00:56 -
5 -
[6u] [8u] [0u] [8t] [6y] 9 q 9
[%y] [9y] [0y] [9r] [6t] [8t] [0y] [8u]
[6t] [9t] [qt] [9e] [%r] [9y] [0t] [9r]
[6u] [8t] [0r] [8e] [3r] % [7W] 0
[6e] [8e] [0e] [8e] [6y] [9e] [qe] [9e]
[6u] [8t] [0r] [8e] [%r] [9y] [0t] [9r]
[6e] 8 0 [8e] [2y] 4 6 [9t]r
[4t] 6 8 q [30] [%y] [7t] [9r]
[6e] 8 0 [8e] [2y] 4 6 [9t]r
[6u] 8 [0e] 8 3 %r[7e] [0W]
[4q] [tip] [tip] [tip] ^ [yiP] [yiP] [yiP]
6 [tup] [tup] [psf] [30] [ruO] [ruO] [ruO]
[4q] [tip] [tip] [tip] [29] [ipd] [ipd] [ipd]
[30] [Oud] [Oud] [Oud] [Ous]|a|
4 [tip] [tip] [tip] ^ [yiP] [yiP] [yiP]
6 [tup] [tup] [psf] 3 [ruO] [ruO] [ruO]
4 [tip] [tip] [tip] 2 [ipd] [ipd] [ipd]
3 [Oud] [Oud] [Oud] [Ous]|a|
[6f] [8f] [0f] [8s] [6d] 9 q 9
[%d] [9d] [0d] [9a] [6s] [8s] [0d] [8f]
[6s] [9s] [qs] [9p] [%a] [9d] [0s] [9a]
[6f] [8s] [0a] [8p] [3a] % [7O] 0
[6p] [8p] [0p] [8p] [6d] [9p] [qp] [9p]
[6f] [8s] [0a] [8p] [%a] [9d] [0s] [9a]
[6p] 8 0 [8p] [2d] 4 6 [9s]a
[4s] 6 8 q [3u] [%d] [7s] [9a]
[6p] 8 0 [8p] [2d] 4 6 [9s]a
[6f] 8 [0p] 8 3 [%a] [7p] [0O]
About This Music Sheet
Vois Sur Ton Chemin is a song by Bruno Coulais. Use your computer keyboard to play Vois Sur Ton Chemin music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:56, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Vois Sur Ton Chemin is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Bruno Coulais
o P o i i o O o [OH] [PJ] P O o o i Y i Y T Y E D P O S P [iP] D P Y Y P O o i Y P O o o i Y i i i i T T T i O o P Y O o O i Y T i i i T T T i O o P H J D S D J D [DG] g G H G g G J D P D g G H G g S g H D D W i T I D S a P O I i Y Y P [oP] P [oP] Y [oP] [iO] [oP] P [oP] Y [oP] [YoP] Y [oP] [YiO] [oD] [YD] o i [JY] H [JY] J P o [Hi] h [Hi] o O o O [JP] P O o o i Y [iJ] i i L l J [YH] [TJ] Y J o i Y [PY] Y O i Y o i P T O o i o h g D J H [hP] D D P Y o i Y o i Y P [YO] o [io] Y o Y [Yi] Y Y YLevel: 4Easy
Coraline Exploration (Coraline)
Bruno Coulais
[96]||| [96]||| [g9]|f|d|f|g|j|h g f|d|[s8]|| f d s a s|d|f|g|f|d|s|[d9]|| f g [f96]|d|s|d|f|p|| [g96] f d s p|| [o85] y u i u i o s|a|p|| s|a|[d96]|| g|f|d|f|g|j|| h g f|d|[s8]|| f d s a s|d|f|g|f|d|s|[d9]|| [f0] [qg] [f0]|[d9]|[s8]|[d9]|[f0]|[p6]|| [qg] [f0] [d9] [s8] [p6]||5 [y2] [u3] [i4] [u3] [i4] [o5] [s8]|[a7]|[p6]|5|| [s8]|[a7]|[pd9]|| j h g f h f g d f s p| j h g f h f g d f s p| j h g f h f g d f s p| j h g f h f g d f s [upe0]|||[yw9]||| [e96]|||[tq8]||| [ue0]|||[yw9]||| [e96]|||[tq8]||| [f630] d f d p|y|u|p|[u952]|| [f62] d f d p|y|u|p|[tqo8]||p|| [uea0]|s|a|o||p| [wa95]|s|a|d s a|s|[pe96]Level: 6Length: 01:42Intermediate
Tazer (Age of Empires II: Age Of Kings)
Stephen Rippy
s o u w a d s p
a i y w p s a o
p u t w p Y t w
p y r w o Y r w
[1t] 5 8 0 [0wr] y t e
[2i] 5 8 q [qwru] o i y
[3s] 8 w t 3 8 W t
4 8 e t [$(d] s O p
[5t]ua8 0 w [tup] o e t
[2e]tio5 8 q [5ryip] o w e
[1u] e [50r] t y r [50t] e
[1y] w [50e] r t e [50r] e
[1t] 5 8 0 [0wr] y t e
[2i] 5 8 q [qwru] o i y
[3s] 8 w t 3 8 W t
4 8 e t [$(d] s O p
[5t]ua8 0 w [tup] o e t
[2e]tio5 8 q [5ryip] o w e
[1t] w u y t w e 0
9 0 8| 8| |
[%t] [(Y] [Ws]| @ o [t(WP] O
[%t] [8Y] [(o] W @ i [8(Y]qW
[^Y]| [wT]| [6Y]| [Qt]|
[^Y]| [wT]| @| [wT]|
[%t] [(Y] [Ws]| @ o [t(WP] O
[(W4t] Y [(o]| [%qr] i [qu] y
[1u] e [50r] t y r [50t] e
[1y] w [5qe] r t e [5qr] w
[1t] 5 8 0 [0wr] y t e
[2i] 5 8 q [qwru] o i y
[3s] 8 w t 3 8 W t
4 8 e t [$(d] s O p
[5tua] 8 0 w [tup] o etu
[2etio] 5 8 q [5ryip] o w e
[1t] w u y t w e 0
9 0 8| 8Level: 6Length: 01:45IntermediateSmoke Gets In Your Eyes (Jerome Kern)
[8tg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[6eg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[4qh] s o s g s o s f s o s g s h s
[5wd] s o s d s o s d|||
[0wos]| [os] qw[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] ew[oa] q0[oa] 9
[68eos]| [os] 90[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] 8w[qoa] 0 [9oa] 8
[48qos]| [os] 50[oa]| [oa]|
[od]| [od] 5[0oa] q[oa] w
[os] 9 [os]| [os]| [os]|
[oa]| [oa]| [oa]| [oa] w
[5wtu]| [wt] io[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] po[wr] i [wru] y
[6wt]| [wt] yu[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] o[wri] u [wry] t
[4wt]| [wt] wu[wr]| [wr]|
[wy]| [wy]| [wru]u i[wr] o
[wt] y [wt]| [wt]| [wt]|Level: 7Length: 01:05IntermediateStronger Together (Ladybug and Cat Noir)
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