What Angel Wakes Me

Masayoshi Soken 10 September 2020


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About This Music Sheet

What Angel Wakes Me is a song by Masayoshi Soken. Use your computer keyboard to play What Angel Wakes Me music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The song What Angel Wakes Me is classified in the genres: Japan, Songs From Games, Final Fantasy on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Animation, Fantasy.


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Other Songs By Masayoshi Soken

  • [fe]jl[uk] [pj] [ha] [sjih]||[jgd9] [he] [ig] [ed] [tsof8]|[woda5]|[usp4] [a8] [sq] f [oda5] 9 a o [ypo2] 6 9 6 [ypo9]|[uaWO%]|[usp6] [a0] [pe] [ro] [tqpo]||[ypi2] [o6] [i9] [y6] [wut8]|[ywr5]|[te20] [r6] [t9] [ue] [y3] 7 [yro0]|[tpo4] 8 w e u i s f j|||[utse] a s f [yied]|[ywra] o [utpe]|||[utse] d f j [yeI] h G d [f3] 7 0 e [wur]|f h [qj] t [pk]|[h0] t o f [g9] [fe] [ig] [je] [h6] 0 [tf] d [s9] e y I|p a s [d^] q [iE] [yq] [ure0]|[W3] a [s6] [a0] [ts] [f0] [d9] e [ya] o [p6] 0 e r t u p a [s6] [d0] [tf] [j0] 9 [he] [IG] d [f3]|0 e [wur]|f h [qj] t [pk]|[h0] t o f [g9] [fe] [ig] j [h6] 0 t|[s4] [a8] [se] [uf] [d5] 9 [ra] o [p6] 0 e t u p s f sfj|||[f8] w [uh] w [G9] e I|8 [wf] [uh] [wj] [G9] [fe] [dI]|[f6] 0 e y|0 e y [T6] 0 e T||6 7 [f8] w [uh] w [G9] e I|8 [wf] [uh] [wj] [G9] [fe] [dI]|[f3] 7 0 e r u p a [urO0]|||[f30] h [qj] t [pk]|[qh] t o f [g9] [fe] [ig] j [h6] 0 t|[s4] [a8] [se] [uf] [d5] 9 [ra] o [p6] 0 e t u p a s [fe]jl[uk] [pj] [ha] [sjih]||[jgd9] [he] [ig] [ed] [tsof8]|[woda5]|[usp4] [a8] [sq] f [oda5] 9 a o [ypo2] 6 9 6 [ypo9]|[uaWO%]|[usp6] [a0] [pe] [ro] [tqpo]||[ypi2] [o6] [i9] [y6] [wut8]|[ywr5]|[te20] [r6] [t9] [ue] [y3] 7 [yro0]|[tpo4] 8 w e u i s f j|||[sl8] w t [zud] [xof] u [vth] w [zd7] w r y o|[sl] [ka] [pj4] 8 e u [yre5]|[oh] [pj] [pj2] 6 9 Q e|y [ka] [sl8] w t [zud] [xof] u [vth] w [zd7] w r y o||[sl] [zd^] q E [yxf] [igc] y [jbE] q [xkhf3] 7 [ywoa]|[upeS6] 0 [xjfL6]|[ljcb4] 8 q e t i p a [spi9] t y|[xwljb5]|[zyvrokh]|[xkhf3] 7 0 w r y [zokhd]|[sljf6] 0 e r t|[zwvkh5]|[ljcb4] 8 q e t i p a [spi9] e y|[xwljb5]|[zyvrokh]|[zjcb3] 7 0 e r u p a [upeS6] 0 [rdaI7] Q [ofTS*]|[xjfeL6]|[ljcb4] 8 q e t i p a [spi9] e y|[xwljb5]|[zyvrokh]|[xkhf3] 7 0 [xwvkh] r y [xokhf]|6 0 e r t|[xwkhf5]|[ljcb4] 8 q e t i p f [ypied9]||[yxvroml]|[zwvnk5]|[xljb6]|||[ute60]||[yeI]|||[uoe60]|[60] [yeI] [Q6]|[Q6]|[wuoe6]|[yweI6]|[uteQ6]|[ydQ6] [ts][yd][uspf6]||[yeI]|||[wute6]|[w6]|[yeQI6]|[yteQ6]|[utqp4]||[wur30]|o|[yie92]|u|[ywr81]|t|[r7] $ 7 ( Q r Y I [urO30] 7 [W30] 7 [rW30] 7 [urW30] 7 [uTO!] % * [uaO0] [uaWO] T [uS]|[aTI$] Q r T [QPE]||[zd7]Q[rSL]y[zdI]y[rGC]Q[xf0]wru[SL6]0[pje]T[ka7]QruyIaSdSaIyTrQ[zd7]Q[xrf]y[IGC]y[rnk]Q0W[rjb]u[VOH]u[xrf]w[GC$]|r T [eTI]|[GC] [jb] [wnk]ryo[aL]oyr[jbQ]eyIpI[yGC]e[vh0]w[rGC]u[voh]u[rnk]w[jb0]eyIpIye[zd5]9[wSL]r[zyd]r[wGC]9[xf6]0eT[uSL]T[pje]0[ka7] $ 7 9 QryI[aGC]I[yjb]r[wnk]ryo[aL]oyr[jbQ]eyIpI[yGC]e[vh0]w[rGC]u[voh]u[rnk]w9e[yjb]IpIye[zd5]9[wSL]r[zyd]r[wGC]9[xf6]0eTuT[zed]0[xf$][ZQD]e[xfT]e[jbQ][GC7]QrYIaDG[vh0]w[rGC]u[voh]u[rnk]w[jbQ]eTI[GC$]*Qe[zvnk5]|[urQ]|[yoa]|[khd]|[znC]||z|L|[zr]Cn[LI] [ka] [jS] [okjd]||[khf0] [rj] [uh] [rf] [ypdG9]|[pfeS6]|[daI5] [S9] [wd] G [pfS6] 0 S p [upa3] 7 0 7 [upaW]|[^SPIE]|[d7]Gkz[SQL] [rka] [pjT] [ywka]||[o3]fhk[pj7] [oh0] [uf7] [yIG9]|[ueQ60]|[y5]oad[TS9] [ywd] [IG9] [upfeS6]|[pjfSQ$]|[kfa7] $ 7 0 Q r u I [rYTQ7]

    Level: 8
    Length: 05:18
    Dragonsong (Final Fantasy XIV)

    Masayoshi Soken


  • l z [xu]ps| z l [yk]oa||h [tj]ipk l z [soh]| u f [ypg]| [xi]| [zw] y [xd] c [vt] [oc] [fc] [xo] [zu] a [lf] z [xu]ps| z l [yk]oa||h [tj]ipk l z [uh]os||f [ypg] i [xs]| [zw] y [la] k [je] u p u s| s d [f6] 0 [ud] s [ra9] w y o [qpe8] [ra] [ts] [yd] [wro8]| 0 u [i9] q [tf] q [d5] 9 [wf] [rg] [sh8] [wsg] [usg] [wf] [d0] r [us] [rd] [sf6] 0 [utfd] s [wra9]||o [qpe8] [ra] [ts] [yd] [wro]| 0 u [ie9] q [tf] q [pd5] 9 [sr] [a9] [p6] 0 [te] [r0] [e6]| s a [p4] 8qe [tp] [ji] e [h8] g [sf8] [wsg] [tsf] [yd] [usf] t [so] [yd] [sf3] 7 [sfW] [g7] [sf3] 7 [srf] [d7] [s6] 0e[uto] 0e5 0 [wso] [ta] [p4] 8qe [tp] [ji] e [h8] [ge] [f8] [wsg] [tsf] [yd] [usf] t [so] [yd] [sf3] 7 [sfW] [sg7] [sf0] W t [sgW] [f0] [gW] [tsh] [sgW] [srfW7]| [30]| [sqpo4]| [pof] 8qe t [tof] [od4][of] 6 0e[uto] 0e[uto] 6 [sfe6] [g0][sh] 4 8qe t u e [sh4] [sj8]f 6 0e[ut] [s0] [sk6] 0 [she] 0 [tpi4] 8q[sjg8] qet| [sji] [she][sj] 6 0 [utpe] 0e[sjf] 6 [je6]k0l [lh5] [kh2] [kh5] [lh9][kh][yr]| [w5] 9 [s4] [a9] [o7] [y9] [u0] [qi] [wo]||| l z [le]x u [zf] [sl] [ka]||h [tpji] [ka] [sl] [zd] [toha]||f [ypg] i [xs] i [zw] y [xs] c [vtl] [oc] [lfc] [xo] [zu] a [lf] [za] [le]x u [zf] [sl] [oka]| o h [tpji] [ka] [sli] z [tha]| u f [ypg] i [xd] i [zw] y [la] [yk] [je] u [sp] [ua] p||u [i4] 8 [se] 8 [a9] w [yo]| [rpe5] t u a p| |x| n| n
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:38
    Scream (EXO)


  • [80u]| [80]| [70]| [70]|
    [60] y [60t] r [50t] y [50u] t
    [qep]| [qe]| [0e]| [0ea] s
    [9ei]ui [9e]| [8e]| [8ey]|
    [wra]| [wr]| [qr]| [qrs] d
    [0ro]io [0r]| [9r] i [9ru] i
    [8wi] u y t [qet] y u i
    [wr] t y u [6i] u [7i] y
    [80u]| [80] o [70f] d [70f] d
    [60d] s [60]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qep] s [0ed] s [0es] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r]| [9r]|
    [80]| [80] o [70f] d [70s] p
    [60f]| [60]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qe] s [0ed] s [0ed] p
    [9es] d [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r] a [9rs] d
    [80f] d [80f] d [70h] h [70] f
    [60j]| [60]| [50f]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qe] s [0ed] s [0ed] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [wraf] [af] [ah]
    [80sj]| [80]| [70h]| [70] f
    [60f] d [60s]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qep] s [0ed] s [0es] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r]| [9rp] s
    [80ws]| [80wp] o [8qe]| [8qep] s
    [80wf] d [80ws]| q 0 q 9
    [80u]| [80]| [70]| [70]|
    [60] y [60t] r [50t] y [50u] t
    [qep]| [qe]| [0e]| [0ea] s
    [9ei]ui [9e]| [8e]| [8ey]|
    [wra]| [wr]| [qr]| [qrs] d
    [0ro]io [0r]| [9r] i [9ru] i
    [8wi] u y t [qet] y u i
    [wr] t y u [6i] u [7i] y
    [80u]| [80] o [70f] d [70f] d
    [60d] s [60]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qep] s [0ed] s [0es] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r]| [9r]|
    [80]| [80] o [70f] d [70s] p
    [60f]| [60]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qe] s [0ed] s [0ed] p
    [9es] d [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r] a [9rs] d
    [80f] d [80f] d [70h] h [70] f
    [60j]| [60]| [50f]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qe] s [0ed] s [0ed] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [wraf] [af] [ah]
    [80sj]| [80]| [70h]| [70] f
    [60f] d [60s]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qep] s [0ed] s [0es] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r]| [9rp] s
    [80ws]| [80wp] o [8qe]| [8qep] s
    [80wf] d [80ws]| q 0 q 9
    [80u]| [80]| [70]| [70]|
    [60] y [60t] r [50t] y [50u] t
    [qep]| [qe]| [0e]| [0ea] s
    [9ei]ui [9e]| [8e]| [8ey]|
    [wra]| [wr]| [qr]| [qrs] d
    [0ro]io [0r]| [9r] i [9ru] i
    [8wi] u y t [qet] y u i
    [wr] t y u [6i] u [7i] y
    [8wi] u y t [wr]| w t
    [8qwt]| 0 9 [80w]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:55
    A Whiter Shade Of Pale (Procol Harum)

    Procol Harum

  • [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [sjfe] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [upo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:16
    Amongst the Clouds (Wynncraft)
