02:17 -
-2 -
[usqkg]|||[usqkg]|||[usqkg]|||[usqkg]|||[q4]yu| q u| q u q u| q u| [w5] u [e6] u| e u| [r7] u [T] u [y9] u| y u| [qpj4] [uh] f [qj] [uh] f [qd]s[uf] q u|p[qp]s[upd] f [wd5]s[uf] [e6] u|p[pe]s[upd] f [rda7]s[uf] [T] u [y9] u| y u|p[jf4]q[uh] f [qpj] [uh] f [wd5]s[uf] [e6] u|p[pe]s[qid^E] [uf] ds[sE] [wt8] [uj] [yphe9]f[uj] [wsh8][tf][ud] [sqo^E] [ud] [e60] u [wpj5]9[usl] [qohd4][ig][upj] [yohd9][ig][upd] [so8][ped][usg] [qhd^] [usg][pd][wso95] [up] [yo9][ie][up] [uo92] 9eui[lh]l| 6 2 68[to0]e[tl]l|[yp][us][yod962] [upf] [yid4][ts] 8we[sh]h|[q4][ts][ufa5][oh9][ywpjd][kfa]60ertu[pj][oh][wr7]| [wufT*][sl]|[ye9] 2[j9]h[pfe]y[ji] [sh4][f8][wd][se][od5][s9][ed][rf][tq] [84] [ywpjd] [oh95] [upf63] [pj] [ohd7] [uf] [wtod8]s[uf]| 1| ds8 [o8]p[a8]o[p8]a[s1]opfsoao4qe| 5wrt6ety8tu yt w[e4]tu [y5]t w[e4]ty e|e[r5]wyu6etI[o8] tu|yt4qpu[u5][so9]w 3 [pj][oh][uf] [pj] [soh4][uf8][ywd][tse][yod5][ts9][ufea]r[tq] [nk4] [ywpjd] [ohd5] [upf6] [tpj0] [ohd7] [ywuf] [wtd8]sf r| [te1]| r| [te]| r| [te]| r| [g2]sfsgs[f9]s[g92]s[kf9][sj][g9]s[f9][sk]j[h92][s9][yd][se][yh][s9][yd][se][h2][s9][ed][s9][yh][s9][ed][s9][k4][d4][rk][d4]8[rk]8[d4]8[rk]8[d4]8[k5][d5][rk][d5]9[zr]9[d5]9[rk]9[d5]9[ohd6][d0][rk][td][pjd7][wd][rk][td][kda81][d9][rk][d9][zy][d9][rk][d9][zd1]
About This Music Sheet
Underground River (Made in Abyss) is a song by Kevin Penkin. Use your computer keyboard to play Underground River (Made in Abyss) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:17, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Underground River (Made in Abyss) is classified in the genres: Japan, Manga, Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime, Made in Abyss.
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Other Songs By Kevin Penkin
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Level: 7Length: 00:33IntermediateRelinquish (Made in Abyss)
Kevin Penkin
f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l [xf] h k l f h k l [fc] h k l f h k l [zf] h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l [soj] s d h s d h d [pkd] d f h d f h d [plf] [zg] [xh] p s d f p [jca] [xh] [zg] a [gd] f d a [lif] [zg] [xh] i s d f i [xoh]|[kd] o [us] a o u [plf] [zg] [lf] p s d f h f h k l f h k l [tp6] 0 e r t 6 e 0 [ya5] 9 w e r 5 w 9 [us4] [id8] [qof] 8 t [y8] [uq] 4 [pg5] [of9] [wid] 9 [yi5] [u9] [yw] 9 [us9] [ied] [yof] e t [ye] [yu] 9 [uo8] w [uta]|[y7] w r 7 [us6] [id0] [use] 0 t [y0] [ue] o p s d f h k l f [pf] h k l f h k l f h k l f h k l [xmj]
Level: 5Length: 00:54IntermediateReg’s Power (Made in Abyss)
Kevin Penkin
s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s [slf] s s s [skd] s [slf] s [sji] [si] [si] [si] [si] [si] [si] [si] [ush] [us] [us] [us] [ush] [us] [usg] [us] [sof] o o o [oda] o o o [spf] p p p [pda] p [spf] p [uoa] u u u [uo] u u u [pi] i i i [pi] i [si] i [uto] t t t [yr] r r r [uts8] [t8] [t8] [t8] [yta8] [t8] [uts8] [t8] [wtp5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [wt5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [tqo4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [tqo4] [q4] [tqi4] [q4] [wut8] [t8] [to8] [t8] [ywr7] [r7] [r7] [r7] [te60] [60] [yr60] [60] [ute6] [e6] [tpe6] [e6] [to30] [30] [30] [30] [t30] [30] [30] [30] [tqi4] [q4] [q4] [q4] [tqo4] [q4] [tqi4] [q4] [wut8] [t8] [to8] [t8] [ywr7] [r7] [r7] [r7] [t6] e t|6 e|[wr3] 0 w|3 0 w [e4] q [e4] [tqp] 4 [tqo]|[uto8]|t w [yro7]|[yri]|[ute6] e t|0 e|[wr3] 0 w|3 0 w [e4] q 8 [e4] 8 q|[w8]| |[w7]| |[re6] u e|u e u w y w|y w y [ue]
Level: 6Length: 00:56IntermediateAdventure Through the Light (Made in Abyss)
Kevin Penkin
Level: 5Length: 01:39IntermediateIn The Blind (Made in Abyss)
Kevin Penkin
[680u] t u p [9qei]||
[579y] r y o [80wu]|y t
[680]|t e [9qey]|e|
[589]|y t [579u]|y t
[680u] t u p [9qei]| i
[579y] r y o [80wu]|y t
[680] e t e [9qey]|e|
[589y] y y t [579u]|y t
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[680] [680] [680]|t y [680u]|
t y [680u]|t y [9qeu]|
i u [9qey]|r t [579y]|
r t [579y]|y u [680y]|
t|[680]|t y [680u]|
t y [680u]|t y [9qeu]|
i u [9qey]|r t [579y]|
r t [579y]|y u [680y]|
t|[680]|u i o
[680]||[9qe] p u o
[579] p| [80w] u i o
[680]| o [9qep]|o o
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[0wro]|u|[680t]|e w
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[0wr] p o p [680] p o p
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[0wro]|u|[680t]|e w
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[0wr] p o p [680] p o p
[680] [680] [680]Level: 6Length: 01:00IntermediateBarbie Girl (Aqua)
[8d] D s d [8d] D s d
[7d] D a d [7d] D a s
[%d] D h s [%d] D h a
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[%(8d] D h [%(8s] d D [%(8h] a
[$(Q8s] D G [$(Q8a] s D [8$(QG]|
[pk] l j k k l j k
[Ok] l H k k l H k
[ik] l x j k l x H
[Yj] l Z H j l Z k
[pk] l j k k l j k
[Ok] l H k k l H k
[ik] l x j k l x H
[Yj] l Z H j l Z k
[1od] D [@58s] d d [5D] [1s] [5d]
[@I7d] D [(Qra] d d [7D] [Qa] [(s]
[%Od] D [@%(8h] s d [@D] [%h] [@a]
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[%Od] D [@%(8h] s d [@D] [%h] [@a]
[$Is] D [tQYIG] a s [$D] [tQYIG] d
d D sLevel: 7Length: 02:09IntermediateWelcome To The Game II (Main Theme)
Jonathan Wandag
6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0] [y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0 % [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0] [t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8] [r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7 3|p|a|i| [u6] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0] [y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0 % [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0] [t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8] [r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7 3|p|a|O| [S6] 0 T 0 T 0 T 0 6|d|f|p| [g2] 6 q 6 q [p6] [qg] [p6] [p5] [a9] [ra] 9 r [d9] [rg] [d9] [f1] 5 0 5 0 [o5] [f0] [o5] [o4] [p8] [pe] 8 e [s8] [fe] [s8] [d7] q e q 3 [a7] [dW] [a7] [s6] 0 t [d0] [tf] [p0] [ts] [f0] [g2] 6 q 6 q [o6] [qp] [s6] [s5] 9 [ra] 9 r [s9] [rd] [i9] [u1] 5 0 5 0 [i5] [o0] [a5] [a4] 8 [pe] 8 e [o8] [ie] [u8] [Y7] Q e Q e [QI] [pe] [QI] [O3] 7 W 7 W 7 W 7 3|O|p|a| [s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0] [y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0 % [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0] [t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8] [r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7 3|p|a|i| [u6] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0] [y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0 % [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0] [t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8] [r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7 3|p|a|O| [S6] 0 T 0 T 0 T 0 6|d|f|p| [g2] 6 q 6 q [p6] [qg] [p6] [p5] [a9] [ra] 9 r [d9] [rg] [d9] [f1] 5 0 5 0 [o5] [f0] [o5] [o4] [p8] [pe] 8 e [s8] [fe] [s8] [d7] q e q 3 [a7] [dW] [a7] [s6] 0 t [d0] [tf] [p0] [ts] [f0] [g2] 6 q 6 q [o6] [qp] [s6] [s5] 9 [ra] 9 r [s9] [rd] [i9] [u1] 5 0 5 0 [i5] [o0] [a5] [a4] 8 [pe] 8 e [o8] [ie] [u8] [Y7] Q e Q e [QI] [pe] [QI] [O3] 7 W 7 W 7 W 7 3|O|p|a| [s6] [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] 0 t 0 6 [u0] [ut] [s0] [ts] [u0] [ti] [u0] [y%] [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] 0 r 0 % [y0] [yr] [a0] [ra] [y0] [ur] [y0] [t6] [t0] t [p0] [tp] 0 5 0 4 [t8] [te] [p8] [pe] [t8] [ye] [t8] [r3] [r7] [rW] [O7] [WO] 7 W 7 3|p|a|O| [utp6] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [usp5] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [spf4] 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 [p6][f0][tj]Level: 6Length: 04:01Intermediate
Where Do I Begin
Francis Lai