y a p yII | ppIa p yuI u | I I I uyu I uyr | apIpI a I
ppIa p yuII | ppIa p yuI u | I I I uyu Iuyr | apIp IaI | Iuyu | I I II o pI | III o pI | III o p I uu yI I |
I I II o pI | III o p I | III o p I u I u |
y a p yII |
y a p yII | ppIa p yuI u | I I I uyu I uyr | apIpI a I
ppIa p yuII | ppIa p yuI u | I I I uyu Iuyr | apIp IaI | Iuyu | I I II o pI | III o pI | III o p I uu yI I |
I I II o pI | III o p I | III o p I u I u |
y a p yII | [wr] | y o y [wr] | r y u I | [ey]
About This Music Sheet
Music To My Eyes (A Star Is Born) is a song by Bradley Cooper. Use your computer keyboard to play Music To My Eyes (A Star Is Born) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Ecaterina. The song Music To My Eyes (A Star Is Born) is classified in the genres: Pop, Songs From Movies, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs, Female Artists, A Star Is Born.
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Other Songs By Bradley Cooper
e t o t r [yo]|[uto]|||q t i o|q p o t o|[ywo]|p o y e t o t r [yo]|[uto]|||e|j j [rj] h|[tf]|||q|g g g g g g [tg] f|[wd]| |e|f j [rj] h|[tf]|||q|g g g g g g [tg] f|[wd]| |[se]| |[rd]||[tf]|||q g h h h g|f [td]|f [wd]||s s e| |[rd]||[tf]|||q g h h h g|f [td]|f [wd]| |e t o t r [yo]|[uto]|||e t o t r [yo]|[uto]|||e|j j [rj] h|[tf]|||q|g g g g g g [tg] f|[wd]| |e|f j [rj] h|[tf]|||q|g g g g g g [tg] f|[wd]| |[se]| |[rd]||[tf]|||q g h h h g|f [td]|f [wd]||s s e| |[rd]||[tf]|||q g h h h g|f [td]|f [wd]| |[ypg] g g g|f||[wrd] d f d|s||[wtf] f f h [yw] s|s [ue]df| |[ypg] g g g|f||[wrd] d f d|s||[wtf] f f h [yw] s|s [ue]df| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |[wt]|s s [ywa] a a a [upe] p|p| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |o [wts] s s s [yw] o|u [ue]|||6|||[ra0]||[r0] a s [ra0]|[ywp]||[yw]||[yw] a [e9]||[se9]|f [se9] a [upe]||[ue] f|[use] a [r0]||[ra0]|s [ra0] s [ywf]||[yw]||[yw]|[eQ9]||[eQ9]||[eQ9]|[ypg] g g g|f||[wrd] d f d|s||[wtf] f f h [yw] s|s [ue]df| |[ypg] g g g|f||[wrd] d f d|s||[wtf] f f h [yw] s|s [ue]df| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |[wt]|s s [ywa] a a a [upe] p|p| |[e9]|s s s s||[wra]|s a| |o [wts] s s s [yw] o|u [ue]|||6
Level: 5Length: 02:50IntermediateShallow (A Star is Born) (Alternative)
Bradley Cooper
6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]|||
q t i o t q p o
8 [to]| [5ro]| [9p]o[wy] [5t]
6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]| w t| |8|
6 0 [etp] [tp] [7tp] [wo]| [8tu]| w t| |
q t i [qti] [ti] [ti] [qti] [ti]
[8ti] u| [5wty]| 9 [wp]o[5y]
6 0 [etp] [tp] [7tp] o w [8tu]| w t||w t 8
4 8 [qti] [eti] [ti] [4ti] [qti] [4ti]
[8ti] u| [5wty]| 9 [wp]o[5y]
[60et]| |[7wry]||[8wy] [8tu]|||
4 [8to] [qto] [eto] [to] i 4 u
[8ty]| u [5ry]| [9y] [wt] [5t]
[60et]| |[7wry]||[8wy] [8tu]|||
4 [8to] [qto] [eto] [to] i 4 u
[8ty] w u [5wy]| 9 w 5
6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]| w t| |8|
6 0 [esj] [tsj] [7sj] [7h] r [8osf]| w u||w t|
q t [is] [pg] [pg] [tpg] [ipg] [pg]
[8pg] [wof] t [5sd]| [9f]d[ws] [ra]
6 [0s] [ej] [tsj] [7h] w [rf]d[8os] w u||w t 8 4
8 [qs] [epg] [tpg] [pg] [4qpg] [pg] [8tog]
[wf] t [5wosd]| 9 w 5 [60uos]| |
4 [8osh] [qosh] [eosh] [tosh] [og] 4 f
[8osd] w [tf] [5wsd]| 9 [wd] s
6 0 e t [7wrosh]||[8wtosf]||w| w t 8 4|
[8osh] [qosh] [eosh] [tosh] g 4 f
[8osd] w [tf] [5wd]| [9s] w 5
[29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9ygjc]| [fjx]||
[5wdhz] [dhz] [fhx] [wrydhz]| [sl] [5w]|
[8tfhx] [fhx] [fhx] [hv] [7wr] [sfl]| [sfl]
[60e] [fx]| |[6e]|
[29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9ygjc]| [fx] [29]|
[5wdhz] [dhz] [fx] [wrydz]| [sl] [5w] [oh]
[8wtoh] [fhx] [tuofhx] [hxv] [7wr] [sl] [wry] [sfl]
[60e] [fx] [etu]||6 e 6
2 9 [edgl] [ydgl] [2dgl] [dl] 9|
[5wdhk] k l [wryhk]||[5w]|
8 w [tfhl] [fhl] [7dhl] w [rdhl] [7k]
[6fhk] [0j] e [sfj]| 0 e 6
[29]| [dgl] [9edgl] [dgl] [dl] [29]|
[5wdhk] k l [wryhk]||[5wh] h
[8tfhl] [fhl] [tuofhl] [dhl] [7r] h [wry] [sf]
[6eu]||[tu]| [et] u e
6 0 e t u 0 e 6
[3uoa] 0 w r [uoa] [rs] [0a] 3
[5yoa] 9 w 5 9 w 5 [I9ya]
2 9 e [ys] e [9f] [9s] [ea]
[6tup] 0 e t [upsf] 0 e [6uoa]
3 0 w [ruoa] 0 [rs] [0a] [3s]
[5oaf] 9 w 5 9 w r 5
[I2pf] 9 e 9 e y 9 e
[29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9egjc]| [fjx]||
[5wdhz] [dhz] [fhx] [wrydhz]| [sl] [5w]|
[8wtfhx] [fhx] [tosfhx] [hv] [7wr] [sl] [wry] [sfl]
[60e] [fx] [etu]||6 e 6
[2gjc] [9gjc] [egjc] [ygjc] 9 [efx] y 9
[5dz] [wdz] [rfx] [ydz] w [ysl] r [5oh]
[8sfl] [wsfl] [tsfl] [8sfl] 7 [woh] r [7uf]
[6u] 0 e t u 6 e 6
2 9 [edgl] [ydgl] [9dgl] [edgl] y 9
[5hk] [9k] [wl] [9dhk] r 9 w 5
8 w [tfhl] [8fhl] [7dhl] [wl] [rdhl] [7k]
[6fhk] [0j] e [tfj] u| 6|
2 9 [esgj] [ysgj] [9sgj] [ysgj] e 9
[5adh] 9 [wdj] [rdk] y| w h
[8fhl] [wfhl] [tfhl] [dhl] 7 [wh] r [7sf]
6 0 e t u e t 0
[9eygjc] c c c| x||
[wyodhz] z x z| l| h
[tuofhx] x x v [roa] [hl]| [hl] [eu] x| |
[ypdgjc] c c c| x| u
[oadhz] z x z| l| h
[tosfl] l l l [roa] h| f [eup]Level: 8Length: 03:42ExpertShallow (A Star Is Born) (Expert)
Bradley Cooper
0 w y w Q [ey] | [wy] 8 w t y w 8 u y w [wy] | [ey] | Iuy e 0 w y w Q [ey] | [wy] 0 | [wu] u u [ey] | [wr] | w | o y 8 | [wt] t t t t t [wt] r | [ey] | Iuy 0 | [wu] u u [ey] | [wr] | w | o y 8 | [wt] t t t t t [wt] r | [ey] | Iuy [w0] | e | [wr] 8 y [wy0] y y t | r [e9] | r e | w w 0 | e | [wr] 8 y [wy0] y y t | r [e9] | r e | 0 w y w Q [ey] | [wy] | 0 w y w Q [ey] | [wy] 0 | [wu] u u [ey] | [wr] | w | o y 8 | [wt] t t t t t [wt] r | [ey] | Iuy 0 | [wu] u u [ey] | [wr] | w | o y 8 | [wt] t t t t t [wt] r | [ey] | Iuy [w0] | e | [wr] 8 y [wy0] y y t | r [e9] | r e | w w 0 | e | [wr] 8 y [wy0] y y t | r [e9] | r e | [s6up] s s [sup] | [atu] | [yp] p a [yp] | [yo] | [ay5o] a a d | o | [yo] 0pa | 5 % [s6up] s s [sup] | [atu] | [yp] p a [yp] | [yo] | [ay5o] a a d | o | [yo] 0pa | [yo] | u y | [e0] | [to] [to] [5to] [to] | I I o I | [wy] | [ro] [ro] [2ro] | I I I [wu] | [wu] | 5 | [eu] | [to] [to] [5to] [to] | I I o I | [wy] [ro] [ro] [ro] [ro] 2 [ey] | [wr] 0 | [ey] | [ru] | y w | u 0 | I | I o I | [eu] | y e | [eu] 9 I [eu] e | o | [ar] [wo] [QI] [wu0] 0 0 0 [ayo] 0 0 I 7 7 7 I | o I o [ay] y y y y y y y [ue] [ue] [ue] [ue] [ue] [ue] [ue] | [s6up] s s [sup] | [atu] | [yp] p a [yp] | [yo] | [ay5o] a a [dy] | o | [yo] 0pa [r0] [r0] [r0] [r0] [r0] w [s6up] s s [sup] | [atu] | [yp] p a [yp] | [yo] | y [ryo] o o [eyo] | y | [wr] 0 | 0 w | u y | [e0] | [to] [to] [5to] [to] | I | o I | 5 | [ro] [ro] [2ro] I I I I [wu] | [wu] | u y w e | [etu] [tu] [tu] [tu] | [ey] | [ru] I | [wy] [ro] [ro] [ro] [ro] | [ey] | [wr] 0 0 0 0 u y w | [wryu]Level: 6Length: 04:08Intermediate
Shallow (A Star Is Born)
Bradley Cooper
w | r | w 9 r | w 9 r | w 9 w 5 | 9 0 | r | [wr] [ay] a a a | a a a [ay] p | p | o o | [tu] o o o | o o o [to] I | u | y y | [tu] | I o | o o | o o | p p [ay] | a [yp] | o [yo] | [yp] p p p | o o o I u | o | o [ay] a a a | a [ay] | p | o o | [tu] o o o | o | [to] I | u y y | [tu] | o | [to] | p o | o o [to] | p | [ay] | a a [up] | o [yo] 0 | r | w [yp] p p p | o I u | o [tuo] o | o | [tuo] | o | [tuo] | o [tuo] 8 | y [wty] 8 | y [ry] | r | o | [tuo] | o | [tuo] | o [tuo] | o [tuo] | p [ayo] y [tuo] o | [tuo] | p | [tuo] o | o p a | a p [eyo] o | y p p | I u y | y o I u | u y | I o | [yp] p p p | o o o I u | o | o | 5 | 9 | w | y | oLevel: 5Length: 02:05Intermediate
Maybe It’s Time (A Star Is Born)
Bradley Cooper
uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as|||0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte Wtyuiouiy wtyuiouiyw6tyuiouiy [w^]tyuiouiy Wtyuiouiy wtyuiouiyw6tyuiouiyw^tyuiouiy Wtyuiouiy wtyuiouiy 6tyuiouiy [w^]tyuiouiy Wtyuiouiy wtyuiouiyw6tyuiouiyw^tyuiouiy [W92]| [92]| [92] [92] re[W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92]| [q92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] wq[920]| [92] [92]| [!] [!] [!] [W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] re[W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92]| [q92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] wq[920]| [92] [92]| [!] [*!]| [W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] re[W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92]| [q92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] wq[920]|||uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt
Level: 4Length: 02:45EasyKojirasete (ReLIFE)
Masayasu Tsuboguchi
[60]|[wy] [59]| [wy]|
[60]|[wy] [59]| o p
[60a] s d [59] d o p s
[60]|f [59d]| 9|
[60ya]| [59yp]||
[60]| [59]| o p
[48a] d|[59d]|o p s
[48]|f [59d]| 9|
[Q7ru]| [Q7ry]||
[8wru]| [8wru]| o p
[60a] d|[59d]|o p s
[60]|f [59] d|9|
[60a] d|[59a]|p|o
[60]| [59]| o p
[48a] d|[59d]|o p s
[48] f|[59d]| 9|
[Q7ua] d|[Q7ya]|p|[yo]
[8w]| [8wy]| o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a [48] p|o p
[6a] s [0d]|[5d] o [9p] s
6|[0f] d 5|9|
[6a] d 0 a 5 p 9 o
6|0|5|[9o] p
[4a] d 8 d [5d] o [9p] s
[4s]|[8f] d 5|9|
[3a] d 7 s 3 a 7 p
4|8|4|o p
[6a] d 0 d 5 o [9p] s
[6a] d 0 a 5 p 9 o
5|9|5|o p
[6a] d 0 d [5d] o [9p] s
6 f 0 d [59]||
[Q7ua] d|[Q7ya]|p|[yo]
[8w]| [8wy]| o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[wry] a a [wrya]|a a [wryd]|
s a [qetp]|p|[wrya]|
a a [wrya]|a|[wryd]|
d d f [qets] s s [wrya]|
a a [wrya]|a|[wryd]|
d d f [qets]|d [wrya]|
a a [wrya]aa|[wryd]|
o p a [4ps]|[5ad]|
6|[sf] 6 6||
[^q]|p [^qa] [^qs]|d f
[^qd]| [^q] [^q]|o p
[60a] d|[59d]|o p s
[60]|f [59] d|9|
[60a] d|[59a]|p|o
[60]| [59]| o p
[48a] d|[59d]|o p s
[48] f|[59d]| 9|
[Q7ua] d|[Q7ya]|p|[yo]
[8w]| [8wy]| o p
[rua] s d [EY] d o p s
[ey]|f [WTd]| o p
[rua] d|[EYd]|o [eyp] s
[WT]|f [wtd]||
[30]|[30]|[30]|[30o] p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a [48] p||
[15us]| [15]||
[15]| [48]|h g hd
[15sf]| [15]||
[15]| [48]|h g hd
[15sf]| [15]Level: 5Length: 03:09IntermediateKing Of Pain (Sting)
p p a
[6s] 0 e 0 6 [0s] [es] [0a]
[3o] 7 0 7 3 [7o] [0o] [7o]
[1f] 5 [8f] [5f] [1f] [5d] [8s] 5
[4d]f[8s]pq 8 4 [8p] [qp] [8a]
[6s] 0 e 0 6 [0a] [es] [0a]
[3o] 7 0 7 3 [7o] [0o] [7o]
[1f] 5 [8f] [5f] [1f] [5d] [8s] 5
[4d]f[8s]pq 8 4 8 [qp] [8a]
[6s] 0se p [6s] 0se p
[3a] 7a0 p [3o] 7 0 s
[1f] 5f8 f [1f] 5d8 s
[4g] 8gq g [4f] [8d]sq|
[6s] 0se p [6s] 0se p
[3a] 7a0 p [3o] 7 [0o]o
[1s] 5 [8d]d [1f] 5 [8d]||
[6p]|[6p] p [6p]|
[6f]|e u p|p|P i P|[6d]d d 6
[6f]|s [6a] [0p]|p 6 P i P|[6p] p p 6
[6f]|e u p|p|P i P|[6d] d d 6
[6f]|s [6a] [0p]|p 6 P i P|[6p]| 6
6|sss 0 p spp
6|sss 0 p spp
6|sss 0 p spp
P i P|[6p]| 6
6|sss 0 p spp
6|sss 0 p spp
6|sss 0 p spp
[6P] i P|[6p]||[6p]| P [0S]| d
[6f] jf d [0f]||[^g]|g f [qd] S S
[^d] S P [6p]||[6p]| P [0S]| d
[6f] jf d [0f]||[^g]|g f [qd] S S
[6s] p s p|p
[6s] 0se p [6s] 0se p
[3a] 7a0 p [3o] 7 0 s
[1f] 5f8 f [1f] 5d8 s
[4g] 8gq g [4f] [8d]sq|
[6s] 0se p [6s] 0se p
[3a] 7a0 p [3o] 7 [0o]o
[1s] 5 [8d]d [1f] 5 [8d]||
[6p]|[6p] p [6p]|
[6f]|e u p|p|
P i P|[6d]d d 6 [6f]|s [6a] [0p]|p 6
P i P|[6p] p p 6 [6f]|e u p|p|
P i P|[6d]d d 6 [6f]|s [6a] [0p]|p 6
P i P|[6p]| 6
6|sss 0 p spp
6|sss 0 p spp
6|sss 0 p spp
P i P|[6p]| 6
6|sss 0 p spp
6|sss 0 p spp
6|sss 0 p spp
[6P] i P|[6p]||
[60e]|f s f s f s [9eyd]|s|p s|s
[48q]|f s f s f s [370d]|s|s f|f
6|f s [6f] s f s
[29d]|s|[29p]| s
[18f] f [18d] d [18s]|[18s] s
[^P]|P P [^p]|f|
[6p] p6 s [6f] f6 j [6J] J6 J [6j]|6|
[6p] p6 s [6f] f6 j [6J] J6 j [6j]|6|
[6p] p6 s [6f] f6 j [6J] J6 J [6j]|6|
[6p] p6 s [6f] f6 j [6J] J6 j [6j]|6|
[6p] p6 s [6f] f6 j [6J] J6 J [6j]|6|
[6p] p6 s [6f] f6 j [6J] J6 j [6jLevel: 6Length: 02:45IntermediateHow You Like That