00:57 -
-5 -
Q w W e|||
W w Q q|||
Q w W e|||
W w Q q|||
Q w [WO] [ep]||a s||O
p a s g f [Wp] [ws] [Qf]
[qD]| |dspop| |
Q w [WO] [ep]||a s||O
p a s g f [ws] [Wf] [ej]
Q w [WO] [ep]||a s||
O p a s g f [Wp] [ws] [Qf]
[qD]| |dspop| |
Q w W e| j h f d s p
[qD]d| Dd| [0D]d| Dd|
[es]pop p|
W w Q
[qs]pop p| Q w W
[es]pop p| W w Q
[qs]pop p||[0f]|
About This Music Sheet
Pink Panther (Main Theme) is a song by Henry Mancini. Use your computer keyboard to play Pink Panther (Main Theme) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:57, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Pink Panther (Main Theme) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Henry Mancini
o| d s|
a|poio| t
a|poio| t y|||
u t| o u|yt| o u|
yt u o sa| pap|
op| o| d s|
a|poio| t
a|poio| t y|||
u t| u| o s| d| s o|||
apoio| tapoio| t| i y|||u t|||
o| d s|
a|poio| t
a|poio| t y|||
u t| o u|yt| o u|
yt u o sa| pap|
op| o| d s|
a|poio| t
a|poio| t y|||
u t| u| o s| d| s o|||
apoio| tapoio| t| i y|||u t|||tLevel: 2Length: 01:54EasyMoon River (Easy)
Henry Mancini
[80wo]| |[80ed]| s| |
[8qea]||p o i [80wo]| |t|
[8qea]||p o i [80wo]| |t|
[9qry]| |[W0ru]| |u|
[80et]| |[80wo]| u| y|
[8qet]| |[^9qo]| u||y
[680t]| u| o| [(Q7s]| a| p|
[0wra]| p||o [9qep]| |
[80wo]| |[80ed]| s| |
[8qea]||p o i [80wo]| |t|
[8qea]||p o i [80wo]| |t|
[9qry]| |[W0ru]| |u|
[680t]| |[80wu]| |o|
[Qets]| |[qetd]| |s|
[80wo]| |[8qe]| a p o i
[80wo]| |[8qe] t a p o i
[80wo]| |[80et]| |
[9qei]| y| |[9wr]| |u|
[80wt]Level: 6Length: 01:24IntermediateMoon River
Henry Mancini
Yu | Io | Yu Io sa uo aP | p o u y u | Yu | Io | Yu Io sa uo aP | p o u y u | u y Y u | f da po uPp Pp Pp Pp o u y u u | o | o | o u y uLevel: 2Length: 00:30Easy
Pink Panther Theme
Henry Mancini
6 3 8 3 8 [p3] [s8] [a3] [u3] 7 w 7 w [u7] [wo] [u7] [p4] 8 e 8 e 8 [pe] 8 [d2] 6 q 6 q 6 q 6 [a3] 7 w 7 w 7 [wu] 7 [s6] 3 8 [a3] [p6] [o3] [s6]a3p [o3] 7 w 7 w 7 w 7 [p6] 3 8 3 6 [p3] [s8] 3a [u3] 7 w 7 w [u7] [wo] 7u [p4] 8 e 8 e [p8] [oe] 8i [o3] 7 w 7 w [o7] [wi] 7u [y2] 6 q 6 q [u6]y[tq] [y6] [u6] 3 8 3 8 [p3] [s8] 3a [u3] 7 w 7 w [u7] [wo] 7u [p4] 8 e 8 e 8 e [p8] [d2] 6 q 6 q 6 q [d6] [a3] 7 w 7 w 7 w [u7] [s6] 3 8 [a3] [p8] [o3] [s8]a3p [o3] 7 w 7 w 7 w [oh7] [pj6] 3 8 6 [e6]tup| | [uf6] [ts0] [utfe] 0 [te] [uf0] [utfe] [qig] [ig6] q [te] q [te] q [te] [qig] [oh3] [uf0] [wroh] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] [oh0] [oh62] [qpj] [ypje] q [ye] q [ye] [qpj] [pj84][oh]q[ig][utfe] q [te] q [yted] q [uf6] 0 [te] 0 [te] [jb0] [tmle] 0[nk] [xf0] r [uo] r [uo] [xrf] [vuoh] r[xf] [jb8] t [pi] t [pi] [tjb] [vpih] t[gc] [vh7] r [uo] r [uo] [vrh] [uogc] r[xf] [zd96] e [yi] e [yi] [xfe][zd][ysli] [zed] [xf60] e [ut] e [ut] [jeb] [utml] e[nk] [xf73] r [uo] r [uo] [xrf] [vuoh] r[xf] [qjb] t [pi] t [pi] t [pi] [tjb] [z62] e [yi] e [yi] e [yi] [ze] [nk73] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] [xrf] [ml60] e [ut] [nke] [utjb] [vhe] [utml][nk]e[jb] [vh0] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] r [e6] [u8] [p0] [se] [tf] [uj] [pl] [xs] [pj]sfjLevel: 6Length: 02:14Intermediate
A Time For Us
Henry Mancini
p a s f k l [Ox]||
p a s f k l [Ij]||
p a s f k l [Ox]||
o a s f k l [ij]|p|d|
[pk] a [sx]|f x [Ox] a s|f|
[ox] a [sc]|f x [Idz]|p|d|
[iz] p [dx]| z [ul] p [sz]|l|
[Yk] p [sJ]|k|[ux]|a|d|
[ep]|[uf]| f [Wf] u [Os]||
[wf] u [og]| f [Qd] y [Ip]||
[qd] y [if]| d [0s] t [ud]| s
[0a]|[ys]| a [ep] u p|f j
[ygj] p [fh]|[dg]|[esfj] u [psf]||
[0aH]|[sj]|[dk]|e| p [sf]|
[0dg]|[sf]|[ad]|e|[sf] p [sf]|
[0dg]|[sf]|[ad]|[ed] u [sf]| f
[Wsf] t u|p|[wf] t [uosg]| f
[Qd] e [Iyp]|d|[qd] e [yif]|d|
[0s] e [tu]|d s [(a] Q [rYP]|a|
[uf] i u y t 8 [ep] u [sf]| f
[Wf] t [usf]| f [wf] t [uog]|f|
[Qd] e [Iyp]|p|[qgj] e [yfh]|g|
[0gj] t [usf]|f|[0aH]|[Qsj]|[Wdk]|
[ep]|[sf] p [sf]|[dg]|[sf]|[ad]|
[ep]|[sf] p [sf]|[0dg]|[Qsf]|[Wad]|
e|[sf] p [sf]|[0dg]|[Qsf]|[Wad]|
[ep] t u a s f j p f j k l xLevel: 5Length: 01:22IntermediateChim Chim Cher-ee (Mary Poppins)
Sherman Brothers
wwewEt wwewEt oo wwwwwEt ytEtEtyw wwweT ytEtEt yiyiy ii oiyEy yyyy wwwqw wwwwE tytEyyi ioo ooioPo oo pppLevel: 3Easy
Perry’s Theme (Phineas and Ferb)
Randy Crenshaw
[use] p p s s p p s [tqp]|[O0]| [use] p p s s p p s [tqp]|[O0]| [use]|p s s|p s [utp6]|a s [ua3]|[tpi4]| [ypi2]|[ur3]|[utp6] u t u p u t u [utp6]|a s [yoa5]|p|o|i|[ut8] w t w u w t w [y62]|u i [ue0] t p t [a0] u s u [tqp] t i t p t i t [yq62]|u i [ur3]|y|t|r| [upe] t u t p t u t [yi84]|[ut] [yr] [te]|[yr] [wut8]|[yi] u|[pi84]|[uo] [yi] [ut]|[yi] [wuo8]|[pi] o|[^E] 9 q E y| [te4] 8 q e [tp]|i|[urW3]||| [utp6]|a s [ua3]|[tpi4]| [ypi2]|[ur3]|[utp6] u t u p u t u [utp]|a s [yoa]|p|o|i|[ut] w t w u w t w [y62]|u i [ue0] t p t [a0] u s u [tqp] t i t p t i t [yq62]|u i [ur3]|y|t|r| [e6]Level: 6Length: 01:00Intermediate
Castle on a Cloud (Les Miserables)
Claude-Michel Schonberg