02:04 -
3 -
[qh]WtY g|[oD]|[id]| [sY]| [wo]sf|||yad|||[u8] o[wu0]| u[i9]|[sqe] s| [o0] a[ywro]|o|[qO]|[tdW] d sd[f0] d[wsr] a|s[pe]|[upT] Pp u[y9]|[eQI]|p f[e5][uq] hs do|[u81] o[wur0]| [u1][i92]|[tsqe] s| [o30] a[wro]|o 3[qO4]|[tdW] d sd[f30] d[wsr] a|s[p6]|[wp0] Pp [u6][y92]|[eQI]|p f[we5]|5|[s%]|[wra60]| [wr0] 6[wr30]|[wr0]|[wr60] 3[wr60]| [wr0] 6[wf40]|[w0]|[s65]|[a40]|[te0]|[te0] 1[te50]|[te0]4[te0] 1[te40]|[te0]|[te0] 1[fe50] h[e0]s[e40]|[wra60]| [wr0] 6[wr30]|[wr0]|[wr60]|[ute2]|[ute]|[ute]|[ute2]|[ute]|[ute]|[utW3]|[utW]|[utW]|[utW0]|[utfW]d[utW] s[utqpe]|[utfe]d[ute] s[yrqWO]|[yrdW]|[ysrW]|[ywrf0]|[ywrh]|[ywrj]d[te0]|[tse0]|[te0]u[tie9]|[tpe9]|[tse9]|[raY(]|[rY(]|[raY(]p[yro0]a[yr0]d[yr0]|[wtsE8]|[wtfE8]d8 s[utqpe]|[utfe]d[ute] s[yrqWO]|[yrdW]|[yrW] s[ywrf0]|[ywrh]|[ywrj]k[eT0]| j|[h9]et| [og]sf|g|p f[weT0]|||[d9]|||[wur80] ou| u[tqie9]|s s| [ywro0] ao|o|[ytqWO]|d d sd[ywrf0] ds a|s[wpT0]|p Pp u[yteQ9]|I|p f5qe hs dz|h| 5|[u8] o[wur0]|[wr0] [u8][i9]|[tsqe] s[tqe] 9[o0] a[ywro]|[ywro] 0[qO]|[ytdW] d[ytW]sd[uf0] d[ywsr] a[ywr] s[p6]|[wpT0] P[wpT0] [u6][y9]|[teQI]|[tpeQ] f[wq5]eu [w5]|[tqed5]|[usqe]|y|t|[wr4]|[te]|[qe]|[w30]|7qwr[wrf0]|[th]|[ra0]|[wP(]Ey t|E|[qe@]|E|[w(]|[85](wE
About This Music Sheet
Love Like You (Steven Universe) (Intermediate) is a song by Rebecca Sugar. Use your computer keyboard to play Love Like You (Steven Universe) (Intermediate) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:04, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Love Like You (Steven Universe) (Intermediate) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Happy, Love Songs, Steven Universe.
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Other Songs By Rebecca Sugar
o P o o O D D | P D P P a g g | D g h g D d D s | s S s o i p s h | o P o o O D D | P D P P a g g | D g h g D d D s | s S s o i p s h D d | h D d | h g D s | h g D a | g D h J l g | D o i s D d | d s O a g D | h g D s | h g D a g | D h J l z | l J H h H s h g | o P o o O D D | P D P P a g g | D g h g D d D s | s S s o i p s h | o P o o O D D | P D P P a g g | D g h g D d D s | s S s o i p s h D d | h D d | h g D | h g d SLevel: 3Easy
Love Like You (Steven Universe)
Rebecca Sugar
ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd|| d s a p| | d s ap a| f d s a| | f d sa s| d s a p| | o dsap a| f d s a||o| f d sa s o h| | h j k h| | h j k k| | z l kjl|| j k l k j| g|[xl]|[lj]|[jg]| [sf]||[da]| | [xl]|[lj]|[jg]| [fH]||[da]| | ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd o fdfdfda|| lll kkk jjj hhh fd[sp]| | lll kkk jjj hhh fd s| | lll kkk jjj hhh fd [sf]| |h| s|h|s|h| s|k h d f| [hd] s a p| | d s ap a| f d s|a| | f d sa s| d s a p| | od s ap a| f d s|a|o| f d sa s p h| | h j k h| | h j k k k| | z l kjl|| j k l k j g||l|j|g|f||dLevel: 4Length: 02:02Easy
Here Comes a Thought (Steven Universe)
Rebecca Sugar
was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saW [fda]| e [spf]| q [spD]| w [sfa] w [sqpd]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saW [fda]| e [spf]| q [spD]| w [sfa] w [sqpd]| q [pd]| q [pd]| e [spf]| e [spf] e w [oda] w W [fda] W e [spf] e w [sf] w q [spf] q [sgW]| w [sfa] w w [sfa] w w [oda] w w [oda] w was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saW [fda]| e [spf]| q [spD]| w [sfa] w [sqpd]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saW [fda]| e [spf]| q [spD]| w [sfa] w [sqpd]| q [pd]| q [pd]| e [spf]| e [spf] e w [oda] w W [fda] W e [spf] e w [sf] w q [spf] q [WD]| w [sfa] w w [sfa] w w [oda] q [oda] [gda] q w [sf] w w [sf] w q [spf] q [sgW]| w [sfa] w w [sfa] w w [oda] w w [oda] w was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]Level: 6Length: 01:49Intermediate
Everything Stays (Stakes)
Rebecca Sugar
[owP] [owP] [qip] [qip] [oy(]|[oy(] [oy(]|[Po(] [Po(] [ip4] [ip4] [oy8]|[oy8] [oy8]|[Po8] [Po8] [pi9] [pi9] [oy(]|[oy(] [oy(]|[Po(] [Po(] [ip4] [ip4] [oy5]|[oy5] [oy5]
Level: 5Length: 00:30IntermediatePjanoo
Eric Prydz
[246y] [246y] [246y] [246y] [4i] [4u] [4u] [246y] [246y] T [246y] [4p] [4o] [4i] [4u] [4u] [4p] [4o] [4i] [4u] [4u] [246e] [246y] [246y] [246y] [246y] [4i] [4u] [4u] [246y] [246y] T [246y] y yyy i uu yyTy p oiuu poiu e y yyy i uu yyTyLevel: 6Intermediate
Funeral March
Frederic Chopin
8 w r t o u r t 8 w r t o| |
8 w r t o u r t 8 w r t o| |
[8us]| w a p o [wu] s
[8ua]| w p o u [wt] a
[8up]| w o [6u] r [wt] a
[9qp]| t| [5ro]| |
[9id]| e s a p [9i] s
[5ya]| q p o i [qy] a
[9tp]| q o [5ri] T [qy] a
[0wyp]| [(Q]| [9qto]| [5r]|
[8us]| w a p o [wu] s
[8ua]| w p o u [wt] a
[8up]| w o u r [QE] s
[qps] e [tu] i o i u
[qid] [qid]| s [qid] [qid]| s
[0od] [od] w s [to]| w|
[Ied] [Ied]| s [Ied] [Ied]| s
[9id] e [tid] [es] [wtof]| [rid]|
[8us]| w a p o [wu] s
[8ua]| w p o u [wt] a
[9tp]| q o [5tp]| [ya]|
[8us]| 0| w o pas
[qid] [id] W s [tid] [id] W s
[0od] [od] w s [to]| w|
[(Id] [Id] e s [Itd] [Id] e s
[9id] e [tid] [es] [wtof]| [rid]|
[8us]| w a p o [wu] s
[8ua]| w p o u [wt] a
[9tp]| q o [5tp]| [ya]|
[8us] w r t o u r t
8 w r t o| |
8 w r t o u r t
8 w r t oLevel: 6Length: 01:50IntermediateLa Vie En Rose (Take Me To Your Heart Again)
Edith Piaf