Pigstep (Minecraft)

Lena Raine 20 August 2024

4q0(9[yidgj] 2 [yi] e [yi] e [yi] e [ipgjz] y [ip] y [ip]
e4q0(9[yidgj] 2 [yi] e [yi] e [yi] e [yipdg] q [yi] q [yi]
e4q0(9[yidgj] 2 [yi] e [yi] e [yi] e [ipgjz] y [ip] y [ip]
e4q0(9[yidgj] 2 [yi] e [yi] e [yi] e
[4d][qg][0h]([9h]j[eyi] 9 [eyi] 9 [eyu] 9 [eyuh]j [9h] [ery]g[9d] [ery] 9 [Teu]
*d[Teug][0h]([9h]j[eyi] 9 [eyi] 9 [eyu] 9 [eyul] [9g]h [ery]g[9d] [ery] 9 [Teu]
*d[Teug][0h]([9h]j[eyi] 9 [eyi] 9 [eyu] 9 [eyuh]j [9h] [ery]g[9d] [ery] 9 [Teu]
*d[Teug][0h]([9h]j[eyi] 9 [eyi] 9 [eyu] 9 [eyul] [9g]h [ery]g[9d] [ery] 9 [Teu]|
z[4c][3v]@[2v]b2 i [pdg] i [Spf] o [Spf] o [psf] o [psf] o [pad]
iz[padc]vizc[Ppd]zi [Ppd] i [pd] i [pd] i [Odf] u [Odf] u [pS]
uz[pdc]v[of]vb[pdg] i [pdg] i [Spf] o [Spfb]m [oc]v [psf]c[oz] [psf] o [pad] i [padv] [ic]
[Ppd]zi [Ppd] i [pd] i [pd] i [Odf] u [Odf] u [pS]
uz[pdc]v[of]vb[yd] i [pdg] i [TS] o [Spf] o [ts] o [psf] o [ra]
iz[padc]vizc[EP]zi [Ppd] i [ep] i [pd] i [WO] u [Odf] u [eS]

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About This Music Sheet

Pigstep (Minecraft) is a song by Lena Raine. Use your computer keyboard to play Pigstep (Minecraft) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:18, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Pigstep (Minecraft) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Minecraft.


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Other Songs By Lena Raine

  • [6a] 0 r t o r t o
    6 0 r t o r t o
    [%a] 0 r t u r t u
    % 0 r t u r t u
    [5a] 0 r t o r t o
    5 0 r t o r t o
    [$p] 0 r t u r t u
    $ 0 r t u r t u
    [4p] 0 r t u r t u
    4 0 r t u r t u
    [3o] 0 r t u r t u
    3 0 r t u r t u
    [2p] 0 r t u r t u
    2 0 r t u r t u
    [3O] 9 r t u r t u
    3 9 r t u r t u
    [6a] 0 r t o r t o
    6 0 r t o r t o
    [%a] 0 r t u r t u
    % 0 r t u r t u
    [5a] 0 r t o r t o
    5 0 r t o r t o
    [$p] 0 r t u r t u
    $ 0 r t u r t u
    [4p] 0 r t u r t u
    4 0 r t u r t u
    [3o] 0 r t u r t u
    3 0 r t u r t u
    [2p] 0 r t u r t u
    2 0 r t u r t u
    [3O] 9 r t u r t u
    3 9 r t u r t u
    6 0 r t 6 0 r t
    6 0 r t 6 0 r t
    % 0 r t % 0 r t
    % 0 r t % 0 r t
    5 0 r t 5 0 r t
    5 0 r t 5 0 r t
    $ 0 r t $ 0 r t
    $ 0 r t $ 0 r t
    6 0 r t 6 0 r t
    6 0 r t 6 0 r t
    % 0 r t % 0 r t
    % 0 r t % 0 r t
    5 0 r t 5 0 r t
    5 0 r t 5 0 r t
    $ 0 r t $ 0 r t
    $ 0 r t $ 0 r tr
    [ea] 0 r t o r t o
    6 0 r t o r t o
    [%a] 0 r t u r t u
    % 0 r t u r t u
    [5a] 0 r t o r t o
    5 0 r t o r t o
    [$p] 0 r t u r t u
    $ 0 r t u r t u
    [4p] 0 r t u r t u
    4 0 r t u r t u
    [3o] 0 r t u r t u
    3 0 r t u r t u
    [2p] 0 r t u r t u
    2 0 r t u r t u
    [5a] 9 r t o r t o
    5 9 r t o r t o
    [6a] 0 r t o r t o
    [6s] 0 r t o r t o
    [%a] 0 r t u r t u
    % 0 r t u r t u
    [5a] 0 r t o r t o
    [5s] 0 r t [od] r t o
    [$p] 0 r t u r t u
    $ 0 r t u r t u
    [4p] 0 r t u r t u
    [4a] 0 r t [us] r t u
    [3o] 0 r t u r t u
    [3s] 0 r t [uh] r t u
    [2g] 0 r t u r t u
    [2f] 0 r t [us] r t u
    [5d] 9 r t o r t o
    5 9 r t o r t o
    [6a] 0 r t o r t o
    [6s] 0 r t o r t o
    [%a] 0 r t u r t u
    % 0 r t u r t u
    [5a] 0 r t o r t o
    [5s] 0 r t [od] r t o
    [$p] 0 r t u r t u
    $ 0 r t u r t u
    [4p] 0 r t u r t u
    [4a] 0 r t [us] r t u
    [3o] 0 r t u r t u
    [3s] 0 r t [uh] r t u
    [2g] 0 r t u r t u
    [2f] 0 r t [uh] r t u
    [5d] 9 r t o r t o
    5 9 r t o

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:49
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  • pjklf j ijkld a pjklf j ijkldsafpjklf j ijkld a
    pjklf j ijkldsafighjs g yghjdsafufhka f
    f tfGhp I ufGha f tfGhpoIaufGha
    f tfGhp I ufGha f tfGhpoIatsdfo
    s esdfpoIaradGI a [r7]Iad[QI]IPS
    pIjGpIjGpIjGpIjkOuHfOuHfOuHfO[Ou] J

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    Length: 00:49
    Scattered and Lost (Celeste)

    Lena Raine

  • o|d|j|h||z|||n||b|v| [ic]|d|j|h||z|||v|b|n|m| [zo]|d|j|h||z|||v|| [ic]|d|j|h||z|||x|m| [zo]|d|j|h||z|||v|b|n|m| [ib]|d|j|h||z|||v|| [vo]|d|j|h||z||| [wo5]dhjodhj[wo5]dhjodhj [^PE]dhjPdhj[^PE]dhjPdhj [sq4]dhj[sq4]dhj[sq4]dhj[sq4]dhj [TS*]dhj[TS*]dhj[TS*]dhj[TS*]dhj|||z
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:05
    Prologue (Celeste)

    Lena Raine

  • j|[xe]|t|u|O|s|f|H|l z l [xke]|t|u|O|s|[jf]|[kH]|l l [xwf]|t|u|o|s|f|h|l| [xw]|t|u|o|s|f|h|[lj]| [xq]|e|t|u|p|s|f|j z l [qk]|e|t|u|p|[sj]|[kf]|j l [xf0]|W|r|u|O|a|f|H| [k0]|W|r|u|O|a|f|j| [xe]|t|u|O|s|f|H|l z l [xke]|t|u|O|s|[jf]|[kH]|l l [xwf]|t|u|o|s|f|h|l| [xw]|t|u|o|s|f|h|[lj]| [xq]|e|t|u|p|s|f|j z l [qk]|e|t|u|p|[sj]|[kf]|j l [xf0]|W|r|u|O|a|f|H| [k0]|W|r|u|O|a|f|H| e [uO] e [uO] e [up] e [xup] eb[ua] e [ua] e [us] e [us] w [uo] w [vuo] w [upb] wv[up] [xw]z[ua]xw [ua] w [us] [zw]l[us]k [zq] [ulO]kql[uO] q [up] q [up] q [ua] q [uka] [ql] [us]kq j[us] [H0]j[uO]k0 [uO] 0 [up] 0 [up] [l0]zx[ua] 0 [ua] 0 [us] [b0] [usn] em[uO] e [uO] e [up] e [upn] [me] [ua]ne [ua]be [usn] eb[us] w [vuo] w [uo] w [up] w [xup] [wb] [ua]vwx[ua] [zw] [us]xw [zus] q [ukO] [ql] [ukO] q [up] q [up] [qj] [ua] q [ua] [qH] [us]jqk[us] 0x[uO] 0 [uO] 0 [up] 0 [upb] 0n[ua] 0 [ua] [m0] [us] 0 j [xe] t u O s f H lzl [xke] t u O s [jf] [kH] ll [xwf] t u o s f h l [xw] t u o s f h [lj] [xq] e t u p s f jzl [qk] e t u p [sj] [kf] jl [xf0] W r u O a f H [k0] W r u O a f H e [uO] e [uO] e [up] e [xup] eb[ua] e [ua] e [us] e [us] w [uo] w [vuo] w [upb] wv[up] [xw]z[ua]xw [ua] w [us] [zw]l[us]k [zq] [ulO]kql[uO] q [up] q [up] q [ua] q [uka] [ql] [us]kq j[us] [H0]j[uO]k0 [uO] 0 [up] 0 [up] [l0]zx[ua] 0 [ua] 0 [us] [b0] [usn] em[uO] e [uO] e [up] e [upn] [me] [ua]ne [ua]be [usn] eb[us] w [vuo] w [uo] w [up] w [xup] [wb] [ua]vwx[ua] [zw] [us]xw [zus] q [ukO] [ql] [ukO] q [up] q [up] [qj] [ua] q [ua] [qH] [us]jqk[us] 0x[uO] 0 [uO] 0 [up] 0 [upb] 0n[ua] 0 [ua] [m0] [us] 0
    Level: 5
    Length: 03:25
    Awake (Celeste)

    Lena Raine


  • p a [se]|t a [us]|[tf]| [a0]|w|r|u| [qp]|e o [tp]|[se]| [o8]|w|t|i u [i9]|q u [ie]|[sq]| [u6]|0|e s s s [a7]|Q I [rI]|[aQ]| [a3]|7|0|p a [s6]|0 a [se]|[f0]| [a3]|7|0|u u [p4]|8 o [qp]|[s8]| [o8]|w|t|u| [i9]|[se] a [ya]|[se]| [d6]|[f0] s [se]|0| [sq] a [tp]|[a0]|[rO]| [p6]|0|e|s d [f8]|w d [tf]|[wh]| [d5]|9|r|o o [s6]|0 a [se]|[f0]| [f3]|7|0| | [p4] a [s8]|[qa] s [d8]| [s3]|8 o [wo]|8| [g2]|[f6]|[d9]|[s6]| [f3]|7|0|7| [f0]| |3|f| [j6]|0|[h5]|9| [f4]|[d8] s [sq]|8| [d5]|[s9] d [wd]|[h9]| [f8]|w|t|f| [j6]|0|[h5]|9| [f4]|[d8] s [sq]|8| [d5]|[s9] d [wd]|[a9]| [p6]|0|e|p a [se]|t a [us]|[tf]| [a0]|w|r|u| [qp]|e o [tp]|[se]| [o8]|w|t|i u [i9]|q u [ie]|[sq]| [u6]|0|e s s s [a7]|Q I [rI]|[aQ]| [a0]|r|u|p a [s6]|0 a [se]|[f0]| [a3]|7|0|u u [p4]|8 o [qp]|[s8]| [o8]|w|t|u| [i9]|[se] a [ya]|[se]| [d6]|[f0] s [se]|0| [sq] a [tp]|[a0]|[rO]| [utp6]
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  • [wut]||f a| | [urW]||f k| | [tie]||jkl k| j [yrk]||h [utke]| | 8 e t [uf] a u t e 0 W r [uf] k u r W q e t [ji]kl [ki] t [je] [wk] r y [oj] [ke] r u f [he]tih g g [wf]ruf d d [f0]ruf a f Wru||f [he]tih g g [wf]ruf d d [f0]Wru k| Wru||f [sh4]8w[sh] [sg] [sg] [pf3]680[pf] [pd] [pd] [fa3]70[fa] [aO] [fa] %70||f [sh4]8w[sh] [sg] [sg] [pf3]680[pf] [pd] [pd] [fa730]| [kf]| [urW]| | [ute]||f a| [ute] [ute] [wut]||f k| [wut] [wut] [utq]||jkl k [utq] [utqj] [k730]| |H| [730] [730] [962]||p u| [962] [730] [q84]||p f| [q84] 0 [8510]||sdf d [851] [s962] [f730]||dsa||u [o4]8wo i i [u3]680u y y [u3]70u r u %70||u [o4]8wo i i [u3]680u y y [u730]| a| [urW]||u [to4]8w[to] [ti] [ti] [ue3]680[ue] [ye] [ye] [ur3]70[ur] [rW] [ur] %70||u [to4]8w[to] [ti] [ti] [ue3]680[ue] [ye] [ye] [ur730]||iuy| t| [r3]
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:39
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  • u u f a P p o u o p y y f a P p o u o p T T f a P p o u o p t t f a [P9] p o u o p [0u] [0u] [0f] [0a] [P0] [0p] [0o] [0u] [0o] [0p] [9y] [9y] [9f] [9a] [P9] [9p] [9o] [9u] [9o] [9p] [*T] [*T] [*f] [*a] [*P] [*p] [*o] [*u] [*o] [*p] [8t] [8t] [8f] [8a] [P9] [9p] [9o] [9u] [9o] [9p] [30uf] [30uf] [30fx] [30ak] [PJ30] [30pj] [30oh] [30uf] [30oh] [30pj] [29yd] [29yd] [29fx] [29ak] [PJ29] [29pj] [29oh] [29uf] [29oh] [29pj] [*TS] [*TS] [*fx] [*ak] [*PJ] [*pj] [*oh] [*uf] [*oh] [*pj] [8ts] [8ts] [8fx] [8ak] [PJ29] [29pj] [29oh] [29uf] [29oh] [29pj] [30uf] [30uf] [30fx] [30ak] [PJ30] [30pj] [30oh] [30uf] [30oh] [30pj] [29yd] [29yd] [29fx] [29ak] [PJ29] [29pj] [29oh] [29uf] [29oh] [29pj] [*TS] [*TS] [*fx] [*ak] [*PJ] [*pj] [*oh] [*uf] [*oh] [*pj] [8ts] [8ts] [8fx] [8ak] [PJ29] [29pj] [29oh] [29uf] [29oh] [29pj] [30h] [30] [30h] h [30] h [30h] [30] f [30] f [30] [30] [30] [29h] [29] [29h] h [29] j [J29] [29] j [29h] f [29h] [29j] [29] [*h] * [*h] h * j [*J] [*k] [*z] * * [*k] [8x] 8 [8x] [8x] k x [29z] [29] [29b] [29] [29] [29] [30hk] [30] [30hk] [hk] [30] [hk] [30hk] [30fj] [30fj] [30] [30] [30] [29hk] [29hk] [29] [hk] [29] [fj] [29hk] [29hx] [29fk] [dj] [29] [29] [29] [*x] * [*k] [*j] h * z * j * h * [*G] * 8 8 [8ts] [8uf] [oh] [29dz] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] 8 8 8 8 8 h [8f] h [8j] J 8 [J8] [8h] [29f] [29h] [29] j [29] [29] [29] [29] J [29] [29k] [29z] [30] [30] [30] k [J30] j h [30f] G [30h] [30j] [J30] [30] [30z] [@(] [@(Z] [@(] J [@(] J j [4qh] j [4q] [4q] [4q] [4q] [4q] [8uo] 8 [I8p] [8oa] [fh] 8 [Gd] 8 8 [af] 8 8 8 [G29p] [29] [29] [29ah] [29] [dj] [29] [29] [Ga] [29] [29] [29] [30fk] [30] [30] [30] [30] k [J30] j [H30] h [G30] [30g] [30f] [@(PD] [@(] [@(] [@(] [4q] [sg] [4q] [4q] [4q] [4q] [4q] 8 8 8 8 8 h [8f] h [8j] J 8 [J8] [8h] [29f] [29h] [29] j [29] [29] [29] [29] J [29] [29k] [29z] [30] [30] [30] k [J30] j h [30f] G [30h] [30j] [J30] [30] [30z] [@(] [@(Z] [@(] J [@(] J j [4qh] j [4q] [4q] [4q] [4q] [4q] [8uo] 8 [I8p] [8oa] [fh] 8 [Gd] 8 8 [af] 8 8 8 [G29p] [29] [29] [29ah] [29] [dj] [29] [29] [Ga] [29] [29] [29] [30fk] [30] [30] [30] [30] k [J30] j [H30] h [G30] [30g] [30f] [@(PD] [@(] [@(] [@(] [4q] [sg] [4q] [4q] [4q] [4q] [4q] [8t] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8o] 8 8 8 [I29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29u] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [*o] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [*u] [*u] [*f] * [*a] * * [*P] * [*p] * [*o] * [*u] [*o] [*p] [8t] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8o] 8 8 8 [I29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29u] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [29] [30u] [30] [30] [30] [30] [30] [30] [30] [30] [30] [30] [30] [30u] [Y30] [30y] [T30] [30t] [30r] [E30] [30e] [W30] [30w] [Q3] [3q] [30] t t f a P p o u o p y y f a P p o u o p u u f a P p o u o p u u f a P p o u o p [8t] [8t] f a P p o u o p [9y] [9y] f a P p o u o p [0u] [0u] f a P p o u o p [0u] [0u] f a P p o u o p 8 8 f a P p o u o p 9 9 f a P p o u o p 0 0 f a P p o u o p 0 0 f a P p o u o p 8 8 [8f] [8a] [P8] [8p] [8o] [8u] [8o] [8p] 9 9 [9f] [9a] [P9] [9p] [9o] [9u] [9o] [9p] 0 0 [0f] [0a] [P0] [0p] [0o] [0u] [0o] [0p] 0 0 [0f] [0a] [P0] [0p] [0o] [0u] [0o] [0p] 8 8 [8f] [8a] [P8] [8p] [8o] [8u] [8o] [8p] [29] [29] [29f] [29a] [P29] [29p] [29o] [29u] [29o] [29p] [30] [30] [30f] [30a] [P30] [30p] [30o] [30u] [30o] [30p] [29] [29] [29f] [29a] [P29] [29p] [29o] [29u] [29o] [29p] * * [*f] [*a] [*P] [*p] [*o] [*u] [*o] [*p] 8 8 [8f] [8a] [P29] [29p] [29o] [29u] [29o] [29p] [30ufx]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:38
    Megalovania (Undertale)

    Toby Fox