01:45 -
-5 -
[80osf]|[0w] d [0wf]|
o||p o
s||s s
d| f d|
f| d f|
[8o]||[9p] [0o]
[es]||[es] [es]
[qd]| [wf] [ed]|
[uf]| [yd] [tf]|
[18tuo]||p o
[6eups]||s s
[4qipd]| f d|
[18osf]| d f|
[8tuo]|[0w]|[0wp] o
[6ups]|[80]|[80s] s
[qipd]|[ey] f [eyd]|
[8osf]|[0w] d [0wf]|
[6psf]|[80] s [80] f
[9ipd]|[qe] p [qe] d
[6ups]|[80] p [80] s
[8psf]|[80] s [80] f
[9ipd]|[qe] p [qe] d
[6ups]|[80] p [80] s
[6etup]|e 6 e|
[18tuo]||p o
[6eups]||s s
[4qipd]| f d|
[18osf]| d f|
[18tuo]||[18p] o
[6eups]||[6es] s
[4qipd]| f [4qd]|
[18osf]| d [18f]|
About This Music Sheet
Outlander (The Skye Boat Song) is a song by Bear McCreary. Use your computer keyboard to play Outlander (The Skye Boat Song) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:45, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Outlander (The Skye Boat Song) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Bear McCreary
pfklkfpfklkfpfkl pfklkfpfklkfpfkl pfklkfpfklkfpfkl pfklkfpfklkfpfkl [e6]uasau[e6]uasau[e6]uas [e6]uasau[e6]uasau[e6]uas [e6]uasau[e6]uasau[e6]uas [e6]uasau[e6]uasau[e6]uas [q4]TOpOT[q4]TOpOT[q4]TOp [q4]TOpOT[q4]TOpOT[q4]TOp [92]euiue[92]euiue[92]eui [92]euiue[92]euiue[92]eui [e6]uasau[e6]uasau[e6]uas [e6]uasau[e6]uasau[e6]uas [e6]uasau[e6]uasau[e6]uas [e6]uasau[e6]uasau[e6]uas6Level: 4Length: 00:43Easy
The Walking Dead Theme
Bear McCreary
[wo] d a o d a o d a o d a [QI] d a I d a I d a I d a [wd] y r [wa] y r [wp] y r w [ya] [rf] [dQ] y r Q y r Q y r Q y r [wd] y r [wa] y r [wp] y r w [ya] [rp] [QI] y r Q y r Q y r Q y r [o30] r w [a0] r w [d0] r w 0 [ra] [wd] [d81] [rf] w 0 r w 0 r w 0 [ra] [wp] [o30] r w [p0] r w [a0] r w 0 r [wd] [o81] r w 0 r w [I92] r w 9 r w [zwd5] y r [wka] y r [wpj] y r w [yka] [xrf] [zdQ] y r Q y r Q y r Q y r [zwd5] y r [wka] y r [wpj] y r w [yka] [rpj] [QIG$] y r Q y r Q y r Q y r [o30] r w [a0] r w [d0] r w 0 [rka] [zwd] [GC92] [xrf] w 0 r w 0 r w 0 [rka] [wpj] [oh92] r w 0 r w [pj0] r w [ka0] r [zwd] [oh81] r w 0 r w [92] r w 0 r w [wo5] d a o d a o d a o d a [o5] d a o d a o d a o d a [o5]Level: 6Length: 02:01Intermediate
Reconciliation (The Walking Dead)
Bear McCreary
[8j] w [th] f [0h] [wj] t|
[8f] [wf] [tg] f [0h] w [rg] f 6 0 e| 8 0 e|
[6j] [0j] [eh] f [8h] 0 e|
[9j] [ej] [th] g [qh] e [tg] f 9 e t| q e t|
5 [9h] [wh] j [7h] 9 [wf] h
[5j] [9j] [wh] f [7h] 9 [wj] h
8 [wh] [th] [wf] [0j] w [tf] [wh]
[8j] [wj] [th] [wf] [0h] w [rg] [wf]
6 0 es[0h] [8h] 0 [eg] [0f]
6 0 e 0 8 0 e 0 9 e t e q e [th]je
[9j] [ef] [td] [es] [qd] [ef] t e
5 [9s]sw 9g7f9dw [9s]
[5d]f9 [wd] 9 7 9 w 9
[tl] o [sl]| [ul] o [sh]jlz[tx] o [sx]|
[ux] o [ah] h[ex]zuzp nt
[ub] p lz[el] u [pl]| [tl] u p|
[yl] p [sl]| [ix] p [sh]jl
[yv] [pb] [sz]l i p [sl]l
[el] uj[px]zzlt u p|
e u p| t u p|
[tl] o [sl]| [ul] o [sh]jlz[tx] o [sx]|
[ux] o [ah] h[ex]zuzp nt
[ub] p lz[el] u [pl]| [tl] u p|
[yl] p [sl]| [ix] p [sh]jl
[yv] [pb] [sz]l i p [sl]l
[el] uj[px]zzlt u p|
e u p| [etup]Level: 5Length: 01:36IntermediateSelf Control
Frank Ocean
u|||i|t|t|y|u y||t y y|||
[36t]t eeewww q q
[46q] q q||q
[38e]eew w000000
[250] 0 0||0
[46q] q q||q
[38e]eew w000 00
[250]0 0 0||
[36] t u|e e t|
[38t] y y y y t t t
[25t] y u|r|e|
[36] t u|e|t|
[38t] y y y y y u|
[25r]| w i u y t
[36y] y y y y|
[46]||i u y t
[38t] y t y r|
[25]| w i u y t
[36y] y y y y|
[46]| t i u y t
[38t] y t y r|
[25] w u|r|t|
[38u] y[38]|[38]|[38]|
[36t]t e ewww q q
[46q] q q||q
[38e]eew w000000
[250] 0 0||0
[46q] q q||q
[38e]eew wwww et
[36] t u|e e t|
[38t] y y y y t t t
[25t] y u|r|e|
[36] t u|e|t|
[38t] y y y y y u|
[25r]| w i u y t
[36y] y y y y|
[46]||i u y t
[38t] y t y r|
[25]| w i u y t
[36y] y y y y|
[46]| t i u y t
[38t] y t y r|
[25] w u|r|t|
[38u] y[38]|[38]|[38]|
[257]|[257]|[257]rr[257] e
[36] t|e||w
[46]||rrrr e
[38] t|r||t
[25]||rrrr e
[36] t|e|t|q
[46]||rrrr e
[38] t|y|tr|
[25]| w i u y t
[6y] y y y y|
[46]||i u y t
[38t] y t y t|
[25]| w i u y t
[36y] y y y y|
[46]| t i u y t
[38t] y t y r|
[25w] u|r|t|
[38u] y||t y
[25r]Level: 5Length: 02:40IntermediateYou Broke Me First (Tate McRae)
Tate McRae
66|66|88 66|66|66 66|66|88 66|66|| 6 [te] 6 [te] 6 [te] 6 [te] 5 [wt] 5 [wt] 5 [wr] 5 [wr] 4 [qe] 4 [qe] 4 [qe] 4 [qe] 2 [e9] 2 [e9] 3 [W0] 3 [W0] 6 [ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute] 5 [wut] 5 [wut] 5 [wur] 5 [wur] 4 [qie] 4 [qie] 4 [qie] 4 [qie] 2 [ye9] 2 [ye9] 3 [WO0] 3 [WO0] 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e [p6]u[te]e[60]8[e6]3[p6]u[te]e[60]8[e6]3 [s6]p[ue]t[e6]0[e8]6[j6]f[se]p[l6]j[fe]s 6 eo[p6] e 6 e 6 [oe]p [a5] [ws] [a5]s[wa]o[a5] [ws] [a5]ow [p4] q 4 q 4 q 4 [qi]o [p3] 0 3 0 [O3] 0 3 0 [p6] ep[f6] e 6 e 6 [ed]f [g5] [wf]g[h5] [wg]h[l5] [wk] [j5] [wh] [j4] q 4 q 4 q 4 qgh [j3] 0 3 0Hj[k3] 0 [f3] 0 [f8] t 8 t [d8] t 8 [tf]d [s6] e 6 e [a7] r [u7] r [p4] q [i4] q [p4] q [s4] [qa]p [a2] 9 2 [p9]O[p3] 0 [O3] [u0] [p6] [pe]s6 [se]s6 [se]s6 [ea]p 6 [pe]p6 [pe]p6 [pe]p6 [pe]u 6 [ue]u6 [ue]u6 [ue]u6 [ye]t 6 [te]t6 [te]t6 [te]t6 [re]e [e6] 6 [e6] 6e[u6] 6 6 6ty [u3] 3 3 3 [y3] 3 [o3] [i3]u [u6] 6 6 6 [t6] 6 6 [r6]t [Y@] [@(]Y@([Y@] [t@]t[r@]t[Y@]Y[r@]t 6 ee[p6] ee[p6] e[pe]6 [pe]pa [p4] q 4 qpa[O4] [uq]p4u[qa]u [s6] e [p6] e 6ps[je] [f6] e [D@] ( @ (Df[g@] ( [i@] (saP [p6]u[se]u[D6] [ed] [sp6]d[use]p[f6]o[pe]o [ph8]u[ts]u[fD8] [td] [sj9]d[ys]p[f9]s[yd]f [pD6]u[se]u[D6] [ed] [s6]d[spe]p[f6]o[pe]o [OD3]u[a0]u[s3] [a0] [sO2] [a9] [fa2]a[O9]a [pf1]s[h8]f[ka1]f[h8]f[pD7]a[aG7]D[pj7]G[u7]a [si4]p[s4]f[s4]i[a4]p[s4]p[s4]f[so4]i[a4]p [p6]u[up6]s[pj6]u[pf6]u[D@]s[p(]u[p@]u[p(]D [s@]p[u(]t[u@]t[u(]p[p6]u[up6]s[pf6]u[s6]f [pd1]u[p8]d[p1]u[sp8]f[p1]u[p8]u[pd1]u[p8]f [p6]u[up6]s[pj6]u[pf6]u[D@]s[p(]u[p@]u[p(]D [j@]f[s(]p[sD@]p[s(]u[f3]p[s0]f[H3]u[pf0]s [j6]f[s6]f[g6] [f6]d[s6]p[s6]d[D6]d[s6]p 66[upe][up]6 [upe][up]6 [upe][up]6 [upe][up] 66[use][us]6 [use][us]6 [uea][ua]6 [uea][ua] 66[upe][up]6 [upe][up]6 [upe][up]6 [upe][up] %%[uWO][uO]% [uWO][uO]% [uWO]u% [uWO]u 6 ee[u6] e 6 e 6 [te]y [u5] [wi] [u5]i[wu]t[u5] [wi] [u5]tw [y4] q 4 q [t4] q [e4] [tq] [r3] 0 3 [e0]W[e3] 0 [W3] 0 [e6] ee[u6] e 6 e 6 [te]y [u5] [yw]u[i5] [wue]i[uo5] [wi]o[si5] [wa] [tp4] q 4 q [ie4] q 4t[qp] [tO3] 0 3u[rO0][pe][ra3] 0 [yd3] 0 [pf1] 8 1 8 [ha1] 8 [f1] [h8] [sj6] 6 6 [H6]G[fH7] 7 [f7] [h7] [jg4] q [sg4] q [jg4] q [l4] q [zj2] 9 2 [l9]z[xk3] 0 3 0 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuuLevel: 5Length: 02:55Intermediate
Disco Descent (Crypt of the Necrodancer)
Danny Baranowsky