Lullaby (Song of the Sea)

Nolwenn Leroy 12 August 2021

[8f] 0 w [tf] d s [6s] 8 0 e|
[5d] 7 [9f] [wd]|s [6p] 8 0 e|
[8f] 0 [wh] [td]|s [6s] 8 0 e|
[5d] 7 [9d] [wd]|s [5a] 7 9 w|
[8f] 0 w [tf] d s [6s] 8 0 e|
[5d] 7 [9f] [wd]|s [6p] 8 0 e|
[8f] 0 [wh] [td]|s [6s] 8 0 e|
[5d] 7 [9d] [wd] s a [8s] 0 w
[tf] d s [qp] e t [is]| [8o] 0 w t|
o [8o] 0 [ws] [td]|f [5d] 7 9
[wf] d s [qp] e t [is]| [8o] 0 w t|
[5d] 7 [9d] [wd]|s [5a] 7 9
[wf] d s [qp] e t [is]| [8o] 0 w t|
[8o] 0 [ws] [td]|f [5d] 7 9
[wf] d s [qp] e t [is]| [8o] 0 w [ts] d f
[5d] 7 [9d] [wd] s a [8s] 0 w t

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About This Music Sheet

Lullaby (Song of the Sea) is a song by Nolwenn Leroy. Use your computer keyboard to play Lullaby (Song of the Sea) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:48, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Lullaby (Song of the Sea) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Lullaby.


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  • [utso]| |ooops [yrida]||[uofda]||[utped] s| | j h f d [ywidP] s d [utofd]| [uso] [tqed]| | o p f d [toYW]| |O p [id] [utof]| | h z l||j h||s| [utolhf]| |gjgfd [yrida]||[uofda]||[utped] s| | j [yh] [of] [pd] [yida0] s d [utofd] d s [utqoed]| | o p f d [toYW]| |O p [id] [utf] o| |h j x| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| |[utso]| | ooops [yrida]||[uofda]|| [utped] s| | j h f d [ywidP] s d [utofd]| [uso] [tqed]| | o p f d [toYW]| | O p [id] [utof]||| [utso]| |ooops [yrida]||[uofda]||[utped] s| | j h f d [ywidP] s d [utofd]| [uso] [tqed]| | o p f d [toYW]| |O p [pd] [ypig]||| [ut]||| [yri]||[uo]||[ute]||| [ywi]||[ut]||[tqe]||| [tYW]| |i [ut]||| [uto]||| [yri]||[uo]||[ute]| | y o p [yi0]||[ut]||[tqe]||| [tYW]| |i [ut]| | [ut]||| [yri]||[uo]|| [ute]||| [ywi]||[ut]|| [tqe]||| [tYW]| | i [ut]||| [uto]||| [yri]||[uo]|| [ute]| | y o p [yi0]||[ut]||| f| |s| |d s d d s d| |f| |H| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[yrid]||[uo]| | d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d s[utse]| j [uto] h| d sl k j h|| d sd| | [uo]| | [uto] s d l x v|| [xvm]

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