00:40 -
y werty w w u tyuIo w w t ytrer trewQ werwr e |
y werty w w u tyuIo w w t ytrer trewe rewQw
About This Music Sheet
Minuet In G Major is a song by Christian Petzold. Use your computer keyboard to play Minuet In G Major music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Ecaterina. The song Minuet In G Major is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Classic Piano Songs, Instrumental.
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Other Songs By Christian Petzold
[wryd] o p [ea] s [rd] o o [tf] s a s d f G [rh] o o [es] a s d s a p [wa] s a p o [yI] [ro] p [wa] o [ya] [9p] t r e [rd] o p [ea] s [wd] [ro] [wo] [tf] s a s d f G [rh] [to] r [eo] w [es] a s d s [Qa] p [wa] s a [rp] o [tp] [ya] p [9o] I [wo] 5 [wryd] o p [ea] s [rd] o o [tf] s a s d f G [rh] o o [es] a s d s a p [wa] s a p o [yI] [ro] p [wa] o [ya] [9p] t r e [rd] o p [ea] s [wd] [ro] [wo] [tf] s a s d f G [rh] [to] r [eo] w [es] a s d s [Qa] p [wa] s a [rp] o [tp] [ya] p [9o] I [wo] 5 [wk] h j k h [Qj] d f G d [0h] [wf] G [0h] d [eS] a S [6p] [ep] a S d f G [rh] [yG] [Tf] [yG] [Qp] [eS] [yd] 9 t [rd] [yo] I [ro] [tf] [uo] I [to] [rd] [es] [wa] [yp] o I o p [9y] u I o [Qp] a [0s] [ws] a s a [Qp] [wa] d [7o] [9I] [wryo] 9 5 [wk] h j k h [Qj] d f G d [0h] [wf] G [0h] d [eS] a S [6p] [ep] a S d f G [rh] [yG] [Tf] [yG] [Qp] [eS] [yd] 9 t [rd] [yo] I [ro] [tf] [uo] I [to] [rd] [es] [wa] [yp] o I o p [9y] u I o [Qp] a [0s] [ws] a s a [Qp] [wa] d [7o] [9I] [wryo] 9 5Level: 5Length: 01:46Intermediate
Minuet in G Major (Alternative)
Christian Petzold
[utoh]| s d [yf] g [uh]| s| s| [ji]| gfgh j k [ul]| s| s| [yg]fg h g f d [tf]| g f d s [oa]| [us] d [tf] s [of]| w i [ud] y [uh]| s d [yf] g [th]| [us]| [ts]| [ji]| gfgh j k [ul]| [si] u [ys] t [yg]fg h g [rf] d [tf]| g f [ud] s [id]| [of] d [ws] a [ts]| |8| [xt]| l z x l [zr]| h j k h [le]| [tj] k [le] h [yG]| f G [d9]| [yd] f G h j k [ul]| [ok]| [jI]| [ok]| [rd]| [yG]| [oh]| w| i| [uh]| [so] a [us]| [ji]| [sp] a [si]| [uh]| [yg]| [tf]| [od] s a s d| [wo] p a s [rd] f [ge]| [tf]gf [rd]| [tf] h [s0]| [wa]| [utso]| w| 8Level: 6Length: 00:57Intermediate
Minuet in G Major
Christian Petzold
[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[wu8] os f[qd] Sd p[wsq8] aa s[wd97]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[u860] os f[d7]Sdg a[ws80]Level: 6Length: 00:27Intermediate
Do You Hear The People Sing (Les Miserables)
u [6p] a [etus] [etu] [2d] f [eyig] [eyi] [5a] s [wrid] j [wrih] g [fg] [8f] D [wtuf] [wtu] [6p] a [etus] [etu] [2d] f [eyig] [eyi] [5a] s [wrid] j [wyih] a [8s] [wtu] u [6p] a [etus] [etu] [2d] f [eyig] [eyi] [5a] s [wrid] j [wrih] g [fg8f] D [wtuf] [wtu] [6s] d [etuf] [etu] [2g] h [eyij] [eyi] [5h] [wriG] h [wriz] g [8f] [wtu] [wtu] [3f] G [0ryH] j [0yk] l [kl6k] j [0etf] k [0etj] [jk][3j] H [0ryf] g [0ryf] f [fg] [6f] s [0etp] a [0etp] [3u][Oa][0ryf]Hkxv[0yn] mnm[6n] b [0etx] n [0etb] [bn][3b] V [0ryx] n [0ryn] [6b] [0et] [0et] [6p] a [etus] [etu] [2d] f [eyig] [eyi] [5a] s [wrid] j [wrih] g [fg] [8f] D [wtuf] [wtu] [6s] d [etuf] [etu] [2g] h [eyij] [eyi] [7D] f [erG] [er] [3H] j [0ryk] [3k] L [0yz] C [0yx] z [6L] k [0eTL] H [0ej] G [3f] d [0ryO] G [0ryf] [fG] [6f] S [0ep] G [0ef] [3k] L [0yz] C [0yx] z [6L] k [0eTL] H [0ej] G [3f] d [0ryO] G [0ryf] O [6p] [0T] u [6p] a [etus] [etu] [2d] f [eyig] [eyi] [5a] s [wrid] j [wrih] g [fg] [8f] D [wtuf] [wtu] [6p] a [etus] [etu] [2d] f [eyig] [eyi] [5a] s [wrid] j [wyih] a [8s] [wu] u [6p] a [etus] [etu] [2d] f [eyig] [eyi] 3 [fgf] [0yWD] f [0yk] d [6s] [0et] [0et] 8 l [0euk] j h g [9f] d [eriS] d f g [3f]gfgfg[0tD] f [0ryg] O [6p] [0t]Level: 6Intermediate
Waltz in A Minor
Frederic Chopin
e [utj] [utk] [he] [ut] [utf] [ge] [ut] [ut] [fe] [ut] [ut] e [utj] [utk] [he] [ut] [utf] [qg] [te] [te] [qg] [te] [te] q [tfe] [tge] [qf] [te] [ted] [f9] [qe] [qe] [d9] [qe] [qe] 0 [rfW] [rgW] [f0] [rW] [rdW] [a0] [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] 0 [rfW] [rgW] [f0] [rW] [rdW] [a0] [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] e [utj] [utk] [he] [ut] [utf] [ge] [ut] [ut] [fe] [ut] [ut] e [utj] [utk] [he] [ut] [utf] [qg] [te] [te] [qg] [te] [te] q [tfe] [tge] [qf] [te] [ted] [f9] [qe] [qe] [d9] [qe] [qe] 0 [rfW] [rgW] [f0] [rW] [rdW] [a0] [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] 0 [rfW] [rgW] [f0] [rW] [rdW] [a0] [rW] [rW] 0 [raW] [raW] [d9] [qe] [qe] 9 [qe] [qe] [f9] [qe] [qe] [f9]g [qfe] [qe]d [a0] [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] [f9] [qe] [qe] [g9] [qe] [qe] [S9] [qe] [qe] [d9] [qe] [qe] [a0] [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] [fe] [utf]g[utf]g[ed] [utd]f[utd]f[se] [uts]d[uts]d[ea] [uts] [utd] [qf] [tfe]g[tfe]g[qd] [ted]f[ted]f[sq] [te] [tpe]a[sq] [ted] [tse] [f9] [qfe]g[qfe]g[d9] [qed]f[qed]f[s9] [sqe]d[sqe]d[a9] [sqe] [qed] [d0] [rdW]f[rdW]f[s0] [srW]d[srW]d[a0] [rW] [rpW]a[s0] [rdW] [srW] [fe] [utf]g[utf]g[ed] [utd]f[utd]f[se] [uts]d[uts]d[ea] [uts] [utd] [qf] [tfe]g[tfe]g[qd] [ted]f[ted]f[sq] [te] [tpe]a[sq] [ted] [tse] [f9] [qfe]g[qfe]g[d9] [qed]f[qed]f[s9] [sqe]d[sqe]d[a9] [sqe] [qed] [d0] [rdW]f[rdW]f[s0] [srW]d[srW]d[a0] [rW] [rW] 0 [rW] [rW] 6 [jeb80] [nke80] [vh6] [e80] [e80][xf][gc6] [e80][xf][e80] 6 [e80] [e80] 6 [jeb80] [nke80] [vh6] [e80] [e80][xf][qgc] [tie] [tie] q [tie] [tie] q [xtife] [tigec] [xqf] [tie] [tie][zd][xf9] [yqe][zd][yqe] 9 [yqe] [yqe] 0 [xurfW] [urgcW] [xf0] [urW] [zurdW] [ka0] [urW] [urW] 0 [urW] [urW] 0 [xurfW] [urgcW] [xf0] [urW] [urW][zd][ka0] [urW] [urW] 0 [urW] [urW] 6 [jeb80] [nke80] [vh6] [e80] [e80][xf][gc6] [e80][xf][e80] 6 [e80] [e80] 6 [jeb80] [nke80] [vh6] [e80] [e80][xf][qgc] [tie] [tie] q [tie] [tie] q [xtife] [tigec] [xqf] [tie] [tie][zd][xf9] [yqe][zd][yqe] 9 [yqe] [yqe] 0 [xurfW] [urgcW] [xf0] [urW] [zurdW] [ka0] [urW] [urW] 0 [urW] [urW] 0 [xurfW] [urgcW] [xf0] [urW] [urW][zd][ka0] [urW] [urW] 0 [urkaW] [urkaW] [zd9] [yqe] [yqe] 9 [yqe] [yqe] [xf9] [yqe] [yqe] [gc9] [yxqfe] [yqe][zd][ka0] [urW] [urW] 0 [urW] [urW] 0 [urW] [urW] 0 [urW] [urW] [xf9] [yqe] [yqe] [gc9] [yqe] [yqe] [SL9] [yqe] [yqe] [zd9] [yqe] [yqe] [ka0] [urW] [urW] 0 [urW] [urW] 0 [urW] [urW] 0 [urW] [urW]Level: 7Length: 02:40Intermediate
Evgeny Grinko