00:40 -
6 [80] [80] 3 [80] [80]
6 [80] [80] 3 [80] [80]
[u6]| [t3]| r [e6]| 3 e r [t6] e t [u3]| i [u7]| [y3]|
[y7]| [r3]| e [W7]| 3 0 W [r7] W r [y3] u i [Y6]| [u3]|
[us6]| [ua3]| p [o2]| i [y6]| [ya5]| [yp5]| o [ut8]| 4
t y [u3] uyui[y4] ytyu[t3]| u 4
[te] [yr] [ut3] uyui[yr4] ytyu[te3]| [ut] 4
[tp] [ya] [us3] sasd[aO3] apas[p6]| [yu3] [tp6]
About This Music Sheet
The Second Waltz is a song by Dmitri Shostakovich. Use your computer keyboard to play The Second Waltz music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song The Second Waltz is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Classic Piano Songs, Waltz.
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Other Songs By Dmitri Shostakovich
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[6e] [80] [80]
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[6t] [80e] [80t]
[3u] [80] [80i]
[7u] [9qe] [9qe]
[3y] [9qe] [9qe]
[7y] [9qe] [9qe]
[3r] [9q] [9qe]
[7W] [90] [90]
3 [790] [790W]
[7r] [90W] [90r]
[3y] [W90u] [W90i]
[6Y] [80] [80]
[3u] [80e] [80e]
[6tus] [80e] [80e]
[3tua] [80e] [80etup]
[2eyo] [qr] [qeryi]
[2ey] [qr] [qr]
[5ryoa] [7qw] [7qw]
[5ryp] [8qw] [7qwryo]
[8tuo] [80w] [80w]
[4q] [ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [68ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [gj] [Hk] [30jl] [80jl][Hk][jl][kz][H30k] [H90k][gj][Hk][jl][6etup] [80] [80]
3 [680] [680]
6 [680] [680]
3 [680] [680]
[6uf] [680] [680]
[3ts] [680] [680ra]
[6ep] [680] [680]
3 [680ep] [680ra]
[6ts] [680ep] [680ts]
[3uf] [680] [680ig]
[7uf] [9qe] [9qe]
[3yd] [9qe] [9qe]
[7yd] [9qe] [9qe]
[3ra] [79q] [79qep]
[7WO] [790] [790]
3 [790u] [79WO]
[7ra] [790WO] [790ra]
[3yd] [790uf] [790ig]
[6YD] [68(] [68(]
[3uf] [680] [680]
[6sfl] [680] [680]
[3afk] [680] [680pfj]
[29odh] [qwr] [qwridg]
[29yod] [qwr] [qwr]
[5adk] [79qw] [79qw]
[5pdj] [9qwr] [9qwrodh]
[18osh] [580] [580]
[4q] [ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [68ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [gj] [Hk] [30jl] [80jl][Hk][jl][kz][H30k] [H90k][gj][Hk][jl][6psfj] 3 1 6| [5rio]
[1uos] [580] [580]
[5uos] [580] [580]
[1uos] [580oa] [580ip]
[5uo] [580tu] [580uo]
[2yoa] [57q] [57q]
[5yoa] [57q] [57q]
[1ip] [580uo] [580tu]
[5et] [580ry] [580tu]
[T6up] [56] [56]
[T6uo] [56] [56]
[2uo] [69wyi] [*T6wu]
[4y] [689qt] [689qy]
[1tu] [580] [580o]
[5ry] [57q] [57qo]
[1tu] [580] [580o]
[5uos] [580] [489od]
[1osf] [80w] [80w]
[5osf] [80w] [80w]
[1osf] [80wad] [80wps]
[5oa] [80wuo] [80woa]
[2oad] [79qw] [79qw]
[5oad] [79qw] [79qw]
[1ad] [580ps] [580oa]
[5ip] [580tu] [580uo]
[1uos] [580] [580]
[^uos] [580] [580]
[6ups] [68q] [68q]
[%id] [489us] [489id]
[5of] [580] [580us]
[5ro] [7qwtp] [7qwya]
[80wts] [yd] [ts]
[80EPJ] [pj] [OH]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [O8qea] [8qeps]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [8qedgJ] [8qesgj]
[5sfj] [80E] [E80sfh]
[1sfG] [80E] [E80sfh]
[5fhz] [80E] [E80fhl]
[1dfJ] [E80sfj] [80afEH]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [O8qea] [8qeps]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [P8qed] [8qesf]
[^dg] [9qE] [E9qfh]
[6pdgj] [9qe] [9qrpdgj]
[5adhk] [9qrpsgj] [9qradhk]
[1sfhl] [80E] [80fEPJ]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [O7qea] [8qe][ps][4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [80dgEJ] [8qe][sgj]
[5sfj] [80E] [E80sfh]
[1sfG] [80E] [E80sfh]
[5fhlz] [80E] [E80fhl]
[1dJ] [80esj] [79aWH]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [O7qea] [8qe][ps][4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [^P9wd] [^0w][sf][^dg] [^9w] [^0wfh]
[S6pfj] [69q] [69qdgj]
[5dhk] [9qwdgj] [9qwdhk]
[1fl][fz][80wfl][fk][80wfl][fz][H3flx] [W0y] [W0ya]
6 [etu] [etu]
3 [etu] [etu]
6 [etu] [etu]
3 [etu] [etu]
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6 [etu] [etu]
3 [6etu] [7etu]
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[70] [qery] [qery]
[39] [qery] [qery]
[79] [qery] [qery]
[37] [qery] [6qery]
[%7] [0ryu] [0ryu]
3 [30ryu] [%0ryu]
7 [%0ryu] [70ryu]
[39] [0ryu] [0qryu]
[6(] [etu] [etu]
[30] [etu] [etu]
[6ups] [0et] [0et]
[6tua] [80e] [80etup]
[29ryo] [9qer] [9qeryi]
[29wry] [9qer] [9qer]
[5yioa] [9qwr] [9qwr]
[5ryip] [9qwr] [9qwryo]
[18tuo] [80wt] [80wt]
4 [ps] [ad] [3sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4ad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][3ps] [80] [psf]
4 [68ps] [ad] [3sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4ad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][3ps] [80] [psf]
4 [gj] [Hk] [3jl] [80jl][Hk][jl][kz][H3k] [H90k][gj][Hk][jl][6sfj] [680] [680]
3 [%370]|
[6fjlx] [0et] [0et]
[3sfjl] [0et] [0etafk]
[6psfj] [0et] [0et]
3 [0etpsj] [0etadk]
[6sfl] [0etpsj] [0etsfl]
[3fjlx] [0et] [0etglc]
[7fkx] [9qe] [9qe]
[3dgjz] [9qe] [9qe]
[7dgjz] [9qe] [9qe]
[3adgk] [9qe] [9qepdgj]
[7adfOH] [0ry] [0ry]
3 [O0ryuf] [0ryaOH]
[7adk] [0ryaOH] [0ryadk]
[3dgz] [H0ryfx] [0rygjc]
[6jlDZ] [(et] [(et]
[3fjlx] [0et] [0et]
[6l]xbm[0et] [0et]
[3kxn] [0et] [0etjlxb]
[2h]kzv[9qe] [9qegjzc]
[2d]gjz[9qe] [9qe]
[5z]cvn[9qwr] [9qwr]
[5kzcb] [9qwr] [9qwrhkzv]
[18h]lxv[0wt] [0wt]
[4q] [ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [68ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [gj] [Hk] [30jl] [80jl][Hk][jl][kz][H30k] [H90k][gj][Hk][jl][6psfj]| [30dfOH] [6psfj]Level: 8Length: 03:51ExpertThe Second Waltz (Expert)
Dmitri Shostakovich
s asp
s asp
s asp
s asp
[es] asp
[ws] asp
[qs] asp
[0s] as[0p]
[6epj] [6pj][6pj][6ph][6pg][5wof]
[8pj] 786
8 786
8 786
8 786
[6epj] [6pj][6pj][6ph][6pg][5wof]
[8pj] 786
8 786
8 786
8 78[6e]
[4t]647[4e]8[4e]64[7w][4e]8[3r]%36[3w]7[90] 8 [7e]
[4t]64[7r][4e]8[3w]73[8q][3w]9[8e]|78[6e]Level: 6Length: 01:19IntermediateCarol Of The Bells (Alternative)
Mykola Leontovych
Y E i E o E i E Y E i E o E i E Y E i E o E i E Y E i E o E i E [Y(] E i E o E i E Y E i E o E i E [qY] E i E o E i E Y E i E o E i E [wY] E i E o E i E Y E i E o E i E [YW] E i E o E i E Y E i E o E i E [Y@(] E i E o E i E [gYJ] E i E o E i E [q^Y4] E i E o E i E [zhY] E i E o E i E [^Y5(] E i E o E i E [hcYJ] E i E o E [igJ] E [YWPD(%] E i E o E i E Y E i E [od] E i [dE] [ztoYW] B Z B [tliYW]| |[PD] B Z Z [PD]| |[YWE] z Z B [PD]| |[PD] B Z B [PHD]| |[wYJE] B Z B [PD]| |[PD] B Z B [cPD] z Z B [wYE] B Z B [PD]| |[PD] B Z B [PD]| |[^Y(%] E i E o E i E Y E i E o E i E [YJD] E i E o E i E [^Y4(] E i E [ocB] E i E [vZY@(] E i E o E i E Y E i E o E i E [iY]| |Y
Level: 7Length: 01:12Intermediate扉の向こう (Let Me Eat Your Pancreas)
Suguru Matsutani
[uq]|e|t|e|u||| 3|7|[u0]|7|a||| [uq]|e|t|e|p||| 3|7|0|[wa]|[ro]|| f f h [qjf]|h [tj]|h [ujf]||| l l [yrkf0]|h h u j h| [r7]| [yr0]|f h [j4] t [ih] [pj]| h j| l [k7]| h f 6 0 r t| u| [ro]||[^E] u u o [up4] 8 [oe] [tp]|o [up]|| t u| s s [ua6]|o [yo0]|u p| [ueT0]||s d [f2] 6 8 [g9] q e [tf]| [ywi]pd|[sp]| [oa]| [wutso8]||| hlx||u o [uqp] e o [tp]|o [up]|| [ut]|p s [wura0]|o o y u o| [r7]| [yr0]| o [up4] e [to] [up]| o p| s [d7]| a o 6 0 r t| [uo]| [ro]||[^E]| h [jf4] 8 [he] [tjf]|h j h| t u||l [zkf6]|z [zy0]|z| [ueTL0]||l l z [xj2] 6 8 [zc9] q e [xtl]| [zj9]| [lj] 9|[kh]| [wtlhf8]| [wt8]| [wt8]| [30]|[30] f [of30]|[soh30]| [spjf4]| e| [ut]| [w5] y o [sj] [tsj] w [s9] 5 [fa3]| 9| [wr]| 6 0 r t [of]|h| [jf4] 8 [h0] [jfe]| [uth] [jf] [w5] y [oj] [sj] t w [s9] [fa5] 3| 9| [wr]| 6 0 r [xtf] [xojf]|[vkh]| [xljb4]| e| [ut]| [wljb5] y [ojb] [xjb] t w [sl9] [xkf5] 3| 9| [wr]| 6 0 r u| l z [xte]| c| x| [zy]||l z [xj2] 6 8 [zc9] q e [xtl]| [zwh]| [lj] w|[kh]| [lhf4]| [vq] [ut]|[xq] [ut]| [ut] 4|[ql] t [uk]| [slf3]| [eb] [ut]|[xfe] [ut]| [ut] 6|8|l z [xj9] e y [oc]| x| [zwh]| l| k| [l8] w t u| i| [ut8]||f h [qjg]|h [jge] t h [jge]| u||l|l| [kd0]|[ha] r y h [rf]| [ha]||f h [qjf]| e t|[je] h [uj]|l z|| [khf6] [j0] r [th]| u| [ro]||[^E]|u o [uqp] e o [tp]|o [up]|| [ut]|a s [da6] 6 [d0] [ed] u|f| [upeTS]||s d [pf9] e t [yg]| h| [ywod]|s [s7]|a s| [wto8]| [wt8]| [wt8]| [30]|[30] f [of30]|[soh30]| [spjf4]| e| [ut]| [w5] y o [sj] [tsj] w [s9] 5 [fa3]| 9| [wr]|6 0 r t [of]|h| [jf4] 8 [h0] [jfe]| [uth] [jf] [w5] y [oj] [sj] t w [s9] [fa5] 3| 9| [wr]|6 0 r [xtf] [xojf]|[vkh]| [xljb4]| e| [ut]| [wljb5] y [ojb] [xjb] t w [sl9] [xkf5] 3| 9| [wr]|6 0 r u| l z [xte]| c| x| [zy]||l z [xj2] 6 8 [zc9] q e [xtl]| [zwh]| [lj] w|[kh]| [lhf4]| [vq] [ut]|[xq] [ut]| [ut] 4|[ql] t [uk]| [slf3]| [eb] [ut]|[xfe] [ut]| [ut] 6|8|l z [xj9] e y [oc]| x| [zwh]| l| k| [l8] w t u| i| [ut8]||v v [sigb]|v b|v b||| m m [usnf]||v x| v||x v [xsigb]||v b|| v v b 6 3 7 8 0 r w 0 [yeI7]||[i^E]|f h [qj]|e [tj]|h [uj]|| [ut] k l z [zk6] 6 [z0] [ze] u|x| [ujeTL]||l z [xj2]|2 c 2|[x6]| [zyG]||l z [xl5]|5 c 5|[v9]| [zG9]||9|l z [xwt8]| [wtc8]| [wvt8]| [vl30]|[30] f [of30]|[soh30]| [spjf4]| e| [ut]| [w5] y o [sj] [tsj] w [s9] 5 [fa3]| 9| [wr]|6 0 r t [of]|h| [jf4] 8 [h0] [jfe]| [uth] [jf] [w5] y [oj] [sj] t w [s9] [fa5] 3| 9| [wr]| 6 0 r [xtf] [xojf]|[vkh]| [xljb4]| e| [ut]| [wljb5] y [ojb] [xjb] t w [sl9] [xkf5] 3| 9| [wr]|6 0 r u| l z [xj2]|2 c 2|[x6]| [zyG]||y|l z [xl5]|5 c 5|[v9]| [zG9]| l [j9]|l z [xj2] 6 8 [zc9] q e [xtl]| [zwh]| [lj] w|[kh]| [lhf4]| [vq] [ut]|[xq] [ut]| [ut] 4|[ql] t [uk]| [slf3]| [eb] [ut]|[xfe] [ut]| [ut] 6|8|l z [xj9] e y [oc]| x| [zwh]| l| k| [l8] w t u| i| [s8] f h l|x c x [sl8]Level: 7Length: 04:28Intermediate
Sing For You (EXO)