01:10 -
-5 -
e[tu] e[tu] 0 [ry]
e[tu] e[tu] 0 [ry]
e[tu] e[tu] 0 [ry]
e[tu] e[tu] [0u]psd[eD]fD[tud]s [0u] [ryo]
[ep][tu] e[tu] [0a]p[ryo] [ep][tu] e[tu] [0o]u[ry]
[eu][tu] e[tu] [0u]p[rys]d[eD]fD[tud]s [0u] [ryo]
[ep][tu] e[tu] [0o]u[ry] [eu][tu] e[tu] [0a]po
[ep][tu] e[tu] e 0 [9j]l jg [wrd]fgG[0h]k hf
[ets]dDf[9g]j gd [wra]sdD[tf]Dfgh
[0yh]G[(Th]H[9tj]l jg [wrd]fgG[0yh]k hf
[ets]dDf[9tg]j gd [wya]shg[ryf][ry] [ry][ry]
[0u]psd[ryf][ry] [ry][ry]
[0u]psd[eD]fD[tud]s [0u] [ryo]
[ep][tu] e[tu] [0a]p[ryo]
[ep][tu] e[tu] [0o]u[ry]
[eu][tu] e[tu] [0u]p[rys]d[eD]fD[tud]s [0u] [ryo]
[ep][tu] e[tu] [0o]u[ry]
[eu][tu] e[tu] [0a]p[ryo]
[ep][tu] e[tu] 0 [ry] e[tu] e[tu] [0a]p[ryo]
[ep][tu] e[tu] 0 [ry] e[tu] e[tu] [0a]p[ryo]
[ep][tu] e[tu] 0 [ry] [etp]| 6
About This Music Sheet
Take Five (Paul Desmond) is a song by Paul Desmond. Use your computer keyboard to play Take Five (Paul Desmond) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:10, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. You can also find other similar songs using Jazz.
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[te]||| [tq]||| [yw5]||| [ue]||| [xt0] x x x x [xj] x x [xwu8] x x x x x x x [xie9] x x x x [xj] x x [xro0] x x x x x x x [te60]|||6||| [qe84]| |j x j [te60]|||6||| [e60]| |j x j [e60] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xwu8] x x x x x x [x6] [x6] x x [x6] x [xj] x [xj]||6 [xro0] x x x x x [xro0] [x6] [x6] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xjeb84]||| [xrjb95]| i|||j [xtb60]| |6 6 [xts60] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xwud8] x x x [xf] x x x [xige9] x x x [xup] [xj] [yxx] [xj] [xroh0] x x x [uo]| x x x x [xts60] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xwus8] x x x x x x x [xied9] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xrof0] x x x x x x x [xts60] x x x x [xj] [xxa] [xj] [xwuf8] x x x x x x x [xige9] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xroh0] x x x x x x x [xe6]| x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xqb] x x x x x x x [x9]| x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xupeb] x x x x x x x [xupe] x x x x [xj] x [xj] 6Level: 7Length: 02:05Intermediate
Leaving Earth (Mass Effect 3)
Clint Mansell
s df[etu] s||
s f [etu] g [qet] s| |
[qetg] f [wtu] s| s||
[wtuf] d [wry]| |[rys] [wd]f[etu] s||
[es]s [tuf] [eg] [qet] s||[qs]s [etg] [qf] [wtu] s| s w|
[tuf] [wd] [wry]| |w|
[rys] [wd] [etuf] [fl]| [fl] e|
[tuf] [eg] [qet] [gl]| [gl] q|
[etg] [qf] [wtu] [fl]| [fl] w|
[tuf] [wd] [wry] [hz]| [ryhz]| |
sd[etuf] s| s e| [tuf] [eg] [qet] s||
q s [etg] [qf] [wtu]| s s w| [tud] [wd] [wry]| |
j j h [6x] 0je [etuh] x j[etu] h 4 8 q [qet] g g
[qet] g 8 [wf]ft [wtug]g ff[wtu] dd7 w r [wry]| j
[wryj] h [6x] 0je [etuh] x j[etu] h 4 8 q [qet] g g [qet] g
8 [wf]ft [wtug]g ff[wtu] dd7 w r
[wry] g ff[wry] ss6 [0p] e [etu]||
[etuf] d 4 8 q [qetg] ff [qets]s 8 w t [wtu]| w t u [wry]| |
[wrys] df[60] s| [etu] s f [etu] g [48] s| [qet]| s [qetg] f
[8w] s| [wtus]||[wtuf] d [7w]||[wry]||[wrys] d [60f] s| [etus]||[etuf] g
[48] s| [qets]||[qet] f [8w] s| [wtus]||[wtuf] d [7w]||[wry]||[wrys] d
[60f] [fl]| [etufl]| e [tuf] [eg]
[48] [gl]| [qetgl]| q [etg] [qf]
[8w] [fl]| [wtufl]| w [tuf] [wd]
[7w] [hz]| [wryhz]| w [ry] sd
[60f] s| [etus]| [ef] [tu] [eg]
[48] s| [qet] s [qg] [et] [qf]
[8w] s| [wtu] s [wf] [tu] [wd]
[wry]| |[pj] [pj] [oh]
[6fx] 0 [efj] [etuh] [fx]| [etufj] [sh]
4 8 q [qet] [pg] [pg][qet] [pg]
8 [wof][of]t [wtupg][pg] [of][of][wtu] [od][od]
7 w r [wry]| [pj] [wrypj] [oh]
[6fx] 0 [efj] [etuh] [fx]| [etufj] [sh]
4 8 q [qet] [pg] [pg][qet] [pg]
8 [wof][of]t [wtupg][pg] [of][of][wtu] [od][od]
7 w r [wry] [pg] [of][of][wry][us]
[6us] [0p] e [etu]||[etuf] d
4 8 q [qetpg] [of][of] [us][qet][us]
8 w t [wtu]| w| [tu]
[wry]| |s|
[48a] s [sh] [qet]||[qet] d
[59d] f [dj] [9we]||[9wes]|
[48a] s [sh] [qet]||[qet] d
[59d] f a [9we]aa s [9weo]|
[48a] s [sh] [qet]||[qet] f
[59d] f [dj] [9we]||[9wes]|
[48a] s [sh] [qet]||[qet] f
[59d] f [dj] [9we]||[9we]|
[6etu]||[etu]| 6 [etu]|
[4wti]||[wti]| 4 [wti]|
[8wtu]||[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
[7wry]||[wry]| 7 [wry]|
[6etu]||[etu]| 6 [etu]|
[4wti]||[wti]| 4 [wti]|
[8wtu]||[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
[7wry]||[wry]| 7 [wry]|
[6etu]||[etu]| 6 [etu]|
[4wti]||[wti]| 4 [wti]|
[8wtu]||[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
[7wry]||[wry]| 7 [wry]|
[6etu]||[etu]| 6 [etu]|
[4wti]||[wti]| 4 [wti]|
[8wtu]||[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
[5wry]| |[pj] [pj] [oh]
[6fx] 0 [efj] [etuh] [fx]| [etufj] [sh]
4 8 q [qet] [pg] [pg][qet] [pg]
8 [wof][of]t [wtupg][pg] [of][of][wtu] [od][od]
7 w r [wry]| [pj] [wrypj] [oh]
[6fx] 0 [efj] [etuh] [fx]| [etufj] [sh]
4 8 q [qet] [pg] [pg][qet] [pg]
8 [wof][of]t [wtupg][pg] [of][of][wtu] [od][od]
7 w r [wry] [pg] [of][of][wry][us]
6 0 e [etu]||[etu]|
4 8 q [qet] [pg] [of][of][qet][us]
8 w t [wtu]||[wtu]|
7 w r [wry] [pg] [of][of][wry][us]
[wry]| |[pg] [of][of] [us]Level: 7Length: 04:38IntermediateLove The Way You Lie (Rihanna and Eminem)
6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a| 4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s| 8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f h f| 5 9 w a| d a| [wda95]|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0 [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8 8 w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] w [of8] w [tof] w [uod] w [tso] w 5 [od9] [wod] [od9] [rod] 9 [wod] [od9] [od5] 9 [wof] 9 [rod] 9 [wso] 9 6 [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] 6 [pf0] [pfe] 0 [tph] 0 e 0 4 [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] 4 [pf8] [qpf] 8 [phe] 8 [qpd] 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9 [us6] 0 e [o0] t 0 [use] 0 [us6] 0 e 0 t 0 [use] 0 [si4] 8 q [o8] e 8 [sqi] 8 [si4] 8 q 8 e 8 [sqi] 8 [so8] w t [wo] u w [tod] w [so8] w t w u w [tso] [wso] [oa5] 9 [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] 9 [oa5] 9 w [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9 [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0] [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0 [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w [w5] [oa] [oa] [oa] [oa]| [oa5] [oa9] w [oa9] [woa] 9 [oa5] 9 [wso] 9 [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0] [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0 [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9 [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0 [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 9 [wsh] [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9 [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y| | [pf]| [pf] [pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0] [pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8] [of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof] [of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] [wof] 5 [od9] w 9 [rof] 9 [wof] [of9] 5 [od9] w 9 r [pf9] w [pf9] [pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0] [pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8] [of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof] [of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tpj] w [ka5] 9 w 9 r 9 w 9 5|| [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vple]| | [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vl]| | [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vqli]| | [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| | [vl] [vl] [vl] [vtsl]||[vl]| | [vl] [vl]| [vl]| [vl]| [ml] z [wo]||| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [utshe]| | [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsqhe]| | [tsqhe] [sh] [sh] [sh8] w t [ush]| o u [sh] [utsoh]| [sh] [uto] [sh]| [sl] [zd] 5 9 w r| y r w| | [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| 6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a| 4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s| 8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f| [lf]| [kd5] 9 w a| d a| [wda95]|| [w95] [w95]| [w95]| [te60]Level: 6Length: 06:26Intermediate
Just a Dream