Q Q e Q Q e Q e
e e T e e T e T
T T u T T u T u
r r Y r r Y e W
Q Q e Q Q e Q e
e e T e e T e T
T T u T T u T u
r r Y r r Y e W
About This Music Sheet
Scorponok Theme (Transformers) is a song by Steve Jablonsky. Use your computer keyboard to play Scorponok Theme (Transformers) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song Scorponok Theme (Transformers) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fantasy, Instrumental, Inspirational, Transformers.
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Other Songs By Steve Jablonsky
tteetteetteettee tteetteettee[t3]tee [t4]teettee[t3]teettee ttee[t0]tee[tq]teettee [t3]tee0| [e6] 3 8 0t [wt1] 5 [w0]| [r95] 2 9 9w [e92] 6 [q9]| [e50] 3 8 0e [wu1] 5 [t0]| [yw5] 2 [t7] r [e92] 6 [q9]| [e6] 3 8 0e [wt1] 5 [w0]| [r5] 2 7 9w [qe2] 6 [q9]| [e4] 8 q| [w5] 9 [tq] r [e6] 0 9| [e8]| [70] w [r4] 6 q| [w3] 7 [r0] t [e6] ertrerr| t| y| u| [up0]erter[ut][up][wus]tyu[wo]tyu [ya9]wer9w[ye][ro][yp9]wer[yi9]wer [up0]ert0r[ut][up][of0]rtu[o0]rtu [ya9]wer9w[ye][ro][yp9]wer[yi9]wer [up0]erter[ut][up][wof]tyu[wo]tyu [ya9]wer9w[ye][ro][yp9]qwe[i9]qwe [p4] 8 q w [o5] 9 [ws] a [p6]0ertuertue u o [p4]8q w| [o3]70 [aQ] s p 60ertuertuertu er[t6]uer[te]uer[t0]uertu er[w21]rty[wt]rtywrty[wu]r ty[w1]tyu[wt]tyuwtyu[wY]t [yu]Y[^E]yYi[yE]yYiEyYi[iE]y [YI]i[E@(]YiI[YE]YiIEYiI[IE]Y iI[T*!]iIO[iT]iIOTiIO[TO]i IO^PsSiPsSTPsSPsSP[Q$]PsSIPsSTPsSPP sP[^*]PsSiPsSTPsSPsSP[O(%]WTOOSHHVLHH[S(%]O [O(%]TOWtYOOsDHHlZBH| | [r7] [Q97][Q97][Q97] [Q97]r[y92] [Q96][Q96][eQ96] [Q96] [T6] [60*][60*][60*] [60*]e[r30] [w70][w70][w70] [w70] [r7] [Q97][Q97][Q97] [Q97]r[I92] [Q96][Q96][yQ96] [Q96] [u7] [60*][60*][y60*] [T60*] [r93] [w70][w70][w70] [w70] [r7] [Q97][Q97][Q97] [Q97]r[y92] [Q96][Q96][eQ96] [Q96] [T6] [60*][60*][60*] [60*]e[r30] [w70][w70][w70] [w70] [r5] 9 w| [e6] 0 [ye] T [r7] Q 0| 9| [Q*] e [r5]9w e r [e$] * [TQ] [y*] [r7]||| @ @ $ @ @ $ @ $ $ $ ^ $ $ ^ $ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ * ^ * % % 8 % % ^ $ 4 [@(] ( Q ( ( Q ( Q [Q$] Q E Q Q E Q E [^E] E T E E T E T [W%] W t W W t Q q [^@(] ( Q ( ( Q ( Q [Q*$] Q E Q Q E Q E [q^E] E T E E T E T [W(%] W t W W t Q q [^@(] [^@(] [^Q@] [^@(][^@][^@(] [^Q@] [^@(] [^Q@] [Q*$] [Q*$] [E*$] [Q*$][*$][Q*$] [E*$] [Q*$] [E*$] [q^E] [q^E] [q^T] [q^E][q^][q^E] [q^T] [q^E] [q^T] [W(%] [W(%] [t(%] [W(%][(%][W(%] [t(%] [Q(%] [q(%] [Y*($] [Y*($]Y[YQ*$] [Y*($][Y*$][Y*($] [YQ*$]Y[*($] [YQ*$] [q^TQ] [q^TQ]T[q^TE] [q^TQ][qT%][q^TQ] [q^TE]T[q^Q] [q^E]T [TE(%] [TE(%]T[T(%] [TE(%][T(%][WT(%] [T(%]T[WT(%]T[T(%] [^YW@] [^YW@]Y[t^Y@] [^YW@][^Y@][^YW@] [t^Y@]Y[^YQ@]Y[q^Y@] [Y*($] [Y*($]Y[YQ*$] [Y*($][Y*$][Y*($] [YQ*$]Y[Y*($]Y[YQ*$] [q^TQ] [q^TQ]T[q^TE] [q^TQ][q^T][q^TQ] [q^TE]T[q^TQ]T[q^TE] [TE(%] [TE(%]T[T(%] [TE(%][T(%][TE(%] [T(%]T[TE(%]T[T(%] [WT(%] [WT(%]T[TE(%] [T(%][WT(%][WT(%] [T(%][TE][WT(%]T[WT(%] [Y@(]Level: 6Length: 02:21Intermediate
Arrival to Earth (Transformers) (Alternative)
Steve Jablonsky
0 w e Etyt | q e E tyYE w ewqw | 0 w E yYit q e E tyYE | P poio q y | ty | q E | eE w y | ti | w t EE e o d | sd | o P | pP o d | sg | o s PP p u o p Psds | i p P sdDP o poio | u o P dDgs i p P sdDP | J jhgh i d | sd | i P | pP o d | sg | o s PP p h z | lz | h J | jJ h z | lc | h l JJ j h d h J g j s g h D h | h g Jjh d g h | h g | j J hLevel: 3Easy
Optimus (Transformers)
Steve Jablonsky
6||| e0t0e0t0e0t0e0t0 [e6]0t0e0t0e0t0[ue]0t0 [ie]0t0e0t0[ue]0t0e0t0 [e6]0t0e0t0e0t0[e3]0t0 [e4]0t0e0t0[e3]|0| [e6] 3 6 0e[t1] 5 [w8]| [r5] 2 5 9w[e2] 6 [q9]| [e6] 3 6 0e[u1] 5 [t8]| [y5] 2 [t5] r [e2] 6 [q9]| [e6] 3 6 0e[t1] 5 [w8]| [r5] 2 5 9w[e2] 6 [q9]| [e4] 8 q|[w5] 9 t r [e6] 0 9|8|[70] w [e4] 8 q|[w3] 7 [r0] t [e6] 3 [e6]|[r7]|[t8]|[y9]|u| [p6] 3 6 up[s1] 5 [o8]| [a5] 2 5 yo[p2] 6 [i9]| [p6] 3 6 up[f1] 5 [s8]| [d5] 2 [s5] a [p2] 6 [i9]| [p6] 3 6 up[s1] 5 [o8]| [a5] 2 5 yo[p2] 6 [i9]| [p4] 8 q|[o5] 9 [ws] a [p6] 3 9|8|[u7] o [p4] 8 q|[o3] 7 [a0] s [p6] 3 6|6||666 [pe]asf[p0]asf[tp]asf[o5]asd[ro]asd[wo]asd[yo]asd[o81]sdD[to]sdD[wo]sdD[oY]sdD[^P]dDg[yP]dDg[PE]dDg[iP]dDg[P@]DgG[YP]DgG[PE]DgG[PI]DgG[S!]gGH[iS]gGH[TS]gGH[SO]gGH[g^]JlL[ig]JlL[gT]JlL[gP]JlL[G$]JlL[IG]JlL[TG]JlL[PG]JlL[g^]JlL[ig]JlL[gT]JlL[gP]JlL[lZH%]||| [lZH%]%%%[sOD%]%%%[a7] 777 [I7]a[d9] 99[p9] 9 [S6] 666 [u6]p[a0] 00[o0] 0 [a7] 777 [I7]a[G9] 99[d9] 9 [f6] 66[d6] [S6] [a0] 00[o0] 0 [a7] 777 [I7]a[d9] 99[p9] 9 [S6] 666 [u6]p[a0] 00[o0] 0 [a5] 555 5 [p6] 66[d6] [S6] [a7] 777 7 7 77[I7] [p7] [a5] 555 5 [p$] ! [S$] d [a7] $ 7 Q rLevel: 6Length: 01:21Intermediate
Arrival to Earth (Transformers)
Steve Jablonsky
[gSO] D g J H g||[sHD]||[sOJ]|| [gSP] D g J H g|| g|[sHD]||[sgO]||D| [gPI]HJ[lS]|[gJ]| [lJ]|S g [LJ]| [qWL]|t [YJ] [iH] O s D G j l Z [gSP$] [iD] [gP] [IH] P i [gS$] [iD] [gP] [JI] P i [sg%] [YD] [sg] [lO] s i [LJ%] Y [sl] O [sH] i [g^S] [iD] [gP] [IH] P i [g^S] [iD] [gP] [JI] P i [sigPO]Level: 5Length: 00:28Intermediate
A Rainy Morning (Garden of Words)
Kashiwa Daisuke
wtr [e4]| wtr [w8]| t r[e6] ee tr [w5]| t r[e4]| t r[w8]| t r[e6] e t r[w5]| wty u| t y[w8]| wt yu y t yr w tr [e4]| wtr [w8]| t r[e6] ee tr wtr [e4]| wtr [w8]| t r[e6] ee tr [w5]| t r[e4]| t r[w8]| t r[e6] e t r[w5]| wty u| t y[w8]| wt yu y t yr w tr [e4]| wtr [w8]| t r[e6] ee tr|wLevel: 4Length: 00:48Easy
Coming Home
t Y P|t Y P|t Y d|DdDdDd P
t Y o|O P o|i Y y|YyYyYy E
t Y P|t Y P|t Y d|DdDdDd P
t Y o|O P o|i Y y d||
D g D g D|d P o||
Y o O o O o|Y|o|P||
d D d D d|y|s|d||
s d s d s|t|y|Y|u|i||
t Y P|t Y P|t Y d|DdDdDd P
t Y o|O P o|i Y y|YyYyYy E
t Y P|t Y P|t Y d|DdDdDd P
t Y o|O P o|i Y y|d|y|i|YLevel: 2Length: 01:00EasyPure Imagination (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)
Gene Wilder