Slow Dancing in the Dark

Joji 10 September 2020

[81] 0 w t [wur80] o a a
o u t e 0 8 8 0
6 0 e t [wu860] o a a
o u t e 0 6 6 0
[92] q e t [u8642] u u e
t q e t u t e t
3 0 w r y y r w
[30] W r W r y||
1 5 [wu8]y[u0]y[wu]||5
1 5 8 [t0] [wu] o 7 [uta]
6 6 [o8] [to0] w| |
6 5 8 0 [we]toi [u0] [yqe]
2 [u6] 9 q e||6
2 6 9 q etoi [u2] [yw]
3 7 0 w r w 0 7
[W3]ry7 0 W r| 3|
1 5 8 0 w||[t5]
[tp1] [to5] [o8] 0i[wi] u[u1] i
[wu6] 3 6 8 0||[t3]
[tp6] 6o[i8] 0u[wu] u[u6] i
[q2]ey6 9 q e tt[t6]ty
[q2]ey6 9 q e tt[t2]ty
[w3]ry7 0 w r tt[t3]ty
[W3]ry7 0 W r| 3|
1||[w80] t||8
[uod1] s[us] [w80]atua p[wua80] s
[ypi2]||[qe9] t| |
[uod2] ss [qe]a[ta] p[qie9]pf s
[uta1] p| [w80] t| [w80] y
[uod1] s[us] [w80]a[ta] o[o1] p
[ypi2]||[qe9] t| [qe9] p
[p2] a [qe9] [ti]pf| [sqie9]|
[utoa1]||[w80] t| [w80]|
1||[w80] [tih] [ji][wif80] [id]
[pid2] [if]| [qe9] t| [qe9]|
2||[qe9] [tsi]| [ia2]|
[u71]of5 8 0 w 0 8 5
[u71]od5 8 0 w 0 8 5
[u2]osf6 9 q e q 9 6
[spid2] 6 9 q e q 9 6
1 5 [wu8]y[u0]y[wu]||5
1 5 8 [t0] [wu] o 7 [uta]
6 6 [o8] [to0] w| 0|
6 3 6 8 [uta0] p [a6] [ysi]
2 6 [p9] [qpi] e| 6|
2 6 9 q [ea] p [a3] uos
3 7 0 w r w [so0] [udO7]
3 7 0 W r W 0 3
6| |[use] a[p3] o
[u6] 3 6 [t8] [y0] u [o3] u
[y6] 3 6 * 0 w t y
[ye6] 3 6 8 0 tt[t6]ty
[q2]ey6 9 q e tt[t6]ty
[q2]ey6 9 q e tt[t2]ty
[w3]ry7 0 w r tt[t3]ty
1||[w80] t||8
[uod1] s[us] [w80]atua p[wua80] s
[ypi2]||[qe9] t| |
[uod2] ss [qe]a[ta] p[qie9]pf s
[uta1] p| [w80] t| [w80] y
[uod1] s[us] [w80]a[ta] o[o1] p
[ypi2]||[qe9] t| [qe9] p
[p2] a [qe9] [ti]pf| [sqie9]|
[utoa1]||[w80] t| [w80]|
1||[w80] [tih] [ji][wif80] [id]
[pid2] [if]| [qe9] t| [qe9]|
2||[qe9] [tsi]| [ia2]|
[u71]of5 8 0 w 0 8 5
[u71]od5 8 0 w 0 8 5
[u2]osf6 9 q e q 9 6
[spid2] 6 9 q [sie] q [a9] 6
[u71]of5 8 0 w 0 8 5
[u71]od5 8 0 w 0 8 5
[u2]osf6 9 q e q 9 6
[spid2] 6 9 q [sie] q [a9] 6
[81] 0 w t [wur80] o a a
o u t e 0 8 8 0
6 0 e t [wu860] o a a
o u t e 0 6 6 0
[92] q e t [u8642] u u e
t q e t u t e t
3 0 w r y y r w
[30] W r W r y

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About This Music Sheet

Slow Dancing in the Dark is a song by Joji. Use your computer keyboard to play Slow Dancing in the Dark music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:46, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Slow Dancing in the Dark is classified in the genres: Dance, Japan, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Dance-Pop, Break-Up Songs.


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Other Songs By Joji

  • [9p]| |a s
    [wa]| |s d
    [eup]| |
    [9p]| |a s
    [tud]| |a s
    [eup]| |
    [6f] f ff[tu] f ff
    [tu] ds [tu] ddf
    [9g] fdf[tyig]||
    [5d] d dd[ryi] d dd
    [ryi] o| [ryi] ssd
    [8f] dsd[tuf]||
    [6f] f ff[tu] f|
    [tuf] ds [tuj]k l
    [9g] fdf[tyig]||
    [5d] d d [ryid] ddd
    [ryi] o o[ryid] fg
    [tua]||[tu] s a
    s| |
    g| |f f
    [2g]| g [ig]f a
    [5g]| g [ig] f d
    [wf]| h [wx]| lz
    6lj| u d f
    [2g]| g [ig] f a
    [5g]| g[ig] h j
    [wf]| h [wx]| lz
    6l[0j] e t [ea] [0s]
    [9p] e [yp] pay [es]
    [5a] 9 w a [ws] [9d]
    [wf] d s [wf] d d
    [6p]||s a u
    [9i]| |o
    0 s s|||
    [6f] [0f] [ef]ft [ef] [0f]f
    6 [0d]se t ed[0d]f
    [9g] ef[yd]f[ig] y e
    9 e y i y e
    [5d] [9d] [wd]dr [wd] [9d]d
    5 [9o] w r [wh] [9g]
    [8f] wd[ts]d[uf] t w
    8 w t u t w
    [6f] [0f] [ef]ft [ef] 0
    [6f] [0d]se [tj]kel0
    [9g] ef[yd]f[ig] y e
    9 e y i y e
    [5d] [9d] [wd] [rd] [wd]d9
    [5d] [9o] wo[rd] [wf]g9
    [8f] w t u t w
    [8a] w t u s a
    s| |
    g| |f f
    [2g]| g [ig]f a
    [5g]| g [ig] f d
    [wf]| h [wx]| lz
    6lj| u d f
    [2g]| g [ig] f a
    [5g]| g[ig] h j
    [wf]| h [wx]| lz
    6l[0j] e t [ea] [0s]
    [9p] e [yp] pay [es]
    [5a] 9 w a [ws] [9d]
    [wf] d s [wf] d d
    [6p]||s a u
    [9i]| |o
    [9i]||i u y
    [wi]||s| a
    [9i]||i o p
    [wo]||s| a
    [6p] 0 e t f f
    [2g]| g [ig]f a
    [5g]| g [ig] f d
    [wf]| h [wx]| lz
    6lj| u d f
    [2g]| g [ig] f a
    [5g]| g[ig] h j
    [wf]| h [wx]| lz
    6l[0j] e t [ea] [0s]
    [9p] e [yp] pay [es]
    [5a] 9 w a [ws] [9d]
    [wf] d s [wf] d d
    [6p]||s a u
    [9i]| |o
    [5f]||d| |
    s s||
    [9i]| |
    [5i]| |
    [9i]| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:47
    Glimpse Of Us (Joji)



  • [60e] [etups] [us] [6e] [0ups] [60e] [etups] [us] [6e] [0ups]
    [60e] [etups] [us] [6e] [0ups] [60e] [60e] [etups] [6eus] [6e] [0ups]
    [6s] a [etup] [6e] a [0eus] a [6p] s [etuf] [6e] p [0eua] d
    [9ig] [uf] [9eyd] s [9a] s [wryd] o [8wts] [tuo] [8wt] [wp] [8s] d
    [qig] [uf] [tipd] s [qa] s [eid] o [8tuf] d [tuos] a [8tp] a [wus] u
    [0d] s [rya] p [0rO] p [rya] u [0a] [0ru] [9y] [8t] [7rp] a
    [6s] a [etup] [6e] a [0eus] a [6p] s [etuf] [6e] p [0eua] d
    [9ig] [uf] [9eyd] s [9a] s [wryd] o [8wts] [tuo] [8wt] [wp] [8s] d
    [qig] [uf] [tipd] s [qa] s [eid] o [8tuf] d [tuos] a [8tp] a [wus] u
    [0d] s [rya] p [0rO] p [rya] u [0uf] [0ru] p s [oh]
    q [pj] [tips] q p [eis] [oh] 8 [pj] [tuos] 8 p [wus] a
    [0uf] [uf] [ryuf] [ig] [0ruf] [uf] [ryd] d [6d] s [etups] 8 p [etups] [oh]
    q [pj] [tips] q p [eis] [oh] 8 [pj] [tuof] 8 a [wus] s
    [0ak] [ak] [ryak] [pj] [0rak] [sl] [ryak] [ak] 6 [pj] [etupf] 8 p [etups] [oh]
    q [pj] [tips] q p [eis] [oh] 8 [pj] [tuos] 8 p [wus] [uf]
    0 [uf] [ryuf] [ig] [0ruf] [ryd] d 6 s [etup] 8 p [etups] [oh]
    q [pj] [tips] q p [eis] [oh] 8 [pj] [tuof] 8 p [wua] s
    [0a] a [0a] p [0a] s [0a] a 6 s p

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:50
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    The Living Tombstone

  • a [uf] h G [uf]| k [uj]||G||[uf] h G [DP]| g [au] o a| r [uf] h G [uf]| k [dhz]| L [igs]| h [sfl] k J [TIP]| h [uf] o a| [rh] [uk]| [oh] [ak]| [rh] [ul]| [ok] J|G [uh] h l [oa] [uk]| o a| [rh] [uk]| [oh] [ak]| [oh] [yoz]| L [til]|H [sfl] k J [TIP]| h [uoa]

    Level: 5
    Length: 00:40
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    John Williams

  • u u u y t t | t o [ro] | [tp] | t u [to] | i u u y t [ry] | u u u y t t | t u [ro] | [yp] | t u [to] | i u u y t [ry] | t t r | t | o | t r r | t | o | t | t | t s p | o | [yp] | p a [su] | p | p a [sp] | p a [su] | d [fo] | [ay] | p a [su] | p | p a [sp] | p a [su] | [fo] | [ay] | o o i u [tu] | yt | i i i u o | t t | [fo] | d [ad] | d d d f [sf] | f d d s [sp] q | s s s d f [fo] | d s [ad] | o | q | s s s d f [fo] | gfd | p a [su] p | p a [sp] | p a [su] | d [fo] | [ay] | p a [su] | p | p a [sp] | p a [su] | [fo] | [ay] | s a p a [su] | p a [sp] | p | p a [su] | d [fo] | [ay] | o o i u [tu] | yt | i i i u o | t t | t | o | u | [ry] | [ro] | a | [su] | [sp] | a | [ip] | o o u y y | [tu] | [ay] | [so] | [ad] | [tp] | [au] | [sp] | [sp] | i o p | o uo | u yt | y | u y t | e | a | s | [sp] | i o | u | y y | [tu] | [ay] | [so] | [ad] | [tp] | [au] | [sp] | [sp] | [su] | [do] | [sf] | [ay] | [so] | [ad] | [tp] | [au] | [sp] | [sp] a p o i | [su]

    Level: 4
    Length: 02:55
    A Place In This World

    Taylor Swift


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