Mockingbird (Eminem)

Eminem 16 July 2024

[6eu] s s [4qi] s a a|
[5wyoa]||[6etup]| |
[6eup] 0 e [4qy]| |
[5wry]||[6etu]| |
[6eu] s s [4qs]ds a a|
[5wyoa]||[6etup]| |
[6eup] 0 [eu] [4qy]||t|
[5wry]| tr[60e]||ppp
[6u]s[0s]d[es] 4sa[8u]s[qs]d[es] [qs]aa
5sa[9a]a[wa]a[6a]a[0a]a[ea]s[tp] [ep]p
[6a]s[0p] [ep]p[4a]s[8p] [qp]p[ea]s[qp]
[5a]a[9a]a[wa]s[6p] [0a]a[ea] a[ta]s[ep]
[6a]s[0p] [ea]s[4d] [8a]a[qa]a[ea]s[qp]
[5a]s[9p] [wa]s[6p] [0a]a[es]s[ta]s[ep]
[6s] [0a]a[ea]s[4p] [8a]s[qa] [ea]s[qp]
[5a]s[9p] [wa]s[6p] [0s]a[ea]a[ta]s[ep]
[6a]s[0p]p[ea]s[4p] [8d]s[qa]a[ea]s[qp]
[5a]a[9a]a[wa]s[6d] [0s]s[es]s[ts]d[ef] s
[5a]a[9a]s[wp]p[6p]a[0a]a[ea]s[tp] [ea]s
[6p] [0a]s[ep]p[4a]a[8a]a[qa]s[ep] [qa]a
[6a]a[0a]s[ep]p[4p] [8a]a[qa]s[ep]p[qp]p
[6a]a[0a]s[ep] [4p]p[8a]a[qa]a[ea]s[qa]s
[6p] [0p]p[ea]a[4a]s[8p]p[qp] p[ea]a[qa]a
6p[0a]s[ep]p[4a]a[8a]a[qa]s[ep] [qp]p
[5a]a[9a]s[wp]p[6p]p[0a]a[ea]s[tp] [eu]
[6es] [0s]s[es] [4qd] [8s] [qa] [ea] [qu]u
[5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
[6ep] [0u]t[ey] [4qu]t[8y] [qu] [eu]u[qu]t
[5wy] [9u] [wt]r[6e] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]
[6eu] [0s] [es] [4qs]d[8s] [qa] [ea] qu
[5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
[6ep] [0u] [eu]t[4qy] [8u] [qu]t[ey] [qu]
[5wy] [9u]y[wt]r[6e] 0pep[ts]pe
[6a]a[0a]s[ed] 4a[8s]a[qa]s[ed] a[qa]a
[5a]a[9a]a[ws]p[6p]p[0p]p[ep]a[ts] p[ep]p
[6a] 0 [ea]a[4s]p[8p]s[qp]p[ep]a[qa]s
[5a]a[9s]p[wa]s6p[0s]a[ep]a[ts] [ep]p
[6s] 0p[ep]p[4a]a[8a]a[qa]s[ep] [qp]p
[6a]a[0a]s[ep]p4 [8s]p[qp]p[ep]p[qa]p
[5s]p[9p]p[wa]s[6p]p[0a]a[ea]s[tp] epp
[6a]a[0a]s[ep] [4p]p[8a]a[qa]a[es]pq
[5s]p[9p]p[ws]a[6p]a[0s] ep[tp]p[ep]p
[6p]p[0s]a[ep]a[4s] [8s]a[qp]a[es] [qp]p
[5a]a[9a]pp[wa]a[6a]p[0a]a[ea]p[ts] [ep]p
[5a]s[9p] [wp]p[6a]a[0a]a[ea]p[ts]pep
[6a]a[0a]s[ep] [4p]p[8a]a[qa]s[ep]p[qp]p
[5s]a[9p]a[ws]a[6p]a[0s] [ep]p[ts]a[ep]a
[6s]p0 s[ep]a[4s]p[8p]p[qa]a[ea]s[qp]p
[5a]a[9a]a[wa]s[6p] [0a]a[ea]a[ta]s[ep]p
[6a]a[0a]s[ep]p[4p]p[8a]a[qa]s[ep] q
[5p]p[9s]s[wp]p[6a]s[0p] ep[ta]s[ep]p
[6p]s[0a]p[ea]s[4a]p[8a]a[qa]s[ep] p[qp]p
[5a]a[9a]s[wp]p[6p]p[0a]a[ea]s[tp] e
6 [0s] [ep]p[4a]s[8p]pq [ep]a[qa]s
[5p] [9s]ap[wp]p[6a]s[0p] e [ta]aes
[6p] 0pp[ep]a[4s]p[8a] [qp]p[ep]a[qs]p
[5a]s9 [ws]p[6p]p[0a] a[ep]s[tp] [eu]
[6es] [0s]s[es] [4qd] [8s] [qa] [ea] [qu]u
[5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
[6ep] [0u]t[ey] [4qu]t[8y] [qu] [eu]u[qu]t
[5wy] [9u] [wt]r[6e] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]
[6eu] [0s] [es] [4qs]d[8s] [qa] [ea] qu
[5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
[6ep] [0u] [eu]t[4qy] [8u] [qu]t[ey] [qu]
[5wy] [9u]y[wt]r[6e] 0 [ef]f[tf] [ek]l
[6esf]l[tl]l[ul] [4ql]z[el] [tk] [ik] t
[5wdhk] [rk]k[yl]k[6esfj] t [uf]f[pf]f[uf]f
[6esfj] [tf]f[uf]s[4qd] [ef]f[tf]s[id] [tf]
[5wad] [rf]f[ys]a[6eup] t uf[pf]f[uf]f
[6esf] [tfjl] [ufjl] [4ql]z[el] [tk] [ik] [tf]f
[5wdhk] [rdhk] [yl]k[6esfj] t [uf]f[pf] [uf]f
[6esfj] [tf]f[uf]s[4qd] [ef] [tf]f[if]f[tf]f
[5wad] [rf]f[ys]a[6eup]

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About This Music Sheet

Mockingbird (Eminem) is a song by Eminem. Use your computer keyboard to play Mockingbird (Eminem) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:06, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Mockingbird (Eminem) is classified in the genre of Rap on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Eminem

  • s df[etu] s||
    s f [etu] g [qet] s| |
    [qetg] f [wtu] s| s||
    [wtuf] d [wry]| |[rys] [wd]f[etu] s||
    [es]s [tuf] [eg] [qet] s||[qs]s [etg] [qf] [wtu] s| s w|
    [tuf] [wd] [wry]| |w|
    [rys] [wd] [etuf] [fl]| [fl] e|
    [tuf] [eg] [qet] [gl]| [gl] q|
    [etg] [qf] [wtu] [fl]| [fl] w|
    [tuf] [wd] [wry] [hz]| [ryhz]| |
    sd[etuf] s| s e| [tuf] [eg] [qet] s||
    q s [etg] [qf] [wtu]| s s w| [tud] [wd] [wry]| |
    j j h [6x] 0je [etuh] x j[etu] h 4 8 q [qet] g g
    [qet] g 8 [wf]ft [wtug]g ff[wtu] dd7 w r [wry]| j
    [wryj] h [6x] 0je [etuh] x j[etu] h 4 8 q [qet] g g [qet] g
    8 [wf]ft [wtug]g ff[wtu] dd7 w r
    [wry] g ff[wry] ss6 [0p] e [etu]||
    [etuf] d 4 8 q [qetg] ff [qets]s 8 w t [wtu]| w t u [wry]| |
    [wrys] df[60] s| [etu] s f [etu] g [48] s| [qet]| s [qetg] f
    [8w] s| [wtus]||[wtuf] d [7w]||[wry]||[wrys] d [60f] s| [etus]||[etuf] g
    [48] s| [qets]||[qet] f [8w] s| [wtus]||[wtuf] d [7w]||[wry]||[wrys] d
    [60f] [fl]| [etufl]| e [tuf] [eg]
    [48] [gl]| [qetgl]| q [etg] [qf]
    [8w] [fl]| [wtufl]| w [tuf] [wd]
    [7w] [hz]| [wryhz]| w [ry] sd
    [60f] s| [etus]| [ef] [tu] [eg]
    [48] s| [qet] s [qg] [et] [qf]
    [8w] s| [wtu] s [wf] [tu] [wd]
    [wry]| |[pj] [pj] [oh]
    [6fx] 0 [efj] [etuh] [fx]| [etufj] [sh]
    4 8 q [qet] [pg] [pg][qet] [pg]
    8 [wof][of]t [wtupg][pg] [of][of][wtu] [od][od]
    7 w r [wry]| [pj] [wrypj] [oh]
    [6fx] 0 [efj] [etuh] [fx]| [etufj] [sh]
    4 8 q [qet] [pg] [pg][qet] [pg]
    8 [wof][of]t [wtupg][pg] [of][of][wtu] [od][od]
    7 w r [wry] [pg] [of][of][wry][us]
    [6us] [0p] e [etu]||[etuf] d
    4 8 q [qetpg] [of][of] [us][qet][us]
    8 w t [wtu]| w| [tu]
    [wry]| |s|
    [48a] s [sh] [qet]||[qet] d
    [59d] f [dj] [9we]||[9wes]|
    [48a] s [sh] [qet]||[qet] d
    [59d] f a [9we]aa s [9weo]|
    [48a] s [sh] [qet]||[qet] f
    [59d] f [dj] [9we]||[9wes]|
    [48a] s [sh] [qet]||[qet] f
    [59d] f [dj] [9we]||[9we]|
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [etu]|
    [4wti]||[wti]| 4 [wti]|
    [8wtu]||[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
    [7wry]||[wry]| 7 [wry]|
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [etu]|
    [4wti]||[wti]| 4 [wti]|
    [8wtu]||[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
    [7wry]||[wry]| 7 [wry]|
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [etu]|
    [4wti]||[wti]| 4 [wti]|
    [8wtu]||[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
    [7wry]||[wry]| 7 [wry]|
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [etu]|
    [4wti]||[wti]| 4 [wti]|
    [8wtu]||[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
    [5wry]| |[pj] [pj] [oh]
    [6fx] 0 [efj] [etuh] [fx]| [etufj] [sh]
    4 8 q [qet] [pg] [pg][qet] [pg]
    8 [wof][of]t [wtupg][pg] [of][of][wtu] [od][od]
    7 w r [wry]| [pj] [wrypj] [oh]
    [6fx] 0 [efj] [etuh] [fx]| [etufj] [sh]
    4 8 q [qet] [pg] [pg][qet] [pg]
    8 [wof][of]t [wtupg][pg] [of][of][wtu] [od][od]
    7 w r [wry] [pg] [of][of][wry][us]
    6 0 e [etu]||[etu]|
    4 8 q [qet] [pg] [of][of][qet][us]
    8 w t [wtu]||[wtu]|
    7 w r [wry] [pg] [of][of][wry][us]
    [wry]| |[pg] [of][of] [us]

    Level: 7
    Length: 04:38
    Love The Way You Lie (Rihanna & Eminem)


  • o o i d o i d o i | Y Y Y y y Y Y y y t t | o o i d o i d o i | Y Y Y y y Y Y y y t t | Y y E E
    Level: 2
    Love The Way You Lie


  • [fe]|[ts]|[up]|[tf]| [wd]|[ra]|[yo]|[rd]| [qf]|[se]|[tp]|| q|e|[th] g f d [fe]|[ts]|[up]|[tf]| [wd]|[ra]|[yo]|[rd]| [qf]|[se]|[tp]||q|e|t|| [p9]|[qi]|[ye]|[qp]| [o8]|0|w|[i0] u [y7]||| u|i|[O3]|%|7|0|W|r|u|I|O||| [63]|[63]|[63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[63]|[63]| [64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[64]|[64] [62] [63]|[63]|[63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[63]|[63]| [64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[64]|[64] [62] [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64] [62] [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[ti64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [s64]|[p64]|[f64] d [s64] [a62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[s63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[t64] [u62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [s64]|[p64]|[f64] d [s64] [a62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[s63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[t64] [u62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[utp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [s64]|[p64]|[f64] d [s64] [a62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [utp63]|[63]|[utp63]|[63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[ywr64]|[t64] [u62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[utp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [s64]|[p64]|[f64] d [s64] [a62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [utp63]|[63]|[utp63]|[63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[u64] [t62] [e631]
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:09
    Lose Yourself



  • B z Z B V J l v c h H Z z D g l [WJ] Y [sD] P J H [whD] Y [oPD] Y [iP] Y [qD] t [oY] [tO] [oD] g [D8] [wd] [ys] [dY] [PD] [YJ] [sJD%] ( [ED] t [JE] [lW] [gPJD5] ( [wD] W E w [O4]sDH[h8] [qg] [wD] [sW] [tD] [s5]dg9 e t y w [wo5]adh| |[iYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] P o [iYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] s|[hD8] w t Y y w 8 w t [gY] [yD] [dY] [d8] wDd[ts] Y y w 8 w t [YP] [ys] [wd] [D%] [g(] [sE] t o t % ( E t o [tP]O[o%] ( E t o t % ( E [tO] [oY] [yi] [oY8] w y Y d P 8 w Y o D d 8 w [yi] o g D 8 w [toY] s h|[lW] t o t [iJ] P [wD] E i Y [yd] [ED] [qH] t O t [oh] t [s8] w t [yd] [YD] [oh] [lW] t o t [iJ] P [tD] Y o [gd] [sh] o [sqh] [tH] [og] i [OD] t [wd] y o p a s [ywo]ad| |[t8] w [oY] y [iP] w [yi5] [Y9] [ye] 9Yy[wt] [E9] [t%] ( [oYE] ( W E [t^] q [oE] t [yoP] Y [tso8] w [ysohD] Y [sogPJ] Y [igdP5] [D9] [dPE] 9Dd[ws] [P9] [tso%] ( [sohE] t Y [oP] [tso^] q [tsoh] y Y [oP] [ts8] w t y Y o d P s h d D J| |[lhOD]|[ogdJ] h [gTSPJ] l [gTSQPO]|[tsogPJ] h [sgPOE] h [soYW]|[ywoP] s [siYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] P o [iYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] P o [igYPE1] o P [yodY] P o [tsYP] o P [yodY] P o [igYPE1] o P [yodY] P o [tYPD] o [gdP] [yoY] [hdPD] o [sl%] ( [tYE] y [PJE] W [YD5] ( [wYE] E [ywd] [YD(] [OH4] 8 [toW] i [toh] W [ts1] 5 9 [yd(] [YED] [woh] [sl%] ( [tYE] y [PJE] W [YD8] w [to] [ig] [yoh] E [oh4] [OH8] [wigE] W [wYD] q [yd5] 9 q w t y [ywoda]| |[t1]589[oY(]89([qiP]|[yi5]9[wY]W[yE]wW[YE]yt E [t%](WE[toY]WEty E [t^]qty[oY]tyY[iP] E [tso1]589[sohD(]89([sqgPJ]|[igdP5]9[wD]W[dPE]wW[ED]d[ts] P [tso%](WE[tsoh]WEty P [tso^]qty[sohY]tyYi P [soY8] w t y Y w t y Y o y Y [t81]yYos

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:53
    Where We Used to Be (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

    Manami Kiyota

  • [810]|w|t|u|t|w|[810]|w|t|u|t|w| [f8]|w|t|u|t|w|5|q g f [wd] f [rh]|w g [qf] d [d8]|q|w|r|w s [qf] d [s8]|0|w|[ts]|w|0 d [f8]|0|w|[ts]|w|0 d [g6] f d f 0|w|[jT]|w|[h0]| [j9]|q|e h [yj] h [ge]|[qf]|[g9]|q|e|y|e|q| [g9]|q|e|y|e|q|6|0 h g [wf] g [jT]|e h [g0] f [f9]|w|e|T|e h [wg] S [d9]|q|e|[yd]|e|q f [g5]|9|[qd]|[rj]|q|[h9]|[j5]|[h9]|[qg]|[rg]|[qf]|[D9]| [D8]|0|w|[tf]|w|0|6|0|e|[tf]|e|[j0]| [k7] j|[H9]|[qk]|[gW]|q|9|1|[D8]|[f0]|[le]|[k0]|[j8]| [k7] j|[H9]|[qk]|[igW]|q|9|[QIG]|9|Q|[woh]|q|[h9]| h|H|j|f|g|h|g|S|d|D| [810]|w|t|u|t|w|0|w|t|u|t|w| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[q5]|w|t|u|t|w| [q8]|w|r|y|r|w|[80]|w|t|u|t|w| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[60]|w|e|T|e|w| [q9]|e|y|i|y|e|[q9]|e|y|i|y|e| [q9]|e|y|i|y|e|[q6]|e|T|u|T|e| [w9]|e|T|u|T|e|[q9]|e|y|i|y|e| [q5]|w|r|y|r|w|[q5]|w|r|y|r|w| [81]|w|t|u|t|w|6|0|w|[ut]|e|[p0]| [p7]|[O9]|[qa]|[iW]|q|9|1|[Y8]|[u0]|[se]|[a0]|[p8]| [p7]|[O9]|[qa]|[igW]|q|9|[QIG]|9|Q|[woh]|q|9| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[q9]|w|r|i|r|w| *|[ufE]|w|9|[urf]|W|*|[ufE]|w|9|[urf]|W| [ig6]|8 f [d0] s [ed]|0 s [a8] p [a4]|6 p [o9] i [o2]|6 i [u9] y [p5]|8 o [I9] o w|0|8|[r5]|9|q|w|q|9| [t1]|[850]|[850]|[ut850]|[850] [ut] [uo850]|1|[850] [ut] [ut850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [850]| [uo1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yr850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yi1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yr850]|[850]|[850] [te] [te5]|[q75]|[q75] [wr] [yrq75]|[q75]|5 [te] [tqe75]|[q75]|[q75] [wr] [yqi75]|[q75]|[q75] [ut] [ut5]|[q75]|[q75] [yr] [yqi75]|[q75]|5 [uo] [qoa75]|[q75]|[q75] [pi] [uqo75]|[q75]|[q75] [yi] [ut1]|[850]|[850]|[ut850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [uo1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [ut850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [uo1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yr850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yi1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yr850]|[850]|[850] [wr] [te5]|[q75]|[q75] [wr] [yrq75]|[q75]|[q75] [te] [te5]|5|[q75] [wr] [yqi75]|[q75]|[q75] [ut] [ut5]|[q75]|[q75] [yr] [yqi75]|[q75]|[q75] [uo] [oa5]|5|[q75] [pi] [uqo75]|[q75]|[q75] [yi] [ut1]|8|0|w|0|8|[ysp$]|6|9|Q|9|6| [ysO4]|%|9|q|9|%|[yso5]|9|q|[ws] a|[qp]|[a9]| [uts80]|w|t|u|t|w|0|w|t|u|t|w| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[q5]|w|t|u|t|w| [q8]|w|r|y|r|w|[80]|w|t|u|t|w| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[60]|w|e|T|e|w| [q9]|e|y|i|y|e|[q9]|e|y|i|y|e| [q9]|e|y|i|y|e|[q6]|e|T|u|T|e| [w9]|e|T|u|T|e|[q9]|e|y|i|y|e| [q5]|w|r|y|r|w|[q5]|w|r|y|r|w| [81]|w|t|u|t|w|6|0|w|[ut]|e|[p0]| [p7]|[O9]|[qa]|[iW]|q|9|1|[Y8]|[u0]|[se]|[a0]|[p8]| [p7]|[O9]|[qa]|[igW]|q|9|[QIG]|9|Q|[woh]|q|9| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[q9]|w|r|i|r|w| *|[ufE]|w|9|[urf]|W|*|[ufE]|w|9|[urf]|W| [ig6]|8 f [d0] s [ed]|0 s [a8] p [a4]|6 p [o9] i [o2]|6 i [u9] y [p5]|8 o [I9] o w|0|8|[r5]|9|q|w|q|9| [t8]|0|w|t|w|0|[ysp$]|6|7|Q|9|6| [ysO4]|%|9|q|9|%|[yqoa95]||| [wri5]|||[wut8]| [ut8]|w|t|[u5]|t|w|[30]|w|t|[u5]|t|w| [10]| |[t0]|[81]||| [tq81]
    Level: 7
    Length: 08:34
    Casta Diva (Norma)

    Vincenzo Bellini

  • [8u] w t u|w t o
    3 7 [0r] o|0 r t
    6 0 w t|0 w t||
    [4w][5t]iu t|
    [8u] w t u|w t o
    3 7 [0r] o|0 r t
    6 0 w t|0 w t
    [59wr]||sss d f
    f 8 [wd] y u|w y
    [ud] [0d] [rd] [yd] [rf] [yd] [us] [6s]
    0 w t|0 w t|
    0 w [ts]ss [rd] [th] og9
    e y i|e y [ig] [8g]
    [wf] [tf] [og] f [wd] [td] y 5
    9 w t|9 w t [59wr]||
    s d f f
    8 w t [yd]f[ud] o s [ah]
    0 r I o|d d d
    6 [0f] r t o d d d
    q [tf] i [os]| t [ip]
    [9pg] e [uf] [ipg]||[pg]
    [8of] w [td] [us]| p d
    5 9 w t|9 w t
    [59wr]| ssf g [osh] [osh]
    1 8 w t [uh] g [wf] d
    5 9 w y [os] d [rf] [ps]
    6 [0ad] [esf] [tps] u [ad] [esf] [dg]
    4 [8sf] q t [iof] [tpg] [qah] [sh]
    8 w t u [oh] g [uf] [aOH]
    3 [7pj] 0 [rak] u|[rf] d
    [6s] [0a] [es] [tj] 5 9 [ws] [rd]
    [4q]||[ips] d f p
    9 [ed] u i|s|
    [0tuo]sd| s d f p
    [qt] d t o|a s h
    [4q]| ggg g h g
    [1f] 5 8 [woh] t [8ts] w [tyd]
    5 9 w [yod]|[wra] [tys] w
    6 0 [rto]|0 r [to]||
    gg[5g] g h g [1f]
    5 8 [woh] t [8ts] w [tyod] 5
    9 w [yo]sh w [rya] [wts] 6
    0 r [to] 0|r t

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:25
    Beautiful (Crush)
