ef u pf ul af u sf ul ef ul pk uj sh uj ak uh of r uf rk of r f rk 0f r of rk f r o r ef u pf ul af u sf ul ef ul pk uj sh uj ak uh of r f rk of r o r l r o r qs t s tj pf tg 9d e yd ej ud e id ej 9d e yd ef g f ed 30ru 7 0 w r u a f
About This Music Sheet
One Last Wish (Casper) is a song by James Horner. Use your computer keyboard to play One Last Wish (Casper) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song One Last Wish (Casper) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Disney, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Instrumental, Universal Pictures.
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Other Songs By James Horner
[8f] 0 w t [0h] w r u
[qf] e t i [ws] r y [od]
[8f] 0 [wh] t [0z] w [rl] u
[qj] e t i q| |
[qj] e t i [wz] r [yl] [oj]
[0h] w r u [8s] w t f
[qg] e [th] i j| g|
[wd] r y o w| |
[8f] w 0 w [0h] r w r
[qf] t e t [ws] y r [yd]
[8f] w [0h] w [0z] r [wl] r
[qj] t e t q| |
[qj] t e t [wd] y [rf] [yg]
[0h] r w r [8s] w [0d] [wf]
[qg] t [ef] t [ws] y [rp] [ys]
[8s] w 0 w 8| s|
[4p] [6s] [8p] [qs] [5a] [7o] [9a] [wo]
[4p] [6i] [8p] [qi] [5o] 7 9 [ws]
[4p] [6s] [8p] [qs] [5d] [7a] [9d] [wa]
[4s] [6p] [8s] [qp] [5a] 7 9 [wd]
[%s] [8D] [(s] [WD] [^d] [9P] [qd] [EP]
[%s] [8O] [(s] [WO] [^P] 9 q [ED]
[%s] [8D] [(s] [WD] [^g] [9d] [qg] [Ed]
[9g] [qd] [eg] [yd] [wh] r y o a|||
[8sf] 0 w t [0fh] w r u
[qsf] e t i [wps] r y [oad]
[8sf] 0 [wfh] t [0kz] w [rjl] u
[qgj] e t i q| |
[qgj] e t i [woa] r [yps] [oad]
[0fh] w r u [qps] e [tps] [ioa]
[qip] e [tdg] i p| [ip]|
[woa] r [yfh] o a| [fh]|
[8f] [0h] [wf] [th] [9G] [Qd] [eG] [yd]
[8f] [0s] [wf] [ts] [9d] Q [es] y
[wyoa]Level: 6Length: 01:28IntermediateSomewhere Out There (James Horner)
James Horner
6 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 6 0 e 0 r 0 [ut] [o0] [p4] 8 q 8 w 8 [se] 8 [a5] 9 w 9sa[pe] 9 [ro] 9 [o6] 0 e 0 r 0 [tp] 0 [u6] 0 e 0 r 0 [ut] [o0] [p4] 8 q 8 w 8 [se] 8 [a5] 9 w 9sa[pe] 9 [ro] 9 [o6] 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 [p6] 0 e 0 r 0 [tf] [h0] [qji] t i t o t [ph] t wyo[wd] y o y [sp] y [da] y wup[ge] [uf] [pf] u [da] u s u qti [qp] t i t i t u [to] [p4] 8 q 8 w 8 [se] 8 [a5] 9 w 9sa[pe] 9 [ro] 9 [o6] 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 [p6] 0 e 0 r 0 [utf] [oh0] [qji] t i t o t [ph] t w y o y [sp] y [da] yg[pe] [uf] [fa] u [sd] u s| qti[qp] t i t i t u [to] [p4] 8 q 8 w 8 [se] 8 [a5] 9 w 9sa[pe] 9 [ro] 9 [o6] 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 [p6] 0 e 0 r 0 [utf] [oh0] [p6] 0 e 0 r 0 [tf] [h0] [pj4]8qtitq848qt[sli]tq8 [ka5]9wyoyw[sl]9ka[pj5]9wy[oh]yw9 [oh6]0eupue060eu[pj]ue0 [uf6]0eupue060eu[upf]u[ohe]0 [pj4]8qtitq848qt[sli]tq8 [ka5]9wyoyw[sl]9ka[pj5]9wy[oh]yw9 [oh6]0eupue060eupue0 [pj6]0eupue060eu[upf]u[ohe]0 [pj4]8qtitq848qt[sli]tq8 [ka5]9wyoyw[sl]9ka[pj5]9wy[oh]yw9 [oh6]0eupue060eu[pj]ue0 [uf6]0eupue060eu[upf]u[ohe]0 [pj4]8qtitq848qt[sli]tq8 [ka5]9wyoyw[sl]9ka[pj5]9wy[oh]yw9 [oh6]0eupue060eupue0 [pj6]0eueupfpfjmvLevel: 5Length: 01:50Intermediate
Braveheart Theme
James Horner
[fe] u [pf] [ul] [fa] u [sf] [ul] [fe] [ul] [pk] [uj] [sh] [uj] [ka] [uh] [f0] r [uf] [rk] [of] r [fI] [rk] [f0] [rk] [of] [rk] [fI] r o r [fe] u [pf] [ul] [fa] u [sf] [ul] [fe] [ul] [pk] [uj] [sh] [uj] [ka] [uh] [f0] r [uf] [rk] [of] r [fI] [rk] [f0] r o r I r o r [sq] t [si] [tj] [so] t [sp] [tj] [sq] [tj] [ih] [tg] [of] [td] [pf] [tg] [d9] e [yd] [je] [ud] e [id] [je] [d9] e [yd] [fe] [ug] e [if] [ed] [O0] 7 0 W r u O a fLevel: 4Length: 00:32Easy
Casper’s Lullaby (Casper)
James Horner
sd[if] h [og] f [ud] s [if] | op[si] d [of] a [us] o [pi] | sd[if] j [oh] f [ud] s [if] | op[si] d [of] a [us] o [pi] | [sq]hshs | shshs [se]hshs | w sdsfs [sq]hshs | shshs [se]hshs | wlkhjfha[sq]hshspdhj shshs [se]hshs bxw sdsf[zs]x[sq]dsfs | sdsfs [sq]dsfs bzv | [whd8] o s o [wd7] o [ysf] [to]y[ushe0] p s p [td] p [tsoig]fdsq i o i [qp] [i9] [so0] [i9] [wtsof8] o s [yo]t[ywd] o s o [whd8] o s o [wd7] o [ysf] [to]y[ushe0] p s p [td] p [tsoig]fdsq i o i [qp] [i9] [so0] [i9] [tsof8] o s o [wda9] | sd[if] h [og] f [ud] s [if] | op[si] d [of] a [us] o [pi] | sd[ihf] j [olh] f [xud] s [lif] | op[si] d [of] a [usf] o [pid] | tyuo[p4] u [o5] y [u6] t [y8]ou | [w4] t [r5] y [t6] u [y8] o | tyuo[p4] u [o5] y [u6] t [y8]ou | [w4] [t8] [r5] [y9] [t6] [u0] [y8] [wo] [p4][o8][sq][a8][p5][o9][wu][o9][y6][u0][te][y0][e6][t0][ye][u0][p4][o8][sq][a8][p5][o9][wu][o9][p6][s0][ed][f0][d6][s0][pe]0[j4][h8][ql][k8][j5][h9][wf][h9][d6][f0][se][d0][p6][s0][ed][f0][sql4] [oh][wpj5] [uf][ohe6] [yd][utf8]| [ts] | [sql] [oh][wpj] [uf][ohe] [yd][utf]| [ts] | [sq] o[wp] u[oe] y[ut]| t | [li]vlvl | lvlvl [pl]vlvl | o lzlxl [li]vlvl | lvlvl [pl]vlvl | o lzlxl | ty[uq] o [wi] u [y0] t [uq] | we[tq] y [wu] r [t0] w [qe] | ty[uq] o [wi] u [y0] t [uq] | we[tq] y [wu] r [t0] w [qe]
Level: 7Length: 03:31IntermediateDate 2 and Mitsuha’s Theme (Kimi no Na Wa)
yui u t q| yui u t p o| yui u t w| q| 9 qq 0Level: 1Length: 00:20Super Easy
Terminator Main Theme
Brad Fiedel
s g|g g|j h|g h|
j h g|g j|l|z||
z l|j j|g h|g h
j h g|d d|s|g|
z l|j j|g h|g h
z l|j j|l|z||
z l|j j|g h|g h|
j h g|d ds | [ipsg]Level: 2Length: 00:40EasyAuld Lang Syne
Robert Burns