Main Theme (A Tale of Two Sisters)

Lee Byung-woo 4 December 2020

k l z [x9] [yspi] [yspi] e [zyspi] [yspji] [x8] [utp] [utp] e [zutp] [utpj] [x7] [yrpi] [yrpi] [k0] [urO] [urjO]k[le] [utp] [utp] [wk] [utpl] [zq]0[x9] [yspi] [yspi] e [zyspi] [yvspi] [x8] [uta] [uta] e [zutp] [utpj] [j7] [yrpi] [yrpi] [k0] [urO] [urO]l[je] [utp] [utp] [wk] [utol] [zuto] [x9] [yspig] [yspli]k[le] [zyspi] [yspji] [f8] [utpj] [utpj]k[le] [zutp] [utpj] [xf7] [yrpjigd] [yrpjigd] [kfa0] [urfaO] [urjO]k[le] [utspf] [utspf] [wk] [utpl] [zq]0[xf9] [yspji] [yspji]k[lge] [zyspi] [yvspi] [xf8] [xutp]z[utpl]k[lfe] [zutp] [utpj] [ja7] [yrpigd] [yrpigd] [k0] [urfaO] [urkO]l[je] [utspf] [utspf] [wk] [utol] [zuto] [xjg9] [yspig]j[yspli]k[le] [zyspi]g[yspji] [s8]f[utpj]f[utpj]k[lfe] [zutp] [utpjf] [xjg7] [yrpjigd] [yrpjigd] [kfH0] [urfO] [urjO]k[le] [utspf] [utspf] [wk] [utpl] [zq]0[xjg9] [yspjig] [yspjig]k[ljge] [zyspi] [yvspi] [xlj8]f[xutplj]z[utpl]k[lfe] [zutpf] [utpjf]f[jda7] [yrpigd] [yrpigd] [kfH0] [urfOH] [urkOH]l[sjfe] [utspf] [utspf] [wk] [utol] [zuto] [xjg9] [yspig]j[yspli]k[le] [zyspi]g[yspji] [sl8]f[utpj]f[utpj]k[lfe] [zutpf] [utpjf] [xjg7] [yrpjigd] [yrpjigd] [kfH0] [urfO] [urjO]k[slfe] [utspf] [utspf] [wkh] [utpl] [zq]0[xjg9] [yspjig] [yspjig]k[le] [zyspid] [yvspih] [xjf8]f[xutplj]z[utpl]k[lfe] [zutpf] [utpjf]f[jda7] [yrpigd] [yrpigd] [kfH0] [urfOH] [urkOH]l[sjfe] [utspf] [utspf] [wkh] [utol] [zuto] [xjg9] [yspig]j[yspli]k[le]g[zyspi]g[yspji] [s8]f[utpj]f[utpj]k[le]f[zutp]f[utpj] [xjg7] [yrpjigd] [yrpjigd] [kfH0] [urfO]k[urjO]k[le]f[utsp]f[utpd]f[wk]f[utpl]f[zq]0[xjg9] [yspjig] [yspjig]k[le] [zyspi] [yvspih] [xjf8]f[utpljc]z[utpl]k[lfe] [zutpj]f[utpj] [jda7] [yrpigd] [yrpigd] [kfH0] [urfOH] [urkfOH]l[je] [utspf] [utspf] [wk] [utol] [zuto] [xjg9] [yspig]j[yspli]k[le]g[zyspi]g[yspji] [s8]f[utpj]f[utpj]k[le]f[zutp]f[utpj] [xjg7] [yrpjigd] [yrpjigd] [kfH0] [urfO]k[urjO]k[le]f[utsp]f[utpd]f[wk]f[utpl]f[zq]0[xjg9] [yspjig] [yspjig]k[lge] [zyspid] [yvspih] [xjf8]f[xutplj]z[utplf]k[lfe] [zutpj]f[utpj] [sjg7] [yrpigd] [yrpigd] [k0]ruO

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About This Music Sheet

Main Theme (A Tale of Two Sisters) is a song by Lee Byung-woo. Use your computer keyboard to play Main Theme (A Tale of Two Sisters) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:55, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Main Theme (A Tale of Two Sisters) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, South Korea on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Lee Byung-woo

  • 4 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    4 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    [u4] [86] [86] [y1] [86] [i86]
    [e4] [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    3 [e60] [r60] [t1] [y86] [u86]
    [e3] [60] [60] 1 [86] [86]
    [u4] [86] [86] [y1] [86] [e86]
    [t4] [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    3 [e60] [r60] [t1] [y86] [u86]
    [e3] [60] [60] 1 [r86] [t86]
    [u$] [86] [86] [y1] [86] [e86]
    [t$] [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    % [rq9] [tq9] y u i|||
    [u5] [w0] [w0] 5 [yw0] [wT0]
    [y$] [Q9] [Q9] $ [Q9] [Q9]
    [t3] [80] [80] [t3] [o80] [t80]
    [r2] [97] [97] 2 [97] [97]
    [r@] [50] [50] @ [e50] [w50]
    [w2] [97] [97] [w3] [r70] [u70]
    [o2] [97] [97] 2 I u [I7] [e(] [e(]
    I o p [a6] [80] [80] 6 [p80] [u80]
    [a5] [97] [97] 5 [p97] [u97]
    [a$] [80] [80] [I7] [rQ] [urQ]I[o3]
    [70] [70] I o p [a6] [80] [80]
    6 [p80] [d80] [a5] [97] [97]
    5 [p97] [u97] [u$] [80] [80]
    [I7] [rQ] [rQ]o[u3] [70] [70] [I9] [wro] [wrp]
    [a6] [80] [80] 6 [p80] [u80]
    [a5] [97] [97] 5 [p97] [u97]
    [a$] [80] [80] [I7] [rQ] [urQ]I[o3]
    [70] [70] I o p [a6] [80] [80]
    6 [p80] [d80] [a5] [97] [97]
    5 [p97] [u97] [u$] [80] [80]
    [I7] [rQ] [rQ]o[u3] [70] [70] [70]|
    4 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    4 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    3 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    3 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    4 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    4 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    3 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    3 [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    $ [86] [86] 1 [86] [86]
    $ [86] [86] 1 [86] [86] 7 r t y u i

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:49
    Cold Hands (A Tale of Two Sisters)

    Lee Byung-woo


  • t|u|y|i|[u8]|[o0]|[i9] o [qO]|[o0]|w|q w W|w|||s|o|O|i|[to]|[wY]|[iW]|[tq]|[yw]|(|w W E|E||i Y t|y|w W E|E|i Y [wt] W [yE]|E|[s8]|[o0]|[O9]|[qi]|[o0]|[wY]|[qi] [wY] [tW]|[yr]|||o u y o u y t r [e860] t y u o u y t e t y u o u y t [w80] t y u o u y t w t y u o u y t [e830] t y u o u y t e t y u o u y t [w830] t y u o u y t o u [y70%] o u y t r [e860] t y u o u y t e t y u o u y t [w8531] t y u o u y t e t y u o u y t [e8630] t y u o u y t

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:00
    Take A Break (Hamilton)

    Lin-Manuel Miranda

  • [t6] w t w t y u o [tq84] w t w t y p o [t851] w t w t w u w [y3]|| w u y y t [yw60]| e| t| y| [wq84]|| w u y y t [yw10]| w w w [t0]| [r9] 3|| w y y y t [yw60] 3 [e7] 8 t 9 [y0] w [wq84]|| w u y y t [yw10]| w w w [t0]| rt[r95]| |y y y [w4]y [y8] [yq] [yw] t q [y8] y [yw1] [y5] [y8] [y9] t 8 [wt] y [yw6] [y3] [y6] [y8] t 0 [te] [wu] [973] u 7 9| 7 [y3]odd [od4] [d8] [qd] [wd] s q [d8] d [od1] [d5] [d8] [d9] s 8 [so5] d [o6]d [d3] [d6] [od8] s [s0] [se] [of] [973] f 7 [o9] [yd] [yd7] [ts3] [yd7] [sof6]| 6 [80] [of] 8 [wr] [to] [yod4] [yod] [yod4] [yqod8]| [ts8] [qp] [o4] [uod81] d [od5] [od80]| [so8] [wt] [od8] [973]| 7 [wo9] d [od9] [wsr] [d9] [o6]f| 6 [80] [of] 8 [wr] [to] [yod4] [yd] [yd4] [qd8] y [ts8] [qp] [o4] [u81]odd [od5] [od80]| [so8] [wt] [od8] [973]| 7 [wo9] d [d9] [wsro] [d9] [of6]| [of6] [80] [of] [of8] [wr] [tof] 4ds 4 [qo8] [yd] [yd8] [wtsq] [yd8] [of81]| [of5] [80] [of] [of8] [wt] [yod8] 3| | ddd d [ufe] p p s| dsdsd [tqoid] dsd f p d d d [upfe] p p s| dsdsd [d3] [d7]s[d9]s[wd] p [rd]s[yd] dd[fe60] spsps p dsdsd [qf84] spsps p sssssh[wt8]ssssdd| ooos a3 [s7]s[s9]a[wp]| [p7] 3 as[sq84] o 8 q| [o8]o[o4]oos[wuts8] ss[ws]s[ts]oo w 8 os[tse60] o 0 e| [o0]p[o6] op[s973]sss[s7]s9oo 7e[y3]yyy[uqe84] tttttte| yyyy[wu851]tt ttte 5 8 ty[wu80]utet 0 e 0 6www[e973]www7 [o9] [yod] [yod7] [ts3] [yd7] [sof6]| 6 [80] [of] 8 [wr] [to] [yod4] [yod] [yod4] [yqod8]| [ts8] [qp] [o4] [u81]odd [od5] [od80]| [so8] [wt] [od8] [973]| 7 [wo9] d [od9] [wsr] [d7] [o6]f| 6 [80] [of] 8 [wr] [to] [yod4] [yod] [yod4] [yqod8]| [ts8] [qp] [o4] [u81]odd [od5] [od80]| [so8] [wt] [od8] [973]| 7 [wo9] d [od9] [wsr] [d9] [o6]f| [of6] [80] [of] [of8] [wr] [tof] 4ds 4 [qo8] [yd] [yd8] [wtsq] [yd8] [uof81]| [of5] [80] [of] [of8] [wt] [od8] [973]| 7 [wha9] [od] [od9] [wsro] [d9] [o6]f| [of6] [80] [of] [of8] [wr] [tof] 4ds 4 [qo8] [yd] [yd4] [tsq8] [yd4] [uof81]| [of5] [80] [of] [of8] [wt] [yod8] [973]| 7 9| w r s [qo84]d| |d| |[uod81]|| p p| [us]| 6 0 r t| 0 6 as[ya3] 7 9 [ro]| 7 [p3] s [yqod84]| |d| | [uod81]||p p| s| 6 0 r t| [uf0] 6 [oha] [973]|| o [yd] [yd] [ts3] [yd7] [sof6]| 6 [80] [of] 8 [wr] [to] [yod4] [yod] [yod4] [yqod8]| [ts8] [qp8] [o4] [u81]odd [od5] [od80]| [so8] [wt] [od8] [973]| 7 [wo9] d [od9] [wsr] [d9] [o6]f| 6 [80] [of] 8 [wr] [to] [y4]od[yd] [yd4] [qd8] y [ts8] [wtqp] [o8] [u81]odd [d5] [od80]| [s8] [wt] [od] [973]|| o d d s d [of4] 8 [qof] w [tof] [yof] u [of] 8d[ws] t [yo] d [td] [ws] d [o6]f 0 [ofe] t [of] [uf] o d 0 r y o d [rd] [s0] d [o4]f 8 [qof] w [tof] [yof] u [of] 8d[ws] t [yo] d [td] [ws] d [o6]f 0 [ofe] t [of] [uf] o d [yo973]
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:08


  • [piye962]|||[i]||[i]||[iw8]||[o ut][t u o]||[iyE^]|||[pyi] [pyiE]||[iyE] [i6]||[u0]|| [j L x b]||||[i2]||[u][y][e]| [e] [y] [i] [u1][o]||[w t u o]||[ot4] [i] [o][it][p]| [o] [i] [u1][t][o]||[u][u2] [y ]|[9 q y]|||[e y u i]| [u y e]| [y][i] [u1] [t][o]|||[ot] [i4] [o][p]| [o][i] [u t1][i] [u][u2] [y]|||[i] [u] [y^] [q] [E] [q][Ey] [q] [t] [e4][8][q][w][e][t][y] [i] [u^] [y9] [q] [E][yq][9][t][q][o4][8][t][i o q p w][p e] [t] [i] [o] [y i o][p] [9] [q] [e] [y] [o] [i] [u] [8] [0] [w] [o] [t] [8] [uw]| [u][y] [e]|||[e y i2]| [u y e]| [y] [i] [u1][i][o]|| [ot][it4] [o][p]| [o][i][u] [t1][i][o]| [u] [t] [u2][y]|||[y] [ye]||[u] [e y u i]| [u][y][e]| [y] [u i u1] [i][o]| [t u][out] [ot] [ot] [it4][o p]| [o] [i] [u t1][o]| [u t] [t u2] [y] [2][2]||[2 ]|[2] [2]| [2][g] [f ] [i P ^ d] [q][E][E][dy][i][sy][E] [p4] [8][q][w][e][t] [g] [f] [d^][q][E][d][iPE][d][y][E][s][h4][8][8][qj] [e] [t] [i] [g] [t][h i][s g h][jy][i][p][d] [hp] [i] [gp][fi][ft][u][ho] [s] [o] [u] [fo]|[f2] [d] [dp]||[o]||[p2][p][p][fg][f][d][d f][d][s][d][s][o][p][p][p][f g][f][d][d f][d][s][d][s][p][s1][s][s][f][d][f][f h][f][f][f][d][d f][s][s][s][f][d][f][f h][f][f][f][d][f][g4][g][g][g][f][g][g h][g][g][g][f][d][f1][f][f][fs][d][f][f h][f][f][f][d][s][d2][d][d][d][p][d][p][d f][g][f][d][f][d][s][p s d][d][d][d][d][d][d f g][f][d][f][d][s][p][p][p][f g][f][d][d f][d][s][d][s][o][p][p][p][f g][f][d][d f][d][s][d][s][p][s1][s][s][f][d][f][f h][f][f][f][d][f][s][s][s][f][d][f][f h][f][f][f][d][f][f4][g][g][g][g][f][g][g h][g][g][g][f][d1][f][f1][f][f][d][f][f h][f][f][f][d][s][d2][d][d][dp][d][d][p f g][f][d][f][d][s][dp][dp][dp][dp][d][dp][f g][f][d][f][d][s][p2][p][p][gy9][f][d][fp2][d][s][dpe9][s][p2][p][p][p][f g][f][d][f2][d][se9][d][s][p][1s][s][s][fw8][d][f][ht8][f][f][fsw][d][f][s1][s][s][f8][d][f][htw][f][f][fw8][d][f][f4][g][g][gq][f][g][hq][g][gi][g][f][d][d1f][f][f][f 8][d][f][ft][g][f][f][fw][d][s][d2][d][d][d][f][f][f9][g][f] [d] [fy] [d] [s] [d9] [e] [y][e][y][e] [i2] [2] [iye9] [9] [u][y][e2] [9] [iye92] [92] [i][u1][i][o][out81] [out][out1] [out8][outw8] [w ot0][ot] [it4][o p][pitq84][pitq84] [otq84] [i][ut1][i ot] [w08] [outw08] [ut] [ut2] [y]|[2] [2]|[2]|[2]| [2] [2]|[2] [ye] [ye] [e y i2] [2]|[2] [u y e] [2] [y] [i][u1][o][out81] [out1][1] [u1][ou][1][8] [1] [8 ot] [ot] [it4][o][p][i] [ptq84] [pitq84] [q] [t] [ot8] [i] [ut1][ot][out8] [outw08] [08][u 0] [ut] [ut2][y] [ye] [ye] [2] [6] [9] [0] [q] [y] [e] [z] [e] [c][x] [z^] [q] [E] [E] [gy] [i] [z] [P] [d] [l] [jq] [t] [i] [j] [o] [p] [c][c][x][zE] [y] [i] [dP] [g] [J] [E] [z] [i] [l] [y][l][vq][t][bli] [o][blp] [zo] [c][v][z][c v y][b][i] [p] [d f g j][z] [c v] [b] [c] [t] [x] [o] [cs] [x c x c x c x][zs] [o] [l] [2]|[zj]|||[p][p][p][f][g2][f][d][d][f][d][s][d3][s][o][p][p][p][f2][g][f][d][d][f][d][s][d2][s][p1][s][s][s][f][d][f][f1][h][f][d][d][f][d][f][s][s][s][f1][d][f][d][f][h][f][f][f1][d][f][g][g][g][g4][f][g][h][g][g][g4][f][d][f][f][s][f][fs1][d][f][f][h][f][f][f1][d][s][d][d][d][p2][d][dp][d][fp][g][f][d][f2][d][s][p][d][d][d][dp2][d][p][dp][f][g][f][d][f2][d][s][p][p][p][f2][g][f][d][d][f][d][s][d2][s][p][p][p][p][f2][g][f][d][d][f][d][s][d2][s][p][p][p][p][f2][g][f][d][d][f][d][s][d][s][p][s][s][s][f1][d][f][f][h][f][f][f1][d][f][s][s][s][f1][d][f][f][h][f][f][f1][d][f][gf][g][g][g4][f][g][fgh][g][g][g4][f][d][f][f][f][s][fs1][d][f][s][h][8][f][f][fst][d][s][s9] [e] [y] [u] [i] [d] [f][g] [z] [x] [c]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:30
    Promentory (The Last of the Mohicans)

    Dougie MacLean