02:58 -
u u
[p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u
[O3]|[70]|[u70] u
[p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t
[y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t
[y3]|[u70]|[t70] r [e60]||
u u
[p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u
[p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t
[y3]|[u70]|[t70] r [e60]|
G h H
[j6] k [j0] H [je] k
[l5] k [l9] z [xw] l
[c4] x [z8] l [qk] z
[p6]|0 e [p0] [pe]
[a5]|9 w [u9] w
[f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd]
[s3]|[a7] 0 7 u
[p6]|0 e [p0]pep
[a5]|9 w [u9] w
[f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd]
[s3]|[a7] 0 [u7] 3
[fe60]| g f d s|a|6|
[utfe60]| g f d s|a||
[p6]|0 e [p0] [pe]
[a5]|9 w [u9] w
[f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd]
[s3]|[a7] 0 7 u
[p6]|0 e [p0]pep
[a5]|9 w [u9] w
[f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd]
[s3]|[a7] 0 [u7] 3
[fe60]| g f d s|a|6|
[utfe60]| g f d s|a|
u u
[p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u
[O3]|[70]|[u70] u
[p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t
[y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t
[y3]|[u70]|[t70] r [e60]||
u u
[p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u
[O3]|[70]|[u70] u
[p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t
[y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t
[y3]|[u70]|[t70] r
[e60]| u I O p|p O p a
[p6]|0 e [p0] [pe]
[a5]|9 w [u9] w
[f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd]
[s3]|[a7] 0 7 u
[p6]|0 e [p0]pep
[a5]|9 w [u9] w
[f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd]
[s3]|[a7] 0 [u7] 3
[fe60]| g f d s|a|6|
[ufe60]| g f d s|a||
[p6]|0 e [p0] [pe]
[a5]|9 w [u9] w
[f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd]
[s3]|[a7] 0 7 u
[p6]|0 e [p0]pep
[a5]|9 w [u9] w
[f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd]
[s3]|[a7] 0 [u7] 3
[fe60]| g f d s|a|6|
[ufe60]| g f d s|a|u u
[p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u
[O3]|[70]|[u70] u
[p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t
[y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t
[y3]|[u70]|[t70] r
[e60]||u u s|a|u u
[p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u
[O3]|[70]|[u70] u
[p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t
[y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t
[y3]|[u70]|[t70] r
About This Music Sheet
Secret (Pretty Little Liars) is a song by The Pierces. Use your computer keyboard to play Secret (Pretty Little Liars) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:58, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Secret (Pretty Little Liars) is classified in the genres: Indie, Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative, Indie.
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Rue Des Trois Frères
Fabrizio Paterlini
[f8]|[wf]|f|[qd] s [tpie]| |[woa]|[yo]|[da] D [sf6]|[t0]|h f [tqed]| |h f [wurd0]|o|a|[qpe9]|s|g|[wd95]| |w|[ywroD]|||f h [d8]|[wut]|s|[qf]|[ute]|f h [wd]|[yro]|s|[pe]|[ut]|f h [d8]|w|s|[qpie]|[wroa]|[tspe]|[ywda]|o|d D [tf]| |f h [d8] w t|s|[qf]|t|f h [wd] y o|s|[pe]| |l|[qk] [tl] [ih]|t g [wuf]|d|h|[sqge]|[wfa0]|[qpd9]|[s8]|w|l|[f6]k 0 [he] t [uf]|[sq]th|j|s|[d5] 9 w s h g [f6] 0 [te]|d s [p9] e [tea]|s|[yje9]|[yfI]|d|[sqe]|[ut]|d f [wrd]|[yo]|f h [f6]l 0 t k [uh] f [qh] t j|f h [wf]l y o k h f [she] u [oj]|[usfe]|[sqi]|t|d f [wg]|[yod]|h|[qge] f [wrd] a [tse] d [uts]|fl|[qe9] [sp] [sp] [sp] [sp] [sp] [wrda0] o [da]| |[rW0] [da] [yrda] [da] [da] [da] [utsfe] p [sf]|w|[qe9] [sp] [sp] [sp] [sp] d [wrfa0]|d|s|[qed9]|[ypi]|s|[wa95]| |[wo][ya]D|||f h [d8]|[wt]|s|[qf]|[te]|f h [wd]|[yo]|s|[pe]tu||f h [d8]|[wt]|s|[qpe]|a|s|[wh]|[yrd]||D [f8] w t u [of] h [d8] w [to]|s|[i4]sf [q8]|f h [d5] 9 [wo]|s|[p60]| |l|[qg]k l [th]|i g [wuf]|[yod]|h|[qpge]|[wof0]|[qid9]|[us8]|t| |[qpie]|[wroa]|[tspe]|[wro]dh||d|[qg]|[tf]|[id]|[s8] w t w [td] f [qg] t i|j|[hf8] w t w [tj] h [sqg] t i t [li] t i t i|||[u8]w[to]| |sfl
Level: 6Length: 02:47IntermediateSupper (March Comes in like a Lion)
Yukari Hashimoto
[6etu] [8e] [0t] [8e] [0t] [8e] [0t] [8e]
[^Etu] 8 [0p] 8 [0P] 8 [0s] 8
[4ips] [8e] [qt] [8e] [qt] [8e] [qt] [4e]
[370ru]| a| [%Oaf]| [ad]|
[6pd] 8 0 [8ps] [0ps] 8 0 6
[4eti]| p| a| [3s]|
[2ipf] 6 9 [6d] [9yp] 6 [9t] 6
[57r]| o| p| [5oa]|
[1osf] [5u] [8o] [5u] [8o] [5u] [8y] [5t]
[7ru]| u| I| [uO]|
[60eua]| |[50wup]| |
[46qi]| p| a| [30s]|
[2pf] 6 9 [6d] [9p] 6 9 8
[57]| a| s| [ad]|
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[6e]| y| o| p y
[5yoP] 9 [wE] 9 [we] 9 [wE] 9
[8t]| [ts]| [yd]| [YD]|
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[6e]| u| [*up]||u
[9uo]||[yi] [8yi]| |
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[4p]sgjj8 q 8 q 8 w q
[370]| p| a| S|
[29ipf]||d [18ipsg] f [ipd] [ip]
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[59yop]| |[49qo]| |
[380]| o| [8p]| [oP]|
[4tips] 8 q 8 q 8 [qtip] 8
[30rua]| |[30s]| [30d]|
[6sf]| [6sf]| [%af]| [%af]|
[5wsf]| [5wasf]| [5woadg]| [5woadh]|
[4qpsgj]| |[30a]| [ps]|
[29ip]| |[oa]| [ps]|
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[48qpsgj] [psgj] [psgj] [psgj] [psgj] [psgj] [48qpsgj] [psgj]
[7wadj]| [adj]| [adj]| [7wadj]| [7wadj]|||[7wadj]| |
[6upf]||[ts] [ra] [ep]||
[48q]||[ep] [ra] [ep] [qi] [wo]
[370ru]| |[upf]| |
3||[ep] [oh] [ig] [yd] [ig]
[6upf] 0 [0t] [0r]| 0 [0t] [0r]
[6fjx] 0 [0t] [0r]| 0 [0t] [0r]
[6upf] 0 [0t] [0r] t r t r
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[6ep] [7ra][18ts] [7ra][6ep] [7ra][18ts]
[29yd] [29yd][30uf][3u]| |
[18sfjl]| |[G7afk]| |
[18sfjl]| |[G7afk]| |
[18sfjl]| |[G7afk]| |[18sfjl]| |6Level: 7Length: 02:46IntermediateVale Decem (Doctor Who)
Murray Gold