Kara Main Theme (Detroit: Become Human) (Alternative)

Philip Sheppard 12 November 2020

[e6]uiueuiueuiueuiueuoueuoueuoueuou[e6]uiueuiueuiueuiueuoueuoueuoueuou[e6]u[i6]ueuiueuiueuiu[e1]u[o1]ueuoueuoueuou[e2]u[i2]ueuiueuiueuiu[e4]u[o4]ueuoueuoueuouetupljfsetupljfstupsljfstupsljfsispgcljgispicljgryiazkgdryiazkgdtupsljfstupsljfsyipdczjgyipdczjgupsmbxljupsmbxljyipdzjgdyipdzjgd[ed]upsfspuetupspdu[d8]wtufout8wtuowp [p4]8qeteq8[s4]8qetqet79qraiyr79qryqry[d8]0etfput80etutd [d9]qeyfpiy9qeypip [p0]etuputu680ete0e7247979qrq979742[86]0r368e086636806w [r1]368e863136886w [r2]469eq96246964w [y7]2[u4]79qy 37[t0]7q7r [r6]368te086363e636[e92]226w269q962q962[10] 136898631386317247y| 370WruOa[ed]upu[fe]upueupueu[pd]u[td]oso[tf]osotosotop [qp]titqtit[sq]titqtit7qrq[a7]qrq[oh7]qrq[g7]qrq[f8]0e080e080e080e09e[tf]e[f9]e[tf]e9e[tf]e9e[td]e[d0]e[tf]e[p0]ete0ete0ete[u9]ete9ete[y9]ete9ete63[60]8[t0]6[r8]0[te]0[u8]6[utp6]3[o6]3[tp1]5[a8]0[ws]8[d0]w[tf]w08[up1]585[p4]8[qa]e[tsp]ite[qa]4q8p864[y^]4[u^]9[yqi] ^ 3%[u7]0Wry 1368e8[ue]t[pe]0[uts8]1[ra8]6[pe3]1[yie2]2[e2]6[yie9]q[yra]9[ts2]69q[pe]9[uspf2] 3680te083680te0826[i9]pdqgeyf ypd d| 6136te086136te081368te081368te08486qiteq4864iteq7247yrq97247yrq91368te081368te082469iyeq2469iyeq368spute368spute2469yeq92469yeq9[r6]368e086636806w [r1]585[e8]585158585[w1] [r4]144[e8]q84q8484 w [y^]4[u^]^Eq[y^] 3 [t3]707[r3] [r60]368t6366363e636[e2] 26[w9]2699626q 6 [10] 1681[96]861368 1 7247y y 370Wr| [yd6]368[uf]80eute086[yd] [yd1] 15[usof8]0wtoutw08[pe] [tpie4] 48qeti[ts]q8646867247[yria7]9qr[ohda]rq9[ig7]9q9[uspf1] 13680eute0863124[upf6]9[uqpf]e[yupf]iye[uqpf]929[yd6]2[yd3] [uf3]6[tpe]680ute086362469yeq9q964246 6 [u60] [ts] [ura6]8[uts0]e[upf0]8[spj6]3[oh6]3[spjf1] [ka1] [sl]8[zd0]e[xf]te0[spj8]e0 [spj4] [ka4] [sl]48q[ka]q84[sqpj]84 [yid^] [uf^] [qigE]| 3 [uf3] [70] [yd] 1 8 [utpe] [utpfe0]| [sl8] [tkea0] [pj8] [pgd2] [p9]q[pged]y[ka] [sl] 9 [yqpje] [xljf9] 1 1| [toh]e[pj0]t[ka] [sl8] [zd0] [xjf2] [jgc] [yqe] [xf] [730]| y [ye] u| y y u| e w|||9 [94] 0| 9 9 0| 6 7| 8|||7| 6 7| 8| 0| e [92] r| t| u| [wto] [861]|||[962] i| u| y y| [ypd6]368[uspf]80epute08[yd6]8[yd1] 15[usof8]0wtsoutw0[pie8]1[tpie4] 48[ie]teq[ts8]64414417 72[yria4]779[rohda]q97[ig7]742[uspf1] 18te081368te0824[upf6]9[uqpf]e[upf]iye[upf9]264[yd2] [yd3] [uf3]6[tpe]680[ue]te0863 2 [pig] [yqe] [upf]| [yd92] [yd2] 6 [pigd6] 6 [upf] [e60][e60][yped60] [e60] [ts6] [ig6] 5 5 [uof] [w95][w95][ywod95] 55[ts5]2[ig5] 2 2 [upf] 26[yid9] 22[tsi2] [kgda2] 7 7 [oh] 79[rq] [ig] [97] [uspf] 1 16te081368te0824[upf6]9[uqpf]e[pif]yeq[uf9]62 [yd2] [yd3] [uf3]6[tpe]680[ue]te0e08624[pig6]9qefpiyeq9 y [ye] u| y y u| e w|||9 [94] 0| 9 9 0| 6 7| 8|||7| 6 7| 8| 0| e [92] r| t| u| [toe] [861]|||2 [i6]pg9 [qf] e [yd] [id]| [ed] u [pf]|||d [td] o [sf]|||p [qp] t i| s|||r y [ia]| h| g| [tf] u p|||y [pf] [sf] f| f| d [ud] f p|||y g| f| d d| e

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About This Music Sheet

Kara Main Theme (Detroit: Become Human) (Alternative) is a song by Philip Sheppard. Use your computer keyboard to play Kara Main Theme (Detroit: Become Human) (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 06:03, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Kara Main Theme (Detroit: Become Human) (Alternative) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Instrumental.


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Other Songs By Philip Sheppard

  • [6ed] p [sf]| |d
    [8td] p [sf]| |p
    [qp] e t| s| |
    7 [ra] [ya]| |
    [8td] p [sf]| |d
    [9yd] p [sf]| |p
    [3p] e t| u| |
    2 r y| y| |
    [6ed] p [sf]| |d
    [8td] p [sf]| |p
    [qp] e t| s| |
    7 [ra] [ya]| |
    [8td] p [sf]| |d
    [9yd] p [sf]| |p
    [3p] e t| u| |
    2 r y| y| |
    [6ys] p [us]| |y
    [1yf] p [us]| |e
    [4eg] e t| t| |
    [7h] r [ry]| |
    [1yf] p [us]| |y
    [2yg] p [us]| |e
    [3ej] e t| 0| |
    [2d] r y| 9| e|
    [6rs] p [es]| |w
    [1rf] p [es]| |w
    [4rg] e [tp]| |w
    [7yh] [ru] y y| t| r
    [1f] p [ts]| |e|
    [2g] p [ws]| |q|
    [30j] e t 9 0| 8|
    [27d] r y| 9| |
    [6td] p [sf]| |d
    [1ud] p [sf]| |p
    [4ip] e t| s| |
    [7o] r [ya]| h| g|
    [1tuf] p s| |
    [2i] [pf] [sf] f| |d
    [3pd] [ef] [tp]| |
    [2yu] r y| y| |
    [6s] 0 t r [tp] u p o
    [upf] a s d [sf]| p|
    [yg] a s| [ad]| p|
    [ryh] u i| a u| y
    e| e u p s a p
    [rg]||a [ps]| p f
    [qj]| |[pd]| |
    [0d] g| f [Ora]| |
    [eps] 0 [to]| [ip] p [us]|
    [usf]| a| [ps]| o|
    [yg] a s| [ad]| p|
    [rh] u [ip]| [oa] u a y
    [ef]| p u p t a p
    [rg]||a [ps]| p f
    [qj]| |[pd]| |
    [0d] g| f [Ora]| |
    [6sd] p [sf]| |d
    [1df] p [sf]| |p
    [4pg] e t| s| |
    [7h] r [ya]| h| g|
    [1f] p s| |
    [2yg] [pf] [sf] f| |d
    [3dj] [ef] [tp]| |
    [2ud] r y| y| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:54
    Little One (Detroit Become Human)

    Philip Sheppard

  • euiueuiueuiueuiueuoueuoueuoueuou euiueuiueuiueuiueuoueuoueuoueuou [e6]uiu[e6]uiu[e6]uiu[e6]uiu [e8]uou[e8]uou[e8]uou[e8]uou [e9]uiu[e9]uiu[e9]uiu[e9]uiu [qe]uou[qe]uou[qe]uou[qe]uou [e60]uiu[e60]uiu[e60]uiu[e60]uiu [we8]uou[we8]uou[we8]uou[we8]uou [e62]uiu[e62]uiu[e62]uiu[e62]uiu [e84]uou[e84]uou[e84]uou[e84]uou [e63]uiu[e63]uiu[e63]uiu[e63]uiu [e51]uou[e51]uou[e51]uou[e51]uou [e62]uiu[e62]uiu[e62]uiu[e62]uiu [e84]uou[e84]uou[e84]uou[e84]uou [e63]uiu[e63]uiu[e63]uiu[e63]uiu [e851]uou[e851]uou[e851]uou[e851]uou [e962]uiu[e962]uiu[e962]uiu[e962]uiu [qe84]uou[qe84]uou[qe84]uou[qe84]uou etupljfsetupljfstupsljfstupsljfs ispgcljgispicljgryiazkgdryiazkgd tupsljfstupsljfsyipdczjgyipdczjg upsljfspupsljfspyipdzjgdyipdzjgd [ye]tup[uf]spuetupsp[yu]p [yt]osf[uh]fsutuosfs[oe]u [qe]tipspit[tq]etipitiriad[rg]dayryiadaiy [yt]osf[uh]fsotuosfs[yo]a [yi]pdg[uj]gdpyipsgs[pe]i [e0]tipfspi[60]etuputu7qryiyry[94]7qryq72 [d6]368[f0]etupute08[d6]2 [d6]580[wf]tuosoutw0[p8]5 [p4]8qeq8eqsiteq8646479[qa]0ryiyrq9742 [d1]680[fe]0etute0e0[d8]5 [d2]69q[fe]qeyiyeq96[p4]6 [p2]80e80eu0e0806367479q97487424274 [r6]136[e8]086e08686[w3]1 [r1]358[e0]w08tw0808[w5]3 [r2]469[qe]96496q964[w2]6 [y7]4[u7]9q9[y7]437[t9]w97[r5]3 [r6]368[t0]eteute0[e8]636 [e2]69qwq969269q962 [60]3636896836386317479[y7]4273%70wruO
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:21
    Kara’s Theme (Detroit: Become Human)

    Philip Sheppard


  • [ep] [us] [ta] [qa] [td] [se]| [6e] ee [6e] ee [4e] ee [4e] ee [5w] ww [5w] ww [6e] ee [6e] ee [680e] ee [680e] ee [468e] ee [4e] ee [579w] ww [579w] ww [680e] ee [680e] ee [60t] tt [60t] tt [46t] tt [46t] tt [579r] rr [59r] rr [68e] ee [680e] ee [680t] tt [60t] tt [26y] yy [26y] yy [60e] [680e] [680e] [680e]||[680e] [680e] [680e]||[680e] [680e] [680e]| [60u] e u [60e] u e [60u] i [48u] e u [48e] u e
    Level: 6
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  • p [aw5] | I[pe6] I[ae6] | [IQ$]p [IQ$]p [ar7] |[pe6] |[ow5] |I[pe6] pp [ye6] |[$Q] r [$Q] r [ye7] |[Te6]|| p [a5] w 5 [Iw]p6 Iae 6e $[QI] p$I[Qp] [7a] r [p6] e [o5] w 5 [wI]p6ep [6e] e [r$]yQy$y[uQ] [7I] [ur] [u6] e [a5] w 5 [Iw]p6 Iae 6e $[QI] p$I[Qp] [7a] r [p6] e [o5] w 5 [wI]p6ep [6e] e [r$]yQy$y[uQ] [7I] [ur] [u6] e [j5]G[fw]G[5f]df[wd][5a]d[wa]p[wd]|[6p]apdea[6d]f[eG][f6]e ||[6a]e[7j]G[fr]G[f7]d[rf]d[7a]d[ra]p[7d]| [6p]a[ed]e[6d]f[eG][f6][ef][f6]fe[d6]| [3j]G[0f]Gf3d[0f]d[3a][da][0a]p[3d]7|[$j]G[Qf][$G][d$][aQ]d$[Qd][Qa]p[$f]Q|[5j]Gf[wG][f5][6e][f5]d[fw]d[5a][wd][aw]p[5d]w| [6p]a[de]a[d6][6f][eG][ef][f6]fe[6d][6e] p [aw5] | I[pe6] I[ae6] | [IQ$]p [IQ$]p [ar7] |[pe6] |[ow5] |I[pe6] pp [ye6] |[$Q] r [$Q] r [ye7] |[Te6]|| p [a5] w 5 [Iw]p6 Iae 6e $[QI] p$I[Qp] [7a] r [p6] e [o5] w 5 [wI]p6ep [6e] e [r$]yQy$y[uQ] [7I] [ur] [u6] e [a5] w 5 [Iw]p6 Iae 6e $[QI] p$I[Qp] [7a] r [p6] e [o5] w 5 [wI]p6ep [6e] e [r$]yQy$y[uQ] [7I] [ur] [u6] e [j5]G[fw]G[5f]df[wd][5a]d[wa]p[wd]|[6p]apdea[6d]f[eG][f6]e ||[6a]e[7j]G[fr]G[f7]d[rf]d[7a]d[ra]p[7d]| [6p]a[ed]e[6d]f[eG][f6][ef][f6]fe[d6]| [3j]G[0f]Gf3d[0f]d[3a][da][0a]p[3d]7|[$j]G[Qf][$G][d$][aQ]d$[Qd][Qa]p[$f]Q|[5j]Gf[wG][f5][6e][f5]d[fw]d[5a][wd][aw]p[5d]w| [6p]a[de]a[d6][6f][eG][ef][f6]fe[6d][6e]

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:14

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  • 6 0 r t| 6 0 r t| 6 0 r t| 6 0 r t| [u6] 0 r t y o [u5] 0 r t y o [u4] 8 w e| [y3]|t|[r5]| [e4] 8 w e w y [e5] 9 e r w| [e4] 8 w e u y [u5] 9 e r| [u6] 0 r t y o [u5] 0 r t y o [u4] 8 w e| [y3]|t|[r5]| [e4] 8 w e w y [e5] 9 e r w| [e6]|0|w|e||u| [p4] 8 q [qo4]| [wu5]|| 5 9 w 9 [wu5] I [o3] 7 0 [I30]| [y92]|| 2 6 9 6 [y92] u [i1] 5 8 [u5] [81]| [t81]|[y81]|[r81]| [e4] [r8] [qe] 8 q [w8] [e4] [r8] [qe] 8 q [w8] [e5] [r9] [we] 9 w [w9] [e5] [u9] [wu] 9 [yw] 9 [uq84]|| [u6] 0 r t y o [u5] 0 r t y o [u4] 8 w e| [y3]|t|[r5]| [e4] 8 w e w y [e5] 9 e r w| [e4] 8 w e u y [u5] 9 e r| [u6] 0 r t y o [u5] 0 r t y o [u4] 8 w e| [y3]|t|[r5]| [e4] 8 w e w y [e5] 9 e r w| [e6]|0|w|e
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