03:54 -
8 9 0 8
q e w 0
8 9 0 w
0 q 0 9 8
[8t] [9y] [0u] [8t]
[qi] [ep] [wo] [0u]
[8t] [9y] [0u] [wo]
[qi] [0u] [9y] [8t] [jb]
[8hv] 0 [wgc] t [wfx] 0 [gc] 8 0 w [thv]
6 [8h] 0 e 0 8 6 8 0 [ejb]
4 6 8 [qjb] [hv] [8gc] 6 [fx] 4 6 8 [qhv]
5 7 9 w 9 7 5 w
8 [0fx] [wdz] [tsl] w [0sl] [8gc] 0 w t
[6fx] [8fx] [0f] e 0 8 6 e
4 [6sl] 8 [qsl] [8sl] 6 [sl] 4 6 8 [qdz]
5 [7d] 9 w 9 [7dz] [5jb] 7 9 w
[8hv] 0 [wgc] t [wfx] 0 [gc] 8 0 w [thv]
[6h] [8hv] [0v] e 0 8 6 e
[4h] [6jb] [8jb] q 8 [6hv] [4gc] 6 8 [qfx]
[5hv] [7h] [9h] w 9 7 [5hv] w
[8fx] 0 [wdz] t [wsl] 0 [8gc] 0 w [tdz]
[6fx] 8 [fx] 0 e 0 8 6 e
4 6 8 [qsl] 8 [6sl] 4 6 8 [qdz]
5 [7dz] [9z] w 9 7 5 w
[5fx] 7 [9whv] 7 [5fx] 7 [9dz] [wsl]
8 0 w [tsl] w [0sl] 8 [wt]
4 6 8 [qsl] [5fx] 7 9 [wdz]
[8dz] [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w [tsl]
[4fx] 6 [8hv] q [5jb] [7kn] [9jb] w
[0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8
4 [68] [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz]
8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt]
4 6 8 [qsl] [5fx] 7 9 [wdz]
8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt]
4 6 8 q 5 [7fx] [9hv] [wjb]
[8hv] 0 [gc] w [tfx] w [0fx] [8gc] 0 w [tgc]
[6hv] 8 [hv] 0 [ehv] [0lm] 8 [kn] 6 8 0 [ekn]
[4jb] 6 [8hv] [qgc] 8 [6fx] 4 6 8 [qhv]
5 7 9 [wv] 9 [7fx] [5hv] 7 9 w
[8fx] 0 [wdz] [tdz] [wsl] 0 [8dz] 0 w [tfx]
[6f] [8fx] [0fx] e 0 [8pj] [6sl] 8 0 [esl]
[4sl] 6 [8sl] q [8sl] 6 [4sl] 6 8 [qdz]
5 7 9 [wdz] 9 [7dz] [5jb] 7 9 w
[8hv] 0 [wgc] [tgc] [wfx] 0 [gc] 8 0 w [thv]
[6hv] [8h] 0 e [0lm] 8 [6kn] 8 0 e
[4jb] 6 [8hv] [qgc] 8 [6fx] 4 6 8 [qhv]
5 7 9 [wv] 9 [7fx] [5hv] 7 9 w
[8fx] 0 [wdz] t [wsl] 0 [8dz] 0 w [tfx]
[6fx] [8fx] [0fx] e 0 [8pj] 6 8 0 [esl]
4 [6sl] [8sl] q [8sl] 6 [4dz] 6 8 [qdz]
5 7 9 [wdz] 9 7 5 7 9 w
[5fx] 7 [9whv] 7 [5fx] 7 [9dz] [wsl]
[8sl] 0 w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w t
4 6 8 [qhv] 5 [7fx] 9 [wdz]
[8dz] [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w [tsl]
[4fx] 6 [8hv] q [5jb] [7kn] [9jb] w
[0eb] 8 6 [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8
4 [68] [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz]
8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt]
4 6 8 [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz]
[8dz] [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt]
4 6 8 q [5fx] [7dz] 9 [wdz]
8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 8 [wt]
4 6 8 q 5 7 9 w
[0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8
4 [8qtip] [4ip] 6 8 [qtip] 5 [yoa] [9w] 5 [7yoa] 9 w
[0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8
4 [8qtip] [4p] 6 8 [qtip] 5 [yoa] [9w] 5 [7yoa] 9 w
[0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8
4 [8qtip] [4p] 6 8 [qtip] 5 [yoa] [9w] 5 [7yoa] 9 w
[0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8
4 [8qtip] [4ip] 6 8 [qtip] 5 [yoa] [9w] [fx] 5 [7hv] 9 w [jb] [8hv]
0 [gc] w [tfx] w [0fx] [8gc] 0 w [tgc] [6hv]
8 [hv] 0 [ehv] [0lm] 8 [kn] 6 8 0 [ekn] [4jb]
6 [8hv] [qgc] 8 [6fx] 4 6 8 [qhv] 5
7 9 [wv] 9 [7fx] [5hv] 7 9 w [8fx]
0 [wdz] [tdz] [wsl] 0 [8dz] 0 w [tfx] 6
[8fx] [0f] e 0 [8pj] [6sl] 8 0 [esl] [4sl]
[6sl] [8sl] [qsl] [8sl] [6sl] [4sl] 6 8 [qdz] 5
7 9 [wdz] 9 [7dz] [5jb] 7 9 w [8hv]
0 [wgc] [tgc] [wfx] 0 [gc] 8 0 w [thv] 6
[8h] 0 e [0lm] 8 [6kn] 8 0 e [4jb]
6 [8hv] [qgc] 8 [6fx] 4 6 8 [qhv] 5
7 9 [wv] 9 [7fx] [5hv] 7 9 w [8fx]
0 [wdz] t [wsl] 0 [8dz] 0 w [tfx] 6
[8fx] [0f] e 0 [8pj] 6 8 0 [esl] 4
[6sl] [8sl] q [8sl] 6 [4dz] 6 8 [qdz] 5
7 9 [wdz] 9 7 5 [79w] [5fx]
[79w] [5hv] [79w] [5fx] [79w] [5dz] 7 9 [wsl] 8
0 w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt] 4
6 8 [qhv] 5 [7fx] 9 [wdz] [8dz]
[0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w [tsl] [4fx]
6 [8hv] q [5jb] [7kn] [9jb] w [0e]
8 6 [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 4
[68] [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz] 8
[0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w [tsl] [4fx]
6 [8hv] q [5jb] [7kn] [9jb] w [0e]
8 6 [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 4
[68] [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz] 8
[0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w t [4fx]
6 8 [qfx] 5 [7dz] 9 [wdz] 8
[0sl] w [tsl] w 0 8 0 w t 4
6 8 q [5hv] [7fx] 9 [wfx] [8dz]
[0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] t [4sl]
6 8 q 5 ^ 0 [yip]
[69] 4 [yip] [69] 4 [yip] [69] 4
[yip] [69yip] 4 [yip] [69] [yip] [69] [yoa]
[79yoa] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa]
[79yoa] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa]
About This Music Sheet
Redemption Song is a song by Bob Marley. Use your computer keyboard to play Redemption Song music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:54, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Redemption Song is classified in the genre of Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Reggae, Relaxing.
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[ij] s g j s j
[uh] s f h s h
[yg] p d g p g
[tf] o s f o f
[Edz] i P d i d
[esl] i p s i s
[wak] y o a [esl]|
[8s] w [th] w [th] w
[0h] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qs] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qj] t i t i t
[0s] t [uh] t [uh] t
[eh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9g] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8s] w t u o|
[8os] w [th] w [th] w
[0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qpsj] t i t i t
[0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
[epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8uos] w t u o|
[Ed] i P d i d
[es] i p s i s
[wa] y o a [es]|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
[6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
[5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
[6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
[5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
[8os] w [th] w [th] w
[0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qpsj] t i t i t
[0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
[epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8uos] w t u o|
[8os] w [th] w [th] w
[0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qpsj] t i t i t
[0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
[epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8uos] w t u o|
[qp] t i p t p
[0o] t u o t o
[8tus]Level: 6Length: 02:10IntermediateLavender’s Blue (Cinderella)
8 wew 5 0 9
8 wew 5 0 9
8 wew 5 0 9
8 wew 5 0 9
[8u] [0w] [0wto] [5tp] [0w] [0wus]
[9oa] [qw] [qwo] [9ip] [qw] [qw]
[5oa] [qw] [qwyi] [9ip] [qw] [qwps]
[8oa] [0w] [0wp] [5p] [0w] [0w]
[9ip] [qw] [qwp] [5oa] [qw] [qwad]
[9ps] [qw] [qwip] [5oa] [qw] [qw]
[9ps] [qw] [qwip] [5oa] [qw] [qwad]
[8ps] [0w] [0wp] [8p] [0w] [0w]
[8u] [0w] [0wtuo] [5tp] [0w] [0wus]
[9oa] [qw] [qwo] [9ip] [qw] [qw]
[8uo] [0w] [0wp] [8ps] [0w] [0wsf]
[qsf] [et] [etd] [qd] [et] [et]
[qf] [et] [etd] [qg] [Wt] [Wtf]
[8d] [0w] [0ws] [ef] [tu] [tua]
[9p] [qe] [qea] [wo] [ry] [ryd]
[8s] [0w] [0w] r w q
0 [fh] [wfh] e [fh] [tfh]
r [gh] [wgh] e [gh] [gh]
r [gh] [qgh] e [gh] [tgh]
r [fh] [efh] e [fh] [fh]
w [sf] [esf] t [sf] [usf]
u [gj] [ygj] y [gj] [gj]
u [jl] [yjl] i [Hl] [Hul]
y [fh] [tfh] u [jl] [rjl]
e [gj] [rgj] w [hk] [yhk]
t [fh] [fh] s [fh] [fh]Level: 6Length: 02:07IntermediateChristmas Don’t Be Late (The Chipmunk Song)
Alvin and the Chipmunks
[9ye] [itq] [ywo] [EP] [8t][8t][t8][8t] [0u][0u][0u][0u] [ho][ho][ho][ho] [sl][sl][sl][sl] [ls] [JP] [pj] [ho] [8l] [ig4] [ts] [dy] [8gi] [st] [dy] [gi] [ho9] [pj] [oh] [gi] [6pj] [pj] [JP^] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [dy] [st] [ig5] [ts] [jp] [8ho] [4ig] [st] [dy] [8ig] [st] [yd] [gi] [ho9] [jp] [ho] [gi] [6pj] [jp] [^PJ] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [oh] [gi] [cg4] [ls] [pj] [ig] [gi4] [ts] [dy] [gi] [ho] [jp] [oh] [5gi] [sl] [ig] [gi6] [ts] [dy] [gi] [ho] [jp] [oh] [^gi] [8oh] [oh] [gi4] [ts] [dy] [gi] [ho] [jp] [oh] [5gi] [sl] [ig] [gi6] [ts] [dy] [gi] [ho] [jp] [oh] [^gi] [^PJ] [8sl] 9 [dy] [dy] [st] [yd] [st][iq] [st] [9yd] [st] [yd] [st] [dy] [st][igq] 9 [ig] [ig] [gi] [gi] [gi] [ho] [gi] [ho] [HO] [ho] [HO] [ho] [gi] [dy] [st] 9 [dy] [dy] [st] [yd] [st][giq] [st] [9yd] [st] [yd] [st] [dy] [st][igq] * [gi] [ho] [gi] [(ho] [HO] [ho] [ig] [qgi] [ts] [dy] [gi] [gi] [gi] [ho] [6jp] [fu] [jp] [ho] [ho] [9ho] [gi] [fu] [gi] [6pj] [fu] [jp] [ho] [oh] [9ho] [ho] [gi] [uf] [ig] [ho5] [pj] [ho] [gi] [dy] [ho5] [pj] [ho] [gi] [dy] [dy] [jp] [gi] [ho] [8t][8t][t8][8t] [0u][0u][0u][0u] [ho][ho][ho][ho] [sl][sl][sl][sl] [ls] [JP] [pj] [ho] [8l] [ig4] [ts] [dy] [6gi] [st] [dy] [gi] [ho9] [pj] [oh] [gi] [6pj] [pj] [JP^] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [dy] [st] [ig5] [ts] [jp] [8ho] [4ig] [st] [dy] [6ig] [st] [yd] [gi] [ho9] [jp] [ho] [gi] [6pj] [jp] [^PJ] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [oh] [gi] [gc4] [EP] [ar] [ts] [ig4] [ts] [dy] [6gi] [st] [dy] [gi] [ho9] [pj] [oh] [gi] [6pj] [pj] [JP^] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [dy] [st] [ig5] [ts] [jp] [8ho] [4ig] [st] [dy] [6ig] [st] [yd] [gi] [ho9] [jp] [ho] [gi] [6pj] [jp] [^PJ] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [oh] [gi] [4cg] [ls] [jp] [gi]Level: 5Intermediate
Friend Shitai (Gakkou Gurashi!) (Alternative)
Gakuen Seikatsu-bu