Promise (Silent Hill)

Akira Yamaoka 10 September 2020

6 0 t 0 6 q t q
8 w t w 9 w r w
6 0 t 0 6 q t q
8 w t w 9 w r w
6 0 t 0 6 q t q
8 w t w 9 w r w
6 0 t 0 6 q t q
8 w t w 9 w r [wo]
[f6] 0 t 0 6 q t [qh]
[s8] w t w 9 w r [wo]
[f6] 0 t 0 6 q t [sq]
[o8] w t w 9 w r w
6 0 [to] [o0] [o6] [qi] [ut] q
[t8] w t [yw] 9 [wu] [yr] [wt]
6 0 [to] [o0] [o6] [qp] [to] q
8 w t [ws] [s9] w [ra] w
[o6] 0 [to] [o0] [o6] [qi] [ut] q
[t8] w t [yw] 9 [wu] [yr] w
6 0 [to] [o0] [o6] [qp] [to] q
8 w t w 9 w r w
6 0 t [s0] [s6] q [ta] q
[s8] w t w 9 w r w
6 0 t 0 6 q t q
8 w t w 9 w r w
6 0 t 0 6 q t q

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About This Music Sheet

Promise (Silent Hill) is a song by Akira Yamaoka. Use your computer keyboard to play Promise (Silent Hill) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:23, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Promise (Silent Hill) is classified in the genres: Japan, Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Horror, Silent Hill.

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    Other Songs By Akira Yamaoka

    • 9 e p e E y [zp] y [rd] y o y E y [oh] y 9 e [zp] e [dE] y p y r y o y [zE] o [yf] y 9 e p e E y [zp] y [rd] y o y E y [oh] y 9 e [zp] e [dE] y p y r y o y [zE] o [yf] y
      Level: 4
      Length: 00:20
      Silent Hill (Theme)

      Akira Yamaoka

    • 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w 8 w t w ^ q E q ^ q E q ^ q E q ^ q E q 5 9 w 9 5 9 w 9 5 9 w 9 5 9 w 9 ( E Y ( E Y ( E Y ( E Y or ( E ( E ( E ( E * W T * W T * W T * W T ^ q E ^ q E ^ q E ^ q E
      Level: 3
      Room of Angel (Silent Hill 4)

      Akira Yamaoka

    • e t u t w t u t q t u t 0 r u r e t u t w t u t q t u t 0 r u r [fe]s[tp]s[uf]s[tp]s[wf]a[to]a[uf]a[to]a [qf]s[tp]s[uf]s[tp]s[f0]s[ra]s[uf]s[ra]s [fe]s[tp]s[uf]s[tp]s[wf]a[to]a[uf]a[to]a [qf]s[tp]s[uf]s[tp]s[f0]s[ra]s[ud] [rf] [fe] t u t w t u t q t u [tf] [f0]grfudr [ed] tfu t w t u t [qf] t u [tf] [f0]grfudr [se] t u [ts] [wa] tsu [td] [qp] t u t [a0] r u [rp]a [se] t u [ts] [wa] tsu [td] q [tp] u t [a0] r u [sr]d [sfe] t u t [wfa] t u t [qpf] t u [tf] [f0]grfudr [ed] [tf] u t w t u t [qp]sft u [tf] [f0]grfudt [se] t u [ts] [wa] tsu [td] q [tp] u t [a0] r u [ts]d [sf8] w [ts] [ws] [h8] wfy [wf]d [qf] e [uf] [fe] [qj] ehu [fe]d [f8] w [tf] [wf] [h8] wfy [wf]d [qf] e [us] e [qp] e [us] [ed] [sf8] w [tf] [wf] [h8] wfy [wf]d [qf] e [uf] [fe] [qj] ehu [fe]d [f8] w [tf] [wf] [h8] wfy [wf]d [qf] e [us] e [qp] e u t e t u t w t u t q t u t 0 r u t e t u t w t u t q t u t 0 r u t [fe]a[tp]s[uf]a[tp]s[wf]a[to]a[uf]a[to]a [qf]s[tp]d[uf]s[tp]s[f0]s[ra]s[uf]s[ta]s [fe]s[tp]d[uf]s[tp]s[wf]a[to]a[uf]a[to]a [qf]s[tp]d[uf]s[tp]s[f0]s[ra]s[uf]s[ta]s [ed] t u [td]s[wa]s[td] u [tf]s [qa]s[td] u [ts]a[s0]a[rp] u [ta] [se] t u [ts] [wa] [tf] u [ts] [qp] t u t [a0] r u [tp]a [ea]st u t [wa] tsu [td] q [ta] u t [f0] rku [th] e [tj] u t w t u t [qp] t u t [s0] rku [rh] e [tj] u t w t u t [qf] t u t [f0] rku [th] [pe] [ts] [uf] [ts] [wo] [ts] [uf] [ta] [qi] [ts] [uf] [ts] [u0] [ta] [uf] [ts] [pe] [ts] [uf] [ts] [wo] [ts] [uf] [ta] [qi] [ts] [uf] [ts] [u0] [ra] [uf] [ts] [pe] [ts] [uf] [ts] [wo] [ts] [uf] [ts] [qi] [ts] [uf] [ts] [u0] [ra] [uf] [ts] [pe] [ts] [uf] [ts] [wo] [ts] [uf] [ta] [qi] [ts] [uf] [ts] [u0] [ra] [uf] [sr] 613680etupsfjlxclxb
      Level: 6
      Length: 02:53
      Not Tomorrow (Silent Hill)

      Akira Yamaoka


    • e e t rty|||
      w w y tyu|||
      e e t rty|||
      uu ut r e|||
      u u u yiu|||
      i i i uiy|||
      r r r erw|||
      oo iu y u|||
      u u u yiu|||
      i i i uiy|||
      r r r erw|||
      oo iu y u|||
      u| po uy|||
      y| ap iu|||
      u| po uy|||
      uu uI O p|||
      u| po uy|||
      y| ap iu|||
      u| po uy|||
      uu ut r e|||
      u u u yiu|||
      i i i uiy|||
      r r r erw|||
      oo iu y u|||
      u u u yiu|||
      i i i uiy|||
      r r r erw|||
      oo iu y u|||
      u| po uy|||
      y| ap iu|||
      u| po uy|||
      uu uI O p|||
      u| po uy|||
      y| ap iu|||
      u| po uy|||
      uu ut r e|||
      u| po uy|||
      uu uI O p

      Level: 2
      Length: 02:30
      Gam Gam (Jewish Folk Song)


    • e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t w r y r q e t e [pe] t [us] [td] [fe] [tf] [ud] [ts] [pe] [tp]p[us] [td] [fe]g[tf]s[ud] [ts] [pe] t [us] [td] [ge] [tf] [ud] [ts] [wa] [rd] [ys] [ra] [qp] e t e [ue6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [yw] [ue6] t [u0] t [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywf] [use6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [ywa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywa] [tqp4] e [to8] [tqp] [ywa5] r [ya9] [sr] [wa5] [rp] [yo9] [rp] [wuo7] r [uo0] [rp] [wa7] [sr] [ua0] [rp] [uea6] t [us0] [tp] [ue6] t [ut0] t [pe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [ywo] [upe6] [tp] [ud0] [tf] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywof] [uspe6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [woa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywoa] [qpi4] e [ts8] [tqpi] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [w5] r [y9] r [q4] e [t8] e [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [te6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro] [tpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wrf] [tse6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pe4] [qe]8o [qpe] [oa5]|[oa9] [sp] [oa5] [pi] [uo9] [pi] [uo0]|[uo7] [pi] [oa0] [sp] [oa7] [pi] [ua6]|[si0] [up] [u6]|[t0]|[pe6]|0|6|5 % [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [f6] [tfe]0d [wsr] [tpe6] [tpe]p[s0] [ted] [f6]g[tfe][s0]d [wsr] [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [g6] [tfe]0[d0] [tse] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pie4] [qe]8 [qe] [utpe6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro5] [utpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wof5] [utspe6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe6] [wroa5]s[wrd]9s [wroa5] [qpie4] [qe]8 [qe4] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t w r y r q e t e [pe] t [us] [td] [fe] [tf] [ud] [ts] [pe] [tp]p[us] [td] [fe]g[tf]s[ud] [ts] [pe] t [us] [td] [ge] [tf] [ud] [ts] [wa] [rd] [ys] [ra] [qp] e t e [ue6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [yw] [ue6] t [u0] t [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywf] [use6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [ywa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywa] [tqp4] e [to8] [tqp] [ywa5] r [ya9] [sr] [wa5] [rp] [yo9] [rp] [wuo7] r [uo0] [rp] [wa7] [sr] [ua0] [rp] [uea6] t [us0] [tp] [ue6] t [ut0] t [pe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [ywo] [upe6] [tp] [ud0] [tf] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywof] [uspe6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [woa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywoa] [qpi4] e [ts8] [tqpi] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [w5] r [y9] r [q4] e [t8] e [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [te6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro] [tpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wrf] [tse6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pe4] [qe]8o [qpe] [oa5]|[oa9] [sp] [oa5] [pi] [uo9] [pi] [uo0]|[uo7] [pi] [oa0] [sp] [oa7] [pi] [ua6]|[si0] [up] [u6]|[t0]|[pe6]|0|6|5 % [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [f6] [tfe]0d [wsr] [tpe6] [tpe]p[s0] [ted] [f6]g[tfe][s0]d [wsr] [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [g6] [tfe]0[d0] [tse] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pie4] [qe]8 [qe] [utpe6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro5] [utpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wof5] [utspe6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe6] [wroa5]s[wrd]9s [wroa5] [qpie4] [qe]8 [qe4] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e e

      Level: 7
      Length: 04:26
      Epic Wynn (Wynncraft)


    • [woPD] y o P d y o P S y o P d y o P [wpD] y o p d y o p S y o p d y o p [qoOD] t o O d t o O s t o O d t o O [9is] e i o s e i o [wiad] y i a [qryg] D d s [wDZ] y p P [wdz] y p P [wSL] y p P [wdz] y p P [whjZ] T o p [wdHz] T o p [wdHL] T o p [wSHz] T o p [qDHl] t o O s g h [Wuosfl] [8wPJ] [qOh] t Y I [4wWt] 8 [4i] [8wWi] 4 [8wW] i t i [8o] [(wEt] 8 [(wE] o t o [*O] [qWE] [OPO] [@o] [*wE] o D s 4 [8wW] E t 1 [0wE] [4w] t i [8wWt] 4 [8wW] i t i [8O] [(wEo] t 8 [(wE] t o O [^P] [qWY] s O T o @ [(wtY] i [oE] i 4 [wWt] [wWu] [4eti] 8 [1tip] [@tYP] [!Tis] [%TiP] [iUD] [@YOs] [^ToP] o O [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYo] [8tYO] w W w [!Tis] [%TiP] [iPD] [@Isg] [QEIPD] H [Wth] s 4 [qWY] T [tw(1] 5 E w ( [!Tis] [%TiP] [iPD] [@YOk] [^ToP] o O [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYo] [8tYO] w W w [$TiP] * [qOs] [EPS] [tsD] [TIPg] T O T [tiPg] E [9PDJ] [4PsgJ] [qEt] [qw] [4psDj] [8(e] [qet] [woPD] y o P d y o P S y o P d y o P [wpD] y o p d y o p S y o p d y o p [qoOD] t o O d t o O s t o O d t o O [9is] e i o s e i o [wiad] y i a [qryg] D d s [wDZ] y p P [wdz] y p P [wSL] y p P [wdz] y p P [wThjZ] T o p [wdHz] T o p [wdHL] T o p [wSHz] T o p [QDGZ] t I O [Qdjz] t I O [QSGL] t I O [Qjzb] [wv] [yl] [pz] [Pj] [wJ] [yh] [pj] [Pl] [9g] [ef] [up] [id] [9s] [eo] [up] i [6b] [0z] [rx] [tk] [6l] [0j] [rk] [tf] [0h] [rG] [Id] [of] [0a] [rd] [Ip] o [7n] [Qx] [TC] [yL] [7z] [Qk] [TL] [yj] [9h] [eg] [uf] [id] [9s] [ef] [up] [id] [qH] [td] [og] [OH] [Ql] [tg] [oH] [Oz] [qH] [tl] [oc] [OH] [Ql] [tc] [oH] [OV] [8B] J [wB] J [EB] J [oB] J [8B] J [wB] J [EB] J [TB] J [tB] J [TB] J [EB] J [tB] J [WB] J [EB] J [wB] J [WB] J [4i] [8wWt] 4 [8wW] i t i [8o] [(wEt] 8 [(wE] o t o [*O] [qWE] O P O [@o] [*wE] o D s 4 [8wW] E t 1 [0wE] [4w] t i [8wWi] 4 [8wW] [iai] [8o] y [(wEo] t 8 [(wE] t [oO] [(P] [qWY] g [TO] o @ [(wtY] i [EO] i 4 [wWt] [wWY] [4eti] 8 [1tip] [@tYP] [TOsSgl] J Z [YHl] P [shJ] h H [tsDJ] o H h H Z [isPh] P [isDH] oOo [TSgl] [OSgJ] [gJZ] [YGlc] [IUGJZ] V [Osv] l i t [EiOD] W [(S] [8Yos] 1 [tYP] o Y [!Tis] [%TiP] [iPD] [@YOs] [^ToP] oO [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYO] w W w [$TiP] * [qOs] [EPS] [tsP] [TIPg] T O T [tiPg] E [(PDJ] [4PsgJ] [qEt] [qw] [4psDj] 8 e E u p D [!Tis] [%TiP] [tPD] [@YOg] [^ToP] oO [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYo] [8tYO] w W w [@Tis] [WTiP] [iPD] [@Tsg] [QEIPD] H [Wth] s 4 [qWY] T [1(wt] 5 E W ( [!Tis] [%TiP] [iPD] [@YOs] [^ToP] o O [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYo] [8tYO] w W w [$TiP] * [qOs] [EPS] [tsD] [TIPg] T O T [tiPg] E [(PDJ] [4PsgJ] [qEt] [qw] [4psDj] 8 e E i p D [glLcB] D i [glZb] [(qt] [woPD] y o P S y o P d y o P [wpD] y o p d y o p S y o p d y o p [qoOD] t o O d t o O s t o O d t o O [9is] e i o s e i o [wiad] y i a [qryg] D d s [wdZ] y p P [wdz] y p P [wSL] y p P [wdz] y p P [whjZ] T o p [wdHz] T o p [wdhL] T o p [qDHl] t o O s g h [Wuosfl] [8wPJ] [qOsh] t Y o [4wWt]
      Level: 6
      Gate of Steiner (Steins;Gate)

      Takeshi Abo