Sarada’s Heartache (Boruto)

Yasuharu Takanashi 12 November 2020

[u6] 0 r [tp] [up]| [to]|
[u5] 0 w [rp] [up]| [ro]|
[p4] 8 w e [a5] 9 [oe] r
[p6] 0 r t u| t|
[u6] 0 r [ts] [us]| [ta]|
[u5] 0 w [sr] [us]| o|
[p4] 8 w e [a5] 9 [ed] r
[p6] 0 r t r| w|
[a4]s 8 q w [pfe]| |
4 8 [wpf] e [tg]| f|
[pf5] 9 w r [ya]| |
5 9 [wo] e [ra]| o|
[a4][us] 8 q w [ufe]| |
4 8 [wuf] e [tig]| [uf]|
[ufa8] w t y [uoh]| t|
[yr5] 9 [wt] e [yr]| r|
[ie2] 6 9 0 [qpi]| |
2 6 [pi0] q [iea]| [pi]|
[ua1] 6 8 0 [use]| |
[ur1] 6 8 9 [ue0]| |
[pj4] 8 w e [toh]| [ige]|
[uf4] 8 [tsq] w [ufe]| [qig]|
[uf5] 9 w r y r w 9
[yd5] 9 [woh] r [ypj] r [wka] 9
[sl6] 0 e [tka] [upj] t [kea] [sl0]
[oh5] 0 [wf] r [ud] r [wa] 0
[sl1] 5 8 [ka0] [woh] 0 [ka8] [sl5]
[kda5] 9 [ws] e [ra] w [o9] 7
[pjd2] 6 9 q [ohed] q [pjd9] 6
[kfa1] 6 [slf8] 0 [usfe] 0 8 6
[sig4] 8 w e [tslg] e q 8
[ohd5] 9 w r [zykd] r w 9
[spj6] 3 6 7 8 0 e r t u p a s f j|
[u6] 0 r [tp] [up]| [to]|
[u5] 0 w [rp] [up]| [ro]|
[p4] 8 w e [a5] 9 [oe] r
[p6] 0 r t u| t|
[u6] 0 r [ts] [us]| [ta]|
[u5] 0 w [sr] [us]| o|
[p4] 8 w e [a5] 9 [ed] r
[p6] 0 r t r| w|
[a4]s 8 q w [pfe]| |
4 8 [wpf] e [tg]| f|
[pf5] 9 w r [ya]| |
5 9 [wo] e [ra]| o|
[a4][us] 8 q w [ufe]| |
4 8 [wuf] e [tig]| [uf]|
[ufa8] w t y [uoh]| t|
[yr5] 9 [wt] e [yr]| r|
[ie2] 6 9 0 [qpi]| |
2 6 [pi0] q [iea]| [pi]|
[ua1] 6 8 0 [use]| |
[ur1] 6 8 9 [ue0]| |
[pj4] 8 w e [toh]| [ige]|
[uf4] 8 [tsq] w [ufe]| [qig]|
[uf5] 9 w r y r w 9
[yd5] 9 [woh] r [ypj] r [wka] 9
[sl6] 0 e [tka] [upj] t [kea] [sl0]
[oh5] 0 [wf] r [ud] r [wa] 0
[sl1] 5 8 [ka0] [woh] 0 [ka8] [sl5]
[kda5] 9 [ws] e [ra] w [o9] 7
[pjd2] 6 9 q [ohed] q [pjd9] 6
[kfa1] 6 [slf8] 0 [usfe] 0 8 6
[sig4] 8 w e [tslg] e q 8
[ohd5] 9 w r [zykd] r w 9
[spj6] 3 6 7 8 0 e r t u p a s f j|
[sf6] 0 r [tjf] [ujf]| [th]|
[fa5] 0 w [rjf] [ujf]| [rh]|
[sj4] 8 w e [kd5] 9 [he] r
[sj6] 0 [ue] r [yt]| [ue]|
[sf6] 0 r [tlf] [ulf]| [tk]|
[fa5] 0 w [rlf] [ulf]| [rh]|
[sj4] 8 w e [kd5] 9 [he] r
[sj6] 0 e r [sjfe]

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About This Music Sheet

Sarada’s Heartache (Boruto) is a song by Yasuharu Takanashi. Use your computer keyboard to play Sarada’s Heartache (Boruto) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:11, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Sarada’s Heartache (Boruto) is classified in the genres: Manga, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Sad.


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Other Songs By Yasuharu Takanashi

  • 6 0 w r| e y r 6 0 w r| 0 w|ert[u6] 0 w r| e y r 6 0 w 0 [r5] 0 [wt] 0 [we4] 8 q e| u y u [y5] 9 [ywro]| [ut1] 5 [80]| [u2] 6 [y9] q [te]| r t [yr3] 7 0 w [ur]| r| [we4] 8 q e| u y p [yo5] 9 [ywri]| [ut1] 5 [80]| [ue2] 6 [ye9] q [yie]| u i [yo3] 7 0 w [urp]| u| [ua6] [us0] [uta] [y0] [u4] 8 [yoe] 8 [p5] 9 [yr] 9 [ut1] 5 [80]| [ut2] [ti6] [utq] [e6] [r6] 0 [wte] 0 [yr4] 8 [ute] 8 [yo5] 9 [ur] [o9] [ua6] [us0] [uta] [y0] [u4] 8 [yoe] 8 [p5] 9 [yr] 9 [ut1] 5 [80]| [ut2] [ti6] [utq] [e6] [r6] 0 [wte] 0 [yr4] 8 [ute] 8 [yo5] 9 [wr] 9 [e6] 0 w r| e y r 6 0 w r| 0 w|ert[u6] 0 w r| e y r 6 0 w r| 0 w|||6 0 e

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:42
    Samidare (Naruto Shippuden)

    Yasuharu Takanashi

  • 6 0 y 0 t| |6 0 r e t| |[o6]p 0 e [s0] [td] 0 e [f0] [p4] 8 q 8 e 8 q 8 [o5]Op 9 w [s9] [rd] 9 w [G9]h [f8] w t w u w [tf] [wh] [h4]Hj 8 q 8 e 8 [qh] [f8] [d6]Df 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 [s5]Sd 9 w [f9] [ra] 9 w [s9] [p4] 8 q 8 e 8 q 8 6 0 y 0 t| |[d6]Df 0 e 0 [tl] 0 e 0 [j5]Jk 9 [wj] 9 [rh] 9 w 9 [j4] 8 [qk] 8 [le] 8 q 8 [d8]Df w [tg] w [uh] w t w [d9] e y e [ih]Hj e y e [l4] 8 [qk] 8 [je] 8 q 8 [k5] 9 w 9 [rh] 9 w 9 [j4] 8 q 8 [le] 8 [qk] 8 [d6]Df 0 e 0 [tl] 0 e 0 [j5]Jk 9 [wj] 9 [rh] 9 w 9 [j4] 8 [qk] 8 [le] 8 q 8 [d8]Df w [tg] w [uh] w t w [d9] e y e [ih]Hj e y e [l4] 8 [qk] 8 [je] 8 q 8 [k5] 9 w 9 [rh] 9 w 9 [j4] 8 q 8 [le] 8 [qk] 8 [k6] 0 y 0 [tH]j| |6 0 r e t| |[p6]80|s d||f [p4]68|||[p5]79|s d||h [f1] 5 8 0 w|f h [h4]Hj 8 q 8 e 8 [qh] [f8] [d6]Df 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 [s5]Sd 9 w [f9] [ra] 9 w [s9] [p4] 8 q 8 e 8 q 8 [j4] 8 q 8 e 8 q 8 6 0 y 0 t 0 e 0 60etu

    Level: 4
    Length: 02:40
    Shirohae (Naruto) (Alternative)

    Yasuharu Takanashi

  • [r6]tup0 e [utr]| 0 [ta] po[ut1] 8 w [yu]| w twop[y5] 9 w [re]| 9 [wt] yt[e4] 4 [tq] 8yt[r5] 9 [w5] 5 [r6]tup0 e [utr6]| 60e[ta]po[ut510] 8 w [yut]| w twop[y5] 9 w [re]| t y t [e63] 60ertre086[t6] [r5] [e4] 4 [spig]eti[tspig]eq8[spjg6]444[ohda5]2579wry[uofa]yrw[ohda9]755[pjfS6]360eTupa[fS]papuTe0636360[e6]3[e6] [wr5] [tqe4] 4 [sqpig8] q [tspige] q [spjg84] 4 [ohda52] 59wryr[wuofa]975[ohda2]52 [p6]Sfj360eTup[zj][fL][jS][pf][ud][TS][pe][u0][y][T6][e3][60]360eTup| [j6]0et[xu]pasaputre[z0]l[j4]8qe[xt]ipsgspitezx[b2]69qey[mi][pn][db]piye9vb[v8]bvwtu[xo]socx[z5]9wr[yk]oyr[j6]0er[xt]upOpasdfuzl[j1]580[xw]tfDfsouytzx[lb2]69Qey[xmI][zpn][ldb]pIyIpvb[x4]8e8[v5]9r9[b6]0erteop[u4]8eq[o5]9rsa[p6]0erte[oh][pj][uspf4]| [ohda3]| [pjfS6]|||60eTupeTupSfjpSfjLxbL [T60]

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:38
    The Road Continues (Naruto)

    Yasuharu Takanashi

  • 6 0 y 0 t| |6 0 r e t| |[w6]e 0 e [t0] y 0 e [u0] [e4] q e q t q e q [w5]e 9 w [te9] [ywr] 9 w [i9]o [u8] 0 w 0 t 0 [wu] [o0] [o4]p q e q t q [oe] [uq] [y6]u 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 [t5]y 9 w [u9] [wr] 9 w [t9] [e4] q e q t q e q 4 q e q t| |[y6]u 0 [te] 0 [s6] 0 [te] 0 [p3]a 0 [wrp] 0 [o3] 0 [wr] 0 [p4] q [tea] q [s4] q [te] q [y8]u 0 [wti] 0 [o8] 0 [wt] 0 [y9] e [yi] e [o9]p e [yi] e [s6] 0 [tea] 0 [p6] 0 [te] 0 [a5] 9 [wr] 9 [o5] 9 [wr] 9 [p4] q [te] q [s5] 9 [wra] 9 [y6]u 0 [te] 0 [s6] 0 [te] 0 [p3]a 0 [wrp] 0 [o3] 0 [wr] 0 [p4] q [tea] q [s4] q [te] 67[y8]u 0 [wti] 0 [o8] 0 [wt] 0 [t9]y e [yi] e [o9]p e [yi] e [s6] 0 [tea] 0 [p6] 0 [te] 0 [p5]a 9 [wr] 9 [o5] 9 [wr] 9 [p4] q [te] q [s5] 9 [wa] 9 [p6]a 0 y 0 [tp]| |6 0 r e t| |[w860]e80||t y||u [e4]68|||[w5]9ew||[te] [y5] 9 r [i9]o [u8] 0 w 0 rt r [wu] [o0] [o4]p q e q t q [oe] [uq] [y6]u 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 [t5]y 9 w [u9] [wr] 9 w [t9] [e4] q e q t q e q [o4]p q e q t q e q 6 0 e 0 t 0 e 0 680et

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:41
    Shirohae (Naruto)

    Yasuharu Takanashi


  • [18wtu]|||
    [8wtu] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8ts] 8 8 8
    [8oh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8ts] 8 8 8
    [8oh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8tos] 8 8 8
    [8osh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8u] 8 [5wti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [1sfh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8f] 8 [5osg] 5f5s5 [1uos] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8sl] 8 [8ak] 8[pj]8[oh]8 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7pj] [5oh] 9 w 9
    [1ts] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8uf] 5 [5ig] 2[uf]5[ts]2 [1ts] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8sl] 8 [8ak] 8[pj]8[oh]8 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7pj] [5oh] 9 w 9
    [1ts] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8uf] 5 [5ig] 2[uf]5[ts]2 [1ts] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [1sfh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8f] 8 [5osg] 5f5s5 [1uos] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8u] 8 [5wti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8sl] 8 [8ak] 8[pj]8[oh]8 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7pj] [5oh] 9 w 9
    [1ts] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8uf] 5 [5ig] 2[uf]5[ts]2 [1ts] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [1sfh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8f] 8 [5osg] 5f5s5 [1uos] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8u] 8 [5wti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8uos] 8a8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 [8t] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8uos] 8a8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [5eti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [5eti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:24
    Chariots of Fire (Main Theme)


  • ^[188]q[188]E[188]t[188]T[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]T[188]t[188]E[188]q[188]8[188]([188]e[188]t[188]Y[188]t[188]p[188]Y[188]p[188]s[188]p[188]s[188][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]P[188]g[188]P[188]g[188]J[188]g[188]J[188][c9][188]J[188]g[188]J[188]g[188]P[188]g[188]P[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]@[188]^[188]q[188]Q[188]E[188]Q[188]Y[188]E[188]Q[188]i[188]E[188]Q[188]4[188]([188]e[188]T[188]e[188]T[188]I[188]T[188]e[188]i[188]T[188]e[188][i$][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188][Y4][188]E[188]Y[188]P[188]Y[188]E[188]p[188]Y[188]e[188][YG][188]p[188]Y[188][^g][188]q[188]E[188]t[188]T[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]T[188]t[188]E[188]q[188]8[188]([188]e[188][ts][188]Y[188]t[188][pS][188]Y[188]p[188][sD][188]p[188]s[188][D][188]E[188]i[188][PS][188]i[188]P[188][is][188]E[188]i[188][PS][188]i[188]P[188][9dg][188]P[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]E[188]Q[188][EH][188]q[188]^[188][@G][188]^[188]([188]Q[188]E[188]Q[188]Y[188]E[188]Q[188]i[188]E[188]Q[188]4[188]([188]e[188][Tg][188]e[188]T[188][ID][188]T[188]W[188]i[188]T[188][WS][188][i$s][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188][Y4][188]E[188]Y[188]P[188]Y[188]E[188]p[188]Y[188]e[188][YG][188]p[188]Y[188][^g][188]q[188]E[188]t[188]T[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]T[188]t[188]E[188]q[188]8[188]([188]e[188][ts][188]Y[188]t[188][pS][188]Y[188]p[188][sD][188]p[188]s[188][D][188]E[188]i[188][PS][188]i[188]P[188][is][188]E[188]i[188][PS][188]i[188]P[188][9dg][188]P[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]E[188]Q[188][EH][188]q[188]^[188][@G][188]^[188]([188]Q[188]E[188]Q[188]Y[188]E[188]Q[188]i[188]E[188]Q[188]4[188]([188]e[188][Tg][188]e[188]T[188][ID][188]T[188]W[188]i[188]T[188][WS][188][i$s][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188][Y4][188]E[188]Y[188]P[188]Y[188]E[188]p[188]Y[188]e[188]Y[188]p[188]Y[188][^g][188]q[188]E[188]t[188]T[188]i[188][PJ][188]i[188]T[188]t[188]E[188]q[188][8j][188]([188]e[188]t[188][YJ][188]t[188][pl][188]Y[188]p[188]s[188][pG][188]s[188][g][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]P[188]g[188]P[188]g[188]J[188]g[188]J[188][c9][188]J[188]g[188]J[188]g[188]P[188]g[188]P[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188][@G][188]^[188]q[188]Q[188]E[188]Q[188][YL][188]E[188]Q[188]i[188]E[188]Q[188][4l][188]([188]e[188]T[188][eJ][188]T[188][Ij][188]T[188]e[188][il][188]T[188]e[188][i$J][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188][Y4][188]E[188]Y[188]P[188]Y[188]E[188]p[188]Y[188]e[188]Y[188]p[188]Y[188][^g][188]q[188]E[188]t[188]T[188]i[188][PJ][188]i[188]T[188]t[188]E[188]q[188][8j][188]([188]e[188]t[188][YJ][188]t[188][pl][188]Y[188]p[188]s[188][pG][188]s[188][g][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]P[188]g[188]P[188]g[188]J[188]g[188]J[188][c9][188]J[188]g[188]J[188]g[188]P[188]g[188]P[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188][@G][188]^[188]q[188]Q[188]E[188]Q[188][YL][188]E[188]Q[188]i[188]E[188]Q[188][4l][188]([188]e[188]T[188][eJ][188]T[188][Ij][188]T[188]e[188][il][188]T[188]e[188][i$J][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188][Y4][188]E[188]Y[188]P[188]Y[188]E[188]p[188]Y[188]e[188]Y[188]p[188]Y[188]^[188]q[188]E[188]t[188]T[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]T[188]t[188]E[188]q[188]8[188]([188]e[188]t[188]Y[188]t[188]p[188]Y[188]p[188]s[188]p[188]s[188][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]P[188]g[188]P[188]g[188]J[188]g[188]J[188][c9][188]J[188]g[188]J[188]g[188]P[188]g[188]P[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]@[188]^[188]q[188]Q[188]E[188]Q[188]Y[188]E[188]Q[188]i[188]E[188]Q[188]4[188]([188]e[188]T[188]e[188]T[188]I[188]T[188]e[188]i[188]T[188]e[188][i$][188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]E[188]i[188]P[188]i[188]E[188][Y4][188]E[188]Y[188]P[188]Y[188]E[188]p[188]Y[188]e[188]Y[188]p[188]Y[188] ||| [^EPSJ]

    Level: 6
    Grandma (NieR) (Alternative)

    Keiichi Okabe

  • fgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfg [j6]||6|8 9 6|6|5 % 6|6|8 9 6|6|5 % [e6]|[e6]|[t8] [y9] [e6]|[e6]|[w5] [W%] [e6]|[e6]|[t8] [y9] [e6]|[e6]|[w5] [W%] 6|6|8 9 6|6|5 % [l6]jf6|8 9 [l6]jD6|5 % [l6]jd6|8 9 [s6]d 6|5 % [s6]pH6|8 9 [s6]ph6|5 % [s6]pG6|8 9 [g6]f 6|5 % [c9]zj9|q w [c9]zH9|8 * [c9]zh9|q w [g9]h 9|8 * [s6]pH6|8 9 [s6]ph6|5 % [s6]pG6|8 9 [g6]f 6|5 % [l6]jf6|8 9 [l6]jD6|5 % [l6]jd6|8 9 [s6]d 6|5 %| [sjf6]| [lhD8] [zjg9] [xkj6]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:02
    Mission Impossible Main Theme

    Lalo Schifrin