[8t] u o a s a o u
t u o a s a o u
t u o a s a o u
t u o a [9ys] a o u
[0ru] u o a s a o u
r u o a s a o u
r u o a s a o u
r u o a [9ys] a o u
[8t] u o a s a o u
t u o a s a o u
t u o a s a o u
t u o a [9ys] a o u
[0ru] u o a s a o u
r u o a s a o u
r u o a s a o u
r u o a [9ys] a o u
[8t] [wu] [to] [ua] [os] a o u
[8t] [wu] [to] [ua] [os] a o u
[8t] [wu] [to] [ua] [os] a o u
[8t] [wu] [to] a [9s] [ea] [yo] u
[0r] [ru] [uo] [oa] [as] a o u
[0r] [ru] [uo] [oa] [as] a o u
[0r] [ru] [uo] [oa] [as] a o u
[0r] [ru] [uo] a [9s] [ea] [yo] u
[8t] [wu] [to] [ua] [os] a o u
[8t] [wu] [to] [ua] [os] a o u
[8t] [wu] [to] [ua] [os] a o u
[8t] [wu] [to] a [9s] [ea] [yo] u
[0r] [ru] [uo] [oa] [as] a o u
[0r] [ru] [uo] [oa] [as] a o u
[0r] [ru] [uo] [oa] [as] a o u
[0r] [ru] [uo] a [9s] [ea] [yp] o
[8t] u o a w t u o a o u
[8t] u o a w t u o a o u
[8t] u o a w t u o a o u
[8tuoa] w t [tuop] 9 e [tyuo]
[0ruI] r u o a s a o
[0ruo] r u o a s a o
[0ruo] r u [Iyo] a s [rua] o
[0ruo] r u [yI] 9 r [ru]
[8t] u o a w t u o a o u
[8t] u o a w t u o a o u
[8t] u o a w t u o a o u
[8tuoa] w t [tuop] 9 e [tyuo]
[0ruI] r u o a s a o
[0ruo] r u o a s a o
[0ruo] r u [Iyo] a s [rua] o
[0ruo] r u [yI] 9 e [ryu]
[ts] f h k l k h f
[ts] f h k l k h f
[ts] f h k l k h f
[ts] f h k [yl] k h f
[ua] f h k l k h f
[ua] f h k l k h f
[ua] f h k l k h f
[ua] f h k [yl] k h f
[ts] [uf] [oh] k l k h f
[ts] [uf] [oh] k l k h f
[ts] [uf] [oh] k l k h f
[ts] [uf] h k [yl] k h f
[ua] [of] [ah] k l k h f
[ua] [of] [ah] k l k h f
[0ua] f h k l k h f
[0ua] f h k [9yl] k h f
[1s] [5f] [8h] [0k] [wl] [tk] [wh] [0f]
[1s] [5f] [8h] [0k] [wl] [tk] [wh] [0f]
[1s] [5f] [8h] [0k] [wl] [tk] [wh] [0f]
[1s] [5f] [8h] k [2l] [6k] [9h] f
[3a] [7f] [0h] [wk] [rl] [uk] [rh] [wf]
[3a] [7f] [0h] [wk] [rl] [uk] [rh] [wf]
[3a] [7f] [0h] [wk] [rl] [uk] [rh] [wf]
[3a] [7f] [0h] k [2l] [6k] [9h] f
[1s] [5f] [8h] [0k] [wl] [tk] [wh] [0f]
[1s] [5f] [8h] [0k] [wl] [tk] [wh] [0f]
[1s] [5f] [8h] [0k] [wl] [tk] [wh] [0f]
[1s] [5f] [8h] k [2l] [6k] [9h] f
[3a] [7f] [0h] [wk] [rl] [uk] [rh] [wf]
[3a] [7f] [0h] [wk] [rl] [uk] [rh] [wf]
[3a] [7f] [0h] [wk] [rl] [uk] [rh] [wf]
[3a] [7f] [0h] k [70l] [70k] [70j] [70G]
[18p] s f h
About This Music Sheet
Stranger Things Theme Song (Alternative) is a song by Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein. Use your computer keyboard to play Stranger Things Theme Song (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The song Stranger Things Theme Song (Alternative) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Theme Song, Supernatural.
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Other Songs By Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
o|u e [468]||
o|u e [579]||
o|u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e|
uuuo [468] u e t [579] r|w [680]
uuuo [570]|uue [468]|e t [579] r|w [680]
uuo|[570u] ooouo [468] u e t [579] r|w [680]
uu i [570o] iu y [468t]|e t [579] y|t [468]|
o u [579]|t y [69q]|||
[468] t ou [579u]|
t y [69q]|u|i|
t [468o]oo o u|
ttt[579o]|o r|
ee [680o]o o u|o|e|u|
t ooo o u [468]|
t ooo o r [579]|
e ooo o u [680] o|||
t ooo o u [468]||
o|u y [579]||
o|u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e uu uuo
[468] u e t [579] r|w [680] uuu [570o] uuue
[468]|e t [579] r|w [680] uuo u[570u] o ouo
[468] u e t [579] r|w [680] uuu [570o] iu y[468y] t e t
[579] r|t [680] [tu][tu][ro][ro]
[570ro] [ro][ro][ro] [ro][ro][468ro] u e t
[579] r|r [680] oo i [570u] y|yt[468] t e t
[579] r|t [680]|o u [570]|t y [69q]|u|i||
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q]|u|i|o|
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q]|u|i|o t
[468o]oo o u| ttt[579o]|o r| ee
[680o]o o u|o|e|u|t ooo o u [468]|
t ooo o r [579]| e ooo o u [680] o|||
t ooo o u [468]||o|u y [579]||o|u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e||
[468t]|o u [579]|t y [69q]|u|i||
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q] y t| y|
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q]|u|i||
[468]|[et][et] [et] [ry]|
[579]|[ry][ry] [ry] [tu]|
[680] [uo] [yi] [tu]|[ry]|
[ry] [ry] [ry] [et][et]||
[468]|[et][et] [et] [ry]|
[579ry][ry] [ry][ry] [ry][tu]|
[680] [uo] [yi] [tu]|[uo] [yi]|
[tu]|[ry] [ryo]|
u e [468]||o|
u e [579]||o|
u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e|||
t ooo o u [468]|ttto|o r [579]|ee oo o u [680] o|e|u| [468]|
t ooo o u [468]| t ooo o r [579]||e u|[680y]|t e|||
t ooo o u [468]|ttto|o r [579]|ee oo o u [680] o|e|u| [468]|
t ooo o u [468]| t ooo o r [579]||e u|[680y]|t e|||
t ooo o u [468]|||
t ooo o r [579]|||
e u|
[680y]|t e||
[680]| eet|t y [680]|ee ttt t e
[680]| eet|t yY[680y]|ee ttt t e [680]Level: 7Length: 04:20IntermediateStranger Things (Running Up That Hill) (Alternative)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Level: 1Length: 00:09Super EasyStranger Things (Running Up That Hill)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
u i u t y w t y
[u0] i u t y w t y
[u7] i u t y w t y
[u4] i u t y w t yu i u t y w t y
[u0] i u t y w t y
[u7] i u t y w t y
[u4] i u t y w t yu i u t y w t y
[u0] i u t y w t y
[u7] i u t y w t y
[u4] i u t y w t yLevel: 4Length: 01:14EasyThe First Lie (Stranger Things)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
[6e]| [th] j l j [8wx]|z|[tl]|z l
[46q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z j
[6e]| [th] j l j [8wx]|z|[tl]|z l
[46q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z j
[6ep]|[ts] e [wo] t [es]|[8etp]|[ts] e [wo] t [es]|
[4qp]|[ts] e [wo] t [es]|[5wep]|[ts] e [wo] t [es]|
[ep]|s p o|s|[tp]|s p o|s|
[wop]|s p o|s|[0up]|s p o|s|
[8tp]|s p o|s|p|s p o|s|
[6ep]|s p o|s|[8tp]|s p o|s|
[6ep]| s| [8to]| s|
[4qp]| s| [5wo]| s|
[6ep]| s| [8to]| s|
[4qp]| s| [5wo]| s|
[6ep]| s| [8to]| s|
[4qp]| s| [5wo]| s|
[6ep]| s| [8to]| s|
[4qp]| s| [5wo]| s|
[6ep] s d f h j [ts] d f [sh] [dj] f [8wsh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [fj] h [tj]|
[4qs] d f h j s [td] f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [5wfj] [sh] [dj] f [sh] [dj] [tf] h j|
[6e]|s d f [th] j s d f [sh] [8wdj] [sf] [dh] [fj] [sh] [dj] [tf] [sh] [dj] f h j
[4q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z l
[6e]| [ts] d f h j s [8wd] f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [tfj] [sh] [dj] f [sh] [dj]
[4qf] h j|[th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z j
[6e]| [ts] d f h j s [8wd] f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [tfj] [sh] [dj] f h j
[4q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z l
[6e]| [ts] d f h j s [8wd] f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [tfj] [sh] [dj] f h j
[4q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z j
[6e]| s d f h j s d f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [fj] [sh] [dj] f h jLevel: 6Length: 02:20IntermediateKids (Stranger Things)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
[ua] t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u [30t] u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u [0rt] u o a [sh] a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a [9s] a o u [30t] u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a [9s] a o u [350t] u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u [9t] u o [7a] s a [7o] u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u [tfhx] u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u [tfh] u o a [shkx] a o u t u o a s a o u t u o a s a o u [tz] u o a [sk] a o u [30] 0 w r t r w 0Level: 4Length: 01:30Easy
Stranger Things Theme (Easy)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
6 6 8 6 6 6 6 [8s] [6p] [5o] [6p] [6p] [8s] [6p] [6p] [6p] [6p] [8s] [6p] [5o] 9 9 q 9 9 9 9 [qg] [9d] [8s] 0 0 [WH] [0f] [0f] 3 3 3 [6t] t 6 8 [6t] [6t] [6t] [6e] 8 [6e] [5y] [6ps] [ps] 6 8 [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] 8 [6ps] [5ad] [9ups] [ups] 9 q [9ups] [9ups] [9ups] [9ups] q [9ups] [8uaf] [0upa] [upa] 0 W [0upa] [0upa] [3up] [Ou] 3 3 [6ps] [ps] 6 8 [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] 8 [6ps] [5ad] [6ps] [ps] 6 8 [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] 8 [6ps] [5ad] [9ups] [ups] 9 q [9ups] [9ups] [9ups] [9ups] q [9ups] [8uaf] [0upa] [upa] 0 W [0upa] [0upa] [3up] [Ou] 3 [3s] d s [6d] 0 [ep] 0 [6d] [0s] [ed] [0s] [6d] 0 [ep] 0 [6d] [0s] [ed] [0s] [6d] 0 [ep] 0 [6d] [0s] [ed] [0s] [6d] 0 [ep] s d [9f] e [yf] e [9d] [es] [yd] [es] [9f] e [yf] e [9d] [es] [yd] [es] [0f] r [uf] r [0d] [rs] [ud] [rs] [0f] r [uf] d s [7ra] [6ep] e [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [9d] [ej] y [ed] [H9] [ej] [Hy] [eg] [9d] [ej] y [ed] [H9] [ej] [Hy] [eg] [0f] [rk] u [rf] [0j] [rf] u [rd] 0 r u r 3 3 s s s s s s p [ad] [ps] [ps] [ps] [ps] [ps] [ps] [ps] [ad] [ups] [ups] [ups] [ups] [ups] [ups] [ups] [uaf] [upa] [upa] [upa] [upa] [up] [Ou] [6ps] [ps] 6 8 [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] 8 [6ps] [5ad] [6ps] [ps] 6 8 [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] [6ps] 8 [6ps] [5ad] [9ups] [ups] 9 q [9ups] [9ups] [9ups] [9ups] q [9ups] [8uaf] [0upa] [upa] 0 W [0upa] [0upa] [3up] [Ou] 3 [3s] d s [6d] 0 [ep] 0 [6d] [0s] [ed] [0s] [6d] 0 [ep] 0 [6d] [0s] [ed] [0s] [6d] 0 [ep] 0 [6d] [0s] [ed] [0s] [6d] 0 [ep] s d [9f] e [yf] e [9d] [es] [yd] [es] [9f] e [yf] e [9d] [es] [yd] [es] [0f] r [uf] r [0d] [rs] [ud] [rs] [0f] r [uf] d s [7ra] [6ep] e [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [9d] [ej] y [ed] [H9] [ej] [Hy] [eg] [9d] [ej] y [ed] [H9] [ej] [Hy] [eg] [0f] [rk] u [rf] [0j] [rf] u [rd] 0 r u r 3 [3e] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [6p] [0f] e [0p] [D6] [0f] [De] [0s] [9d] [ej] y [ed] [H9] [ej] [Hy] [eg] [9d] [ej] y [ed] [H9] [ej] [Hy] [eg] [0f] [rk] u [rf] [0j] [rf] u [rd] [0d] r u r 3 3 [60e] [60e] [60e] [60e] [60e] [60e] [60e] [60e] [eup]Level: 5Length: 03:10Intermediate
Bad Guy
Billie Eilish
[80w] f [80wh] h [80w] f [9qed] s
[680]|[680]|[680]|[580s] f
[80w] f [80w] f [80w] f [9qed] s
[680]|[680]|[680] f [580f] h
[80wh] h [80wh] j [80w]|[9qef]|
[680d] s [680s]|[680s] d[580f]|
[680]|[680]|[680] f [580f]|
[80wh] h [80w] h [80w]|[9qef] d
[680d] s [680d]|[680p]|[580]|
[8qed]|[8qed] s [8qed]|[8qed] s
[9qed]|[9qed] s [9qed]|[9qef] s
[8qed]|[8qed] s [8qed]|[8qed] s
[680d]|[680d] s [680d]|[680f] f
[80w] f [80wf] h [80wh]|[80wf] d
[9qed] s [9qed]|[9qep]|[9qe] s
[680] s [680p] o [680s] d[680]d
[8qe]|[8qe]|[8qe]|[8qe] h
[80w] f [80wh]|[80wf] d [80wd]|
[9qed] s [9qed]|[9qep]|[9qeo] s
[680] s [680] o [680s]|[680d] d
[8qe]|[8qe] s [8qef] d[8qe]s
[80w] f [80wh]|[80wh]|[9qef] h
[680j]|[680f]|[680d] f [580]|
[680]|[680]|[680] s [580] f
[80w] f [80w] f [80w] d [9qe] s
[680d]|[680] p [680s] p [580]|
[8qed]|[8qed] s [8qed]|[8qed] s
[9qed]|[9qed] s [9qed]|[9qef] s
[qetd]|[qetd] s [qetd]|[qetd] s
[etud]|[etud] s [etud]|[etuf] f
[80w] f [80wf] h [80wh]|[80wf] d
[9qed] s [9qed]|[9qep]|[9qe] s
[680] s [680p] o [680s] d[680]d
[8qe]|[8qe]|[8qe]|[8qe] h
[80w] f [80wh]|[80wf] d [80wd]|
[9qed] s [9qed]|[9qep]|[9qeo] s
[680] s [680] o [680s]|[680d] d
[8qe]|[8qe] s [8qef] d[8qe]s
[8qej]|[8qe]|[8qe]|[8qel] h
[680]|[680] s [680f] d[680d] d
[9qet]|[9qet] p [9qet]|[9qet]|
[8qej]|[8qe]|[8qe]|[8qel] h
[680]|[680] s [680f] d[680]d
[9qetd]|[9qet] p [9qet]|[9qet]|
[9qep] a [9qep] a [9qep]ap [9qe] as
[68q] d [68qs] d [68qs] d [68qs] d
[680]|[680]|[680]|[680] o
[9qep] a [9qep] a [9qep]ap [9qe] a
[qets] d [qets] d [qets] d [qets] d
[80w] f [80wf] h [80wh]|[80wf] d
[9qed] s [9qed]|[9qep]|[9qe] s
[680] s [680p] o [680s] d[680]d
[8qe]|[8qe]|[8qe]|[8qe] h
[80w] f [80wh]|[80wf] d [80wd]|
[9qed] s [9qed]|[9qep]|[9qeo] s
[680] s [680] o [680s]|[680d] d
[8qe]|[8qe] s [8qef] d[8qe]s
[9qe]|[9qe]|[9qe]|[9qeh] j
[680]|[680]|[680]|[680l] h
[68q]|[68q]|[68q]|[68qh] f
[9qe]|[9qe]|[9qed] s [9qed]|
[68q]|[68q] s [68qf] d[68qs] s
[9qe]||[9qe] x z|
[680]||[680] l| 4Level: 6Length: 03:51IntermediateStay
l k k h [qj] e t i [wk] r [yk] [ok] e [tl] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [qj] e [tl] [zi] w [rl] [yk] [oj] e t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [qj] e [tl] i [h8] 0 [wl] t [k5] [j7] [k9] [wl] 6 8 0 e [l8] 0 [wh] [th] w [f0] [h8] [d0] w r y o y r w r r y o a o y [rd] y [fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t [th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u [wd] r y [od] y r [wf] r [sq] e t i t e q e [fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t [th] u o [sf] o u [th] u [wd] r y o y r w r w r y o y r [wk] r [le] t u [pk] u t [je] t [th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u [wd] r y [oh] y r [wg] r [ge] [tf] u p u t [ke] t [le] t u [pk] u t [je] t [th] u o [sl] o u [zt] u [zw] r y o y r w r w r y o [yl] [rk] [wk] [rh] [tqjie] e t i [ywrok] r [yk] [ok] [utpe] [tl] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [tqjie] e [tl] [zi] [ywro] [rl] [yk] [oj] [utpe] t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [tqjie] e [tl] i [wth80] 0 [wl] t [wk975] [j7] [k9] [wl] [e860] 8 0 e [wtl80] 0 [wh] [th] w [f0] [h8] [d0] [w975] 7 9 w 9 7 5 7 [fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t [th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u [wd] r y [od] y r [wf] r [sq] e t i t e q e [fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t [th] u o [sf] o u [th] u [wd] r y o y r w r w r y o y r [wk] r [le] t u [pk] u t [je] t [th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u [wd] r y [oh] y r [wg] r [ge] [tf] u p u t [ke] t [le] t u [pk] u t [je] t [th] u o [sl] o u [zt] u [zw] r y o y r w r w r y o [yl] [rk] [wk] [rh] [sqjg] e t i [wkhd] r [yk] [okhd] e [tljf] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [sqjg] e [tl] [zjig] w [rl] [yk] [sojf] e t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [sqjf] e [tljg] i [shf8] 0 [wlhf] t [khf5] [j7] [k9] [wlhf] 6 8 0 e [lhf8] 0 [wh] [thf] w [f0] [h8] [d0] 5 7 9 w 9 7 5 7 5 7 9 w 9 7 5 7 [qj] e t i [wk] r [yk] [ok] e [tl] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [qj] e [tl] [zi] w [rl] [yk] [oj] e t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [qj] e [tl] i [h8] 0 [wl] t [k5] [j7] [k9] [wl] 6 8 0 e [l8] 0 [wh] [th] w [f0] [h8] [d0] w r y r w 0 8Level: 7Length: 02:16Intermediate
Everytime We Touch