03:11 -
-2 -
[etl]|x|l|[ux] [wr]k|x|k|[tl]|
[qej]|l|j|l [qe]j|l|k|[wr] pa
[ets] p| d [uf] ds[wra] o||t o
[qep] o||[qe]||
[et] [ep][6s]s[ep]s6 p[es][6f] e[wra]|
[wo][5a]a[wo]a5 o[wa][5f] w[qep]|
q4 q [4p] ap4a s[qe]p p4a s4p p[wr]ss
[et] [ep][6s]s[ep]s6 p[es][6f] e[wra]|
[wo][5a]a[wo]a5 o[wa][5f] w[qep]|
[qo]4 q 4 [qs][4s]d d[qe]s s4d d4s s[wr]f f[et] e6 [eh] [6h] ge[6f] [ed][wr]
sw5 [wh] [5h] gw[5f] [wd][qe]
sq4 q 4 sq[4s] [qd]
[qef] gq[4f] [qg] [4f] d [wra] s
[et] e6o[eh]o[6h] ge[6f] [ed][wr]
sw5 [wh] [5h] gw[5f] [wd][qe]
sq4 q 4 s[qs][4s] [qd]
[qef] gq[4f] [qg] [4f] d [wra] s
[60e] 0[6s] 0 [6s] se[6f] [ea]
[59w] 9[5a] 9 [5a] aw[5f] [wp]
[48q] [8o]4 8 4 s[qa][4s] [qd]
[48qf] g8[4f] [8d] [4s] d [59wa] s
[60e] 0[6s] 0 [6s] e[6f] [ea]
[59w] 9[5a] 9 [5a] ow[5f] [wp]
[48q] o84 8 4 s[qa][4s] [qd]
[48qf] g8[4f] [8d] [4s] d [59wa] s
[60e] 0[6s] 0 [6s] se[6f] [ea]
[59w] 9[5a] 9 [5a] aw[5f] [wp]
[48q] [8o]4 8 4 s[qa][4s] [qd]
[48qf] g8[4f] [8d] [4s] d [59wa] s
[60e] 0[6s] 0 [6s] e[6f] [ea]
[59w] 9[5a] 9 [5a] ow[5f] [wp]
[48qp] o84 8 4 q4 [qs]
[48q] s84 8 4|[59ws]ds[ef] [td][ud] [ts][us]d[ef] [td][ud] t[up]
[wg] r[yg]f[rf][yf] [wf] [rd]y r[ys]
[qg] e[tg]f[ef][td] [qd] [es][ts] e[tp]
[qg] [eg][tf] [ef][td] [qd] [es]t e[ta]se tu t[up]a[es]a[ts][ua]s[ts][uf]
[wa] ry r[ya]p[wa]p[ra][ya]fr[yp]
qoet et q [es]t e[ts]
qd[ep][td]de[ts] [qs]d[ep][td]de[ts]
[es] [th]u tu [es]hs[uh] [ts]
[wa] [rh]y ry [wa]ha[ya] [rs]a[qp] [eo]t et q [es][tp]s[ep][ts]dq [es]ts[ep][ts]aq [ea][ta]s[es][ta]
[60es] p [60e]asa[6s]a[8s][0s]f8[0a]
[59w]|[59w] ap[5a]p[7a][9a]f7[9p]
[48q]o [48q]|[48qp]a p[48q]a s[48q]p p[48q]s s[48q]p p[59w]s setu|s spspsp[sf]
[qup]eto||sas d
[qf]etg f d s d [wa]rys
[60e] 0[6s] 0 [6s] se[6f] [ea]
[59w] 9[5a] 9 [5a] aw[5f] [wp]
[48q] o84 8 4 s[qa][4s] [qd]
[48qf] g8[4f] [8d] [4s] d [59wa] s
[60e] 0[6s] 0 [6s] e[6f] [ea]
[59w] 9[5a] 9 [5a] ow[5f] [wp]
[48q] o84 8 4 s[qa][4s] [qd]
[48qf] g8[4f] [8d] [4s] d [59wa] s
[60e] 0[6s] 0 [6s] se[6f] [ea]
[59w] 9[5a] 9 [5a] aw[5f] [wp]
[48q] o84 8 4 s[qa][4s] [qd]
[48qf] g8[4f] [8d] [4s] d [59wa] s
[60e] 0[6s] 0 [6s] e[6f] [ea]
[59w] 9[5a] 9 [5a] ow[5f] [wp]
[48q] o84 8 4 s[qa][4s] [qd]
[48qf] g8[4f] [8d] [4s] d [59wa] s
[60e] p06 0 6 e6 [es]
[59wa] 95 9 5 w5 [wo]
[48qp] s84 [8p] 4 q4 q
[48q] 84 8 4|[59w]
About This Music Sheet
LUNA (Feid) is a song by Feid. Use your computer keyboard to play LUNA (Feid) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:11, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. You can also find other similar songs using Dancehall, Latin, Emotional.
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[8ws] o u o
[8wu] o s f
[9wd] dd[9wd] sd
[8wf] [8wd] [8ws] oo
[8ws] o u o
[8wu] o s f
[9wd] dd[9wd] fd
[8ws]| f
[9wrd] ooo f
[9wrd] ooo f
[9wrd] f [9wrd] f
[9wrd] ooo oo
[8ws] o u o
[8wu] o s f
[9wd] dd[9wd] fd
[8ws]| f
[9wrd] ooo f
[9wrd] ooo f
[9wrd] f [9wrd] f
[9wrd] ooo oo
[8ws] o u o
[8wu] o s f
[9wd] dd[9wd] fd
[8qg]|[8q] [8q]
[8qt]|[8qe] t
[8qi]|[8qi] [8q]
[80wo]|[80wt] io
[80wp]|[80w] [80wo]
[8qei]|[8qep] [8qe]
[80ws]|[80w] [80wP]
[8qep]|[8qet] [8qe]
[8qt]|[8qe] t
[8qi]|[8qi] [8q]
[80wo]|[80wt] io
[9wro]|[9wr] [9wro]
[80ws]|[80w] [80w]
[80wt]|[80w] [80wo]
[80wi]|[80w] [80wu]
[80wt]|[80w] [80wP]
[80wp]|[80w] [80wo]
[8qep]|[8qes] [8qe]
[80wP]|[80w] [80wp]
[9wro]|[9wro] [9wr]
[80ws]|[79wa] [79w]
[80ws]| oo
[8ws] o u o
[8wu] o s f
[9wd] dd[9wd] sd
[8wf] [8wd] [8ws] oo
[8ws] o u o
[8wu] o s f
[9wd] dd[9wd] fd
[8ws]| f
[9wrd] ooo f
[9wrd] ooo f
[9wrd] f [9wrd] f
[9wrd] ooo oo
[8ws] o u o
[8wu] o s f
[9wd] dd[9wd] fd
[8ws]| f
[9wrd] ooo f
[9wrd] ooo f
[9wrd] f [9wrd] f
[9wrd] ooo oo
[8ws] o u o
[8wu] o s f
[9wd] dd[9wd] fd
[8qg]|[8q] [8q]
[8qt]|[8qe] t
[8qi]|[8qi] [8q]
[80wo]|[80wt] io
[80wp]|[80w] [80wo]
[8qei]|[8qep] [8qe]
[80ws]|[80w] [80wP]
[8qep]|[8qet] [8qe]
[8qt]|[8qe] t
[8qi]|[8qi] [8q]
[80wo]|[80wt] io
[9wro]|[9wr] [9wro]
[80ws]|[80w] [80w]
[80wt]|[80w] [80wo]
[80wi]|[80w] [80wu]
[80wt]|[80w] [80wP]
[80wp]|[80w] [80wo]
[8qep]|[8qes] [8qe]
[80wP]|[80w] [80wp]
[9wro]|[9wro] [9wr]
[80ws]Level: 6Length: 01:53IntermediatePreussens Gloria (Johann Gottfried Piefke)
Johann Gottfried Piefke
[uspj]|||h||| [tpig]|||s||| [utof]|||ffdd [uro]|||f h [uspj]|||h||| [tpig]|||s||| [utof]|||dffdd [yoa]||| j| k| [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wts] [a0] [wra] a [wrf]h| [wr]| [wr] [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wth] [wh]| [je]| [tl]| [je] [tl] [utje]|[utfe]|[uthe] xz[xute]z[xute] [utle] [tjie]|[tige]|[tihe] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [tlie] [wuth]|[wutf]|[wuth] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tiec]|[xtie]|[tlie] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [xtie] [wuth]|[wutl]|[wutl] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [sj]|a|u pupua s [uje] [te] [ue] [te] [uhe] [te] [ue] [te] [ige] [te] [ie] [te] [sie] [te] [ie] [te] [wuf] [wt] [wu] [wt] [wu] [wt]f[wuf]d[wtd] [wu] [wr] [wu] [wr] [ue] [wr] [ufe] [wrh] [uje] [te] [ue] [te] [uhe] [te] [ue] [te] [ige] [te] [ie] [te] [sie] [te] [ie] [te] [wuf] [wt] [wu] [wt] [wu] [wtd]f[wuf]d[wtd] [wu] [wr] [wu] [wr] [wuh] [wrf] [wul] [wrl] [uspj]|||hjs l z [tpji]|||h f k k [utol]| h|f klfhx lzk||| j| k| [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wts] [a0] [wra] a [wrf]h| [wr]| [wr] [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[ut]| [utd] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wth] [wh]| [je]| [tl]| [je] [tl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tjie]|[tige]|[tihe] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [tlie] [wuth]|[wutf]|[wuth] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tiec]|[xtie]|[tlie] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [xtie] [wuth]|[wutl]|[wutl] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] s|a|u pu[pj]u[ka] [sl]g [tie]|[tie]|[tie]| [tlie] [tlie] [tkie]l [wut]|[wut]|[wut]| [wutl] [xwut] [wuth] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[ute]|[ute]| [utje] [utke] [utle]g [tie]|[tie]|[tie]| [tlie] [tlie] [tkie]l [wut]|[wut]|[wut]| [wutl] [xwut] [wuth] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]Level: 7Length: 02:33Intermediate
Alan Walker
s [sqi] t o [ig] g|q g [sh0] t u [og] g|0|[si9] e y [ig] g|9 g [sh8] w y [uj] j|8|[^ P f] q t [yg] g|^|[pf6] q e [tg] g|6 s [odP5] 9 e [sE] s|5|[iPE8]||[t 8 o]| |s [sqi] t o [ig] g|q g [sh0] t o g g|0 j [dJ9] E i j [pj]|9 h [sh8] e t [ji] [pg]|8|[^ P f] q t [yg] g|^|[pf6] q e [tg] [pg]|6|[odP5] 9 E d [spf6] 0 t f [gd^P] q y g [s8]fh s|[yp^] q [iE] q [ed] f [g^] g [pS6] [f0] T g 0 [he] 6 J [J9] [je] y [uh] i g 9 j [oPD8] [wP] [oY] P [oD4] 8 [pge]|[yp^] q [iE] q [ed] f [g^] g 6 [f0] t [if] g h 6|[p5]dgjq E [ih] [sh6] q t [iJ] [d^J] [qj] [tj] [yh] h g g s [wts8]l| |[s4]ghl[sl8] [wsl] [sle] [sli] [ts] [qg] f 3 [g8] 0 [wg] t w [30]|[s2]ghl[sl6] [sql] [sle] [sli] [ts] [qg] f 1 [g6] 8 [ge] t e i J [^P]dgJ[qj] t [ih] t [gE] q J [s6]fJ[qj] e [th] i [tg] q J [P5]dhJ[j9] E [h9] q g 5|[qgS] ^ [qgS] ^ [qhP*] ^ [g8] h [s4]ghl[sl8] [wsl] [sle] [sli] [ts] [qg] f 3 [g8] 0 [wg] t w [30]|[s2]ghl[sl6] [sql] [sle] [sli] [ts] [qg] f 1 [g6] 8 [ge] t e i J [^P]dgJ[qj] t [ih] t [gE] q J [s6]fJ[qj] e [th] i [tg] q J [P5]dhJ[j9] E [h9] q g 5|[ywi]Pdg g g [wtogP8]|h|[^P]dhq t [yg] [ig] p s d g j z c [jiPE]zcb
Level: 6Length: 02:24IntermediateYukitoki (Oregairu)
Nagi Yanagi