04:05 -
-5 -
[tsqj]| |h| [wsf8]|||
[rha0]| |f| [usje]|||
[tsqj]| |h| [wtsf8]|||
[qjf] [tk] [ol] p s| h|
[f8] w y u o| |
[uf0] r u o a| |
[lf6] 0 r t u| |
[qjf] [tk] [ol] p s| h|
[f8] w y u o| |
[uf0] r u o a| |
[sjf6] 0 r t u| e|
[sf4] j [fe4] [q4] [tqe4] [q4] [te4] [q4]
[f8] h [utf] w [ut8] w [ut8] w
[f0] h [ofa] r [uo] r [uo] r
[sf6] j [utf]| [ut] e [ut] e
[sf4] j [sfe4] 4 [e4] [q4] [te4] [q4]
[f8] h [utsf] w [ut] w [ut] w
[f0] h [ufa] r [uo] r [uo] r
[sf6] j [utf]| [ut] e [ut] e
[sj4]| j 8 [wj] e [tj8]|
[tsh8] w [yh] u [oh]| t|
[ha0]| h r [uh] o [fa]|
[sj6] 0 [rj] t [uj]| |
[sj4]| j 8 [wj] e [j8]|
[th8] w [yh] u h| t|
[ha0]| h r [uh] o [fa]|
[sj6] 0 [pj] r [tj]| |
[jf4] 8 [wl] e l t [zi] th
[xl8] w [yh] u h o u t
[ukf0] r u o k u [ha] o
[pjf6] [k0] [pl] r k t [uj]|
[jf4] [k8] [wl] e l t [zi] h
[x8] w [yh] u h o u t
[ukf0] r u o k u [ha] o
[pjf6] [k0] [ple] r k t [uj]|
[jf4] 8||l e z|
[xh8] w [yx] u x o u t
[xh0] r [uk] o k u [ha]|
[jf6] [k0] [le6] r k t [uj]|
[jf4] 8 [li8] w l e z|
[xh8] w y u x t o|
[xh0] r [uk] o k u [ha]|
[lf6] 0 [rj] t j| u|
[jf4] 8 [ql84] w l e z|
[xh8] w y u x t o|
[k0] r [uk] o k u [ha]|
[pjf6] 0 [ke]r tlu k|
[pjf6] 80etupsfjlbmx[b6]|||
[ljb4]| 8| e t i t
[vtlh1]| 5| 0 [w0] t w
[xnk3]| 7 0 [wvh0] r u r
6 0 [xml6] r [nke6] [e6][vh] [w65]
[qljb4]| 8| e t i t
[vlh81]||8 0 w t w
[zvh30]| 7 0 w r u r
[xl6] 0 e r [e6] [e6] [zw5]x
[qlc4]| 8 q| e t i
[xhf81]| [51]| 0 w t w
[vkh30]| 7 0 [wka] r u r
[zhd6] 0| r [slfe6] [e6] [w65]
[sqpj4]| 8 w [jgec]| i t
[xhf81]| 5| 0 w [t0]|
[zv30]| 7 [30] w r u|
[xl6] 0 e r [e6] [e6] w
[vl4] [jb8] l v e j [tl] v
8 [wh] [tl] [yv] u h l v
0 [rh] u [voh] a h [uk] v
6 0 [pgc] r [xpf6] 6[l6] [zw5]x
[v4] [j8] [sql84] [ve] e j [li] v
8 [wh] [tl] [yv] u h [uol] v
[z3] 7| w [r0] u [ml] r
[x6] [m60] [ne] [vt] z [ul] [upk] h
[jgc4]| 8 q [jb] e t e
[vlh8]| w t [yxh8] u o|
[zh3]| 7 0 [wnk] 0 [vh]||
[60] [xl6] r [nke6] [e6][jb6] [e6]
[vql4] [j8] l [wvo] e j [tl] v
8 [wh] [tl] [yv] u h [ol] v
[k0] r u o a f [uh] k
[lhf6] 0 r t u| e|
[pj4] [ka] [sli4] [q4] [ti4] [q4] [ti4] [q4]
[oh1]| [o1]| 1 [81] [81] 8
[ka3]| [ur] 0 [ur30] 0 [ur] 0
[slf6]| [ut] [pe] [ut] e [ut] e
[pj4] [ka] [sl4] [q4] [i4] [q4] [tqi4] [q4]
[oh81]| [o1] 1 [o81]| [o81] [81]
[ka3]| [ur3] [30] [ur] 0 [u0] 0
[slf6]| [ut] e [ut] e [ut]|
[slib]| |v| [xtolh]|||
[vukda]| |x| [plfb]|||
About This Music Sheet
The Longing Dance (Are You Human?) is a song by Lim Ji Eun. Use your computer keyboard to play The Longing Dance (Are You Human?) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:05, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song The Longing Dance (Are You Human?) is classified in the genres: Songs From TV, South Korea on Virtual Piano.
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[60e]||[qe]| e [60e]||q||
[60e]||[qe]| e [60e]||q||
[60e]||[qe]| e [60e]||[qt]| r
[60r]| e [qe]| e [60e]||q||
[60t]||[qt]| t [60t]||[qu]| y
[60y]| t [qt]| t [60t]||q||
[60p]|o|[qi]| u [60u]||[qt]||
[60p]|o|[qi]| u [60u]||[qt]||
[60e]||[qe]| e [60e]||[qt]| r
[60r]| e [qe]| e [60e]||q||
[60p]|o|[qi]| u [60u]||[qt]||
[60p]|o|[qi]| u [60u]||[qt]||
[60p]|o|[qi]| u [60u]||[qt]||
[60e]||[qe]| e [60r]| r [qr]| r [60e]Level: 5Length: 00:58IntermediateFuneral March, Opus 35 (Chopin)
Frederic Chopin
[f9]gfd [s9]dsp 9[yo] [p9] [f9]gfd [s9]dsp 9[yO] [f9]gfd [s9]dsp 9[o9] [p9] [f9]gfd9[s8] [d9] [pe] [WO] [wo] [qi][f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[yo] [p92] [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[yO] [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[o92] [p92] [f92]gfd[92][s81] [d92] [pe] [WO] [wo] [qi]89 [e0]o[e9] [t8] [ut9]9[ut]6 %5[ut]5 [yr]4 5 64 4[te]8[te][te8]89 0[te]9[te][te8] 99 [te6] [ye6][yr%]5[e5] 5 4456 6e8 889 [e0]o[e9] [t8] [ut9]9[ut]6 %5[ut]5 [yr]4 5 64 4[te]8[te][te8]89 0[te]9[te][te8] 99 [te6] [te6][te%]55 [tsp5] [tsp4][tsp4]56e6e8t8[uf8][g9][uf][d0]u9[us][d8][us][p9][y9] [o6] [up%]5f[g5][uf]d4 [ys5]d[s6][p4]y4[yO]8o8[f8][g9][of][d0]u9[ts][d8][ts][p9][e9] [o6] [pe6]%[f5][g5]fd5s4[d4]5[p6]e[O6]e[o8]t[i8][uf8][g9][uf][d0]u9[us][d8][us][p9][y9] [o6] [up%]5[uf][g5][uf]d4 [ys5]d[s6][p4]y4[yO]9o9[f8][g9][of][d0] 9[us][d8]s[p9][e9] [to6] [yp6]%[f0][qg][f0][d9] y y y i y [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] W[ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww9[s9] w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohWD] W( W[igdP]w w 99 w 89 [e0]o[e9] [t8] [ut9]9[ut]6 %5[ut]5 [yr]4 5 64 4[te]8[te][te8]89 0[te]9[te][te8] 99 [te6] [ye6][yr%]5[e5] 5 4456 6e8 889 [e0]o[e9] [t8] [ut9]9[ut]6 %5[ut]5 [yr]4 5 64 4[te]8[te][te8]89 0[te]9[te][te8] 99 [te6] [te6][te%]55 [tsp5] [tsp4][tsp4]56e6e8t8[uf8][g9][uf][d0]u9[us][d8][us][p9][y9] [o6] [up%]5f[g5][uf]d4 [ys5]d[s6][p4]y4[yO]8o8[f8][g9][of][d0]u9[ts][d8][ts][p9][e9] [o6] [pe6]%[f5][g5]fd5s4[d4]5[p6]e[O6]e[o8]t[i8][uf8][g9][uf][d0]u9[us][d8][us][p9][y9] [o6] [up%]5[uf][g5][uf]d4 [ys5]d[s6][p4]y4[yO]9o9[f8][g9][of][d0] 9[us][d8]s[p9][e9] [to6] [yp6]%[f0][qg][f0][d9] y y y i y [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] W[ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] [ohWPD][ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww9[s9] w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohWD] W( W[igdP]w w 99 w [yi^] qE q[utpe] [ye]0o06 [tYW] W( W[yE]wow [o9]9 [wi] [yi^] qE q[utpe] [ye]0o06 i [toYW] W[o(] W[yiE]wowp9[s9] [wd] [yi^] qE q[utpe] [ye]0o06 y [toYW] W[o(] W[yiE]w wt99 [yw] [yi^] [yq]E q[ute] [ye]0 [y0]6 t [wtY%] Y Y|||y y y i y [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] W[ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i0[so6] [pigd] [ohPD%] ([ohWPD] ([pigd]w ww99 [yw] [pjg^] qE[sjg]q[le] [hfe]0l0[H6]hg [hD%] (W ([gd]w w[wsl]99 [zwd] ^ qEoq[oe] [oe]0i06 [pigd] [ohWPD] [ohWPD][ohPD(] W[pigd]w w 99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww9[s9] w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[s6] d [sohD%] (W ([igdP]w ww99 w [spjg^] qE q[fe] e0 0[d6] [sohWD] W( W[igdP]w w 99 w [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[yo] [p92] [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[yO] [f92]gfd [s92]dsp 9[o92] [p92] [xf92][gc][xf][zd] [sl1] [zd2]
Level: 7Length: 03:47IntermediateLast Surprise (Persona 5) (Intermediate)
Shoji Meguro
j G h|f||
j G h|f||
j G h|f||
j G h|f
[0wr]| j G h|f
[Qey]| j G h|f
[9wr]| j G h|f
[wtu]| j G h|f
[etu]| j G h|f
[wru]| j G h|f
[erY]| j G h|f
[0wro]||o r o|
[Qeyp]||p y p|
[9wra]||a r a|
[wtus]||s u s|
[etuo]||o u o|
[wruo]||p u o|
[erYI]||I Y I|
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j G h|f
[Qey]| j G h|f
[9wr]| j G h|f
[wtu]| j G h|f
[etu]| j G h|f
[wru]| j G h|f
[erY]| j G h|f
[0wro]||o r o|
[Qeyp]||p y p|
[9wra]||a r a|
[wtus]||s u s|
[etuo]||o u o|
[wruo]||p u o|
[erYI]||I Y I|
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j G h|f
[Qey]| j G h|f
[9wr]| j G h|f
[wtu]| j G h|f
[etu]| j G h|f
[wru]| j G h|f
[erY]| j G h|f
[0wro]||o r o|
[Qeyp]||p y p|
[9wra]||a r a|
[wtus]||s u s|
[etuo]||o u o|
[wruo]||p u o|
[erYI]||I Y I|
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r f
[0wr]| j [rG] h w f
[Qey]| j [yG] h r f
[9wr]| j [rG] h w f
[wtu]| j [uG] h t f
[etu]| j [uG] h t f
[wru]| j [uG] h r f
[Qry]| j [yG] h r fLevel: 6Length: 03:36IntermediateFormidable (Stromae)