La Campanella

Franz Liszt 10 September 2020

[u0] [u0] [u0] [xf] [xf] [xf] [u0] [u0] [u0] [xf] [xf] [xf] [u0] [xf] [xf] [u0] [xf] [xf]|f x x z [ul] l k [uj] H j [ukO] f f [gO] f d [sp] s a [pYI] O p [uaO]|f x x z [ul] l k [uj] H j [ukO] f f [gO] f d [se] s a [pe] O p [aW0] u u [iW] u y p jlx [uO] Hkx e u f x x z [pl] [pl] k j H j [ukO] [ufO] f g f d [sp] [sp] a p O p [uaO]|f x x z [pl] [pl] k [pj] [pH] j [ukO] [ufO] f [ugO] [ufO] d [se] s a [pe] O p [aW0] u u [iW] u y p jlx [uO] Hkx [xspljf]|||f x x z [ul] l k [uj] H j [ukO] f f [gO] f d [sp] s a [pYI] O p [uaO]|f x x z [ul] l k [uj] H j [ukO] f f [gO] f d [se] s a [pe] O p [aW0] u u [iW] u y p jlx [uO] Hkx e u f x x z [pl] [pl] k j H j [ukO] [ufO] f g f d [sp] [sp] a p O p [uaO]|f x x z [pl] [pl] k [pj] [pH] j [ukO] [ufO] f [ugO] [ufO] d [se] s a [pe] O p [aW0] u u [iW] u y p jlx [uO] Hkx [xspljf]

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About This Music Sheet

La Campanella is a song by Franz Liszt. Use your computer keyboard to play La Campanella music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:12, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song La Campanella is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Relaxing, Instrumental.


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Other Songs By Franz Liszt

  • s
    h l h s h
    H s h l h J H
    h s g l g s g
    h s H l H l J
    H s h l h s h
    H s h l h J H
    h s g l g s g
    h s g l g s H
    s s h l h [os] f [oh]
    H s h l h [Jv] m [Hv]
    h s g l g [ts] O [tg]
    h s H l H [lc] m [Jc]
    H s h l h [os] f [oh]
    H s h l h [Jv] m [Hv]
    h s g l g [ts] O [tg]
    h s g l g [sc] m [Hc]
    s h l h [os] f [ol]
    s h l h [sv] m [lv]
    s g l g [ts] O [tl]
    s H l H [sc] m [lc]
    s h l h [os] f [ol]
    s h l h [sv] m [lv]
    s g l g [ts] O [tl]
    s H l H [sc] m [lc]
    s o s [(s] s [Es] s
    [us] s O s [ts] s o s
    [ts] s i s [8s] s [Ws] s
    [ts] o O s [ts] s i s
    [ts] s o s [8s] s [Es] s
    [us] P O s [ts] s o s
    [ts] s i s [8s] s [Ws] s
    [ts] o O s [ts] s i s
    [ts] s [oh] s [8s] s [Es] s
    [us] s [OH] s [us] s [Eoh] s
    [8s] s [ig] s [8s] s [Ws] s
    [is] [oh] [OH] s [is] s [Wig] s
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    s s [8l] s [Otus] s [El] s
    [tuos] s [ql] s s s [Otil] s
    s s [8l] s [Wtos] s [ql] s
    [Wtis] s [wl] s s s [Ptul] s
    s s [8l] s [Otus] s [El] s
    [tuos] s [ql] s s s [Otil] s
    s s [8l] s [Wtos] s [ql] s
    [Wtis] s [wl] s l l [Ptum] l
    l s [8l] s s s [Ptul] s
    s s [ql] s l l [tipm] l
    l s [8l] s s s [tipl] s
    s s [wl] s [Ptul] l [8m] l
    [Ptul] s [wl] s [Ptus] s [8l] s
    [Ptus] s [ql] s [tipl] l [8m] l
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    [Pyid] [qdg] [ygEJ] [J8z]
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    [ti] d g J [qz] [ygEJ] [8dg]
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    [sfl] m [qk] m [etil] m [8j] m
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    [sgj] m [il] m [sgj] m [pc] m
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    [dgJ] m [iz] m [dgJ] m [Pc] m
    [dgz] m [il] m [psj] m [tH] m
    [sgj] m [il] m [sgj] m [pc] m
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    [ulv] m [Jx] m O [plv] m [Jx] m I
    [olv] m [jc] m u [ilb] m Y [ujc] m y
    [Ylb] m [jc] m T [ylb] m t [Tjc] m r
    [tlb] m [Jx] m r [tlv] m [Jx] m Y
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    [Ylb] m [jc] m T [ylb] m t [Tjc] m r
    [tlb] m [Jwx] m [tulv] m [J8x] m
    [tulv] m [Joax] m [uslv] m [Poflx]
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    [4ipsg] [8qetipsg]
    [tipsgjlc] [sgjlcbm]

    Level: 9
    Length: 05:34
    Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

    Franz Liszt

  • w [u8]osfsouosfso[u7]OdfdO Odf[ud]O[u6]oSf[uS]oioSf[uS]o[u2]IsfsIeIsf[se]I[e5]i[ro]f[to]i[wu]ioa[yo]i[t8]uosou1tus[wo]t[u8]osfsouosfso[u7]OdfdO^Odf[ud]O[u6]oSf[uS]o[ie]Topf[uS]o[p9]Isjfs2typ[eI]y[e5]y[ri]a[to]i[wu]ioa[yo]i[t8]uosou1usout[t%]isOir[tW4]isOiy[wu8]ofsou1ofsou[u8]pfspY[ut6]pfspI[rO3]afHfaOafHfa[O]WuSfHfSOSfHfS[O%](tsDHDsYOsDsO[i%]tOsgsO iOs[tO]i[y5]roadao[ti%]Osg[sY]O[yr5]o[aT]d[ya]o[ti%]Osd[sY]O[yr5]o[aT]d[ya]o[qO4]s[td]H[yd]sO o i Y y t r| 59qryiOo[sO][oa][sgO][oda][sgH][hda][lgH][khd][lcH][zkh][lcV][zvk][mcV][zvn][mcV][zvn][mcV][zvn][mcV][zvn][mcV][zvn][mcV][zvn][mcV][zvn][lcV][zvk][lcH][zkh][lcH][zkh][lgH][khd][sgH][hda][sgH][hda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda][sgO][oda]| G [h(][oE][YP][oD][YP][oE]h[oE][YP][oD][YP][oE][h9][ro][ia][og][ia][ro] [ro][ia][og][iha][ro][h][oE][iP][og][ihP][oE][H8][oE][uP][of][uhP][oE][h4][oe][pY][oD][pY][oe]s[qY][ie][pY][sie][qY][s^][iW][dOE][iP][OED][iW]h[OE][yP][dO][ygP][OE]g[o(][PED][oY][se][YI][oPE]oiYt[PE][h(][oE][YP][oD][YP][oE][h9][ro][ia][og][ia][ro][h][oE][uP][of][uP][oE]8[oE][uP][of][uhP][oE][h7][rO][ua][fO][uaH][rO]h[rO][ua][fO][uaH][rO][j7][pT][uSI][pf][uSI][pT]| [TS] [TS]7[eYQD]T[ufeQ]7[O7]HeY|[IG] [ufaW3] fOauOruWr[xf0][xljfe6] sup[tljZD][xuljf]et0e[ljGC8][kVH30] fOa[ukGC][xkfO]ruWr[VH0][xVLH!] fOS[xvuhL][xVOLH]TuWT[JB0][mlW%][YD][tH][sO][YD][tH][mlW%][YD][tH][sO][YD][tH][wml5][uf][tJ][sP][uf][tJ][wl][uf][tJ][sP]u[tml][mlQ$][YD][tJ][sP]Y[tml][qL4][YD][tj][sp]Y[tml][ml^]WyyOs[sgc]Oyy[gcW]^[gcL@]([vhZLE]T[iZVLH]O[vsmlZ]oYT[wJB]([lZJB%]([WVH]t[ykgc]O[lZYD]sOY[tZD]([mlW%][YD][tH][sO][YD][tH][wml5][uf][tJ][sP][uf][tJ][mlQ$][YD][tj][sp][YD][tj][ql][YD][tj][sp][YD][tj][ml30][uf][tj][sp][uf][tj][ml@(][ig][tj][sp][ig][tj][mlC92]tIp[nkI]t[jeb]t[kaI]p[slI]t[xljf5]qetyi[zpd]iyt[mle]q[mlC92]tI[pnk][zI][ml]t[nk][jeb]t[kaI]p[slI]t[xljf5]qetyi[zpd]iyt[mle]q[mlC@(]tI[pnk][zI][tml][Z92][ze][tn]It[eb]vCxz[ml][nk][jb] [ka] [sl] [xljf5]qet[zyd]i[zvplh]iyt[gec]q[znkc5]qet[yjb]i[xsb]pit[ze]q[b5]nz9cbqryiadgkzc[nV][zx][vB][ZL][bC][zm][cV][nL][xv][mB][ZC][nb][zc][VB][xL][vb][mZ][VC][zn][vc][LB][xC][lb][cZ][kV][zx][vJ][ZL][jC][zl][cH][kL][xh][lJ][ZG][kj][zg][JH][fL][jh][lD][HG][kd][hg][SJ][fG][sj][GD][jgda]hgdaIoadgGjhkzcCbvnzcVbxcLzBnVbxcLzJkHjfgSdPaOpIoOopoPoaosoSodoD| o [f8]uos[xolh]u[xlhf]uosou[f7]uOd[zxOH]u[zxH]uOd[fO]u[f6]opS[xphfL]o[hgcL]opS[pf]o[f92]tIp[xjIG]t[pjG]tyI[yp]t[wp5]y[ia]o[sligd]y[gf]hkixoa[zod]i[s81]uop[olhf]u[tlhf]uopos[f8]wuIos[xolh]u[xlhf]uosou[f7]WyuOd[zxOH]u[zxH]uOd[fO]u[fT6]upS[pf]u[gE5]uPS[fP]u[je$]psf[xslb]p[lbZ]psDsp[W4]yOs[zlOH]y[zkdH]yOaOy[h3]woPd[zvPJ]o[vLJ]oPSPo[Q@]tIP[lJIG]t[sljG]tIpIt[qg2]ips[pljc]i[lcH]iOs[fO]i[f5]iOa[dO]i[rf]ioa[od]iuos18wtuosfhlz[xshf]| [xdaH] [xpjS] [ocSJ] [xoSJ] [lbID]|||[zgdP]| [zsOG] [zoha] [xiaH] [ziaH] [vuSJ]|||[i4][TO]g|||[pid5]t| r o f [wus8]|||[YQ] [wu] 8ros| [ie]| [wu] 8wus

    Level: 10
    Length: 03:50
    Liebestraum No. 3 (Expert)

    Franz Liszt

  • ( [%t] Y O s O Y t Y O s O Y [5t] u P s P u u P s [tP] u [4t] Y p s [tp] Y T Y p s [tp] Y t y O s O y q y O s [qO] y @ q T [wY] s [WY] T ( t T Y o [EY] T [%W] t Y O Y t W t O [(Y] W % t Y O s O Y t Y O s O Y [5t] u P s P u $ u P s [tP] u [4t] Y p s [tp] Y q e T Y p s [tp] Y ^ i y O g s O W E i [qy] E [@q] E [wT] o [WY] T [(t] T Y o [EY] T [%W] t Y O Y t t O Y t W [3W] T O u T w [!0W] T O u T E [%(t] Y s O Y t Y s O Y t [%t] i s O i r [4Wt] i s O i y [1wu] o s f s o u o s f s o 6 0 [tu] p s f s p u p s f s p 3 7 [Wu] O a f a O r u O a O u 3 [WT] u O S O u T T u O [Wu] T @ [wE] Y o P o Y [3WT] u O S [rO] u [@wE] Y [eo] P [Eo] Y 3 [WT] u O S [rO] u [@wE] Y [eo] P [Eo] Y [!*u] O [WP] f [EP] O u Y T r E W w @ ^ * w E T u Y [uO] [Yo] [uOS] [YoP] [OSf] [oPD] [SfH] [PDh] [fHL] [DhJ] [HLx] [hJZ] [LxV] [JZv] [xV] [ZvB] V [vB] V [vB] [xV] [ZvB] [LxV] [JZv] [LxV] [JZv] [HLx] [hJZ] [fHL] [DhJ] [fHL] [DhJ] [SfH] [PDh] [OSf] [oPD] [OSf] [oPD] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] [uOS] [YoP] d [7D] [QY] [rI] [Ya] [rI] [QY] D [QY] [rI] [Ya] [rI] [QY] [^D] [wY] [To] [YS] [To] [wY] [wY] [To] [YS] [ToD] [wY] [6D] [QY] [TI] [YS] [TID] [QY] [%f] [QY] [tI] [Ys] [tID] [QY] [!D] [qY] [ri] [Ya] [ri] [qY] O [*r] [qT] [ri] [qTO] [*r] [$O] [0T] [QuP] [TI] [Qua] [0T] D [Qu] [EI] [uP] [EIS] [Qu] S [7Y] [QIa] [rY] [qO] [ry] [QYI] Y T r W [QI] [7D] [QY] [rI] [Ya] [rI] [QY] [^D] [wY] [To] [YS] [To] [wY] [6D] [QY] [tI] [Ys] [tI] [QY] % [QY] [tI] [Ys] [tID] [QY] [5D] [wu] [to] [us] [tof] [wu] D [wu] [to] [us] [tof] [wu] [5g] [ei] [typ] [is] [typ] [ei] [ep] [ep] 5 [9qra] e [9qts] 5 5 q r u f [yd] [10tos] s u o t u w t 0 w [8sl] [4qsgHl] O t i [WagHk] [tsgHl] q W 8 q [%dgHz] [18fhx] s u o [tdhz] [ushl] w t 0 w [8fx] [6fjlx] s u p [tDjlZ] [ufjlx] e t 0 e [8GC] [30HV] [ra] [Wf] [uO] [ra] [Wf] [30HV] [ra] [Wf] [uO] [ra] [Wf] [@(HV] [ts] [WG] [IO] [ts] [WG] [(H] [ts] [WG] [Is] t [WHV] [29HV] [ra] [Wf] [IO] r [WHV] [!*jb] [ra] [Wg] [iO] r [WHV] [$HV] 0 E E u O [OSL] u E E [0SL] $ [SjL] 7 [QDjkZ] e [Tfjkx] u [OHkZV] Y r e [(GC] 7 [3GHkC] 7 [0fx] W [EShL] u [raHk] O u r [Wak] 7 [30HV] [ra] [Wf] [uO] [ra] [Wf] [@(HV] [ts] [WG] [IO] [ts] [WG] [29HV] [ra] [Wg] [iO] [ra] [Wg] [*H] [ra] [Wg] [iO] [ra] [Wg] [18HV] [ts] [Wg] [iO] [ts] [Wg] [7HV] [TS] [Wg] [iO] [TS] [Wg] [^HzV] W y i [yhv] W [qgc] W [yoh] i [yOH] W [@sgH] l * q W E T [iPJ] T E W [qHV] * [^HzV] W y [ihv] [yJB] [HV] W [hv] [qgc] W [yoh] i [yOH] W [@sgHl] * q W E T [iPJ] T E W [qHV] * [7HzV] W y [ihv] [yJB] [WHV] [^kn] [qJB] [Wv] y W [qc] Z z [lm] [JB] [HV] [hv] [gc] [oh] [OH] [@sgHl] * q W [EPJ] T [iDHJZ] T E W [qSL] * [@hJLv] * q W [Egc] T [Olcm] i T W [qJB] * [@cvB] ^ * w E T o P S h J L v [Bm] C [bn] c [VB] x [vb] [Zm] [CV] [zn] [cv] [LB] [xC] [lb] [Zc] [kV] [zx] [Jv] [Lx] [jC] [lz] [Hc] [kL] [hx] [Jl] [GZ] [jk] [gz] [HJ] [fL] [hj] [Dl] [GH] [dk] [gh] [SJ] [fG] [sj] [Dg] [aH] [df] [Ph] [Sf] [pG] [sd] [Og] [aS] o P S g D S P o y Y o P S d g D h J L z c Z v B m b B C v x c l L j J G h f g s S p P I o u i y Y u Y i Y I Y o Y O Y p Y P Y a Y [%s] t Y O [YDHl] t [sDHl] t Y O Y t [5s] t u P [ufJl] t [fJl] t u P [us] t [4s] Y i p [isDjl] Y [SDjL] Y i p [is] Y [^s] W y i [ydgl] W [idg] W E y [Ei] W [@(i] E [To] Y [TOPSH] E S D h [sl] T Y o [YPJ] T [%O] t Y i [YsDH] t [WsDH] t Y i Y O % ( [ts] y Y O [YDHl] t [sDHl] t Y O Y t [50Es] t u P [ufJl] t [fJl] t u P [us] t [4es] t i p [is] t [@QS] t I p [Is] t [2qg] i O s [OHlc] i [Hkc] i O a O i [!0] E u O [ufHJ] E [PfhJ] E u o u E 1 [(D] Y I P [IGJZ] Y [GjZ] Y I p I Y 9 W y I [ydGH] W [OdgH] W y i y W [*S] T i O [igHL] T [fHL] T u o [us] T [@s] T u o [uP] T [ws] T Y o [YP] T t Y O % ( W t Y O s D H J [OsDl] [oPfl] [ipgl] [YpGL] [YpGl] [yaHc] [IPSJ] [iOdJ] [YoDJ] [Tofl] [TofJ] [tpGZ] ! e T u S @ [WTiP] w Y s [%(tO] [9r] [(t] % w Y O [qT] [(t] % ( t O
    Level: 7
    Liebestraum No. 3

    Franz Liszt

  • 1 0 t w u t w 0 t w u t 1 0 t w u t w 0 t w u t 1 0 t w u t w 0 t [wf] u t f Q t e u t [pe] Q a t [se] u f t f q r w u r w q d r [wf] y d r [s1] 0 t w u t w 0 t w f u s t j h 0 t w u t w 0 t [wf] u t [f1] Q t e u t [pe] Q a t [se] u f t f Q t e u t 7 Q D t [he] Y G r [f3] w u r o u r w u r h o f u l k w u r o u r w u [rh] o u [h3] w T E o T [SE] w d T [fE] o h T [h4] q y e i y e q p y [ea] i S y d|f|g|h|H|k| j| [j5] 0 t w u t w [h0] [tl] [wk] [uD] [tf] j h a s g f I o p a s f [f5] Q t e u t 5 q d r [wf] y d r [s1] 0 t w u t w 0 t w u t| 0 t w u t w 0 t [xwf] u t [f1] x Q t e u t [pje] Q [ka] t [sle] u [xf] t f x q r w u r w q [zd] r [xwf] y [zd] r [sl1] 0 t w u t w f 0 s t j [wh] x u l t b [v1] 0 t w u t w 0 t [xwf] u t [xf1] Q t e u t [pje] Q [ka] t [sle] u [xf] t [xf] Q t e u t 7 Q [ZD] t [vhe] Y [GC] r [xf3] w u r o u r h w f u l [rk] v o x
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:35
    Consolation No.3

    Franz Liszt


  • e||| [u92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [u92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [u92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [u92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [ye92]|y u [ie] uy[ie]uye [ue92] yey u [ie] uyiuye [ye92]|y u [ie] uy[ie]uye [ue92] yey u [ie] uyiuye [y92] ey u [qi4] eti i [i81]ut w|[t60] ty u [ye92]|y uy[tqi4]|p| [tp81]ou|u [eT6]|y u [y92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [u92] yeuyeuyeuye i [oe92] i [ue92]i [ut6]|[e6] [so] [wso5] [oa] [woa5][yi] [yi92] [92][92] [yo] [yoe92] [yie][yue][92] [yie] [ute6]|[e6] t [wur5] [yr] [ywr5][ur] [ie92]uy [92][92] o [yoe92] [yie][yue][92] [yie] [ute6]|[e6] t [wso5] [oa] [woa5][yi] [yi92] [92][92] o [yoe92] [yie][yue][92] [yie] [ute6]|[e6] t [wur5] [yr] [ywr5][ur] [ie92]uy [92][92] o [oe92] i [ue92]i [ut6]|[e6] [so] [wso5] [oa] [woa5][yi] [yi92] [92][92] [yo] [oe92] i [ue92]i [ut6]|[e6] [so] [wso5] [oa] [woa5][yi] [yi92] [92][92] e [ye62] [ue] [ie62] [pe][62][ie62] [62][62] [yi] [ti84] [ut] [yt84]u [84][wu51] [51][51]| [yi62] [yu] [yi62] [yp][62][ie62] [62][62] [yp] [ti84] [ut] [yt]u [wu51]| | [ye92]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:49
    The Unforgiven


  • [to] o|o|o w o a p|
    [0o] o|o o o [9I]|I|I|
    [to] o|o|o w o a p|
    [0o] o|o|o [9I]|I|I|
    t|a a a|[wa] p p||
    t|a|a|[wa] p p||
    [ta]|a a a|[wd] a p||
    [0o]|p|a p [9I]|o|I|
    [tu]| [yd] u y [wo]||
    [tuof]| [yd] [uf] y [woh]||
    [to] o|o|o [wo] o [oa] p|
    [0o] o|o|o [9I]|I|I|
    [tI]|a|a|[wa] p p| p
    [to]|[oa]|[oa]|[woa] p p p|p
    [to] a [oad]|a a [wo] a d|a|
    [tup]| [yd] u y [wo]|[yuoa]|a|
    [0a] p p||[9a] p p||
    [ep]||[ea] a||
    [0u]| y [uf] y [to]||
    [0u]| y [uf] y [to]||
    [0ud]| y u d [toh]||
    [0ud]| [yd] u [yd] [to]||

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:42
    Ghost Of You

    5 Seconds of Summer

  • f h j [6us] a s a [sf] [ag] [sf] [ah] [8us] [af] s o s a [sf] [oh] [7ua] [pf] a o a p [af] [od] [7ya] p a o a [pf] [ah] [oj] [6us] a [6s] p 6 [sf] [6ag] [pf] [5oh] [8us] [pf] [8s] o 8 s [9a] [sf] [3oh] [3ra] [pf] [3a] o 3 a [3p] [af] [3od] [5ra] p [5a] o 5 a [3p] a [5o] [0e] [0e] e 0 [5e] 0 6 [qw] [0t] [0t] t 0 [5y] 0 6 [qu] [0u] [0u] u 0 [5u] 0 6 [qu] [wo] [wo] o w [7u] w 7 [wo] [6tf] 6 o 6 f [6d] [5f] [8tf] 8 o 8 f [9d] [0f] [0rf] 0 o 0 f [0g] f [0d] [wrd] [ws] d w 0 s [ws] [6tf] 6 o 6 f [6d] [5f] [8tf] 8 o 8 f [9d] [0f] [0rf] 0 o 0 f [0g] f [0d] [wrd] w w [0f] h [5j] [6sf] a [6s] a 6 [sf] [6ag] [sf] [6ah] [8sf] [af] [8s] o 8 s [9a] [sf] [0oh] [0a] [pf] [0a] o 0 a [0p] [af] [0od] [wa] p [wa] o w a [0p] a [wo] [6tf] 6 6 u [6o] p [5s] [8tdf] f [8d] s 8 [9p] [0s] [0uad] f [0d] s 0 [0p] 0 [wrd] w s w 0 w [6us] 6 6 u [6o] p [6s] [8usd] f [8d] s 8 [9p] [0s] [0tdf] f [0d] s 0 [0p] 0 [wyad] s [3u] 5 [6o] [ups] a [ps] p p [3s] [4pa] [3s] [5op] [us] [3a] s o s s [ad] [3s] [5of] [rsf] [3a] [sf] o f s [af] [3s] [2of] [rah] p [ah] o h a [3pf] [5a] [6o] [ups] a [ps] o p [3s] [4pa] [3s] [5o] [us] [3a] s p s s [ad] [3s] [5pf] [raf] [3p] [af] o f a [pf] [3a] [2of] [rah] p [ah] o h a [pf] a o [6us] a [6s] p 6 s [6a] s [5p] [8os] a [8s] o 8 s [2a] s [3o] [3a] p [3a] o 3 a [3p] a [3o] [5pa] p [5a] o 5 a [3pf] [ah] [5oj] [0es] a [0es] p e [0sf] [6eag] 0 [sf] 6 [qwph] [0ts] [af] [0ts] p t [0s] [5ya] 0 [sf] 6 [quph] [0ua] [pf] [0ua] o u [0a] [5up] 0 [af] 6 [quod] [woa] p [woa] o o [wa] [7upf] w [ah] 7 [5oj] [0es] a [0es] p e [0sf] [6eag] 0 [sf] 6 [qwph] [0ts] [af] [0ts] p t [0s] [5ya] 0 [sf] 6 [quph] [0ua] [pf] [0ua] o u [0a] [5up] 0 [af] 6 [quod] [woa] p [woa] o o [wa] [7upf] 0 [wah] [0oj] [6tu] f g f h [8tu] f f h [0ru] f f d [to] r [8e] 7 [6w] [5f] h j [6us]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:26
    What Is Love
