Voidfish Duet (The Adventure Zone)

Griffin McElroy 4 December 2020

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About This Music Sheet

Voidfish Duet (The Adventure Zone) is a song by Griffin McElroy. Use your computer keyboard to play Voidfish Duet (The Adventure Zone) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:53, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Voidfish Duet (The Adventure Zone) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Griffin McElroy

  • [a7][QG][rk]|||[s8][wh][tl][vo]|||a wr wr ws wt wt ws wy w[yd] ws 0t 0t 0a wr wr ws wt wt wa wr wr w|9r 9r 9[daI] 5[w7] 5[ws7] a 5[sp] 5[ea8] 5[pe8] 5[da] 5[r9] 5[r9] 5s 5[e8] 5[e8] 5[daI] 5[w7] 5[ws7] a 5[sp] 5[ea8] 5[eI8] 5[oa] 5[w7] 5[w7] 5G 5[he8] 5[eD8] 5[daI] 5[w7] 5[ws7] a 5[sp] 5[ea8] 5[pe8] 5[da] 5[r9] 5[r9] 5[sG] 5[he8] 5[eD8] 5[daI] 5[w7] 5[ws7] a 5[sp] 5[ea8] 5[eI8] 5[oa] 5[w7] 5[w7] 5G 5[he8] 5[eD8] 5[rod7] 5[w7] 5[wsp7] [oa] 5[tslh8] 5[kfea8] 5[slhe8] 5[zjd7]y 5[r9] 5[r9] 5[tG8]lC 5[vhe8] 5[tZD8] 5[zrkG7] 5[w7] 5[wsl7] [ka] 5[tpjf8] 5[kfea8] 5[seIG8] 5[rohd7] 5[w7] 5[w7] 5[tIG8] 5[ohe8] 5[eD8]Z 5[rod7] 5[w7] 5[wsp7] [oa] 5[tslh8] 5[kfea8] 5[slhe8] 5[zjd7]y 5[r9] 5[r9] 5[tG8]lC 5[vhe8] 5[tZD8] 5[zrkG7] 5[w7] 5[wsl7] [ka] 5[tpjf8] 5[kfea8] 5[seIG8] 5[rohd7] 5[w7] 5[w7] 5[t8] 5[e8] 5[e8] 5[yQI7] 5[r9] 5[r9] 5[tQI8] 5[e8] 5[t8] 5[QI5]|||[QI]|||[QI]| |5555

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:15
    Refuge (The Adventure Zone)

    Griffin McElroy

  • spk[pe]| |
    Poj[wo]| |
    spk[pe]| |
    Poj[wo]| |

    Level: 4
    Length: 00:22
    Big Prophecy (The Adventure Zone)

    Griffin McElroy

  • i sg lj f| i sg lh| i sg lj f| i sg lh| i sf lh d| i sf lh| i sg lj f| i sg lj hg f[id] fg lj f| [id] fg lh| i sg lj f| i sg lh| i sf lh d| i sf lh| i sg lj f| i sg lj gs p[qi] sg lj f| i sg lh|8|[qi] sg lj f| i sg lh|8|[iE] sf lh d| i sf lh| [ie] sg lj f| [iE] sg l[tj] hg f[idE] fg lj f| [id] fg lh|w|[qi] sg lj f| i sg lh|0|[i9] sf lh d| i sf lh| [qi] sg lj f| [ti] sg l[j0] gs p[qpi] sg lj f| [pi] sg lh|8|[qpi] sg lj f| [pi] sg l[sh]|8|[idE] sf lh d| [id] sf lh| [sie] sg lj f| [ifE] sg l[tjg] hg f[jidE] fg lj f| [ihd] fg lh|w|[qig] sg lj f| [if] sg l[hg]|0|[ji9] sf lh d| [ih] sf lh| [qig] sg lj f| [tif] sg l[sj0] gs p[pi] sg lj f| [pi] sg lh| [pi] sg lj f| [pi] sg l[sh]| [id] sf lh d| [id] sf lh| [si] sg lj f| [if] sg l[jg] hg f[jid] fg lj f| [ihd] fg lh| [ig] sg lj f| [if] sg l[hg]| [ji] sf lh d| [ih] sf lh| [ig] sg lj f

    Level: 4
    Length: 02:21
    Amnesty Lodge (The Adventure Zone)

    Griffin McElroy


  • [sh] j f k| | [ha] j f z| |lk[ji] [sh] [jf] k|| h fd[uf] adfhklk|||u| a| [qp]tiopsf| | df[wd]yospa| | asaou60etyodohdhjlkhfwod| | s 0wtuoa|||[ure0]| | p d f 6 0 [se] t [yp] p d f 5 0 [wh] e [rf] p s d 4 [s8] [qp] [wd] e s p a 5 [s9] [wa] [to]pr| | [a6][p0][ue][tp] y u u[ywra]sau[a4][p8][uq][wp] e r u[ywr0]| [spkhf]jf[ojfa]| | f[oka]lzx[tqihe]jhls f [ge9]| | [o7]pod| 3 [e70] y u 48qw[se]wq8[p4]8[qp]w[ed] f wyop[ha]poy[wf]y[oh]p[sj]a[ok]y 9eyipiye[uof2]6[oh9]q[pje]q[ka9]q370wetrt[yr5] u u o [p4]8qwe0etu f h j [w5]ruoa [we]| r| u [ur3]70ereryu| | [urW30]70ru||| [up] d upf 6 e [u0]ps e [yup0] [pe] [d0] [to]sf 4 8 [qoh] w [ofe] [wp] [se] [wd] 1 [u5]os [p8] [u5]od 0 [u5]os [p8] [y5]oa 7 [s5] [a7] [o9][ypo]w [p9] [wod] [u9]pf 6 0 [ue]ps 0 [yutp] [p0] [ed] [o0]sf 5 0 [wo]sfh e [rf] [ed] [rf] [he]dfj$ 9 e 9 y [f9]jl[uk] y [spjf2] 6 9 6 9 [e6] [y9] [u6] 4 8 [tq] 8 [qe] [p8] [qd] [f8] 5 0 [ws] e [ro] [se] [ra] [ue]opa 6 3 [s6]h 3 [p8]sg 3 [pf6] 3 [og3] 8 [wof] 8 [wof] 8[od]3 [s8] [so4] 8 q 8 e 8 q| [s5] [a9] [ws] [ed] r o| p 6 0 e t y| | 6 0 e
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:40
    A Contract (Death’s Gambit)

    Kyle Hnedak

  • Y[50][Pz][50][DB][536]v[536]c[3214]@[50][(E][50][qy][50]P[536]o[536]y[0]i[3214]@[0]([0]q[0]w[0]E[1072]t[1072]8[2144]w[0]J[536]y[0]d[536]o[0]h[536]z[536]q[0]l[536]t[0]J[536]i[0]j[536]y[536]@[0]([0]P[0]d[0]h[4288]9[0]g[536]e[536]y[0]d[1072]([0]Y[0]P[0]d[0]h[2680]B[536]b[536]c[536]z[536]J[536]j[1072]w[0]o[0]P[0]J[536] y[0]d[536]5[0]P[0]h[536]z[536]q[0]i[0]j[0]l[536]t[0]h[0]J[536]4[0]g[0]j[536]d[536]([0]Y[0]d[0]h[536]E[0]P[536]@[0]d[0]j[536]g[0]J[536]^[0]E[0]d[0]g[536]q[0]s[0]D[536] ^[0]P[0]d[1072]8[0]t[0]o[0]P[0]D[536]w[0]g[536]1[0]P[0]h[536]o[0]D[536]^[0]E[0]i[0]P[0]d[536]w[536]^[0]d[0]h[536] J[536]0[0]u[0]S[0]h[0]J[536]E[0]g[0]j[536]0[0]f[0]h[536]g[0]j[536]9[0]p[0]d[0]h[536]t[536]y[0]p[0]d[0]G[536] h[0]v[268]j[0]b[268]5[0]w[0]J[0]v[0]B[536]e[0]y[536]E[0]y[0]o[0]d[536]z[536]4[0]q[0]l[0]b[0]m[536]E[0]t[0]J[0]v[0]B [536]e[0]i[0]p[0]j[0]c[0]b[536]d[0]z[536]@[0]([0]h[0]z[0]v[536]E[0]i[536]E[0]Y[0]o[0]j[0]b[536]J[0]B[536]^[0]g[0]z[0]c[536] 9[0]q[0]D[0]l[0]Z[536]q[0]E[0]y[0]d[0]J[0]z[1072]1[0]8[0]D[0]l[0]Z[536]([0]w[0]g[0]z[0]c[536]w[0]t[0]Y[0]h[0]Z[0]v[536]D[0]Z[536]^[0]d[0]J[0]z[536] 9[0]w[536]w[0]E[0]y[0]h[0]z[0]v[536]J[0]v[0]B[536]*[0]T[0]J[0]v[0]B[536]E[0]j[0]c[0]b[536]![0]h[0]Z[0]v[536]e[0]u[0]p[0]h[0]v[536]2[0]e[0]y[0]o[0]j[0]x[0]b[1072]y[0]I[0]J[0]B[536] w[268]e[268]5[0]9[0]E[0]y[0]P[0]z[536]9[536]w[0]E[536]s[268]P[268]4[0]t[0]y[0]p[536] t[0]i[536]e[0]y[0]l[0]m[536]t[0]i[0]J[0]B[536]@[0]w[0]y[0]i[0]j[0]b[536]y[0]o[0]J[0]B[536] w[536]o[536]^[0]y[0]i[536]^[0]y[536]E[536]6[0]h[0]v[268]j[0]b[268]5[0]9[0]E[0]y[0]P[0]z[536] 9[536]w[0]E[536]s[268]d[268]4[0]s[0]l[0]m[536]q[0]P[536]t[0]p[536]s[0]z[268]l[268]@[0]o[0]P[0]J[0]B[536]^[536] ([536]q[536]w[1072]4[0]j[0]l[0]b[268]y[268]o[268]d[268]5[0]o[0]d[0]J[536]9[536]w[0]E[0]y[268] 9[0]o[268]w[0]P[268]y[0]d[268]4[0]o[0]P[0]h[536]8[536]w[0]t[0]i[268]9[268]w[0]i[0]g[268] y[0]Y[0]D[268]@[0]y[0]o[0]d[536]^[536]w[0]E[0]o[268]9[0]d[268]w[0]s[268]y[0]P[268] 4[0]y[0]p[536]8[0]Y[0]P[536]q[0]y[268]p[268]t[268]o[268]5[0]w[0]y[0]o[536]E[0]o[0]P[0]h[0]J[268] y[0]d[268]5[0]o[0]h[268]5[0]d[0]z[268]4[0]p[0]g[0]j[536]4[0]q[0]t[0]i[536]e[0]i[0]s[0]g[268] y[0]d[268]4[0]o[0]h[268]4[0]d[0]z[268]@[0]o[0]d[0]h[536]@[0]([0]Y[0]o[536]w[0]y[268]y[0]d[268]@[0]i[0]g[268]@[0]d[0]D[0]z[268]4[0]y[0]o[0]d[536] 4[0]q[0]D[0]l[0]Z[536]e[0]i[0]d[0]J[0]z[536]4[0]s[0]h[0]l[268]4[268]5[0]o[0]d[0]h[536] 5[0]w[0]y[0]o[536]E[0]o[0]P[0]h[0]J[268]y[0]d[268]5[0]o[0]h[268]5[0]d[0]z[268] 4[0]o[0]g[0]j[536]4[0]q[0]t[0]i[536]e[0]i[0]s[0]g[0]l[268]y[0]d[268]4[0]o[0]h[268]4[0]d[0]z [268]@[0]y[0]d[0]J[0]z[536]@[0]([536]w[0]Y[268]([0]y[0]D[0]Z[268]w[0]o[134]d[0]z[134] y[0]d[268]4[0]s[0]d[0]l[268]Y[0]D[134]q[134] y[0]d[134]q[134]t[0]s[134]q[134]E[0]P[134]q[134]t[0]s[67]P[0]J[67]q[134]^[0]E[134] 4[0]q[134]4[0]p[0]j[268]@[0]o[0]P[0]d[0]h[268]w[0]E[0]y[268]9[268]@[0]w[0]E[0]y[268] P[0]h[0]J[268]w[0]E[0]y[268]@[0]w[0]E[0]y[268]w[0]E[0]y[268]@[0]q[0]e[0]E[268]q[0]e[0]t[268] p[0]s[0]j[268]@[0]q[0]e[0]t[268]P[0]g[0]J[268]q[0]e[0]t[268]e[0]t[0]i[0]s[0]j[0]l[268] q[0]e[0]t[268]@[0]P[0]d[0]h[0]J[268]w[0]E[0]y[268]9[268]@[0]w[0]E[0]y[536]w[0]E[0]y[268] @[0]p[0]d[0]h[0]j[268]w[0]E[0]y[0]P[0]J[268]@[0]s[0]g[0]j[0]l[268]q[0]e[0]t[268] e[0]t[0]p[268]@[0]q[0]e[0]t[268]t[0]p[0]s[268]q[0]e[0]t[268]e[0]t[0]i[0]o[0]d[0]h[268] q[0]e[0]t[0]P[0]J[134]s[0]l[134]@[0]d[0]g[0]z[268]w[0]E[0]y[268]9[0]o[0]P[268]@[0]h[0]z[0]v[536] w[0]E[0]y[268]@[0]w[0]E[0]y[268]w[0]E[0]y[268]@[0]q[0]e[0]E[268]q[0]e[0]t[268]e[0]i[0]p[268] @[0]q[0]e[0]t[268]t[0]i[0]s[268]q[0]e[0]t[268]e[0]t[0]i[0]g[0]l[0]c[268]q[0]e[0]t[0]D[0]Z [268]@[0]d[0]h[0]J[0]z[268]w[0]E[0]y[268]9[0]E[0]o[268]@[0]E[0]Y[0]p[536]E[0]y[0]P[268]@[0]s [0]h[0]l[268]([0]w[0]E[0]P[0]d[0]h[0]J[268]@[0]p[0]g[0]j[268]q[0]e[0]t[268]q[0]e[0]t[0]o[0]h[268] @[268]q[0]e[0]E[0]i[0]s[0]g[268]q[0]e[0]t[89]Y[0]s[0]D[179]e[0]t[0]i[179]p[0]g[0] j[89]q[0]e[0]t[268]5[0]o[0]d[0]h[268]5[134]9[134]w[134]w[134]y[134]o[134]E[0]y[0] P[0]d[0]h[0]J[268]5[0]y[0]d[134]9[134]w[0]o[0]h[134]w[134]y[0]d[0]z[268]4[0]o[0]d [0]h[0]j[268]4[134]8[134]q[0]h[0]v[134]q[134]t[134]i[134]e[0]t[0]i[0]s[0]g[268]4 [0]y[0]d[134]8[134]q[0]o[0]h[134]q[134]t[0]d[0]z[268]@[0]o[0]d[0]h[268]@[134]^[134] ([0]h[0]v[134]([134]E[134]Y[134]w[0]E[0]P[268]@[134]^[134]([0]g[0]v[134]([134]E[0]D[268]4[0]y[0]p[0]d[268]4[134]8[134]q[0]h[0]v[134]q[134]t[134]i[134]e[0] t[0]i[268]4[134]8[134]q[0]p[0]s[134]q[134]t[268]5[0]o[0]d[0]h[268]5[134]9[134]w[134] w[134]y[134]o[134]E[0]y[0]P[0]d[0]h[0]J[268]5[0]y[0]d[134]9[134]w[0]o[0]h[134]w[134] y[0]d[0]z[268]4[0]p[0]d[0]h[0]j[268]4[134]8[134]q[0]h[0]v[134]q[134]t[134]i[134]e[0] t[0]p[0]j[268]4[0]d[134]t[0]P[0]J[134]q[0]h[134]q[0]l[134]t[0]s[0]z[268]@[0]d[0]h[0] z[268]@[134]^[134]([134]([134]E[134]Y[134]w[0]E[0]t[0]P[268]@[0]i[134]^[134]([0]t[134]
    Level: 8
    Xenoblade Theme

    Yoko Shimomura

  • h h [sqh] gf [f8] ds [qpf] a s [da0] p O [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [to] iu [qo]|| [ya0] p O [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [to] iu [qi]|| 0 [yp] [yp] [up60]||f|| [uO60]||f|| [ueI9]||y|| [ue9]||y p p [up60]||f|| [uWO6]||p|| [pfG9]| |p p [TQO]| I O| p [pfG9]||e p p [TQO]| I O| p [uqp]||i o p [qfe] gf [ed7] f| [p60]||p| f [pf8] as s a p [uqp] a s p|| [O0] p a O|| [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [o8] iu [qi]|| [ya0] p O [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [o8] iu [qi]|| 0 [yp] [yp] [up60]||f|| [uO60]||f|| [ueI9]||y|| [ue9]||y p p [up60]||f|| [uWO6]||p|| [pfG9]| |p p [TQO]| I O| p [pfG9]||e p p [TQO]| I O| p [uqp]||i o p [qfe] gf [ed7] f| [p60]|| p| f [pf8] as s a p [uqp] a s p|| [O0] p a O|| [te] p a s a p [wf]|| t ds [sqpo]||t||q|| [yO0] p a [te] p a s a p [wtf] s a p ds [sqpo] ap [o8] iu [qi]|| [ya0] p O [p60]||f|| [sf60] a p a| s [a95]| o p a s [60] a p u|| [95]| o p a s [a60]| p u| p [o95]||p a s [60] a p [u%]| 6 [aY7] a a [a6] a s [ua%]| [p$] [O3] u u [ue9] Ip a|| [W0]||[W0]| u [ue9] Ip [ueS9]| a [pe7]| I [yue0]|| [60] T T u| T [uW6]||u|| [eI9]| u I| y [ueO9]||[yI] p p [up60]||f|| [uO60]||p|| [pfG9]| |p p [TQO]| I O| p [pfG9]||e p p [TQO]| I O| p [pfG9]||e p p [TQO]| I O| p [uqp]||i o p [feQ] Gf [ed7] f| [pf60]||p| f [od0]| f [se] h h [tqh] gf f ds p a s [ya0] p O [p6]||[jf8]|| [hd0]| j [fe]|| [tsqf] ap [o0]|| [tqf] d s [ya0] p O [pe]|| f j x [xk60]
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:44
    Only Hope

    Mandy Moore