01:50 -
5 -
[ywu8] 8 [wut] 8 [ywu] 8 [wut] [w8] [wut7] [w7] [wut] 7 [ywu] w [r7]tuo[wut6] 0 [wut] [60] [wut] 0 [yo]uy[t6] 7[wut5] 0 [wut] 0 [wut] [50] [r5]tuo[ute4] q [ute] [q4] [ute] q [t4]y 5[ywt3] 0 [ywt] 0 [ywu] 0w[t3]yuo[yue2] 9 [yue] 9 [yte2] 9 [yte] [92]4[wte5] 9 [wte] 9 [wr5] 9 [r5][t6][y7] [wut8] 8 [wut] 8 [wut] w [wu]iu[y8] [ywu7] 7 [wut] 7 [wut] [w7] [r7]tuo[wut6] [60] [wut] 0 [wut] 0 [wut6] [60] 7[wut5] [50] [wut] 0 [wut] 0 [r5]tuo[tpi4] [qe] [tpi] [qe] [tpie] e [ia]saqw[uto3] 0 [uto] 0 [uto] 0 rtuo[yti2] 9 [yti] 9 [ut] 9 [te] 9 [wtq5] 5 [wtq] 4 [wr5]|[urW%]|[u6]psy u s| |[u5]oay u a| |[t4]ipt i p| |[r3]uor t o|a s h [u6]psu p s p u d a [yeI9] e u p|w [u2] o [wte4] q q [wte]|q [wte4] 45[yre3] 3 9 [yre] 3 [93] [yre3] 9 [rT60] 0 [eT0] 6 [eT0] 0 [eT0] 6 [eT0%] % [eT0] % [rT0] % [W%]eTu[eT0$] $ [eT0] $ [eT0] [$] [eT0$] [$] %[eT30] 3 [eT0] 3 [eT0] 3 [W3]eTu[eTQ2] 9 [eTQ] 9 [eTQ] 9e[eT]yT[e9]0[urT!] * [ueT] * [ueT*] *0[W]eTu[eTQ7] 7 [eTQ] 7 [rT7(] 7 [re(] 7 [eQ30] 3 [eQ0] 3 [W930] 3 [W3]er [ueaS] u [upS] e [uaS] eu[uS]fS[pe] [uaS%] W [uaS] W [upS] Wu[WO]pSf[upS$] Q [uaS] Q [upS] Q [uaS] Q [uaS3] 0 [upS] 0 [upS] 0 Op[S0]f[ypS9] e [ypS] e [ypS] ey[pS]dS[pe] [faS] T [upfS] T [upe] [T]u[pT]OuT[yre7] 7 9 [eQ9] 7 9 [eQ97] 9 [eQ30] 3 [eQ0] 3 [W930]| |[yp]dGp[fT]p[rd]I[eS]u[u0]pa ruIOp[O3] 70WruOa| |[e9]yIe[u]e[y7]Q[T6]0[30]eru|70WruOafHkxVnx|||pj| |60e
About This Music Sheet
Rondo Rondo Rondo (Revue Starlight) is a song by Yoshiaki Fujisawa. Use your computer keyboard to play Rondo Rondo Rondo (Revue Starlight) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:50, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Rondo Rondo Rondo (Revue Starlight) is classified in the genres: Japan, Songs From TV, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime.
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Other Songs By Yoshiaki Fujisawa
l k h d l k h d l k h d l k h d l k h d l k h d l k h d [pl]sfjk h d [xl] k h d [ywvl] k [ph] d [ola] k [sh] d [xif]psk h d l k [hd] f [zud]pa u p a f a p [uH][ka][xf]||[je] [rk] [tl] [zy] [f4]jx8 w [zhed] 8 4 [sql] 8 [wa5]dhk9 [sle] 9 [rka] [wh] [d9] 7 [p3]dfj7 [u0] [pe] [ra] [uf] [ra] [pe] [O0][aW][rH]u| |u [pe60] a [sr] p [fW0%] d [us] a [sp95] d [fa] s [pQ9$]|p a [si62]||[ys]u[ya73]|[rp] o [pe84]|f|[od95]|a|[fa63] 6 [p8] [pd0] e t [se] 0 [ta4]i 8 [sq] 4 [ra5] [wo] [y9] 5 [pe6] [ra3] [ts6] [uf8] [pje] [ka0] [sl8] [zd6] [xljf6] [j0] [xe] [zwrkhd96]|[rka] [woh] [sqpjge86]|[qj]z[xe]b[xwr96]zj w [rp]a[s6]d[uspf6] [p0] [fe] [ywroda96]|[ra] [wo] [qpie86]|[qm]n[ve]z[wrl96]kh [wo] [rp]a[s6]d[upf4] [p8] [qf] [ywoda94]|[wra] [wo4] [tqpie84]|[i4] [qpe8] [ywroa94]|[o4] [wp9]a[s4]d[upf4] [p8] [qf] [ywoda94]|[ra4] [wo9] [ra4] [uTS6] 3 [yd6] * [u5]of9 [wp]aSf[oh2] 6 9 q [ie]sgy i p [sl5] 9 [rka] 9 [oha7] q [rig] q [uf1] 5 [i8] 9 [tso0] 8 [a0] w [pe6] 0 [ra] 0 [so3] 6 [f8] 0 [oh2]s 6 [p9] q [rga] 9 [ts] 9 [p%] 7 [a0] W [dO3] 7 [aW] 3 [p6] s a u s a u s a u s a u| |6 [f0] [ge] [rd] [tf] s a p [s2] 6 9 [i0] [qi]| |5 [d9] [wf] [eS] [rd] a p o [ra1] 5 8 [u0] [wu]| |[q74] u Y u [i730] u [WO] a [ue60]pd|s [ya95]|p a [si2] 6 9 [sq] [raY(]|[pQ]|[u3]pf7 0 e [rW3] 7 0|6 [f0] [ed] [ts] [ua] p a s [oh2] 6 9 [qg] [ige] y u i [r5] [d9] [ws] [ra] [yp] o [wp] a [ig1] 5 8 [oh8] [wuof] t y u [yri74] g f d [a730] a [dW] a [pd60] s [aO0%] s [of95]||p [h2] [g6] [f9] [qd] [a3] [O7] [WO]|[tp6] 3 6 8 r 6 0 r [eT60]|[pe0]|[pjS7]|[oh!]|[ohd2] [g6] 9 [qh] [tigd] e [qh] [g9] [s5] [f9] [wda] [se] [roa] [pe] [woi] [g5] [og1] [f5] 8 [g0] [utof] w [g0] [f8] [e6] [f0] [rd] [s0] [ta] [p0] [uo6] [f0] [pof2] [d6] 9 [f0] [qid] 9 [fe] d [E3] [s7] [ra0] [pW] [yrO] p [ra0] O [uts6]|[e80]|[yoda7]|[wq97]|[uspf81]|[utpe80]|[pjS!]|[ohe0]|[soh2] [g6] 9 [qh] [tsig] e [qh] [g9] [s5] [f9] [wda] [se] [oa7] [p9] [qoi] [wg] [og1] [f5] 8 [g0] [utof] w [g0] [f8] [e6] [f0] [rd] [s0] [ta] [p0] [uo6] [f0] [pof2] [d6] 9 [f0] [qid] 9 [f0] [qd] [E3] [s7] [ra0] [pW] [yrO] p [ra0] O [ea6] [p3] [r6] 8 [t0] e [y0] [s8]d[o5]af9 [wo] r [oh] y [rg] whg[f4] 8 [ws] [i8] [ed] [i8] [sq] 8 [a5] [z9] [wl] [rk] [oh] d [ws] a [t6][u0][pe]
Level: 7Length: 02:27IntermediateUntil the World Turned to Ash (Revue Starlight)
Yoshiaki Fujisawa
q e y u p e y u [pe] u i y p e y u q e [yo] u [sp] e y u e u [iP] y p e y i [o8] e t u p e y u e u i y [tp] e y u [yw] t y o w t y o d|||q e y u [zpj] e [yf] [ud] [pe] u i y p e y u q e [yxj] u p e [yf] [ud] [he] u i y p e [yg] u [f8] e y u [zpj] e y u [je] u i y [xpj] e [yj] [uh] [wid] t y o [zwv] t y o d|||[qp]etui[od]iute[sq]etui[pd]iute[qo]etui[pd]iute[qf]etui[sd]iute[p9]euip[us]piut[i9]euipspiut[o9]euip[sp]piut[f9]euip[sg]piut[h(]qEyYPYyEq(qEyYPYygEDq[d(]qEyY[sP]YyEq[d(]qEyY[PD]YyEq[h%]qwWYPYWwq%qwWYPYWhwgq[J%]qwWY[PH]YWwq[h%]qwWY[gP]YWwq[J7](ErIPIrE(7(ErIPIrJEH([L7](ErI[kP]IrE([J7](ErI[PH]IrE([wogdP]|||[sp] [if] [od] a [sp] i [of] a [sp] i [od] a [sp] [if] [od] a [sp] i [of] a [sp] i [od] a [spj] [lif] [okd] a [spj] i [olf] a [spj] i [okd] a [spj] [lif] [okd] a [spj] i [olf] a [zspg] i [pokd]|[hfe]uo|||[yd] s d p [us] f [id] s d| |[ya]||p o|[yp]| |[yd] s d p [us] f [id] s d| |[ha]||j k|[jd]| |[ye9] t y e [wt0] u [yqe] t y| |[r5] 9 w e w|[e2] 6 9| |[yid2] [s6] [d9] [pe] [uts83] f [yid4] [s9] [yqid]| |[oha5] 9 w [spje] [wrkda9]|[ypjed9] e y u i p [pd^] [sqo] [ped] [hd] [pd] [so] [phd] [so] [pd] [hd] [pd] [soG]g[pfd] [so] [pod] [hd] [spd] [so] [ypd] [so] [upd] [ihd]o[pd]P[so]s[pd^] [sqo] [ped] [uhd] [pid]p[so]d[pfd] [so] [pd] p [phd] d [lh]|||[w920]| |hgfs
Level: 6Length: 02:26IntermediateKaren and Hikari (Revue Starlight)
Yoshiaki Fujisawa
[h8]|[wo0]|[w0]|8|[w0]|[w0] o [ig8] f [qe]|[qpie]|[sp8]|[qe]|[qea]|[oh8]|[wo0]|[w0]|8|[wti0]|[wu0] o [wgd7] f [w0]|[wuo0]|[da7]|[w0]|[wf0] o [sg6] [f0] [ts] [p0] [ts] [p0] [ga6] [f0] [ts] [p0] [ts] [pd0] [og3] [f7] [wa] [o7] [wa] [d7] [fa3] [d7] [wa] [o7] [wa] [o7] [g4] [f8] [spie] [p8] [se] [p8] [iga4] [f8] [se] [p8] [se] [p8] [h1] [f5] [s0] [wo] [s0] [d5] [f1] [d5] [sk0] [o5] [sh0] [o5] [g6] [f0] [uts] [p0] [ts] [pi0] [og6] [f0] [ts] [a0] [ts] [sp0] [og3] [f7] [wa] [o7] [wa] [d7] [f3] [r7] [wu]I7o[a0]d7f[gd^P]i4d[g9] ^ 4 [h^] [g^P] [f4] [d9] 4 ^ [s4] [da5] 9 [ws] 9 [wd] [s9] [a5] [s9] [wd] [a9] [o5] [a9] [p4] [a8] [sq] [pe] [wa] [sq] [p4] 8h[qg] e [qf] 8 [o3] [p8] [wa] [to] [wp] [a8] [o3] 8g[wf] t [wd] 8 [p6] [a0] [se] [tp] [ea] [s0] [p6] 0h[ge] r [fe] 0 [p2] [a6] [s9] [p0] [a9] [s6] [p2] [a6] [s9] [p0] [a9] [s6] [p4] [a8] [sq] [wp] [qa] [s8] [p4] 8h[qg] e [qf] 8 [o3] [p7] [wa] [ro] [wp] [a7] [o3] 7 [wj] q [k0] 9 [l6] a [s6] [tp0] a [s6] [p6] 0h[ge] r [fe] 0 [a5] [s9] [rd] [a9] [sr] [d9] [a5] [s9] [rd]| |[h8]|[wo0]|[w0]|[yw8]|[w0]|[wu0] o [tig8] f [qe] t [yqe] u [ti8]|[uqe] y [qe] e [wh8]|[wo0]|[w0]|8|[wa0]|[w0] [so] [oga7] f [wo0]|[w0]|[w7]|[wr0] w [wr0] [yo] [sg6] [f0] [ts] [p0] [ts] [p0] [g6] [f0] [ra] [p0] [ts] [p0] [oga3] [f7] [wa] [o7] [wa] [d7] [kf3] [d7] [wa] [o7] [wha] [o7] [sf4]g8f[se]p8s[fe]g8f[sh4]p8s[fe]g8f[se]p8s[hf1]g5f[sg0]ows[f0]g5f[sf1]o5s[f0]g5f[s0]o5s[g6] [f0] [ts] [p0] [ts] [p0] [sg6] [f0] [ts] [pf0] [ts] [pg0] [sh3] [f8] [ws] [o8] [ws] [d8] [hf3] [d7] [ws] [og7] [s0] [f7] [fd^P][g4][f^][s9]o^s[f9]g^f[si^]o4s[f9]g4f[s^]o4s[od5]f9d[se]o9a[se]d9s[a5]o9a[sr]d9h[zr]|[plh] z [zh] x [xh] l [ol] k [kh]| |[qlh] [zt] [zph] [xt] [xph] [vt] [v0] [tl] [olh]||s [f4]g8f[ws]p8s[wf]g8f[ws]ps[qf]gf[ws]ps[f2][g8][qf][ts]pqs[tf]gqf[sr]psfgf[tsq]ps[sp6] [d0] [tpd] [f0] [tpf] [s0] [so5] [a0] [roa] 0 r 0 [sp4] [d8] [ped] [f8] [pfe] [h8] [h3] [s8] [wf] 8 [wo] [s8] [f2]g6f[s0]p6s[f0]g6f[s2]p6s[wf][qg][f0][s8][p5][s2][f4]g8f[ws]pesr[tf]g8f[s4]p8s[wf]g8f[ws]o8i[u1] 5 0 5 [w0] 5 [yw10] 5 0 [wu5] 0 5 [wu1] 5 0 5 0 5 1
Level: 5Length: 02:08IntermediateFaraway Promises (Revue Starlight)
Yoshiaki Fujisawa
[sh]| [xm]| [zn]| [zv]| [sph]| [mc]| [zn]| [vl]| [ts] f h [xuml] z l [zna] [ol] [zi] [zvul] z [wl] [ie] s g [mlc] z l [zna] [sl] [za] [volh] k l [zv]| [olf]| [kid] l k [ush]| [pl] [za] [xs] [jdc]| j [xsh] z l [zywh]| r| y [tjg] s j [rkhd] [tl] [zy] [ushf]| [ws] [sje] h [ts] [pigd]| p [sof] d s [wod]| a| [wuts]| [rqia] s a [wto0]| [use] [rd] [tf] [ypged]|pgh[tsf0] d [se] [ywd]| [oha]| [lgcb] l b [znh] m|z[vlh]| l[vpg]b v l [jec9] j cv[xtl0] z l [zwtl]| [rok]zv| [kf] l xvk l xv[kg] l xvk l xv[kh] l xvk l xv[kj] l xvk l xv[jd] J zcj J zcj J zcb c zJ[wtk] l xv[k0] l xv[tqk] l xv[ki] [tl] [xi]v[ywpk] l xv[wtok] l xv[yok] l xv[ysok] l xv[uoked] l xv[uspk] [tl] [xu]v[jiE] J zc[qjE] J [z8]c[j^] J zcj J [zq]c[ibE] B zcb| [zc] m|B[mjc]| [vlJ]| [lcb] v c [xljd] c v [cZJD] jJl b l czv| [sh]| [xm]| [zn]| [zv]| [sph]| [mc]| [zn]| [vl]| l| [xm]| [zn]| [zv]| jlcvm
Level: 6Length: 02:04Intermediatedot to dot (Revue Starlight)
Yoshiaki Fujisawa
s s s [8wf]||
d s s s [59f]||
d s d d [60]|||[48]||
s s s [8wh]||s|s s [59h]||s|d d [60]|||[48]||
s s d [8wf]||o|o o [59f]||o|o d [60]|||
[48]||s s d [8wd]|o|o|s d
[59d]|o|o|o d [60d]||s||
[48]||s [8ws]|d|f|s s
[59a]|s|d|p p[60p]|s|d|p pp[48p]|s|d|s s
[8ws]|d|f|s s[59a]|s|d|p pp[60p]|s|d|p p[48p]|s|d|s
ss[8ws]||s ss[59a]||a aa[60p]|s|d|p p[48p]|s|d|s s[80ws]Level: 6Length: 00:58IntermediateGirls Like You (Maroon 5)
Maroon 5
8 w u 5 [ry] 6 0 [et] 3 [wr] 4 8 [qe] 8 [tu] 4 8 [qe] 5 [wr] [8h] [wf] g [uh] [5f] g h [ry] [6f] [0s] d [etf] [3s] d f s d [wrf] d s [4p] [8p] [qep] [8p] o p o o [tu] o [4o] p p [8p] [qep] [5s] a [wr] [8v] [wx] c [uv] [5x] c v [ry] [6x] [0l] z [etx] [3l] z x l z [wrx] z l [4j] [8j] [qej] [8j] h j h h [tu] h [4j] j [8j] [qej] [5l] k k k [wrk] l l s d [8f] [wh] h u f [5j] f [ry] d f [6g] [0g] g [et] f [3s] [wr] d f [4g] g 8 g [qe] [8f] d [tus] s s [4s] [8s] f [qe] g [5d] [wr] l z [8x] [wv] v u x [5b] x [ry] z x [6c] v 0 c [et] x [3l] [wr] z x [4c] c 8 c [qe] x [8x] l [tu] l l [4l] 8 x [qe] c [5z] [wrm] 8 w [us] s [5s] s f s [rys] [6s] s [0s] s [etf] [3s] a [wra] s 4 8 [qes] s [8s] s f s [tus] [4s] [8s] s [qeh] [5s] a [lm] [8h] [wf] g [uh] [5f] g h [ry] [6f] [0s] d [etf] [3s] d f s d [wrf] d s [4p] [8p] [qep] [8p] o p o o [tu] o [4p] p [8p] [qep] [5s] a [wr] [8v] [wx] c [uv] [5x] c v [ry] [6x] [0l] z [etx] [3l] z x l z [wrx] z l [4j] [8j] [qej] [8j] h j h h [tu] h [4j] j [8j] [qej] [5l] k k k [wrk] l [8sl] w [hv] u [fx] 5 [dz] [dz] [rydz] [sl] 6 [dz] [0fx] [gc] [et] [fx] 3 [dz] [dz] [wrdz] [sl] 4 [dz] [8fx] [gc] [qe] [fx] 8 [dz] [dz] [tudz] [4sl] [sl] [8sl] [qehv] [5sl] [ak] [ak] [ak] [wrak] [sl] s d [8f] [wh] h u f [5j] f [ry] d f [6g] [0g] g [et] f [3s] [wr] d f [4g] g 8 g [qe] [8f] d [tus] s s [4s] [8s] f [qe] g [5d] s h j l x b [wrhv] l z [8x] [wv] v u x [5b] x [ry] z x [6x] c [0x] c [et] x [3c] x [wr] z x [4c] c 8 c [qe] x [8x] l [tu] l l [4l] 8 x [qe] c [5z] [wrm] 8 w [us] s [5s] s f s [rys] [6s] s [0s] s [etf] [3s] a [wra] s 4 8 [qes] s [8s] s h s [tus] [4j] [8h] h [qef] [5j] h [lm] [8h] [wf] g [uh] [5f] g h o p a [rys] d f g [6f] [0s] d [etf] [3s] d f s d [wrf] d s [4p] [8p] [qep] [8p] o p o o [tu] o [4p] p [8p] [qep] [5s] a s d f [wrh] j k l z x [8v] [wx] c [uv] [5x] c v h j k [ryl] z x c [6x] [0l] z [etx] [3f] g h j h g [wrh] l k l [4j] [8l] k [qej] [8h] g h g f g [tuh] g l k [4j] j [8j] [qej] [5l] k k k [wrk] l [8sl] w [hv] u [fx] 5 [dz] [dz] [rydz] [sl] 6 [dz] [0fx] [gc] [et] [fx] 3 [dz] [dz] [wrdz] [sl] 4 [dz] [8fx] [gc] [qe] [fx] 8 [dz] [dz] [tudz] [4sl] [sl] [8sl] [qehv] [5sl] [ak] [ak] [ak] [wrak] [sl] [tsl] o f w [ad] e u [ps] 0 [oa] q t [ip] t [sf] q t [ip] w [oa] [8s] [0f] [wh] [tl]Level: 5Length: 02:54Intermediate
Memories (Alternative)
Maroon 5
e tee|e te0 w0 e tee|e te0 w0 e tee|e te0 w0 e|0 w0e|0 w0 [ute]|[yre]|[ute]| [te] [yre]|[re]|[ute]|0 w0 [ute]|[yre]|[ute]| [te] [yre]|[re]|[ute]|| [e0]|t|0| e [y0]|u|0|w| [e0]| yt[r0]|[tq]| [eQ]|9|e te[e9]| [e0]|t|[e0]| u [eI9]|y|[e9]|| [uqp]||e o t i [yw]||q|| [tie0]||u 0 y [re]||w|| [wt]||q r 8 r [qe]||w|| [ute]|[yre]|[ute]| [te] [yre]|[re]|[ute]|0 w0 [ute]|[yre]|[ute]| [te] [yre]|[re]|[ute]Level: 5Length: 00:52Intermediate
Rey’s theme (Star Wars)
John Williams