Reprise (Spirited Away)

Joe Hisaishi 20 August 2024

[8yuo] w t u t w 8 w t u t w
[8s] w [th] u t [ws]
[0a] r [yh] o y [rh]
[qj] t [ih] p [ig] t
[0h] t o t [oj] [tk]
[ql] t [pk] t [pj] t
[0h] t [ol] t [os] [td]
[9f] t I [uj] [pf] [ts]
[5wd] y [wid]fyg[roh]jyk[8sl] w [uhv] w u [wsl]
[0ak] r [yhv] o y [rhv]
[qjb] t [ihv] p [igc] t
[0hv] t y o [yjb] [tkn]
[elm] u [pkn] s [pjb] u
[0hv] t [ulm] o [ux] t
[9c] y [ijb] [ykn] [wrix] z
[8lm] w [tu] [uoh] [tsl] [wfx]
[5dlz] 9 [wrdkz] [9r] [wy] [9roh]
[8flx] w [tu] [wu] [uo] [wflx]
[8gjc] e [tigjc] e [tifhx] [egjc]
[8hkv] w [tu] w [tu] [whv]
[7hv] [QGC] [YIGC] Q [YIhv] [Qjb]
[C30jb] [7r] [wohxv] [7r] [5whv] [$7jb]
[30J]zvBr [yjb] u [ohv] E
[6g]hLc0 [efx] T [ugc] [Thv]
[9j]lzc[eb] [yhv] u [igc]|
[5f]gkx9 [wijkDZ] r [wdgjz]|
[8sl] w [thv] u t [wsl]
[0ak] r [yhv] o y [rhv]
[qjcb] t [ihxv] p [igzc] t
[0hxv] t o t [oxb] t
[8lv] [wu] [tplx] u [Wjzcb] [rkzvn]
[6elxbm] u [plxm] u [Wkxbn] [uzcb]
[5wlxvm] u [olxvm] u [Qzb] y
[4qxvm] t [9zcb] t [wxvm] [zcb] [8lxvm]

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About This Music Sheet

Reprise (Spirited Away) is a song by Joe Hisaishi. Use your computer keyboard to play Reprise (Spirited Away) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:13, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Reprise (Spirited Away) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Joe Hisaishi

  • 8|w|[tu]|8|w|[tu]|8|w|[tu]|8|w|
    s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
    [6s] p [0f]| s [0a]|r|a|
    [qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
    [9g]|[eg] f d s [wad]|[yi]|
    s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
    [6s] p [0p]|a s [0o]|r| o
    [qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
    [9g]|g f [wrd] s [8s]|0|w|t|u|
    [of] g [th]|[uoh]|[uoh]|
    [rh]|[yoh] j [yoh] g [ef]|[tuf]|[tuf]|
    [wf]|[ruf] g [ruf] d [qs]|[ets]|[ets] a
    [0p]|[eta]|[eta] s [9d]|[qed] f [qed] f
    [wad]|q|[0f] g [8fh]|[0wdh]|[0wsh]|
    [7ah]|[9wh] j [9wh] g [6sf]|[80af]|[80pf]|
    [0f] g [wrf] d [wrs] a [qp]|[etp] a [ets] d
    [0o]|[wts]|[wtd] f [9d]|[qe] d [wrd] s
    [8s]|[0w]|[0w]|8|w|s d
    [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
    [6s] p [0f]| s [0a]|r|a|
    [qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
    [9g]|[eg] f d s [wad]|[yi]|
    s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
    [6s] p [0p]|a s [0o]|r| o
    [qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|
    d f [9g]|g f [wrd] s [8s]|0|w|
    t|u|[of] g [th]|[uoh]|[uoh]|
    [rh]|[yoh] j [yoh] g [ef]|[tuf]|[tuf]|
    [wf]|[ruf] g [ruf] d [qs]|[ets]|[ets] a
    [0p]|[eta]|[eta] s [9d]|[qed] f [qed] f
    [wad]|q|[0f] g [8fh]|[0wdh]|[0wsh]|
    [7ah]|[9wh] j [9wh] g [6sf]|[80af]|[80pf]|
    [0f] g [wrf] d [wrs] a [qp]|[etp] a [ets] d
    [0o]|[wts]|[wtd] f [9d]|[qe] d [wrd] s

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:45
    Always With Me (Spirited Away)

    Joe Hisaishi

  • [sf][dg][sf][dg][sf][dg][ad][sf][ad][sf][ad][sf][ps][ad][ps][ad][ps][ad][Oa][ip][uO]|
    0ru [uO]
    u p s [9p]sft [psf]
    [0d] [ys] a [es] t|
    e upsf[9j] t j
    [wj] [yh] g [th] u|
    [waf] [ru]afh[Qk] t j
    [rh] [YG] h
    [0j] r h
    [9G] w f
    [8d] [ws] d
    [7f] [Qd] p
    [0a] eupa[0rip]|
    kzl|k [W0r]| zlkjHgf|
    e [tu] [tu]
    0 [tu] [tu]
    e [tu] [tu]
    [0u] [tup] [tus]
    [9f] [qe] [qef]
    [0d] [Wys] [Wya]
    [es] [tu] [tu]
    [ep] [tus] [tuf]
    [9j] [et] [etj]
    [wj] [ryh] [ryg]
    [8h] [wr] [wr]
    [wa] [rf] [rh]
    [qk] [et] [etj]
    [7h] [q(G] [(qh]
    [0j] [wr] [wrh]
    [9G] [wr] [wrf]
    [8d] [ws] [wd]
    [7f] [Qd] [Qp]
    [0a] r r
    0ru [uO] u p s
    [9p]sft [psf]
    [0d] [ys] a [es] t|
    e upsf[9j] t j
    [wj] [yh] g [th] u|
    [waf] [ru]afh[Qk] t j
    [rh] [YG] h
    [0j] r h
    [9G] w f
    [8d] [ws] d
    [7f] [Qd] p
    [0a] eupa[0rip]|
    kzl|k [W0r]| zlkjHgf|
    e [tu] [tu]
    0 [tu] [tu]
    e [tu] [tu]
    [0u] [tup] [tus]
    [9f] [qe] [qef]
    [0d] [Wys] [Wya]
    [es] [tu] [tu]
    [ep] [tus] [tuf]
    [9j] [et] [etj]
    [wj] [ryh] [ryg]
    [8h] [wr] [wr]
    [wa] [rf] [rh]
    [qk] [et] [etj]
    [7h] [q(G] [(qh]
    [0j] [wr] [wrh]
    [9G] [wr] [wrf]
    [8d] [ws] [wd]
    [7f] [Qd] [Qp]
    [0a] r r

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:03
    Merry Go Round of Life

    Joe Hisaishi

  • [ih][js]x | uadhl | ypsgJ | Tafjz
    [qeru] f f f f d f j f dd | [eyo] d d d d s d h d s a s
    pa[wtis] s s s s | pa[qrus] s s s a s | pa[0eys] s s s s h | s [9wtd] 0ey
    [4 q e r u] f f f f d f j [5f] [0d]d q w y
    [150ey] d d d d s d h [8d] [es] [ya] [os]
    pa[9eios] s s s [ys] | pa[0yuos] s s s [ta] s
    pa [qtYos] s s s [is] h gD [wtyid]

    Level: 7
    One Summer’s Day (Spirited Away)

    Joe Hisaishi

  • 6 0 e 0 4 8 q 8 5 9 w 9 8 w t w 6 0 e 0 4 8 q 8 5 9 w 9 8 w [to]s[wd]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwf9f8 w [to]s[wd]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwh9f8 w [utf] [wig] [oha5] [oha9][oha]w [oha9] [ph4] [pf8][sp]q [f8]g[oha3] [oha7][oha]0 [oha7] [sph6] [pf0][sp]e [s0]d[pfI2] [pfI6][pfI]9 [pfI6] [pif4] [j8] [qjd]fd[s8] [d5] 9 [wpid] [pid9][pid][pid5] [a9] [wo]s[d9]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwf9f8 w [to]s[wd]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwh9f8 w [utf] [wig] [oha5] [oha9][oha]w [oha9] [ph4] [pf8][sp]q [f8]g[oha3] [oha7][oha]0 [oha7] [sph6] [pf0][sp]e [s0]d[sfI2] [sfI6][sfI]9 [sfI6] [wifa5]|[jd]fdsp[s8] w [uts] [wo] [u6] 0 e 0 [e4]tu8 [tqe] [ut8] [yre5] 9 w 9 [t8]yuow [uto] [yw]t[t6]yuo0 [utoe] [y0]t[t4]yuo8 [utqo] [y8]t[yre5] 9 w 9 [wth80]osd[wth80]dso[wtqh9]osd[wtqh9]dso[wth0]osd[wth0]dso[tqh9]os[td80]hd[ws97]o[wth80]o[wts80]d[wth80]d[wts80]o[wtqh9]o[wtsq9]d[wtqh9]d[wtsq9]o[wth0]o[wts0]d[wth0]d[wts0]o[tqh9]os[td80]hd[ws97]o[tqlie]sgh[tqlie]hgs[wtliE]sgh[wtliE]hgs[tlie]sgh[tlie]hgs[wliE]sg[qihe]lh[wtg0]s[tqlie]s[tqige]h[tqlie]h[tqige]s[wtliE]s[wtigE]h[wtliE]h[wtigE]s[tlie]s[tige]h[tlie]h[tige]s[wliE]sg[qihe]lh[wtg0]s[h1]o[s5]d[h9]d[s0]o[h2]o[s9]d[qh]d[ws]o[h3]o[s0]d[wh]d[ts]o[qh4]os[d30]hd[s92]o[h1]o[s5]d[h9]d[s0]o[h2]o[s9]d[qh]d[ws]o[h3]o[s0]d[wh]d[ts]o[qh4]os[d30]hd[s92]o[oha5] [oha][oha][wr9] [oha] [ph4] [pf][sp][tqe] fg[oha3] [oha][oha][yr0] [oha] [sph6] [pf][sp][te0] sd[pfI32] [pfI][pfI][teQ] [pfI] [pif4] j [qjed8]fds [od5]|[qpied9] [pid][pid][pid5] a [wro9]sdf[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwf9f8 w [to]s[wd]f[d6] [s0]se 0 4 8 [qo]s[d8]f[d5] [s9]dwh9f8 w [utf] [wig] [oha5] [oha9][oha]w [oha9] [ph4] [pf8][sp]q [f8]g[oha3] [oha7][oha]0 [oha7] [sph6] [pf0][sp]e [s0]d[sfI2] [sfI6][sfI]9 [sfI6] [wifa5]|[jd]fdsp[s8] w [ts]l w [a6]k 0 e [oh0] [uf4] 8 [tqe] [ut8] [yre5] 9 [wo]s[d9]f[d8] [ws]s[ts]l w [a6]k 0 e [oh0] [s4]fj8 [qe]r[t8]y[u5]i[y9] [wo]s[d9]f[d8] [ws]s[ts]l w [a6]k 0 e [oh0] [uf4] 8 [tqe] [ut8] [yre5] 9 [wo]s[d9]f[d8] [ws]st|[tpi4] [uto3] [tie2] [ywut81]

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:24
    Summer (Kikujiro)

    Joe Hisaishi


  • yui u t q| yui u t p o| yui u t w| q| 9 qq 0
    Level: 1
    Length: 00:20
    Super Easy
    Terminator Main Theme

    Brad Fiedel

  • [s6] 0 [ro] t p||g [f5] 0 [ro] t p| |[s6] q [to]|p||j [h3] 7 [wg] f [d5] 9 w t r|||[f6] 0 r [tj] [h3] 7 [wd]|[g2] 6 [f0] [sq] [s5] 9 [ra]|[p4] 8 [ea] s [s5] 9 [ra]|[p6] 0 e r t| |[c2] [j6] [x0] [qh] [ze] [yg] [ul] [zi] [k5] [d9] [wj] [se] [rh] [ea] [wg] [h9] [g%] q [tf] [rd] [d5] [i9] [sq] [wa] [s4] 8 w W [yida]||s [uso1] 5 8 0 [wt]

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:51
    Steve’s Theme (The Last Song)

    Aaron Zigman

  • u|u|u|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|u|u|[rua]|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|[rua]|[tus]|[rua]|[eup]|[rua]|[tus]|u|u| [rua]|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|u|[uf]|[tus]|u|u| [rua]|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|[uf]|[tus]|[rua]|[eup]|[rua]|[tus]|u|u| [rua]|u|u|u|u|u| [eup]|[uf]|[tus]|[rua]|[eup]|[rua]|[tus]|u|u| [yud]|u|u|[uf]|u|u| [eup] a [us] a [up] s [rua] p [uo] p [ua] o [ua] p [uo] p [ua] o [eup] s [rua] d [tus] p [rua] o [eup] s [rua] d [tus] d [us] a [up] s [rua] p [uo] p [ua] o [ua] p [uo] f [ua] o [eup] a [us] a [uf] a [tus] d [us] a [up] s [rua] p [uo] p [ua] o [ua] p [uo] f [ua] o [eup] s [uf] a [tus] p [rua] o [eup] s [rua] d [tus] a [up] a [us] p [yud] s [ua] s [ud] a [uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]|[uf]| [qup]|[uf]|u|[up]|[uf]|u| [wua]|[uf]|u|[ua]|[uf]|u| [eus]|[uf]|u|[us]|[uf]|u| [wud]|[uf]|u|[ud]|[uf]|[ua]| [4qup] f [uf] f u f [up] f [uf] f u f [5wua] f [uf] f u f [ua] f [uf] f u f [6eus] f [uf] f u f [us] f [uf] f u f [5wud] f [uf] f u f [ud] f [uf] f u f [4pj]|[fx]||[pj]|[fx]|| [5ak]|[fx]||[ak]|[fx]|| [6sl]|[fx]||[sl]|[fx]|| [5dz]|[fx]||[dz]|[fx]|a| [4e]|f||e|f|| [5r]|f||r|f|| [6t]|f||t|f|| [5y]|f||y|f|a|[3uf]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:22
    Day One (Interstellar)

    Hans Zimmer