01:01 -
-5 -
o o [tuo]|[yis] s [uos]|a s [rod] f g d [tuof]|
g [th]|[yj] g [of] s [id]|[tus]||
o o [tuo] o [yis] s [uos]|a s [rod] f g d [tuof]||
[ioh]|d f g|f g [th]|[yj] g [of] s [id]|[tus]||
o o [tuo]|[yis] s [uos]|a s [rod] f g d [tuof]||
[ioh]|d f g|[ioh]|d f g|
f g [th]|[yj] g [of] s [id]|[tus]||
o o o i [us] [ys] [ts]|[ya] [us]
[id] [of] [yg] [id] [tuf]||
[ioh]|d f g|[ioh]|d f g|
[ioh]|d f g|f g [th]|[yj] g [of] s [id]|[tus]||
o o [tuo]|[yis] s [uos]|a s [rod] f g d [tuof]||
[th] o u o [yj] p [IG] p [oh]|i|u|y|
[tuh] g f d s|[iog]|p|s|
d s a p o|f g [th]|[yj] g [of] s [id]|[ts]
About This Music Sheet
Use your computer keyboard to play Twelve Days Of Christmas music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:01, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Twelve Days Of Christmas is classified in the genre of Christmas Songs on Virtual Piano.Song Leaderboard
4 m
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[8f] 0 w t [0h] w r u
[qf] e t i [ws] r y [od]
[8f] 0 [wh] t [0z] w [rl] u
[qj] e t i q| |
[qj] e t i [wz] r [yl] [oj]
[0h] w r u [8s] w t f
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[qf] t e t [ws] y r [yd]
[8f] w [0h] w [0z] r [wl] r
[qj] t e t q| |
[qj] t e t [wd] y [rf] [yg]
[0h] r w r [8s] w [0d] [wf]
[qg] t [ef] t [ws] y [rp] [ys]
[8s] w 0 w 8| s|
[4p] [6s] [8p] [qs] [5a] [7o] [9a] [wo]
[4p] [6i] [8p] [qi] [5o] 7 9 [ws]
[4p] [6s] [8p] [qs] [5d] [7a] [9d] [wa]
[4s] [6p] [8s] [qp] [5a] 7 9 [wd]
[%s] [8D] [(s] [WD] [^d] [9P] [qd] [EP]
[%s] [8O] [(s] [WO] [^P] 9 q [ED]
[%s] [8D] [(s] [WD] [^g] [9d] [qg] [Ed]
[9g] [qd] [eg] [yd] [wh] r y o a|||
[8sf] 0 w t [0fh] w r u
[qsf] e t i [wps] r y [oad]
[8sf] 0 [wfh] t [0kz] w [rjl] u
[qgj] e t i q| |
[qgj] e t i [woa] r [yps] [oad]
[0fh] w r u [qps] e [tps] [ioa]
[qip] e [tdg] i p| [ip]|
[woa] r [yfh] o a| [fh]|
[8f] [0h] [wf] [th] [9G] [Qd] [eG] [yd]
[8f] [0s] [wf] [ts] [9d] Q [es] y
[wyoa]Level: 6Length: 01:28IntermediateSomewhere Out There (James Horner)
James Horner
tyu [uoe]|t|[r0]|p| [tqo]po||u [ywi] u [yW] u [s84]| |[a95]|o| [p60]| |[tp60]| | [t63] [r6]t6 [y6] [e63] 6 [w6] [r6] [t63] [r6]t6 [y6] [e63] 6 [e6] [t6] [o84] 8 [t8] 8 [84] 8 8 8 [75] 7 [r7] 7 [e75] 7 [w7] 7 [t63] [r6]t6 [y6] [e63] 6 [w6] [r6] [t63] [r6]t6 [y6] [o63] [o6] [t6] [t6] [y84] 8 [t8] 8 [84] 8 8 8 [75] 7 [r7] 7 [t75] 7 [y7] 7 [u84]||t [y73]|r w [e60]|t|[Q9$]|t| [y84] [t8] [y8] [u8] [i84] 8 [y8] [t8] [y84] [t8] [y8] [o8] [i84] 8 [y8] 8 [u84]|t|[yq95]|tyu [o6]|t|[r3]|p| [o4]||u [i5] u [y7%] i [u4]|u|[u4]|u y [u7] i u p [u3]|tyu [o6]|t|[r3]|p| [o4]||u [i5] u [y7%] o [u4]|u|[u4]|u y [o7] i u p [y3]|y o [u4]||i [u5] y y u [e6]|6|7|8| [u4] y t e [y5] t r w [e860]Level: 6Length: 01:27Intermediate
Crossing Field (Sword Art Online)
s asp s asp s asp s asp [sp] asp [so] asp [si] asp [us] asp [si] asp [us] asp [ys] asp [se] asp [ys] asp [us] asp [si] asp [us] asp [uf] dfs [fI] dfs [fO] dfs [fO] dfs [pj] jjhg[tf] ffds[yd] ddfd[se] asp [u0]IOpasdfd s [u0]IOpasdfd s [se] asp [ws] asp [sq] asp [s0] asp [s6] asp s asp s asp s asp||| [sf]| [da] [sf]| [p6]Level: 4Length: 00:45Easy
Carol of the Bells
Mykola Leontovych