03:22 -
1 -
s h f q t [ih] f t o [sh] d w y o y w s a s q t [ih] f t o [sh] d w y o y w||d [tf8] w t w t w [ts] [wd] [r7] w r w r w [sr] [wd] [tfe] [wd] [td] [ws] [tf] [wd] [td] [ws] [f8] [qd] [ed] [sq] [pe] q [oe] [qd] [wtf8] w t w [ts] [se] [ts] [ed] [r97] w r w r w [sr] [wd] [tf80] [wd] [td] [ws] [tf] [wd] [td] [ws] [qfe8] [qd] [ed] [sq] [pe] w t [wa] [sqe8] q [se] [sq] [se] [qd] [tfe] [qa] [wr7] [wa] [yr] [wa] [ysr] [wd] [yr] [wf] [e86] [d0] [ted] [s0] [tse] [f0] [ted]s[qd] [s4] d||s h f [tqe] [sq] [the] [wf] [wt] [s0] [th] [qd] [ywr] [qd] [ysr] [wf] [yr] [s0] [yrh] [wf] [tqe] [s0] [the] [wf] [wt8] [ge] [wtf] [d0] [ywr] w [yr] w [yr] [ws] [yrh] [wf] [tqe] [s0] [the] [wtf] 0 [s8] [th] [qd] [ywr] [qd] [ysr] [f0] [yr] [qd]s[ywrd]s[pe] [tsqe] q [te] q [te] [qo] [tfe] q [qda5]| |d d s [hd] [sf] 4 8 [qh] f 8 w [th] d 5 9 w 9 5 [ys] [ya] [ys] [y4] [t8] [qh] f 8 w [th] d 5 9 w 9 5||d [tf8] w t w t w [ts] [wd] r w r w r [ws] [sr] [wd] [tfe] [wd] [td] [ws] [tf] [wd] [td] [ws] [wf] [qd] [ed] [sq] [pe] q [oe] [qd] [wtf8] w t w [ts] [ws] [th] [wg] [rf97] [wd] r w r [ws] [sr] [wd] [rf80] [wd] [td] [ws] [tf] [wd] [td] [ws] [qfe8] [qd] [ed] [sq] [pe] q e [qa] [tsqe8] q [tse] [sq] [tse] [qd] [tfe] [qa] [wr7] [wa] [yr] [wa] [ysr] [wd] [yr] [wf] [e8] [d0] [ted] [s0] [tse] [f0] [ted]s[qd] [sie8] d||s h f [tqe] [sq] [the] [wf] [wt] [s0] [th] [qd] [ywr] [qd] [ysr] [wf] [yr] [s0] [yrh] [wf] [tqe] [s0] [the] [wf] [wt8] [ge] [wtf] [d0] [ywr] w [yr] w [yr] [ws] [yrh] [wf] [tqe] [s0] [the] [wtf] 0 [s8] [th] [qd] [ywr] [qd] [ysr] [f0] [yr] [qd]s[ywrd]s[pe] [tsqe] q [te] q [te] [qo] [tfe] q [da7]| |d d [yrd] [wd] [uts0] 0 [ts] [s0] [th] [g0] [tf] [d0] [tq] [ts] [sq] [ts] [qh] [tg] [tf] [qd] [wt8] [us] [ws] u [wp] [us] [wd] [uf] [yed9] w y w y w [ys] [wa] [t80] 0 [ts] [s0] [th] [g0] [tf] [d0] [tq8] [sq] [ts] [sq] [th] [qg] [tf] [qd] [wut] [ws] [us] [ws] [us] [ws] [d0] [f5] [wohda4]|[975]|[ohda975] [sl] [oh] [uf]|[t4] [oh8] [uqf]|[t8] [woh] [ytd]|[y5] [t9] [wu] 9 [ts5] [oa] [us]|[t4] [oh8] [uqf]|[i8] [woh] [ytd]|5 9 w 9 [ts5] [oh] [uf] [qe] [tsq] [ohe] [uqf] [wt8] [oh0] [oh8] [OH3] [8630] [OH6] [OH80] [pj6] [80] 6 [ka97] 5 [sl8641] 4 [86] [l4] [k86] [s4] [86] [f4] [9752] [d5] [97] 5 [97] [ts5] [oh97] [uf5] [64] [ts4] [oh6] [uf4] [851] [ts3] [oh8] [yd3] [9752] [yd5] [ts97] [uf5] [97] [ts5] [oh97] [ud5] [64] [ts6] [oh4] [uf851] 3 [ig3] [uf8] [yd3] [9752] 5 [97] 5 [97] [ts5] [oh97] [uf5] [64] [ts6] [oh4] [uf851] 3 [ts3] [oh8] [yd3] [9752] [yd5] [ts97] [uf5] [97] [d5]s[d9752]s[p6] [ts8642] 4 [86] 4 [86] [o4] [uf86] 4 [da9752] 5 [oda75]|d d l [zv] [xl] 4 8 [vq] x 8 [xw] [vt] z 5 9 w 9 5 [ld] [kd] [ld] [s4] [s8] [vq] x 8 o [vs] z w y o y w
About This Music Sheet
Sad Song is a song by We The Kings. Use your computer keyboard to play Sad Song music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:22, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Sad Song is classified in the genre of Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Sad.
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6 0 e r t| 6 0 r t y| 6 0 t y u| 6 0 r y i| 6 0 e t u| 6 0 W r y| 6 0 e t r| 6 0 e| tr| | 6 0f[ke]l[utk] jh [f6] 0h[rf] [yid]|| [s6] 0f[se] [uta]| p [O6] 0 W [yr]|| 6 0f[ke]l[utk] jh [f6] 0h[rf] [yid]|| [s6] 0g[fe] [utd]| a [H3] 7 W r t y % (O[sW]d[ED] ds [g%] (D[dE] [ts]|| 4 8O[sq]d[wD] ds [a3] 7 W u| yui||| [pd]|| [fO]| | [spjf86]Level: 5Length: 01:15Intermediate
Prologue – In Bruges
Carter Burwell
[y6] 0 [ue] 0 [o6] 0 [ue] 0 [y8] [wu] [yt]twu8 w t w 5 [yw] [yr] [wu]i5 [wu] [yr] t [u4] q e q [t4] q e [qe] [y6] 0 [ue] 0 [o6] 0 [ue] 0 [y8] [wu] [yt]twu8 w t w 5 [yw] [yr] [wu] [i5] [wu] [yr]t [u4] [yq] [ye] [tq] [t4] [qe] e q 4 q e [qe] [u4] [yq] [ye] [tq]| |t e|| [e6] [te] [e6] [te] [e6] [te] [e6] [te] [w1] [t8] [w1] [t8] [w1] [t8] [w1] [t8] [w5] [wr] [w5] [wr] [w5] [wr] [w5] [wr] [q4] [qe] [q4] [qe] [q4] [qe] [q4] [qe] [ue6] [80][80]6 [80][80]6 [80][80][o6] [80][u80] [yw8] [w0][w0][t8] [w0][w0]8 [w0][w0][o8] [w0][wu0] [yw5] [97][97][t5] [97][97]5 [97][97][o5] [97][u97] [yq4] [86][86][t4] [86][86]4 [u86][86][u4] [u86][86] [ue860]||uy[ut860][ut] [ut]| [wu850] [wu] t t[to850] oy| [wu975] y t e [wu975] y [yw]| [864] uyt e [ue864] y [yqe]| [ue860]||uy[ut860][ut] [ue]| [ut850]|u u[to850] oy| [wu975] y [wt] e [wu975] y y| [864] uyt e [ue864] y y| 6 [e8] 0 e [e0] [t8] [utp6] e [to8] 0 [yw] t [wt] [y0] [ut8] t [ywr5] 7 9 w [wr9] [e7] [wr5] [wt] 4 [e6] 8 q 8 6 4 q e [e0] 8 6 [e8] [t0] [utpe] 6 [to] w [y0] 8 [t0] [yw] [ut] 8 [yw] 9 7 5 [wr7] [e9] [wr] [t5] q [e8] 6 4 6 8 q 4 [64] q [qe64]|[e64] w[qe][64]| [e64] w[qe][64]|[e64] w [e64] w 4| |[tpi864]|o| [yqe864]|t|[yqe864]|u| [yqe864] t e we[860]|[860] [860] [ye6] e [u6] e [uoe6] e [ue6] e [y1] [u8] [y1]t8u1 8 1 8 5 [yw] [y5] [wu]i5 [wu] [y5] [wt] [uq4] q [e4] q [tq4] q 4 [qe] [ye6] e [u6] e [oe6] e [u6] e [y1] [u8] [y1]t8u1 8 1 8 5 [yw] [y5] [wu] [i5] [wu] [y5]tw [uq4] [yq] [y4] [tq] [tqe4] q 4 q [ye6] e [u6] e [uoe6] e [ue6] e [y1] [u8] [y1]t8u1 8 1 8 5 [yw] [y5] [wu]i5 [wu] [y5] [wt] [uq4] q [e4] q [tq4] q 4 [qe] [ye6] e [u6] e [oe6] e [u6] e [y1] [u8] [y1]t8u1 8 1 8 5 [yw] [y5] [wu] [i5] [wu] [y5]tw [uq4] [yq] [t4] q [u4] [yq] [y4] [tq] [e4][t6]8q||| [ue6] [80][80]6 [80][80]6 [80][80][o6] [80][u80] [yw8] [w0][w0][t8] [w0][w0]8 [w0][w0][o8] [w0][wu0] [yw5] [97][97][t5] [97][97]5 [97][97][o5] [97][u97] [yq4] [86][86][t4] [86][86]4 [u86][86][u4] [u86][86] [ue60] 8|[u8]y[ut60][ut]8[ut] 8 [ut85] [ut0] u 0u[to85] [o0]y 0 [wu73] [y5] [wt] [e5] [wu73] [y5] [yr] 5 [84] [u6]y[tqe] [e6] [ue84] [y6] [ye] 6 [ue60] 8|[u8]y[ut60][ut]8[ue] 8 [ut85] 0 u 0u[to85] [o0]y 0 [73] [u5]u[te] [e5] [ue73] [y5] [yw] 5 [84] [u6]u[te] [e6] [ue84] [y6] [ye] 6 [60] [e8] [60] [e8] [e60] [te8] [utp60] [e8] [wto8] [t0] [yw8] [t0] [wt8] [yt0] [wu8] [t0] [yw95] [w7] [95] [w7] [r95] [we7] [r95] [wt7] [84] [qe6] [84] [q6] [84] [q6] [84] [q6] [e60] [e8] 8 8 [e60] [t8] [utp8] 8 [wto8] 0 [y0] 0 [wt8] [y0] [u0] 0 [yw95] 7 7 7 [wr95] [e7] [r7] [t7] [q84] [e6] 6 6 [q84] 6 6 6 [64] q [qe64]|[e64] w[qe][64]| [e64] w[qe][64]|[e64] w [e64] w 4| |[tpi864]|o| [yqe864]|t|[yqe864]|u| [yqe864] t e we[860]|[860] [860] [ye630] 8 [u6] 8 [uoe86] 0 [ue8] 0 [yw85] [u0] [y8]t0u[t80] w 0 w [73] [y5] [y3] [u5]i[530] [u7] [y5] [t7] [uq841] 6 [e4] 6 [tq64] 8 6 [e8] [ye630] 8 [u6] 8 [oe86] 0 [u8] 0 [yw85] [u0] [y8]t0u[t80] w 0 w [73] [y5] [y3] [u5] [i530] [u7] [y5]t7 [uq841] [y6] [y4] [t6] [tqe64] 8 6 8 [ye630] 8 [u6] 8 [uoe86] 0 [ue8] 0 [yw85] [u0] [y8]t0u[t80] w 0 w [73] [y5] [y3] [u5]i[530] [u7] [y5] [t7] [uq841] 6 [e4] 6 [tq64] 8 6 [e8] [ye630] 8 [u6] 8 [oe86] 0 [u8] 0 [yw85] [u0] [y8]t0u[t80] w 0 w [73] [y5] [y3] [u5] [i530] [u7] [y5]t7 [uq841] [y6] [t4] 6 [uq64] [y8] [y6] [t8] [tqe6]|6|6|6| 6|6|6|6| [te8] r [e8]w [te8] r [e8]| [te8] rr[e8]w w[te8]rr [e8]| [te80] r [e80]w [te80] r [e80]| [te80] rr[e80]w w[te80]rr [e80]| [wte80] r [we80]w [wte80] r [we80]| [wte80] rr[we80]w w[wte80]rr [we80]| [tqpie]|o|[ytqe]|t| [yqe9]|u| |u y e we| | [ye860] 3 [u8] 3 [uoe863] 0 [ue6] 0 [yw80] [u5] [y0]t5u[850] w 8 w [975] [y2] [y7] [u2]i[752] [u9] [y5] [t9] [uq864] 1 [e6] 1 [tq641] 8 4 [e8] [ye860] 3 [u8] 3 [oe863] 0 [u6] 0 [yw80] [u5] [y0]t5u[850] w 8 w [975] [y2] [y7] [u2] [i752] [u9] [y5]t9 [uq864] [y1] [y6] [t1] [tqe641] 8 4 8 [ye860] 3 [u8] 3 [uoe863] 0 [ue6] 0 [yw80] [u5] [y0]t5u[850] w 8 w [975] [y2] [y7] [u2]i[752] [u9] [y5] [t9] [uq864] 1 [e6] 1 [tq641] 8 4 [e8] [ye860] 3 [u8] 3 [oe863] 0 [u6] 0 [yw80] [u5] [y0]t5u[850] w 8 w [975] [y2] [y7] [u2] [i752] [u9] [y5]t9 [u864] [y1] [t6] 1 [u641] [y8] [y4] [t8] [te8] r [e8]w [t8] r [e8]| [te8] rr[e8]w w[te8]rr [e8]| [te80] r [e80]w [t80] r [e80]| [te80] rr[e80]w w[te80]rr [e80]| [wte80] r [we80]w [wt80] r [we80]| [wte80] rr[we80]w w[wte80]rr [we80]| [te8] [r0] [e8]w0 [t8] [r0] [e8] 0 t rrew wtrr eLevel: 8Length: 04:26Expert
Counting Stars
One Republic
[8uod] w y [ud] s [tu] o [8uod] [wd] [tf] [ys] u y [tup] [0p] [6upd] [0d] [ef] r [tups] u s [6toa] [0s] [ea] [rup] t r e 0 [9ipf] e u [ipd] e [up] [9ipf] [eg] [yf] d [ip] s [wyia] a s a w s [5wyia] o 5 6 7 [8uod] w y [ud] s [tu] o [8uod] [wd] [tf] [ys] u y [tup] [0p] [6upd] [0d] [ef] r [tups] u s [6toa] [0s] [ea] [rup] t r e 0 [9ipf] e u [ipd] e [up] [9ipf] [eg] [yf] d [ip] s [wyia] a s a w s [5wyia] o 5 6 7 [8uod] w y [uod] [ys] t [wo] [8osdh] w y [usf] [yd] [tos] w [6uo] [0d] [ed] [rd] [tupd] [rs] e [0s] [6sfj] [0sfj] e [rpaf] t [opd] 0 [yis] 9 e [yipf] [up] [ips] s [eyi] [9ipf] [ef] f [yip] [ua] [iops] d [wyios] s s [wyis] [os] [wyi] s [wyioa] a s [wyioa] o [wri] [8uo] w [td] [yd] [uod] s [tuo] s [8wuoa] s a s a s 7 [6uop] [0d] [ed] [ruoad] t [rs] [euops] [0s] [60euoa] s s [uopa] [6s] 0 e [9ipf] [ed] [us] [ipd] [eif] [of] [9ipf] [ed] [us] [ipd] [yd] [ripd] [es] [wyioa] s h s d s [5qwyoa] a s d 5 6 7 [8uod] w y [uod] o [us] t [yo] [8uad] [wad] [tsf] [yos] u y [tuop] [0yop] [6upd] [0pd] [esf] r [tups] u [os] [6toa] [0ps] [eoa] [rup] t r e 0 [9ipf] e u [ipd] e [up] [9ipf] [epg] [ypf] [pd] [ip] s [wyia] a s a s w [5wyia] o 5 6 7 [8uod] w t y u o s d [dfhz] [dz] [sl]Level: 6Length: 04:24Intermediate
Last Christmas