01:00 -
5 -
w e [1t]| [80wt] e [80wt]| tt|
[1e]| [80wt] e [80wt] e t t [2e] t [9qe] y [9qe]|||
2| [9qe]| [9qe]| t e [1t] e [80wt] e
[80wt]| ye|[1e] w [80w] e [80wt] u u u
[2u] y [9qe] u [9qe]|||
2| [9qe]| [9qe]| o
[8qep] s sp|s| s d
[70wp] o o u o| oo|
[8qep] s sp|s| s d
[70wp] o o u o|||
[8qe] soss|s p|
[70w] f f fdf d f f [9wrf] d| f|||
[9wrd]f f[9wrf] f [0wrf] f [9wrf] d
1| [80w] ss[80][9q] [0w]|
1| [80w]| [80][9q] [0w]f f
[2f] d [9qef]| [9q][0w] [qe]|
2| [9qe]| [9q][0w] [qe]f d
1| [80w] ss[80][9q] [0w]|
1| [80w]| [80][9q] [0w]f f
[2f] d [9qef]| [9q][0w] [qe]|y
[2t] e [9qet] y [9qu][0w]y[qe]t r
About This Music Sheet
Use your computer keyboard to play Valerie (Amy Winehouse) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. You can also find other similar songs using R&B.Comments
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9 [wt] x v x [8l] [0w] l x l [^J] [qet] [pj] [PJ] [sl] [dz] [fx]
[80w] [sl] [dz] [fx] g j g [qf] [et] [et] 0 [et] [et] 9 [et] [et]
8 [et] g j g f i u i g j g [qetf] [0et] g j f [qetd] d g d [(ets] a
[9wrj] h d [9wj] h g [9wrd] [9w] g h g [0wtf] [9wt] f h f
[80ws] s f s [0w^P] [qet] p P s d f [0wt] s d [0f] [pg] [pf] [pg]
[pf] c b c [pgx] [pf] c b x [pgz] z c z [Ypsl] z [ryob] v z [eyob] v c
[wryz] [qry] c v c [sfx] s x v x [Posl] l x l [oPJ] [tip] j J l z x [wtu] l z
x c b c [qetm] [qetu] [qet] [qetu] [8qpsg]Level: 6Length: 02:40IntermediateMarried Life (Up) (Alternative)
Michael Giacchino
[sl]|[ka][sl][oh]| [851]| ty[Y%]YO[8(%] oiY[i^]yiP[q^9]|P [ws8]|||[toh]| s| [tpd]| j [toh] s [tpd]gl[toh]|||[toh]| s| [tpd]| j [toh] s [tpj]kl[ypih]| [yoa]| [tqj]| s| [ywd]| fg[uha]| fh[zsY]|l|j [tqhe]|s| [q^9] s h|g[ywth]|||[ywr]|||[wo8]|[w8]t [w8] [ye8]|[e8]|[pe8] [wo8] [wt8] [ye8]i[e8]s[wo8]|[w8]|[w8] [wo8]|[w8]t [w8] [ye8]|[e8]|[pe8] [wo8] [wt8] [tp(]a[t(]s[qoe9]| [wr9]| [p84]|[84]t [84] [y95]|[95] u[95]i[wo8]|[w8] u[w8]o[td(]|[ts(]|[tp(] [wo8] [51]iu[te9] [62]t[sq^] [^4] [qi^][u0][t8][t51]|||t [qj]tip[sl]| [h0]wt[us][sl]| [g9]ey[if]g[pl] g [f0]wtus| [tqed]| j| [wts0]| h l [zyiPE]|lzlJ|jJjg|fgfs p [o5]9wryoadh|||[vuto]cxz l [okda] z v z [spmi]nbv c [xoda]| z| [splf]klz| [olda]klb m [vspi]|||[oda]|||[h8][wg][tf][ud] s [a5]9dw[rh] z [l4][k8][qj][he] g [f^]qE[id] fg[h3]70wjk[z@]$8[l(]kl[h2]69[sq]| [h84%]gD[g^95]dJ[sl]|[ka][sl][oh]| [851]| sd[D%]DH[8(%] hgD[g^]dgJ[q^9]|J [wl8]
Level: 6Length: 01:54IntermediateSuper Mario Odyssey Main Theme
Koji Kondo
[*WT][*WT][0ru][*WT][0ru][*WT][0ru][*WT][9ey] d S S H f G G G j H H S S S H f f G G j H a p p p S f f f G f d S a p p p S f S H H G [SL] O a [pD] f D [ua] I [TO] O p O [Tu] [pD] f D [ua] I [TO] O p O [Sf] u f f f f [Of] f f D O I f f f f f f f G D D S a u u f f f f f f f D G f f D S H e [tO] [tO] Y u Y O [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [aD] O [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [DG] D S [Ia] u [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [Sf] [aD] [DG] f D S [SH] [Ys] H f [sD] [sD] [sD] [sD] f D S [OS] H f [sD] D D D f D D [DG] f D [sH] [sH] [sG] [sf] [sD] S [TS] [TS] [OH] [uf] [IG] [IG] [pj] [OH] [TS] [TS] [OH] [uf] [IG] [IG] [IG] [pj] [OH] [WO] [ep] [ep] [ep] [TS] [uf] [TS] [uf] [uf] [IG] [uf] [yd] [TS] [ra] [ep] [ep] [ep] [TS] [uf] [TS] [OH] [OH] [YD] [TS] [TS] [OH] [uf] [IG] [IG] [pj] [OH] [TS] [TS] [OH] [uf] [uf] [IG] [IG] [pj] [OH] [WO] [ep] [ep] [ep] [TS] [uf] [TS] [uf] [uf] [IG] [uf] [yd] [TS] [ra] [ep] [ep] [ep] [TS] [uf] [TS] [OH] [OH] [IG] [SL] [*T] [(Y] [0u] [QI] [WO] [ra] [Tp] [Tp]Level: 5Intermediate
The Day
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