01:57 -
5 -
[68] u u u u| u
[37y]|r w||w
[68u]|u|y t y|
[48] t i|i|i u
[38] y|t||t
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [0ru]||
[68]|u u u u|u
[37y]|r w||
[68u] u| y|t y
[48] i i i i| i
[38u]|y t||t
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [0ru]||
[%0]|[37] u o p
[48]|u u o p|p
[38] o y t||
[48]| o p a s a
[57] p [57] o [57] u [57o] p
[38o] u|t| t y
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [0ru]||
[%0]|[37] u o p
[48]|u u o p|p
[57] o [57] p [57]|[57o]|
[68]|[68] p p a s a
[57] p [57] o [57]|[57]|
[26i] s|s|s|o
[38] s|s||
[38s]| [$9s]| [%0s] a|
u u o p|p
[48]|u [57u] o p|s
[68] u u u u| u
[37y]|r w||w
[68u]|u|y t y|
[48] t i|i|i u
[38] y|t||t
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [%0ru]||
[68]|u u u u|u
[37y]|r w||
[68u] u| y|t y
[48] i i i i| i
[38u]|y t||t
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [%0ru]||
[%0]|[37] u o p
[48]|u u o p|p
[38] o y t||
[48]| o p a s a
[57] p [57] o [57] u [57o] p
[38o] u|t| t y
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [%0ru]||
[%0]|[37] u o p
[48]|u u o p|p
[57] o [57] p [57]|[57o]|
[68]|[68] p p a s a
[57] p [57] o [57]|[57]|
[26i] s|s|s|o
[38] s|s||
[38s]| [$9s]| [%0s] a|
u u o p|p
[48]|u [57u] o p|s
p|[3u] [5o] [6p]
About This Music Sheet
Use your computer keyboard to play Pokemon Theme (J. Siegler) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:57, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Pokemon Theme (J. Siegler) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Pokemon.Comments
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[e60] 6|56|3 5[e60] 6|56 353[w5][e60] 6|56|3 5[qe2] 2|12 61 7[e60] 6|56|3 5[e60] 6|56 353[w5][e60] 6|56|3 5[qe4] 1|[e4][wr5] 35[t3][y5][ue6] 6|3[te6]|[ut6] 6[yr5] 5|25|[yr] 5[ut1] 1| 1|1 1[ye2] 2|62 6[t10] [y7][ue6] 60 3[te6]|[ut60] 6[ywr5] 5y 2[wr5]|[yro] 5[wut1] 1w[ye][wt][e10]|[w1] 1[yq2] 2[te] 2[rW3] 3[e50]3[r5][t6] 6r [t3][r6]|[e6] 3[ue6] 6|36|6 [u6][yu2] [i2] u6[ye2] [wt]2[rq]6[qe2] 2|62 61 7[te6] 6r [t3][r6] e6w3[te6] 6[ue] 3[pe6]|[ro6] 6[tie2] 2|62|[ye2] 6[q92] 2[ye] 6[ye2]|[y6]t[r5][te4] 14 1[te4] [wr1][te4] [ut4][yr5] 2[e5] 2[wr5] 2[tq5] 5[r30] 5[w7] 5[wt3] 5[r70] 5[e60] 36 3[te6] 6[te5] [yr5][ute4] 14 1[te4] [wr1][te4] [ut4][yr5] 2[w5] 2[wt5] 2[ye5] 5[ur3] 5[w7] 5[wr3] 5[ur7] [ti5][ur3] %7 %[uO3] %[y7] %[ue6] 60 3[te6]|[ut60] 6[ywr5] 5w 2[wr5]|[ywr] 5[wut1] 1[wt]|[wt1]|[wt1] 1[yq2] 2[te] 2[yr3] 3[ut50]3[wuo5][upe6] 60 3[ute6]|[utp60] 6[ywro5] 5[yw] 2[wr5]|[yro] 5[wut1] 1w[ye][wt][e10]|[w1] 1[yq2] 2[tie] 2[urW3] 3[50]35[e60] 6|56|3 5[e60] 6|56 353[w5][e60] 6|56|3 5[qe2] 2|12 61 7[e60] 6|56|3 5[e60] 6|56 353[w5][e60] 6|56|3 5[qe4] 1|[e4][wr5] 35[t3][y5][ue6] 6|3[te6]|[ut6] 6[yr5] 5|25|[yr] 5[ut1] 1| 1|1 1[ye2] 2|62 6[t10] [y7][ue6] 60 3[te6]|[ut60] 6[ywr5] 5y 2[wr5]|[yro] 5[wut1] 1w[ye][wt][e10]|[w1] 1[yq2] 2[te] 2[rW3] 3[e50]3[r5][t6] 6r [t3][r6]|[e6] 3[ue6] 6|36|6 [u6][yu2] [i2] u6[ye2] [wt]2[rq]6[qe2] 2|62 61 7[te6] 6r [t3][r6] e6w3[te6] 6[ue] 3[pe6]|[ro6] 6[tie2] 2|62|[ye2] 6[q92] 2[ye] 6[ye2]|[y6]t[r5][te4] 14 1[te4] [wr1][te4] [ut4][yr5] 2[e5] 2[wr5] 2[tq5] 5[r30] 5[w7] 5[wt3] 5[r70] 5[e60] 36 3[te6] 6[te5] [yr5][ute4] 14 1[te4] [wr1][te4] [ut4][yr5] 2[w5] 2[wt5] 2[ye5] 5[ur3] 5[w7] 5[wr3] 5[ur7] [ti5][ur3] %7 %[uO3] %[y7] %[ue6] 60 3[te6]|[ut60] 6[ywr5] 5w 2[wr5]|[ywr] 5[wut1] 1[wt]|[wt1]|[wt1] 1[yq2] 2[te] 2[yr3] 3[ut50]3[wuo5][upe6] 60 3[ute6]|[utp60] 6[ywro5] 5[yw] 2[wr5]|[yro] 5[wut1] 1w[ye][wt][e10]|[w1] 1[yq2] 2[tie] 2[urW3] 3[50]35[e60]
Level: 6Length: 03:14IntermediateBlazing Mountain (Wynncraft)
[uspj]|||h||| [tpig]|||s||| [utof]|||ffdd [uro]|||f h [uspj]|||h||| [tpig]|||s||| [utof]|||dffdd [yoa]||| j| k| [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wts] [a0] [wra] a [wrf]h| [wr]| [wr] [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wth] [wh]| [je]| [tl]| [je] [tl] [utje]|[utfe]|[uthe] xz[xute]z[xute] [utle] [tjie]|[tige]|[tihe] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [tlie] [wuth]|[wutf]|[wuth] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tiec]|[xtie]|[tlie] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [xtie] [wuth]|[wutl]|[wutl] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [sj]|a|u pupua s [uje] [te] [ue] [te] [uhe] [te] [ue] [te] [ige] [te] [ie] [te] [sie] [te] [ie] [te] [wuf] [wt] [wu] [wt] [wu] [wt]f[wuf]d[wtd] [wu] [wr] [wu] [wr] [ue] [wr] [ufe] [wrh] [uje] [te] [ue] [te] [uhe] [te] [ue] [te] [ige] [te] [ie] [te] [sie] [te] [ie] [te] [wuf] [wt] [wu] [wt] [wu] [wtd]f[wuf]d[wtd] [wu] [wr] [wu] [wr] [wuh] [wrf] [wul] [wrl] [uspj]|||hjs l z [tpji]|||h f k k [utol]| h|f klfhx lzk||| j| k| [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[te]| [ted] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wts] [a0] [wra] a [wrf]h| [wr]| [wr] [le] [utl] l [utk]k j[ut]| [uts] [qh] [the] h [tje]f f[ut]| [utd] [s8] [wts] s [wtf]h| [wt]| [wth] [wh]| [je]| [tl]| [je] [tl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tjie]|[tige]|[tihe] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [tlie] [wuth]|[wutf]|[wuth] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[uthe]|[utfe] xz[xute]z[utke] [utle] [tiec]|[xtie]|[tlie] cx[tiec]x[ztie] [xtie] [wuth]|[wutl]|[wutl] xz[xwut]z[xwut] [wutlh] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] s|a|u pu[pj]u[ka] [sl]g [tie]|[tie]|[tie]| [tlie] [tlie] [tkie]l [wut]|[wut]|[wut]| [wutl] [xwut] [wuth] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]|[ute]|[ute]| [utje] [utke] [utle]g [tie]|[tie]|[tie]| [tlie] [tlie] [tkie]l [wut]|[wut]|[wut]| [wutl] [xwut] [wuth] [wurh]|[wur]j [wur] l [wur] [wurj] [wurl] [utje]Level: 7Length: 02:33Intermediate
Alan Walker
h h [sqh] gf [f8] ds [qpf] a s [da0] p O [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [to] iu [qo]|| [ya0] p O [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [to] iu [qi]|| 0 [yp] [yp] [up60]||f|| [uO60]||f|| [ueI9]||y|| [ue9]||y p p [up60]||f|| [uWO6]||p|| [pfG9]| |p p [TQO]| I O| p [pfG9]||e p p [TQO]| I O| p [uqp]||i o p [qfe] gf [ed7] f| [p60]||p| f [pf8] as s a p [uqp] a s p|| [O0] p a O|| [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [o8] iu [qi]|| [ya0] p O [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [o8] iu [qi]|| 0 [yp] [yp] [up60]||f|| [uO60]||f|| [ueI9]||y|| [ue9]||y p p [up60]||f|| [uWO6]||p|| [pfG9]| |p p [TQO]| I O| p [pfG9]||e p p [TQO]| I O| p [uqp]||i o p [qfe] gf [ed7] f| [p60]|| p| f [pf8] as s a p [uqp] a s p|| [O0] p a O|| [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [o8] iu [qi]|| [ya0] p O [p60]||f|| [sf60] a p a| s [a95]| o p a s [60] a p u|| [95]| o p a s [a60]| p u| p [o95]||p a s [60] a p [u%]| 6 [aY7] a a [a6] a s [ua%]| [p$] [O3] u u [ue9] Ip a|| [W0]||[W0]| u [ue9] Ip [ueS9]| a [pe7]| I [yue0]|| [60] T T u| T [uW6]||u|| [eI9]| u I| y [ueO9]||[yI] p p [up60]||f|| [uO60]||p|| [pfG9]| |p p [TQO]| I O| p [pfG9]||e p p [TQO]| I O| p [pfG9]||e p p [TQO]| I O| p [uqp]||i o p [feQ] Gf [ed7] f| [pf60]||p| f [od0]| f [se] h h [tqh] gf f ds p a s [ya0] p O [p6]||[jf8]|| [hd0]| j [fe]|| [tsqf] ap [o0]|| [tqf] d s [ya0] p O [pe]|| f j x [xk60]Level: 7Length: 03:44Intermediate
Only Hope
Mandy Moore