04:10 -
2 -
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w|
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| |
[380w]| |[48qe]| |
[59wr]| |[180]| |
[380]| |[48q]| |
[59w]| |[180]| |
[380]| |[48q]| |
[59w]| |[180]| |
[380]| |[48q]| |
[59w]| |
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| |
[580w]| |[59w]| |
[60w]| |[48qw]| |
[59w]| |
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w|
[30o]| |[4qi]| |
[5wo]| |[18u]| |
[30o]| |[4qi]| |
[5wo]| |[18u]| |
[30o]| |[4qi]| |
[5wo]| |[18u]| |
[30o]| |[4qi]| |
[5wo]| |
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w|
[18wto]| i| u| |
[4qwto]| i|||
[60wto]| i| u| |
[5wu]| |[wy]| |
[18wto]| i| u| |
[4qwto]| i| i| |
[60wtu]| |[48qwtu]| |
[5wy]| |
[ig]| [uf]| [ts]| [wo]|
[eosf]| |[qosg]| |
[woad]| |[8osf]| |
[eosf]| |[qosg]| |
[woad]| |[8os]| |
[6eosf]| |[4qosg]| |
[5woad]| |[18osf]| |
[6eosf]| |[4qosg]| |
[5woad]| |[18os]| |
[30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
[5wosd]| |[18os]| |
[30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
[5wosd]| |[18os]| |
[30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
[5wosd]| |[18os]| |
[30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
[5wosd]| |
[18o]|s|s|o|o|d|d|f|g| f| s| o|
[18osh]| g| f| s|
[4qosh]| g| g| |
[60osh]| g| f| s|
[5wosf]| |[od]| |
[18osh]| g| f| s|
[4qak]| [sl]| [isg]| |
[60osf]| |[4qisf]| |
[5wod]| |[18os]| |
[etu]| u| [qtu]|y|t|u|
[wty]| |
[8w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w| [18]
About This Music Sheet
King Of Kings (Hillsong Worship) is a song by Hillsong Worship. Use your computer keyboard to play King Of Kings (Hillsong Worship) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:10, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor.
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Other Songs By Hillsong Worship
[0o] r [uo] r [0o] rIu [ro]
8 w t wu[8a] [wp]pt [wo]
[5o] 9 [wy] 9 5 9 w 9
9 e y e 9 e [yu] [eI]
[0o] r [uo] r [0o] rIu [ro]
8 w t [wy]y[8a] [wp]pt [wo]
[5o] 9 w 9 5 9 w 9
9 e [ya] e [9I] eoy [eu]
8 w t [wy] [9I] eoy [eu]
0 r [ua] r [9I] eoy [eu]
8 w t [wy] [0o] rpu [rp]
9 e y e 9 e y e
[5a] 9 w 9 [5a] 9 w [9o]
[5s] 9 [wa] 9 [5a] 9 w 9
[0a] r u r [0a] r u [ro]
[9s] e [ya] e [9p] e y [eo]
8 w t w [8s] [wa]pt [wo]
[9p] e [ya] e [0p] r [uo] r
8 w t w [8s] [wa]pt [wo]
[9p] e y e 9 e y e
[0o] r [uo] r [0o] rIu [ro]
8 w t wu[8a] [wp]pt [wo]
[5o] 9 [wy] 9 5 9 w 9
9 e y e 9 e [yu] [eI]
[0o] r [uo] r [0o] rIu [ro]
8 w t w [8a] [wp]pt [wo]
[5o] 9 w 9 5 9 w 9
9 e [ya] e [9I] eoy [eu]
8 w t [wy] [9I] eoy [eu]
0 r [ua] r [9I] eoy [eu]
8 w t [wy] [0o] rpu [ro]
[9a] e y e [9p] e y e
[5a] 9 w 9 [5a] 9 w [9o]
[5s] 9 [wa] 9 [5a] 9 w 9
[0a] r u r [0a] r u [ro]
[9s] e [ya] e [9p] e y [eo]
8 w t w [8s] [wa]pt [wo]
[9p] e [ya] e [0p] r [uo] r
8 w t w [8s] [wa]pt [wo]
[9p] e y e 9 [eo] [yo] [ep]
[5a] 9 w [9s] 5 [9o] [ws] [9a]
[5p] 9 w [9o] 5 [9o] [wo] [9I]
[8u] w t w 0 [ro] [uo] [rp]
9 [ep] y e 9 [eo] [yo] [ep]
[5a] 9 w [9s] 5 [9o] [ws] [9a]
[5p] 9 w [9o] 5 [9o] [wo] [9I]
[8u] w [tp] w [9o] [eI] y [eo]
5 [9o] w 9 5 [9o] [wo] [9p]
[0a] r u [rs] 8 [wo] [ts] [wa]
[9p] e y [eo] 0 [ro] [uo] [rI]
[8u] w t w 0 [ro] [uo] [rp]
9 [ep] y e 9 [eo] [yo] [ep]
[0a] r u [rs] 8 [wo] [ts] [wa]
[9p] e y [eo] 0 [ro] [uo] [rI]
[8u] w [tp] w [9o] [eI] y [eo]
5 [9o] w 9 5 [9o] [wo] [9I]
[8u] w [tp] w [9o] [eI] y [eo]
5 [9o] w 9 5 [9o] [wo] [9I]
[8u] w [tp] w [9o] [eI] y [eo]
5 [9o] w 9 5 9 w 9
[5y][9o][wa]Level: 4Length: 03:00EasyChrist Is Enough (Hillsong Worship)
Hillsong Worship
[8u] w t u|w t o
3 7 [0r] o|0 r t
6 0 w t|0 w t||
[4w][5t]iu t|
[8u] w t u|w t o
3 7 [0r] o|0 r t
6 0 w t|0 w t
[59wr]||sss d f
f 8 [wd] y u|w y
[ud] [0d] [rd] [yd] [rf] [yd] [us] [6s]
0 w t|0 w t|
0 w [ts]ss [rd] [th] og9
e y i|e y [ig] [8g]
[wf] [tf] [og] f [wd] [td] y 5
9 w t|9 w t [59wr]||
s d f f
8 w t [yd]f[ud] o s [ah]
0 r I o|d d d
6 [0f] r t o d d d
q [tf] i [os]| t [ip]
[9pg] e [uf] [ipg]||[pg]
[8of] w [td] [us]| p d
5 9 w t|9 w t
[59wr]| ssf g [osh] [osh]
1 8 w t [uh] g [wf] d
5 9 w y [os] d [rf] [ps]
6 [0ad] [esf] [tps] u [ad] [esf] [dg]
4 [8sf] q t [iof] [tpg] [qah] [sh]
8 w t u [oh] g [uf] [aOH]
3 [7pj] 0 [rak] u|[rf] d
[6s] [0a] [es] [tj] 5 9 [ws] [rd]
[4q]||[ips] d f p
9 [ed] u i|s|
[0tuo]sd| s d f p
[qt] d t o|a s h
[4q]| ggg g h g
[1f] 5 8 [woh] t [8ts] w [tyd]
5 9 w [yod]|[wra] [tys] w
6 0 [rto]|0 r [to]||
gg[5g] g h g [1f]
5 8 [woh] t [8ts] w [tyod] 5
9 w [yo]sh w [rya] [wts] 6
0 r [to] 0|r tLevel: 6Length: 01:25IntermediateBeautiful (Crush)
[8qep]|s [8qep] s d [8qe] f
[80e] s a [9qep]|g [9qe] f
[80e]|s [80e]|d [80e] a
[9wr]|a [9wr]|s [9wr] p
[8qe]|s [8qe]|d [8qe] f
[80e] s a [9qep]|g [9qe] f
[80e]|s [80e]|d [80e] a
[9wr]|a [9wr]|s [9wr] p
[8qe]|p [8qei]|p [8qei]|
[8qe]|p [8qei]|p [8qei]|
[8qei] s s s s|d f
[80e] s|s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]|a p a s|p
[8qe]| s s|d f
[80e] s|s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]|a p a s|
[8qe]|s s s d|f
[80e] s s s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]| a a s|p
[8qe]| s s d|f
[80e]|f f [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| f f f|d
[9wr]| d d f|
[8qe]|f f f g f|
[80w]| f f g f|
[80e]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[8qe]|f f f g f|
[80w]| f f g f|
[80e]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[8qe]|h h h j h|
[80w]| h h j h|
[80ef]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[80ed] f||
[9wrd]Level: 6Length: 01:30IntermediateAnother Love (Tom Odell)
Tom Odell
[80]|u|u|u y
[59]|y|i|u t
[48]|u|e|r t|
t|[qy]|u u
[80]|u|i|u y
[qt] t t o
80|p [5u]| [0o] y
57 t|5 t t [7t] o
48|p [4u]|o 8 y|
t| w|i u
80| 5 w|[0i] u
57| 5 w|[7i] u
p|[5p]9|a s
4|[8s]|[qd]|s s|
s|[td]|f f
5|[9f]|[wg]|f a
59w a|g|f|
1|[5j] f 8|h d
8wts|s [ts]|s|
[4i]|u [8qi]|s [48]|
[5o]|I [9wo]|f [59] [od]
4 8 q t||q
59|o d 79 s a|
[8o]0|o [wd]|s [ua]|
[5o]7|o [5d]|s [7a]|
[4s]8|s [4s]|a [8s]|
o| s [7s]9|s g
80 f|[ws] s|[us] h
57 j f [5h] f d [7s]|
[4l]8|l 6 [8k] q [wl] e
[th] g f|[7p]9|a s
4|[6a] [ws]|t a s
59wd| [%p]0W a s
6|[ea] s 5|[wh] g
$ f 6 o [Qf]e g f|
[4s]|8 o [tf] g f|
s| h h s s|
[5f]9| g d| s
[80s]| w|8|
[79]| 0|7|
[68]| q|0|
[48]| 5|8|
y| w| r t
qr| 4 8 q t tu|
p|[5p]9|a s
4|[8s]|[qd]|s s|
s|[td]|f f
5|[9f]|[wg]|f a
59w a|g|f|
1|[5j] f 8|h d
8wts|s [ts]|s|
[4i]|u [8qi]|s [48]|
[5o]|I [9wo]|f [59] [od]
4 8 q t||q
59|o d 79 s a|
[8o]0|o [wd]|s [ua]|
[5o]7|o [5d]|f [7a]|
[4s]8|s [4g]|f [8f]|
fds|s [7s]9|s g
80 f|[ws] s|[us] h
57 j f [5h] f d [7s]|
[4l]8|l 6 [8k] q [wl] e
[th] g f|[7s]9|s h
4|[6j] [wf]|t h d
59ws| [%s]0W s h
6|[ej] f 5|[wh] d
$ s 6 o [Qf]e g f|
[4s]|8 o [tf] g f|
s| h h s s|
[5f]9| g [td]|u s
[80s]| w|8|
[79]| 5|9|
[68]| 4|5|
[80]| 5|0|
[79]| 5|9|
468Level: 5Length: 02:31IntermediateHug (SEVENTEEN)