Romantic Flight (How To Train Your Dragon)

John Powell 28 October 2020

a S f GfD G [rIaD] [QS] [rIa] D [rQ]
[QS] [rD] [QG] [WOaDHk]
k L Z [EIL]
[IG] [YH] k [raH] [uG] [aG]
D [Wa] [YS] [OS] O
G [rD] [uS] [aS] [CB]

a S P f I [rD] I a G D [QIS] [7Qra] D [7Q]
[$QS] [7QrD] [QIG] [WaDHk] [Ya] [OD] [Ya] [aH] Y
[0afHk] r [uSL] r O [rDZ] [QSkL] T I
J [QIG] [QH] I [Ok] a [0kxV] [rC] [uC] r [OkZ] r [kW] Y O [OL] [DC]
[0fZ] [rL] [uL]

[3Q] [7W] [0W]

[YaDGC] [uafHV] [uafHV]

[YakZC] [Dn] [uafkxV]

[0uk] L 0[29]u[107]0[18]u[112]0[10]u [YDZ]
[WOHZV] D H [DZ] [HV] [JB] [YDhJv] D H [DZ] [hv] [HV] [TgHc] O S
[DZ] [gc] [YDZ] [DZ] [SL] [SL] [sl] [PJ] [OH] [WOPJ] [OH] [QTPJB] [HV] [HV]
[GC] [GC] [SL] [PCB] [OZV] [OZV] [IJC] [IJC] [TL] [QTPJLCB] [OSH] [OSH] [IPG] [IPG] [TS] J H [TSH] S [YD] s [!ISG] % [TiOg] q W [TOH] [!ig] % T W i % [%DZ] Y [!SL] % [Tgc] q [WO] S g S H S [WYOHDZ] [TOSgHc] [tisHlV] [EiPLc] g J g L g [EiPLc] i [PZ] i P [gc] [WDZ] Y O [sl] [WOH] T [OPJ] T [OSL] T [QPJLCB] [TV] [OV] T [OJLc] T [iPJL] [Ei] P [iZ] [PV] [QGJLc] [TZ] [IZ] O P g [!TiOSg] W [Og] T [Og] T [Tg] [OD] S [OD] S [OS] [TgL] O S O S O [!g] [%D] [TS] [%O] [TP] [%S] [4Wti] 8 q [WiO] [QIPS] T I [!%Ti] O S a O a O [!T] i [TO] a [TG] g [TS] O [TS] g [TH] k [TL]

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About This Music Sheet

Romantic Flight (How To Train Your Dragon) is a song by John Powell. Use your computer keyboard to play Romantic Flight (How To Train Your Dragon) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:55, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Romantic Flight (How To Train Your Dragon) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Instrumental, DreamWorks, How To Train Your Dragon, Virtual Piano Comp.


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Other Songs By John Powell

  • [8s] o s d [wa] o a s
    [tp] o o i i u y o
    [8s] o s d [wa] o a s
    [tp] o o i i u y o
    [8s] o s d [wa] o a s
    [8wf]|0|[8eg] f d s
    [58s] o s d [7wa] o a s
    [etp] o o i [ei] u y t
    [8wipd]|[epg]|[tsf] y t r
    [5wgk]|0 h [58sf]||
    [57dk]|w h [8wsf]||
    [59ry]|7 u [8tu]|7|
    6| t [48u]|[5o]|
    [59qod]| f [etosf]|r|
    [qeip] f [9qj] h [0wf]|f d
    [5wad]|0 f [9I]|p a
    [6qps]|e d [qes] a p f
    [9edG]| h [0wf] G d f
    [8sh]|[tsh]|[rsh]|[sh] w
    [80esh]|[sh] w [8wsh]|[sh]|
    [8sf] 0 [wd] 9 [79dg]|f|
    [5ad] 9 [eg]|[8wusf]|0|
    8|[5wsf]|[qeg]|w f
    [59od] f g f [8sf] 0 w|
    [0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
    [0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
    [79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
    [rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
    [79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
    [rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
    [ry] Q r Q [ry] w r w
    [eu] 0 e [0I] [79I]|[6]| 7|[9ad]|[5G]|[Gj]|
    [S6f]|9 G [9dG]|| [Q7a]|[9k] j [59dG]|[G] f
    [60of]|9 G [O37a]|[6a] S
    [59ad]|* f [9ed] S a S
    [0rad]|d f [Q7ed] S [Qa] S
    [5ad]|[7d] f [9ed] S [0a] p
    [5oa] p [9a] S [ed] f [9G] H
    [9ed] p d f [w*S] p S d
    [59a] p p o [!5o] I u y 2

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:46
    Flying Theme (How to Train Your Dragon)

    John Powell

  • [8w]| 8 8||
    [8w]| 8 8| o
    [8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
    [8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
    [8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
    [8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
    [8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
    [8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
    [8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
    [8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
    [8wu]| 8 [8i]||
    [8y]|i 8 [8u]||
    [8w]|u 8 [8i]||
    [8y]|i [8u] [8u]||
    [8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
    [8a]| [8o] [8u]||
    [8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
    [8a]| [8o] [8u]||
    [579y]| u [8tu]|7|
    [579y]| u [8tu]|7|
    [36p] u p o [37u]|u y
    [59ry]| u [$69e]|e r
    [48et]| y [8t] r e w
    [Q9e]| G f G d f
    h|[th]|[rh]|h w
    [eg]|f w [8d]|d|
    [8wtu]| 8 [8yi]||
    [8ry]|i [8u] [8tu]||
    [8w]|[tu] 8 [8yi]| u
    [8y] u i [8u] [8tu]||
    [8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
    [8a]|o 8 [8u]||
    [8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
    [8a]|p [8o] [8uo]||
    [%Y] [%u] [%i] [%I] [%o] [%O]
    [%p] [%P] [%a] [%s] [%S] [%d]
    [1PSG]||[1g] S1P
    [1o]|G|[1g] S1P
    [Spf]|1111 h G
    [Spf]|1111 j G
    [$hl]||%| io
    [@EYo] 4 5 [6tip] 7 8
    [9ed] p d [9f] [9S] p S d
    [9a] p p [9o] [9o] I u y
    [9ed] p d [9f] [9S] p S d
    [9a] p p [9o] [9o] I [eu] y
    [S60f]| G [9dG]||
    [S60f]| G [9dG]||
    [$7a] I a p [$I]|I u [60u]| I [%70r]|r T
    [579ry]| u y T r e
    [W0r]| f d S a p
    [9wa]| u y T r e
    d p d f S p S d
    a p p o o I u y
    w Q 0 9 2

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:24
    Test Drive (How To Train Your Dragon)

    John Powell

  • s d g h g f h [ftos] [dw] [sto] f [ot] [dw] [ft] [hro] [seflup] [lgti] z l z x [zhro] [ho] j [lt] k [jsq] [ht] [hi] f [se] [du] [dp] p h [fq] [dt] [zi] v t [yr] [iw] [u8] w t o u [y5w] [t158] u [w158] [y5w] [u8t] [o7r] [tups6] 0 e 0 t 0 [ts4] 8 [ydq] 8 e [f8] [yad59w] [o5] [p9] [sw] [js4] [h8] [hq] [fsq] [s6] 0 e d
    Level: 3
    Romantic Flight (How To Train Your Dragon)

    John Powell


  • [ute0]|[yr]| |[ute0]|[yr]| |[ute0]||f a| |[urW0]||f k| |[tqie]||jkl k|j [zywrk9]||j [xurke0]| |[ute0]||f a| |[urW0]||f [ka]| |[tqie]||[sl][ka][pj]||[oh][ig][upfa63]|66 6|6|[ypda62]|92 2|9|[62]|92 2|9|[ue73]|03 3|0|[ye62]|92 [ypd2]|[upf9]|[wt51]|81 [usf1]|[sig8]|[sig^P4]|^^ ^ ^^|[^4]|^^ ^ ^^|[62]|92 [p2]|9 oi[u51]|81 1|[ig] 8 [yd^94]| |g| |[g^] q y j| |[j8]h w u f| |[g4] 8 e p| |[d5] 9 E g| |[g^] q y j| |[j8]h w u f| |[g4] 8 e| |[P5] 9 E g| |[l^] q t g| |[j8]h w u f| |[g9] e i j| |[l8] w u|||h G d a|0|Q w e r e|[yw] [yw]|[yw] [yw] [yw]|[yw]k[ywj] [yw]hj [yw]k[ywh] [yw]Gd a[d5] 9 w e|w|kj hj wk[zw] Q w e [jd2] 6 9 Q|G h [j6] [l1] 5 [h8] 0 h|hjk[j2]69||j h d a 5 9 w e|w|k[j5] 9h[wj] ekh yGd a[d1]||5 8 0|w [yp2]||9 Q w|e 5 9 w e|w|k[j5] 9h[wj] ekh rGd [oa] [da5] [y9] [wo] [pe]|wo|[kd][sj5] 9[ha][wsj] e[kd][zG] [dG] [hf] [jG] [zG2] 5 [jd9] Q [jd] [yI] [uo] [pI] [pd2] 6 [ypQ] 6 [yp] [pG] [ha] [sj] [sl1] 5 [xhf8] 0 [xhf]|[xhf][jGC][vkh][jGC2] 6 9 Q [vh] [GC] [zd] [pj] 5 9 r e| |[620]| |[962]|||[620]|J|j|[h962]|f|d|h|J|[jb620]| |[962]|||[y92]|q|w| |[yw2]|E|e| |[yq2]|e|w|2|[y20]|w|q| |[y92]|[qi]|[wo]|2|[wo9]|[PE]|[pe]| |[pe92]|[qi]|[wo]|2|[wo9]|[u0]|[y9]||J [j92]|q h [wg]|2 f [wh]|E d [se]||p [qP2]|e p [wo]|2 i [wp]|0 u [yq2]||J [j92]|q [hJ] [zwg]|2 [fJ] [wjh]|E [hf] [jed]||[pJ] [tjP9]|q [pJ] [zwo]|2 [xu] [wic]|0 [xT] [zy9]||[PJ] [pj92]|[q8] [ohP] [wigd85]||[ufP] [wpohd95]|[e6] [igP] [yid^E]||[igP] [upfe6]|[q4] [yidP] [ywoPE5]||[wuo] [pie63]|[qi4] [u0] [tqi62]| |[upfe0]| |o p [qd^PE]|g|[sqj84]|h g [wtso]|f|[pg962]|f d [tqp84]|s|[ywP95]|p o [urp6]0er e060er 0[f6][d0][ea][rp]u0[f6][d0][ea][rp]u060Je[rj] h0[f6]0de[rh] a0[p6]0er 060e[ra] s08wty w8wt[yo] pw60er 060er 060Je[rj] h0[f6]0de[rh] a0[p6]0er 060e[ra] s08wt[yG] hw8wt[yZ] xw60e[vr] b060ve[rb] n [r95] z z [rl95] l k k j [wf8] [tf] [uh] [wh73] k k z z [r95] z z [rl95] l k k j [wf8] [tf] [uh] [wh73] k k x x [kC5] [zh9] [zrh] [lfe95] [lf] [kd] [ked95] [sj] [wush8] [sh] [lh] [lh5]0r [xk] [xk] [xjb5]0r[xjb] [rnkC95] [zh] [zh] [rlf950] [lf] [kd] [kd] hj[xwn8]|x|v|[vr0]|k|k|x|x|[wC]ya|z|z|m|l|k|k|j|[oh510]| |[sl]| |[xtf950]| |[jb]| |[xnk]

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    Length: 03:35
    Love Death Birth (Twilight)

    Carter Burwell

  • l g h j l j d f g g s d g s d g s d f h s d f h y u i i u i o o y u i i u i u i o o u i o o i o i t i o p p o o y u i i u i o o y u i i u i u i o o u i o o i o i t o p p o o i o p p p p o i u t i o p p p p o p y i o p i u i i o p i u i y i o i i i i o p t t t t t t t y i t y i o i i i i o p i o p i o i o p p i o p p i o p s # # p s # # p i t # p i t t i u i p o i i y u i o u i o y t p o i i y u i o u i o t p o i i y u i o u i o # p p o o i y i p o y i p o y u i o p i i i i o p u u u u i t t t t y i t y i o i i i o p t t t t y i o i o p p i o p p i o p s p # # p s # # p i t i p # p o y u t i u i t y u o t y u o i o p s t i o p s g
    Level: 5
    Part of Your World (The Little Mermaid)

    Jodi Benson

  • [uto8]| [ute6]|
    [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
    [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]|
    [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
    [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]|
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]|
    [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] [84]
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [uto] w
    [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]| [tqe] [84]
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [uto] w
    [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]| [tqe] [84]
    [tqe864]| |[uto8]| [ute6]|
    [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
    [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]|
    [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
    [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]|
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]|
    [uto] w [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]|
    [uto] w [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [tqe864]| |[ywr95]|
    [ywr] [95] [ywr] [95] [ywr] [95] [tie84]|
    [tie] [84] [ywr975]| [ywr975]| [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [ywr95]| [ywr] [95] [ute60]|
    [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [wr950]| [wr0] [95] [ute60]|
    [ute] [60] [ute60] [ywr95] [ute60] [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [ywr975] [ywr975]||[ute860]|
    [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [tqe84]|
    [tqe] [84] [ywr95]| [ywr] [95] 8 [uto]
    7 [uro] 6 [ute] 5 [wut] 4 [ute]|
    [ute]| [ute]| [ute] [ywr975]|||
    8 [uto]
    7 [uro] 6 [tie] 5 [wut] 4 [tqe]
    4 [tqe]| [tqe]| [tqe] 8 [uto]
    7 [uro] 6 [ute] 5 [wut] 4 [tqe]
    u [ute]| [ute]| |
    [uto81]| [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]|
    [tqe] 4 [tqe]| [tqe] 4 [uto81]|
    [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] 4
    [tqe]| [tqe] 4 [ywr5]| [ywr] 5
    [ywr5]| [ywr] 5 [tie4]| [tie] 4
    [wo5]| [wo5]| [upT6]| [upT6]

    Level: 8
    Length: 02:21
    All I Want

    Olivia Rodrigo