00:51 -
5 -
t u t [80wr]||[70w]|
t u r [680e]|
e t e [580w]||
e [68u]|y|
e u|y|t|[26e]|||
t y t [579r]||[79]|
r y r [479w]|
w r w q||
[135]|0|q|w| e r|
s f s [tuoa]||[ruo]|
s f a [etup]|
p s p [wtuo]||
p [etf]|d|
p f|d|s|[9ep]|||
s d s [wrya]||[ry]|
a d a [qryo]|
o a o i||
[0wt]|u|i|o| p a|
About This Music Sheet
Married Life (Up) (Alternative) is a song by Michael Giacchino. Use your computer keyboard to play Married Life (Up) (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:51, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Married Life (Up) (Alternative) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Disney on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs, Sad.
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Other Songs By Michael Giacchino
Level: 5Length: 00:27IntermediateInside Out (Main Theme)
Michael Giacchino
w t [9y]| |o y [qt]| |[9r]| |[8w]| |[69]|||[57]| |
w t [9y]| |o y [9i]| |[8u]| |[0o]| |[qp]|||[60]| |
w t [69y]| |o y [58t]| |[37r]| |[25w]| |[269]|||[25]| |
w t [69y]| |o y [8qi]| |[70u]| |[9wo]| |[0ep]|||[60e]| |
w t [9y]| |o y [8t]| |[7r]| |[5w]| |[29]|||2| |
w t [9y]| |o y [qi]| |[0u]| |[wo]| |[ep]|||6| |
w t [9y]| |o y [8t]| |[7r]| |[5w]| |[29]|||2| |
w t [9y]| |o y [qi]| |[0u]| |[wo]| |[ep]Level: 5Length: 01:22IntermediateSunrise O’er Jurassic World (Jurassic World)
Michael Giacchino
q [et] [et] 0 [et] [et] 9 [et] [et] 8 9 0 g [0j] g
[qf] [et] [et] 0 [et] g [etj] g
[9d] [et] d [etg] d [8s] [et] [et] d [7j] [9wh] [9w] d
[^j] [9wh] [9wf] g [7d] [9w] [9w] 7 [9w] g [9wh] g
[0f] [wt] [wt] 9 [wt] f [wth] f [8s] [0w] s [0wf] s
[^P] [0w] P [0ws] P q [etp] [etP] [qs] [et] d [etf]
8 [0ws] [0wd] [80wf] g j g [qf] [et] [et] 0 [et] g [etj] g
[9d] [et] d [etg] d [8s] [et] [et] d [7j] [9wh] [9w] d
[^j] [9wh] [9wf] g [7d] [9w] [9w] 7 [9w] g [9wh] g
[0f] [wt] [wt] 9 [wt] f [wth] f [8s] [0w] s [0wf] s
[^P] [0w] P [0ws] P q [etp] [etP] [qs] [et] d [etf]
8 [0ws] [0wd] [80wf] g j g [qf] [et] [et] 0 [et] g [etj] f
[9d] [et] g [etj] z [8x] [et] [et] z [7c] [9wx] [9w] z
[7j] [9wk] [9wz] [7z] x [9w] [9wc] [7c] x z [9w] c [9wv] c
[0wtx] [9wt] x v x [80wl] l x l [0w^J] l z x v b [8B] [0w] [0w]
5 [0w] [0w] [8J] [0wj] [0w] h [5z] [0wl] [0wh] [4j] [qe] [qe]
[8g] [qe] [qe] [4j] [qeh] [qe] g [2j] [qrG] [qrd] [7a] [qrL] z Z x
c C v V b B [9B] b [qrV] v C c x Z z L l k [0wtf] h d f P a [Wtus]
l z x c v b c [qx] [et] 8 [et] c b x [9z] [et] z c b [8m] [et] c
[7b] [wrv] z [5b] [wrv] x c [7z] [wr] 9 [wr] c v c [0x] [wt]
9 [wt] x v x [8l] [0w] l x l [^J] [qet] [pj] [PJ] [sl] [dz] [fx]
[80w] [sl] [dz] [fx] g j g [qf] [et] [et] 0 [et] [et] 9 [et] [et]
8 [et] g j g f i u i g j g [qetf] [0et] g j f [qetd] d g d [(ets] a
[9wrj] h d [9wj] h g [9wrd] [9w] g h g [0wtf] [9wt] f h f
[80ws] s f s [0w^P] [qet] p P s d f [0wt] s d [0f] [pg] [pf] [pg]
[pf] c b c [pgx] [pf] c b x [pgz] z c z [Ypsl] z [ryob] v z [eyob] v c
[wryz] [qry] c v c [sfx] s x v x [Posl] l x l [oPJ] [tip] j J l z x [wtu] l z
x c b c [qetm] [qetu] [qet] [qetu] [8qpsg]Level: 6Length: 02:40IntermediateMarried Life (Up) (Alternative)
Michael Giacchino
[hwtu] [hwru] [wtu] [wru] [hwtu] f h f h f [hwru] k h [hwtu] [hwru] [wtu] [wru] [hwtu] f h f h f [hwru] k h [hqet] g h g h g [hwtu] g f g h [hqet] g h g h g [fwtu] [dwry] [s1wt]Level: 6Intermediate
Win One For The Reaper (Lost)
Michael Giacchino
t y [80tu] o [70ru] y [68tu] [58] t u o [qeip] s [wroa] o [80tu] i u [79ry] t y [80tu] o [70ru] y [68tu] [58] t u o [qeip] [qeip] p o u [70ru] [680] e t u 8 6 [579] w r y 7 5 [80tu]Level: 6Intermediate
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[ohv] [asf] [oh]lzv [psdgc] isdgzc[osfhx] tosdfx[OHsgc] o i [1osdf]5890wtosdfh[O1sg]%89qWtfdsOi [4weu]8qwetu sdf[O5sg][9f][qs][WO]oit Wwqv [8osf]wu h [6sgj]qw j [7adh]9[wd] h[8osf]wu [7y] [6tps]0et[uf] [$Ipd]9[ep] [5yis]9qe[ta]s[59rod] [6qt] [7wy] [8osf]wu h [6sgj]qw j [7adh]w[yk] [%r] [6tf]0e fd[2yis]9qef [5qiod] s [1tios]8qwti[8tuos] hlx[H8lc]Wt[yx]z [8usfl] [1uosf]50w[tosfh] [4psgj]8et[ipsgj] [5oadh]9[woad]ryh [8osf]wuwyw[6ups]0et[upsf] [$Ipd]9[QIp]ey [5yis]9q[es][ta]s[5road]w[6t]w[7y]w[1uosf]50w[tosfh] [4psgj]8et[ipsgj] [5oadh]9[radk]9[%r]9 [6tpsf]0et[uf]d[2yis]9qe[tf] [5iod]9[qs] t [1tios]8qwti[1tu]8[2yi]9[3uo]0[4tip]q[esgj]t[isj]q [4sgj]q[esh]ti[qg][3sfh]8[wsf]t[ud]w[3os]8[wi]tuw [2yis]9qe[tf] [5iod]9[ws]9rd[1osf]80[wt][to]p [1yiP]8[Pwdg]8[EPsf]8[4psh]q[epsj]t[ipsj]q [4adj]w[radh]yo[wg][3oah]0[woaf]r[uoad]w [6ruos]0t0[tu]0[2eti]9[qs]edf[5iod]9w s [1tios]8qwti[8uo]wt [4e] t yu[W5qy] t [W1qt]8qOsg[8osf]wtosf[O8id]qyiOd[8uos]wt [tfhx]os [hv] [ijlb]sj [jb] [ohkv]d[hz] v[tfhx]of [rd] [esfl]up [fx] [QGdz]y[pj] [wdgl]yoskl[wadhz] [es] [rd] [tfhx]os [hv] [ijlb]sj [jb] [ohkv]d[hkzn] O [plx]fl xz [ydgl]ps [fx] [Hwidgz] l [8sghl]wtisg[8fhl]wt uy[2qet] u [W5qy] t r [10wt]58[wo][ts]h[O1sg]%[O0s] [Osd] [150osdf]Level: 7Intermediate
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[use]| [ied]| [tfe]| [use]| [yge]| [yea]| [tfe]| | [wrf]| [wrd]| [wa0]| | [iea]| [sie]| [tqp]||| 6|0|r| 6|0|t| 6|0|w| 4|e|5|9| [s6]|0|[rd]| [f6]|0|[ts]| [g6]|q|[ea]| [f6]|0|t| [f3]|0|[wd]| [a3]|r|w| [a4]|8|[sq]| [tp4]|e|[r8]| [ts6]|0|[yrd]| [uf6]|0|[tse]| [ig6]|q|[rea]| [uf6]|0|t| [uf5]|0|[ywd]| [ra3]|7|5| [ra4]|8|[tsq]| [tpe4]|8|q| [y2]|4|[i6]| [O4]|2|[p6]| [s6]|3|8| [a7]|0|[p6]| [s4]|8|[ea]| [p5]|9|[ro]| [u1]|3|5| [y5]|9|r| [y2]|4|[i6]| [O4]|9|[p6]| [s6]|3|8| [a7]|0|[p6]| [s4]|8|[ea]| [p5]|9|[ro]| [s6]|0|[rd]| [f6]|0|[ts]| [g9]|q|[ea]| [f6]|0|t| [f7]|0|[wd]| [a3]|r|w| [a4]|8|[sq]| [tp4]| | [t4] pLevel: 5Length: 01:58Intermediate
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