 9 w r y r w r y||
[sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]|
[sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t
[sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she]
[tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e
[sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush]
[soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud]
5 9 w r y r w r y|||
6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a|
4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s|
8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f| [lf]|
[kd5] 9 w a| d a| [wda95]||
[w95] [w95]| [w95]| [te60]
About This Music Sheet
Just a Dream is a song by Nelly. Use your computer keyboard to play Just a Dream music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 06:26, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Just a Dream is classified in the genres: USA, Rap on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Hip hop, Sad.
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[f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 1 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [f5] 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] u 8 [o1] 8|8 1 8 0 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [f5] 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] u 8 [o1] 8|8 1 8 [h1] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [s1] [a8] [p4]||4 4|4|[o3]||3 3|[s3] a [p4]||4 4|[i4]|[o3]||3 3|[s1] a [p4]||4 4|[h4]|[f6]||6 6|[d6] s [d1]||1 1|[s1]|[d5]||5 5|[s5] a [p4]||4 4|4|[o3]||3 3|[s3] a [p4]||4 4|[i4]|[o3]||3 3|[s1] a [p4]||4 4|[h4]|[f6]||6 6|[d6] s [d1]||1 1|[s1]|[d5]||5 5|[h5]|[sf4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [hf5] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[da8] 3 [s8] u [s8] [o1] 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [hf5] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[da8] 3 [s8] u [s8] [o1] 8|8 1 8 1 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 1 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [f5] 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] u 8 [o1] 8|8 1 8 0 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [f5] 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] u 8 [o1] 8|8 1 8 [h1] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [s1] [a8] [p4]||4 4|4|[o3]||3 3|[s3] a [p4]||4 4|[i4]|[o3]||3 3|[s1] a [p4]||4 4|[h4]|[f6]||6 6|[d6] s [d1]||1 1|[s1]|[d5]||5 5|[s5] a [p4]||4 4|4|[o3]||3 3|[s3] a [p4]||4 4|[i4]|[o3]||3 3|[s1] a [p4]||4 4|[h4]|[f6]||6 6|[d6] s [d1]||1 1|[s1]|[d5]||5 5|[h5]|[sf4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [hf5] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[da8] 3 [s8] u [s8] [o1] 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [hf5] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[da8] 3 [s8] u [s8] [o1] 8|8 1 8 1 8
Level: 5Length: 03:20IntermediateOl’ Pickaxe (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka
[teQ92]| |[tqe92]| |[w810]| |8yu 9[teQ92]| |[tqe92]| |[ut81] w [ut] w [ut] w [yr7] w [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywri5]|[ywri5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wur7]|[wur] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5]|[ywr5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut7]|[wut] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute]6 [uro30]|[uro] 0 [uro] 0 [uro]3 [yi^E]|[yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [wut5]|[wut] 5 [ywr5]| |[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wt810]|t|t|[qe4]|[ut81] w [ut] w [ut] w [yr7] w [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywri5]|[ywri5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wur7]|[wur] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5]|[ywr5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut7]|[wut] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute]6 [uro30]|[uro] 0 [uro] 0 [uro]3 [yi^E]|[yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [wut5]|[wut] 5 [ywr5]| |[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut] 8 [wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqe] 4 [tqe]4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr] 5 [ywr]5 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [ywr7]|[ywr] 7 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wur5]|[wur] 5 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [teQ] 9 [teQ] 9 [tqe92]|[tqe] 9 [tqe] 9 [tqe] 9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5]|||[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]
Level: 8Length: 03:30ExpertWhen I Was Your Man
Bruno Mars
[D%] ( E|D d D g ^ q [tD] d|P||[a5] 9 [sr]|d|D|[g8] [wD] [tg] h| |h [H4] 8 [hW] g|D|D [^H] q [yh] g|d|d [D(] E i O||P|[oYE]| |D g D [gE(] h h h h g g D [wd8] D g D|D s P [tsq] H H H H h g D [qd^] D h g|D d s [d95] J J|H h g [wg8] g f|g h|[tqh] H H|h g D [qd^] s P|D g D [g(] [hE] [ih] [hE] [oh] g g D [d8] [wD] [yg] [wD] Y D s P [s4] [H8] [qH] [H8] [WH] J h D [d^] [qD] [hE] [qg] y D d s [d5] 9Jw [J9] E H h g [g8] wgt [wf] u g h J [h4] 8Hq [H8] W h g D [l^] qlE [qJ] y|^|[h(] [wHE][h(] [wE]H[h(] [wHE] ( [wJE] ^ [q9][h^] [ql9] ^ [qJ9] ^ [q9] [D8] [wg(][D8] [w(]g[D8] [wg(] 8 [wh(] 5 [^9][D5] [^H9] 5 [h^9] 5 [^9] [s%] [P8(][s%] [8(]P[s%] [D8(] % [P8(] ( o[wE][g(] [wED] ( [wgE] [h(] [wE] [qH] [tW][sq] [tdW] q [tWD] q [tgW] ^ h[q9][g^] [qh9] [g^] [q9] ^ [q9] [h(] [wHE][h(] [wE]H[h(] [wHE] ( [wJE] ^ [q9][h^] [ql9] ^ [qJ9] ^ [q9] [D8] [wg(][D8] [w(]g[D8] [wg(] 8 [wh(] 5 [^9][D5] [^J9] 5 [h^9] 5 [^9] [s%] [P8(][s%] [8(]P[s%] [D8(] % [P8(] ( o[wE][g(] [wED] ( [wgE] [h(] [wE] [qH] [tW][sq] [tWD] q [tgW] q [thW] ^ [q9][^D] [qD9] ^ [qd9] ^ [qg9] [o@][P(]D
Level: 5Length: 01:27IntermediateI Like You So Much, You’ll Know It
Ysabelle Cuevas