Pathway (Made in Abyss)

Kevin Penkin 11 November 2020

a|[of]|[pG]|[ha]|[pjf]| |h G [uhf]|[jIG]|[okh]|[pjf]| |h G [thf]|[yjG]|[ukh]|[jfI]| |h G [phf]|[ojG]|[khI]|[ojf]| |f f f f f f f f f f f f [uhf] f [jfI] f [okf] f [pjf] f f f [phf] [pfG] [uhf] f [lfI] f [okf] f [pjf] f f f [phf] [pfG] [uthf] f [yjfI] f [uokf] f [pjfI] f f f [phfI] [pfIG] [thf] f [yfG] f [uf] f [dI] f f f f f fG[hf]j[kf]l[zf]xfG[hf]j[kf]l[zf]xfG[hf]j[kf]l[zf]xfG[hf]j[kf]l[zf]|[xf]| |[to81] [I8]ou1[I8][o5][I2][o6][p9]d[a3] [s0]ap[a$][oQ]I[o5] [wI]o[u1] [t8]yu[t81][a81] [p81]o[I30]o[u30]I[o30]p[a30]f[d30]s[aQ$]p[wo5]I[u6]t[ea0] [fe60] [eG6]h[G7]d[rQG]h[rj7]k[rh7]G[f8]k[xwt]z[wtk8]l[wtk8]j[h8]G[wtf8]s[wta8]p[wo]I[u81]I[o81]p[a8]d[f81]G[h81]j[k8]z[x8]C[v85]v[b81]Cv[x8]lk[j81]h[G81]fs[a8]po[I81]u[t81]re[w8]wQw[Q92] [730]

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About This Music Sheet

Pathway (Made in Abyss) is a song by Kevin Penkin. Use your computer keyboard to play Pathway (Made in Abyss) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:08, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Pathway (Made in Abyss) is classified in the genres: Manga, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Instrumental.


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Other Songs By Kevin Penkin

  • [uqe]| [uqe]| [uqe]| [uqe]| [uq4] uy[uq] uy[uq4] uy[uq] [u84]y[qg4] uy[uq] uy[uq4] uy[uq] [u84]y[qh4] uy[uq] uy[uq4] uy[uq] [u84]y[qj4] uy[uq] uy[qk4] uy[uq] [u84]y[u4] uy[uq84] uy[u4] uy[uq84] uy[f4] uy[uq84] uy[u4] uy[uq84] uy[g4] uy[uq84] uy[u4] uy[uq84] uy[h4] uy[uq84] uy[j4] uy[u5] [u5]y6 [ure60][ure][ure] 6 [ure60][ure][ure] 6 [ure60][ure][ure] 6 [ure60][ure][ure] 6 [ure60][ure][ure] 6 [ure60][ure][ure] 6 [ure60][ure][ure] 6 [ure60][ure][ure] 6 [pfa60][pfa][pfa] 6 [pfa60][pfa][pfa] 6 [pfa60][pfa][pfa] 6 [pfa60][pfa][pfa] 6 6 [xkj6][xkj][xkj6] 6 6 [xkj6][xkj][xkj6] [81] [81] [xkj81][xkj][xkj81] [92] bnx

    Level: 7
    Length: 00:33
    Relinquish (Made in Abyss)

    Kevin Penkin

  • [usqkg]|||[usqkg]|||[usqkg]|||[usqkg]|||[q4]yu| q u| q u q u| q u| [w5] u [e6] u| e u| [r7] u [T] u [y9] u| y u| [qpj4] [uh] f [qj] [uh] f [qd]s[uf] q u|p[qp]s[upd] f [wd5]s[uf] [e6] u|p[pe]s[upd] f [rda7]s[uf] [T] u [y9] u| y u|p[jf4]q[uh] f [qpj] [uh] f [wd5]s[uf] [e6] u|p[pe]s[qid^E] [uf] ds[sE] [wt8] [uj] [yphe9]f[uj] [wsh8][tf][ud] [sqo^E] [ud] [e60] u [wpj5]9[usl] [qohd4][ig][upj] [yohd9][ig][upd] [so8][ped][usg] [qhd^] [usg][pd][wso95] [up] [yo9][ie][up] [uo92] 9eui[lh]l| 6 2 68[to0]e[tl]l|[yp][us][yod962] [upf] [yid4][ts] 8we[sh]h|[q4][ts][ufa5][oh9][ywpjd][kfa]60ertu[pj][oh][wr7]| [wufT*][sl]|[ye9] 2[j9]h[pfe]y[ji] [sh4][f8][wd][se][od5][s9][ed][rf][tq] [84] [ywpjd] [oh95] [upf63] [pj] [ohd7] [uf] [wtod8]s[uf]| 1| ds8 [o8]p[a8]o[p8]a[s1]opfsoao4qe| 5wrt6ety8tu yt w[e4]tu [y5]t w[e4]ty e|e[r5]wyu6etI[o8] tu|yt4qpu[u5][so9]w 3 [pj][oh][uf] [pj] [soh4][uf8][ywd][tse][yod5][ts9][ufea]r[tq] [nk4] [ywpjd] [ohd5] [upf6] [tpj0] [ohd7] [ywuf] [wtd8]sf r| [te1]| r| [te]| r| [te]| r| [g2]sfsgs[f9]s[g92]s[kf9][sj][g9]s[f9][sk]j[h92][s9][yd][se][yh][s9][yd][se][h2][s9][ed][s9][yh][s9][ed][s9][k4][d4][rk][d4]8[rk]8[d4]8[rk]8[d4]8[k5][d5][rk][d5]9[zr]9[d5]9[rk]9[d5]9[ohd6][d0][rk][td][pjd7][wd][rk][td][kda81][d9][rk][d9][zy][d9][rk][d9][zd1]

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:17
    Underground River (Made in Abyss)

    Kevin Penkin

  • f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l [xf] h k l f h k l [fc] h k l f h k l [zf] h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l [soj] s d h s d h d [pkd] d f h d f h d [plf] [zg] [xh] p s d f p [jca] [xh] [zg] a [gd] f d a [lif] [zg] [xh] i s d f i [xoh]|[kd] o [us] a o u [plf] [zg] [lf] p s d f h f h k l f h k l [tp6] 0 e r t 6 e 0 [ya5] 9 w e r 5 w 9 [us4] [id8] [qof] 8 t [y8] [uq] 4 [pg5] [of9] [wid] 9 [yi5] [u9] [yw] 9 [us9] [ied] [yof] e t [ye] [yu] 9 [uo8] w [uta]|[y7] w r 7 [us6] [id0] [use] 0 t [y0] [ue] o p s d f h k l f [pf] h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l [xmj]

    Level: 5
    Length: 00:54
    Reg’s Power (Made in Abyss)

    Kevin Penkin

  • s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s [slf] s s s [skd] s [slf] s [sji] [si] [si] [si] [si] [si] [si] [si] [ush] [us] [us] [us] [ush] [us] [usg] [us] [sof] o o o [oda] o o o [spf] p p p [pda] p [spf] p [uoa] u u u [uo] u u u [pi] i i i [pi] i [si] i [uto] t t t [yr] r r r [uts8] [t8] [t8] [t8] [yta8] [t8] [uts8] [t8] [wtp5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [wt5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [tqo4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [tqo4] [q4] [tqi4] [q4] [wut8] [t8] [to8] [t8] [ywr7] [r7] [r7] [r7] [te60] [60] [yr60] [60] [ute6] [e6] [tpe6] [e6] [to30] [30] [30] [30] [t30] [30] [30] [30] [tqi4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [tqo4] [q4] [tqi4] [q4] [wut8] [t8] [to8] [t8] [ywr7] [r7] [r7] [r7] [t6] e t|6 e|[wr3] 0 w|3 0 w [e4] q [e4] [tqp] 4 [tqo]|[uto8]|t w [yro7]|[yri]|[ute6] e t|0 e|[wr3] 0 w|3 0 w [e4] q 8 [e4] 8 q|[w8]| |[w7]| |[re6] u e|u e u w y w|y w y [ue]

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:56
    Adventure Through the Light (Made in Abyss)

    Kevin Penkin

  • yPhPyPhPyPhPyPhPyPh|||yPhPyPhPyPhPyPhPyPh|||yPhPyPhPyPhPyPhPyPh|||isjsisjsisjsisjsush|||yPhPyPhPyPhPyPhPyPh|||isjsisjsisjsisjsushsushsush|||yPhPyPhPyPhPyPhPyPh|||ip[P5]9iwp[i5][wP][i9][wd][i9][wP5][i9][wp][i9]P[i5][wd][i9][qP4][i9][qp][i9][qP][i94][qd][i9][qP4][i9][qp][i9][qp][i94][qp][i9][P30][i8][p0][i8][P0][i83][d0][i8][P30][i8][p0][i8][P0][i83][d0][i8][P81][i5][p8][i5][p8][i51][P8][i5][P1]58|ip[wP5][i9][wp][i9][wP5][i9][wd][i9][wP5][i9][wp][i9][wP5][i9][wd][i5][qP4][i9][qp][i9][qP4][i9][qd][i9][qP4][i9][qp][i4][qp4][i9][qp][i9][P30][i8][p0][i8][P0][i83][d0][i8][P30][i8][p0][i8][P0][i83][d0][i8][P81][i5][p8][i5][P81][i5][d8][i5][i1][P5]8|ip[wP5][i9][wp][i9][wP5][i9][wd][i9][wP5][i9][wp][i9][wP5][i9][wd][i5][qP4][i9][qp][i9][qP4][i9][qd][i9][qP4][i9][qp][i4][qP4][i9][sq][i9][P30][i8][p0][i8][P0][i83][d0][i8][P30][i8][p0][i8][P0][i83][d0][i8][P81][i5][p8][i5][p81][i5][P8][i5][i1][P5]8

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:39
    In The Blind (Made in Abyss)

    Kevin Penkin


  • [u6] e t e u e t [u8]| w t w u i u y 5 w r w y w r [i9]| e y e i e y u 6 e t e u e t [u8]| w t w u i u y 5 w r w y w r [i9]| e y e i e ywww [t6] 3 6 8||[y6] [te10] 3 5 8|t [t5] t [r5] 2 5 [r7] r r [r5] 2 2 [t2] 4 6 9 6 2 ww [t6] 3 6 0|8wwwy [t1]r[w3] [e5] 8|t [t5] t [r5] [r2] [r5] 7|w [w5] [w2] 5 [e5] 8 5 8 7 5 w [t6] 3 6 0|8|yy [t1] 3 5 8|t 5 r [r5] 2 5 [w7] w e [e5]w[q2] [e2] 2 4 6 9 6 2 w [t6] 3 6 0|[y8] y t 1 [e3] 5 8|t [t5] r 5 5 8 [r5] [r8] [t7] [t5]| 5 [e5] 8 5 8 [e7] [e5] e [e4] 1 4 [r6] [e8] 6 [e4] r [t2] [r6] [e2] [t4] [r6] [e4] [e2] e [e6] 3 6 [r8] [e0] 8 [e6] r [t6] [r3] [e6] [t6] [r3] [e6] [e3] [e6] [e4] 1 4 [r6] [e8] 6 [e4] r [t5] [r2] [e5] [t5] [r5] [r5] 5| 5 5 5 [t5] [t5] 5 [y5] 5 [u6] 1 [y3] 8 [t6] 3 6 [u3]y [u6] 1 3 8 6 [o3] [t1] [y3] 5 7 [t2] [t7] 5 [o2] [o7] [y2] 5 [u7] 2 7 5 [u2] [e7] [t2] 2 [e6] [e2] [t4]|[e2] e [t6] 2 [e6] 2 [t4]|[e2] e [t6] [e6] 1 3 8 6 3 [t1] [e3]w [e5]t[t7] 2 [y7] 5 2 7 [w2] [t6] 3 6 9 6 8 6 y [t1] 3 5 8 5 [t8] [wt] r 5 2 5 [r7]| 5 [w7] 2 [e2] 4 [e6] 9 6 [w2] w [t6] [r3]e[w6] 0|8 y y 1 [u3] 5 8|y [yw] y 5 [t2] [r5] [r7] r r [r5] [r2] 2 [t2] 4 6 9 [e6] [e9] e [e4] 1 4 [r6] [e8] 6 [e4] r [t2] [r6] [e2] [t4] [r6] [e4] [e2] e [e4] 1 4 [r6] [e8] 6 [e4] r [t2] [r6] [e2] [t4] [r6] [e4] [e2] e [e6] 3 6 [r8] [e0] 8 [e6] r [t5] [r2] [e5] [t5] [r5] [r5] 5| 5 5 5 [t5] [t5] 5 [y5] 5 [u6] 1 [y3] 8 [t6] 3 6 [u3]y [u6] 1 3 8 6 [o3] [t1] [y3] 5 7 [t2] [t7] 5 [o2] [o7] [y2] 5 [u7] 2 7 5 [u2] [e7] [t2] 2 [e6] [e2] [t4]|[e2] e [t6] 2 [e6] 2 [t4]|[e2] e [t6] [e6] 1 3 8 6 3 [t1] [e3]w [e5]t7 [y2] 7 [u5] 2 [u7] 2 [u6] 1 [y3] 8 [t6] 3 1 [u3]y [u6] 1 3 8 6 [y3] [y1] [o3] [y5] 7t[r2] 7 [o5] [o2] [o7] [y2] 5 [u7] 2 7 5 [u2] [e7] [t2] 2 [e6] [qe] [t6] 2 [e6] [qe] [t6] 2 [e6] q [t6] 2 [e6] [qe] [t6] [e4] 6 1 6 4 [e1] [t6] [e1]w [e5]t7 2 7 5 [u2] [y7] [y2] [q4] [e8] t [q8] t [te] y [y0] [30] [wu8] [r8] 8|[r7] [r5] r [r30] [wr7] [r70] r r 5 r [r0] [w5] t [w5] y|[wu] [y9] [y5] [q4] [61] t [e84] t [t6] y [y4] [30] [wu8] [70] 8|[r7] [r5] r [30] [wr8] [r70] r r 7 r [r5] [w5] t [w5] [yw5]|u [u5] w [u6] 1 [y3] [t8] 6 3 1 [u3]y [u6] 1 3 8 6 [o3] [t1] [y3] 5 7 [t2] [t7] 5 [o2] [o2] [y7] 5 [u7] 2 7 5 [u2] [e2] [t7] 2 [e6] [qe] [t6] 2 [e6] [qe] [t6] 2 [e6] q [t6] 2 [e6] [qe] [t6] [e6] 1 3 8 6 3 [t1] [e3]w [e5]t7 [y2] 7 [u5] 2 [u2] 7 [u6] 1 [y3] 8 [t6] 3 1 [u3]y [u6] 1 3 8 6 [y3] [y1] [o3] [y5] 7t[r2] 7 [o5] [o2] [o7] [y2] 5 [u7] 2 7 5 [u2] [e7] [t2] 2 [e6] [qe] [t6] 2 [e6] [qe] [t6] 2 [e6] q [t6] 2 [e6] [qe] [t6] [e4] 6 1 6 4 [e1] [t6] [e1]w [e5]t7 [y2] 7 5 2 [y7] 2 [u6] [e8] [t0] [e8] u [e6] [t3] [e6] [u6] [e8] [t0] [e8] u [i6] [u3] [y6] 5 [r7] [y9] [r7] y [wr] [y9] [r5] [y5] [w7] [y9] [w7] y w [r9] [i5] 2 [e4] [y6] [qe] y [e9] [y6] [e2] [i2] [e4] [y6] [qe] i [o9] [i6] [u2] 6 [e8] 0 [e8] 0 [e6] [t3] [y6] 5 [w7] [r9] [w7] u w [r9] [w5] [u6] [e8] [t0] [e8] u [e6] [t3] [e6] [q6] [e8] [t0] [e8] u [i6] [u3] [y6] 5 [w7] [r9] [w7] y w [r9] [w5] [y5] [w7] [r9] [w7] y w [r9] [i5] 2 [e4] [y6] [qe] i [e9] [y6] [e2] [i2] [e4] [y6] [qe] i [e9] [y6] [i2] 6 [e8] [t0] [e8] i [e6] [t3] [e6] [w5] [r7] [y9] [r7] w [wr] [y9] [r5]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:04
    Set Fire To The Rain


  • 8|[wu]|8|[wu]|
    8|[wu]|8|f d
    [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
    [8of] d [of] d [8of] [of]|[of]
    0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
    6|[0s] p| 0|
    [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
    4 [ps] 8||8|
    4|8||[8f] d
    [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
    [8of] d [of] d [8of] h|[of]
    0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
    6|[0s] p| 0|
    [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
    4 [ps] 8||8|
    9|[pg]|9|[pg] s
    [9pg] [pg]|[ah] 9 [sj]|[ah]
    0 [of] [wr]||[wr]|
    0|[wr]||[wrf] [pg]
    q [of]|[id] q s|[pg]
    q [of]|[id] q s|[ad]
    f f|
    [0h]|[wr] a a|[wrya]|
    [5ro]|9| s 9 [pg]
    4 [of] 8 [id]|s 8 [pg]
    4 [of] 8 [id]|[id] 8 [us]
    8|[0w]||[0w] s
    8 d [0w] f|l [0w] k
    0|[wr]||[wr] s
    0 d [wr] f|k [wr] [sj]
    [5af]|9||[9f] d
    [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
    [8of] d [of] d [8of] [of]|[of]
    0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
    6|[0s] p| 0|
    [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
    4 [ps] 8||8|
    4|8||[8f] d
    [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
    [8of] d [of] d [8of] h|[of]
    0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
    6|[0s] p| 0|
    [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
    4 [ps] 8||8|
    9|[pg]|9|[pg] s
    [9pg] [pg]|[ah] 9 [sj]|[ah]
    0 [of] [wr]||[wr]|
    0|[wr]||[wrf] [pg]
    q [of]|[id] q s|[pg]
    q [of]|[id] q s|[ad]
    f f|
    [0h]|[wr] a a|[wrya]|
    [5ro]|9| s 9 [pg]
    4 [of] 8 [id]|s 8 [pg]
    4 [of] 8 [id]|[id] 8 [us]
    8|[0w]||[0w] s
    8 d [0w] f|l [0w] k
    0|[wr]||[wr] s
    0 d [wr] f|k [wr] [sj]
    [5ah]|9| s [9d] [pg]
    4 [of]|[id] 4 s|[pg]
    4 [of]|[id] 4 [id]|

    Level: 5
    Length: 04:00
    Count on Me (Intermediate)

    Bruno Mars

  • [8tuo]| [tuo] 8 [7ruo]| [ruo] 7
    [6etu]| [etu] 6 [5wry]| [wry] 5
    [4qet]| [qet] 4 [30et]| [0et] 3
    [29qe]| [9qe] 2 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [8tuo]| [tuo] 8 [7ruo]| [ruo] 7
    [6etu]| [etu] 6 [5wry]| [wry] 5
    [4qet]| [qet] 4 [30et]| [0et] 3
    [29qe]| [9qe] 2 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [8tuo]| [tuo] 8 [7ruo]| [ruo] 7
    [6etu]| [etu] 6 [5wry]| [wry] 5
    [4qet]| [qet] 4 [30et]| [0et] 3
    [29qe]| [9qe] 2 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [8tuo]| [tuo] 8 [7ruo]| [ruo] 7
    [6etu]| [etu] 6 [5wry]| [wry] 5
    [4qet]| [qet] 4 [30et]| [0et] 3
    [29qe]| [9qe] 2 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [tsfh]| [sfh] t [rafh]| [afh] r
    [epsf]| [psf] e [woad]| [oad] w
    [qips]| [ips] q [0ups]| [ups] 0
    [9yip]| [yip] 9 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [8tuo]| [tuo] 8 [7ruo]| [ruo] 7
    [6etu]| [etu] 6 [5wry]| [wry] 5
    [4qet]| [qet] 4 [30et]| [0et] 3
    [29qe]| [9qe] 2 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [60et]| |
    [50wr]| |
    e| |w||[30]
    [4qet]| [qet] 4 [30et]| [0et] 3
    [29qe]| [9qe] 2 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [8tuo]| [tuo] 8 [7ruo]| [ruo] 7
    [6etu]| [etu] 6 [5wry]| [wry] 5
    [4qet]| [qet] 4 [30et]| [0et] 3
    [29qe]| [9qe] 2 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [tsfh]| [sfh] t [rafh]| [afh] r
    [epsf]| [psf] e [woad]| [oad] w
    [qips]| [ips] q [0ups]| [ups] 0
    [9yip]| [yip] 9 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [8tuo]| [tuo] 8 [7ruo]| [ruo] 7
    [6etu]| [etu] 6 [5wry]| [wry] 5
    [4qet]| [qet] 4 [30et]| [0et] 3
    [29qe]| [9qe] 2 [5ryo] 6 [7ryo] 9
    [60et]| |[50wr]| |
    [48qe]| |[79wr]|
    [80et]| |[70wr]| |
    [48qe]| |[79wr]|
    [80et]| |[70wr]| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:40
    Liability (Lorde)
